function edit_allocations_for_transaction($type, $trans_no) { global $systypes_array; $cart = $_SESSION['alloc']; display_heading(sprintf(_("Allocation of %s # %d"), $systypes_array[$cart->type], $cart->trans_no)); display_heading($cart->person_name); display_heading2(_("Date:") . " <b>" . $cart->date_ . "</b>"); display_heading2(_("Total:") . " <b>" . price_format($cart->bank_amount) . ' ' . $cart->currency . "</b>"); if ($cart->currency != $cart->person_curr) { $total = _("Total in clearing currency:") . " <b>" . price_format($cart->amount) . "</b>" . sprintf(" %s (%s %s/%s)", $cart->person_curr, exrate_format($cart->bank_amount / $cart->amount), $cart->currency, $cart->person_curr); display_heading2($total); } echo "<br>"; start_form(); div_start('alloc_tbl'); if (count($cart->allocs) > 0) { show_allocatable(true); submit_center_first('UpdateDisplay', _("Refresh"), _('Start again allocation of selected amount'), true); submit('Process', _("Process"), true, _('Process allocations'), 'default'); submit_center_last('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } else { display_note(_("There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."), 0, 1); submit_center('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), true, _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } div_end(); end_form(); }
public function show() { $list_div = array('id' => $this->name . '_div', 'class' => 'list'); $list = array('id' => $this->name . '_list', 'class' => 'list'); echo div_start($list_div); echo table($this->items, $list); echo div_end(); }
function edit_allocations_for_transaction($type, $trans_no) { global $systypes_array; start_form(); display_heading(_("Allocation of") . " " . $systypes_array[$_SESSION['alloc']->type] . " # " . $_SESSION['alloc']->trans_no); display_heading($_SESSION['alloc']->person_name); display_heading2(_("Date:") . " <b>" . $_SESSION['alloc']->date_ . "</b>"); display_heading2(_("Total:") . " <b>" . price_format(-$_SESSION['alloc']->amount) . "</b>"); echo "<br>"; div_start('alloc_tbl'); if (count($_SESSION['alloc']->allocs) > 0) { show_allocatable(true); submit_center_first('UpdateDisplay', _("Refresh"), _('Start again allocation of selected amount'), true); submit('Process', _("Process"), true, _('Process allocations'), 'default'); submit_center_last('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } else { display_note(_("There are no unsettled transactions to allocate."), 0, 1); submit_center('Cancel', _("Back to Allocations"), true, _('Abandon allocations and return to selection of allocatable amounts'), 'cancel'); } div_end(); end_form(); }
function display_kit_items($selected_kit) { $result = get_item_kit($selected_kit); div_start('bom'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='60%'"); $th = array(_("Stock Item"), _("Description"), _("Quantity"), _("Units"), '', ''); table_header($th); $k = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow["stock_id"]); label_cell($myrow["comp_name"]); qty_cell($myrow["quantity"], false, $myrow["units"] == '' ? 0 : get_qty_dec($myrow["comp_name"])); label_cell($myrow["units"] == '' ? _('kit') : $myrow["units"]); edit_button_cell("Edit" . $myrow['id'], _("Edit")); delete_button_cell("Delete" . $myrow['id'], _("Delete")); end_row(); } //END WHILE LIST LOOP end_table(); div_end(); }
function display_bom_items($selected_parent) { $result = get_bom($selected_parent); div_start('bom'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=60%"); $th = array(_("Code"), _("Description"), _("Location"), _("Work Centre"), _("Quantity"), _("Units"), '', ''); table_header($th); $k = 0; while ($myrow = db_fetch($result)) { alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($myrow["component"]); label_cell($myrow["description"]); label_cell($myrow["location_name"]); label_cell($myrow["WorkCentreDescription"]); qty_cell($myrow["quantity"], false, get_qty_dec($myrow["component"])); label_cell($myrow["units"]); edit_button_cell("Edit" . $myrow['id'], _("Edit")); delete_button_cell("Delete" . $myrow['id'], _("Delete")); end_row(); } //END WHILE LIST LOOP end_table(); div_end(); }
function customer_settings($selected_id) { global $SysPrefs, $path_to_root, $auto_create_branch; if (!$selected_id) { if (list_updated('customer_id') || !isset($_POST['CustName'])) { $_POST['CustName'] = $_POST['cust_ref'] = $_POST['address'] = $_POST['tax_id'] = ''; $_POST['dimension_id'] = 0; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = 0; $_POST['sales_type'] = -1; $_POST['curr_code'] = get_company_currency(); $_POST['credit_status'] = -1; $_POST['payment_terms'] = $_POST['notes'] = ''; $_POST['discount'] = $_POST['pymt_discount'] = percent_format(0); $_POST['credit_limit'] = price_format($SysPrefs->default_credit_limit()); } } else { $myrow = get_customer($selected_id); $_POST['CustName'] = $myrow["name"]; $_POST['cust_ref'] = $myrow["debtor_ref"]; $_POST['address'] = $myrow["address"]; $_POST['tax_id'] = $myrow["tax_id"]; $_POST['dimension_id'] = $myrow["dimension_id"]; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $myrow["dimension2_id"]; $_POST['sales_type'] = $myrow["sales_type"]; $_POST['curr_code'] = $myrow["curr_code"]; $_POST['credit_status'] = $myrow["credit_status"]; $_POST['payment_terms'] = $myrow["payment_terms"]; $_POST['discount'] = percent_format($myrow["discount"] * 100); $_POST['pymt_discount'] = percent_format($myrow["pymt_discount"] * 100); $_POST['credit_limit'] = price_format($myrow["credit_limit"]); $_POST['notes'] = $myrow["notes"]; $_POST['inactive'] = $myrow["inactive"]; } start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2); table_section(1); table_section_title(_("Name and Address")); text_row(_("Customer Name:"), 'CustName', $_POST['CustName'], 40, 80); text_row(_("Customer Short Name:"), 'cust_ref', null, 30, 30); textarea_row(_("Address:"), 'address', $_POST['address'], 35, 5); text_row(_("GSTNo:"), 'tax_id', null, 40, 40); if (!$selected_id || is_new_customer($selected_id)) { currencies_list_row(_("Customer's Currency:"), 'curr_code', $_POST['curr_code']); } else { label_row(_("Customer's Currency:"), $_POST['curr_code']); hidden('curr_code', $_POST['curr_code']); } sales_types_list_row(_("Sales Type/Price List:"), 'sales_type', $_POST['sales_type']); if ($selected_id) { record_status_list_row(_("Customer status:"), 'inactive'); } elseif (isset($auto_create_branch) && $auto_create_branch == 1) { table_section_title(_("Branch")); text_row(_("Phone:"), 'phone', null, 32, 30); text_row(_("Secondary Phone Number:"), 'phone2', null, 32, 30); text_row(_("Fax Number:"), 'fax', null, 32, 30); email_row(_("E-mail:"), 'email', null, 35, 55); sales_persons_list_row(_("Sales Person:"), 'salesman', null); } table_section(2); table_section_title(_("Sales")); percent_row(_("Discount Percent:"), 'discount', $_POST['discount']); percent_row(_("Prompt Payment Discount Percent:"), 'pymt_discount', $_POST['pymt_discount']); amount_row(_("Credit Limit:"), 'credit_limit', $_POST['credit_limit']); payment_terms_list_row(_("Payment Terms:"), 'payment_terms', $_POST['payment_terms']); credit_status_list_row(_("Credit Status:"), 'credit_status', $_POST['credit_status']); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim >= 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 1:", 'dimension_id', $_POST['dimension_id'], true, " ", false, 1); } if ($dim > 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 2:", 'dimension2_id', $_POST['dimension2_id'], true, " ", false, 2); } if ($dim < 1) { hidden('dimension_id', 0); } if ($dim < 2) { hidden('dimension2_id', 0); } if ($selected_id) { start_row(); echo '<td class="label">' . _('Customer branches') . ':</td>'; hyperlink_params_td($path_to_root . "/sales/manage/customer_branches.php", '<b>' . (@$_REQUEST['popup'] ? _("Select or &Add") : _("&Add or Edit ")) . '</b>', "debtor_no=" . $selected_id . (@$_REQUEST['popup'] ? '&popup=1' : '')); end_row(); } textarea_row(_("General Notes:"), 'notes', null, 35, 5); if (!$selected_id && isset($auto_create_branch) && $auto_create_branch == 1) { table_section_title(_("Branch")); locations_list_row(_("Default Inventory Location:"), 'location'); shippers_list_row(_("Default Shipping Company:"), 'ship_via'); sales_areas_list_row(_("Sales Area:"), 'area', null); tax_groups_list_row(_("Tax Group:"), 'tax_group_id', null); } end_outer_table(1); div_start('controls'); if (!$selected_id) { submit_center('submit', _("Add New Customer"), true, '', 'default'); } else { submit_center_first('submit', _("Update Customer"), _('Update customer data'), @$_REQUEST['popup'] ? true : 'default'); submit_return('select', $selected_id, _("Select this customer and return to document entry.")); submit_center_last('delete', _("Delete Customer"), _('Delete customer data if have been never used'), true); } div_end(); }
function show_results() { global $path_to_root; /*Now get the transactions */ div_start('trans_tbl'); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $netAmounts = check_value('NetAmounts'); if ($netAmounts) { $net = _("Net"); } else { $net = _("Gross"); } $th = array(_("Type"), _("Description"), _("Tax") . "<br>" . _("Amount"), $net . "<br>" . _("Outputs") . "/" . _("Inputs")); table_header($th); $k = 0; $total = 0; $bdate = date2sql($_POST['TransFromDate']); $edate = date2sql($_POST['TransToDate']); $taxes = get_tax_cash_summary($_POST['TransFromDate'], $_POST['TransToDate']); while ($tx = db_fetch($taxes)) { $payable = $tx['payable']; $collectible = $tx['collectible']; $net = $collectible + $payable; $total += $net; alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($tx['name'] . " " . $tx['rate'] . "%"); label_cell(_("Charged on sales") . " (" . _("Output Tax") . "):"); amount_cell($payable); if ($netAmounts) { amount_cell($tx['net_output']); } else { amount_cell($tx['gross_output']); } end_row(); alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($tx['name'] . " " . $tx['rate'] . "%"); label_cell(_("Paid on purchases") . " (" . _("Input Tax") . "):"); amount_cell($collectible); if ($netAmounts) { amount_cell($tx['net_input']); } else { amount_cell($tx['gross_input']); } end_row(); alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell("<b>" . $tx['name'] . " " . $tx['rate'] . "%</b>"); label_cell("<b>" . _("Net payable or collectible") . ":</b>"); amount_cell($net, true); label_cell(""); end_row(); } alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell(""); label_cell("<b>" . _("Total payable or refund") . ":</b>"); amount_cell($total, true); label_cell(""); end_row(); end_table(2); div_end(); }
function display_profit_and_loss() { global $path_to_root, $sel; if (!isset($_POST['Dimension'])) { $_POST['Dimension'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['Dimension2'])) { $_POST['Dimension2'] = 0; } $dimension = $_POST['Dimension']; $dimension2 = $_POST['Dimension2']; $from = $_POST['TransFromDate']; $to = $_POST['TransToDate']; $compare = $_POST['Compare']; if (isset($_POST["AccGrp"]) && strlen($_POST['AccGrp']) > 0) { $drilldown = 1; } else { $drilldown = 0; } // Root level $dec = 0; $pdec = user_percent_dec(); if ($compare == 0 || $compare == 2) { $end = $to; if ($compare == 2) { $begin = $from; } else { $begin = begin_fiscalyear(); } } elseif ($compare == 1) { $begin = add_months($from, -12); $end = add_months($to, -12); } div_start('pl_tbl'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=50%"); $tableheader = "<tr>\n <td class='tableheader'>" . _("Group/Account Name") . "</td>\n <td class='tableheader'>" . _("Period") . "</td>\n\t\t<td class='tableheader'>" . $sel[$compare] . "</td>\n\t\t<td class='tableheader'>" . _("Achieved %") . "</td>\n </tr>"; if (!$drilldown) { $parent = -1; $classper = 0.0; $classacc = 0.0; $salesper = 0.0; $salesacc = 0.0; //Get classes for PL $classresult = get_account_classes(false, 0); while ($class = db_fetch($classresult)) { $class_per_total = 0; $class_acc_total = 0; $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); //Print Class Name table_section_title($class["class_name"], 4); echo $tableheader; //Get Account groups/types under this group/type $typeresult = get_account_types(false, $class['cid'], -1); while ($accounttype = db_fetch($typeresult)) { $TypeTotal = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $begin, $end, $compare, $convert, $dec, $pdec, $rep, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); $class_per_total += $TypeTotal[0]; $class_acc_total += $TypeTotal[1]; if ($TypeTotal[0] != 0 || $TypeTotal[1] != 0) { $url = "<a href='{$path_to_root}/gl/inquiry/profit_loss.php?TransFromDate=" . $from . "&TransToDate=" . $to . "&Compare=" . $compare . "&Dimension=" . $dimension . "&Dimension2=" . $dimension2 . "&AccGrp=" . $accounttype['id'] . "'>" . $accounttype['id'] . " " . $accounttype['name'] . "</a>"; alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($url); amount_cell($TypeTotal[0] * $convert); amount_cell($TypeTotal[1] * $convert); amount_cell(Achieve($TypeTotal[0], $TypeTotal[1])); end_row(); } } //Print Class Summary start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Total') . " " . $class["class_name"]); amount_cell($class_per_total * $convert); amount_cell($class_acc_total * $convert); amount_cell(Achieve($class_per_total, $class_acc_total)); end_row(); $salesper += $class_per_total; $salesacc += $class_acc_total; } start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Calculated Return')); amount_cell($salesper * -1); amount_cell($salesacc * -1); amount_cell(achieve($salesper, $salesacc)); end_row(); } else { //Level Pointer : Global variable defined in order to control display of root global $levelptr; $levelptr = 0; $accounttype = get_account_type($_POST["AccGrp"]); $classid = $accounttype["class_id"]; $class = get_account_class($classid); $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); //Print Class Name table_section_title($_POST["AccGrp"] . " " . get_account_type_name($_POST["AccGrp"]), 4); echo $tableheader; $classtotal = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $begin, $end, $compare, $convert, $dec, $pdec, $rep, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); } end_table(1); // outer table div_end(); }
function display_credit_options() { global $Ajax; br(); if (isset($_POST['_CreditType_update'])) { $Ajax->activate('options'); } div_start('options'); start_table(TABLESTYLE2); credit_type_list_row(_("Credit Note Type"), 'CreditType', null, true); if ($_POST['CreditType'] == "Return") { /*if the credit note is a return of goods then need to know which location to receive them into */ if (!isset($_POST['Location'])) { $_POST['Location'] = $_SESSION['Items']->Location; } locations_list_row(_("Items Returned to Location"), 'Location', $_POST['Location']); } else { /* the goods are to be written off to somewhere */ gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Write off the cost of the items to"), 'WriteOffGLCode', null); } textarea_row(_("Memo"), "CreditText", null, 51, 3); echo "</table>"; div_end(); }
function pager(&$pager) { global $use_popup_windows, $use_date_picker, $path_to_root; $pager->select_records(); div_start("_{$pager->name}_span"); $headers = array(); foreach ($pager->columns as $num_col => $col) { // record status control column is displayed only when control checkbox is on if (isset($col['head']) && ($col['type'] != 'inactive' || get_post('show_inactive'))) { if (!isset($col['ord'])) { $headers[] = $col['head']; } else { $icon = $col['ord'] == 'desc' ? 'sort_desc.gif' : ($col['ord'] == 'asc' ? 'sort_asc.gif' : 'sort_none.gif'); $headers[] = navi_button($pager->name . '_sort_' . $num_col, $col['head'], true, $icon); } } } /* show a table of records returned by the sql */ start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width={$pager->width}"); table_header($headers); if ($pager->header_fun) { // if set header handler start_row("class='{$pager->header_class}'"); $fun = $pager->header_fun; if (method_exists($pager, $fun)) { $h = $pager->{$fun}($pager); } elseif (function_exists($fun)) { $h = $fun($pager); } foreach ($h as $c) { // draw header columns $pars = isset($c[1]) ? $c[1] : ''; label_cell($c[0], $pars); } end_row(); } $cc = 0; // row colour counter foreach ($pager->data as $line_no => $row) { $marker = $pager->marker; if ($marker && $marker($row)) { start_row("class='{$pager->marker_class}'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($cc); } foreach ($pager->columns as $k => $col) { $coltype = $col['type']; $cell = isset($col['name']) ? $row[$col['name']] : ''; if (isset($col['fun'])) { // use data input function if defined $fun = $col['fun']; if (method_exists($pager, $fun)) { $cell = $pager->{$fun}($row, $cell); } elseif (function_exists($fun)) { $cell = $fun($row, $cell); } else { $cell = ''; } } switch ($coltype) { // format column case 'time': label_cell($cell, "width=40"); break; case 'date': label_cell(sql2date($cell), "align='center' nowrap"); break; case 'dstamp': // time stamp displayed as date label_cell(sql2date(substr($cell, 0, 10)), "align='center' nowrap"); break; case 'tstamp': // time stamp - FIX user format label_cell(sql2date(substr($cell, 0, 10)) . ' ' . substr($cell, 10), "align='center'"); break; case 'percent': percent_cell($cell); break; case 'amount': if ($cell == '') { label_cell(''); } else { amount_cell($cell, false); } break; case 'qty': if ($cell == '') { label_cell(''); } else { qty_cell($cell, false, isset($col['dec']) ? $col['dec'] : null); } break; case 'email': email_cell($cell, isset($col['align']) ? "align='" . $col['align'] . "'" : null); break; case 'rate': label_cell(number_format2($cell, user_exrate_dec()), "align=center"); break; case 'inactive': if (get_post('show_inactive')) { $pager->inactive_control_cell($row); } break; default: // case 'text': if (isset($col['align'])) { label_cell($cell, "align='" . $col['align'] . "'"); } else { label_cell($cell); } case 'skip': // column not displayed } } end_row(); } // end of while loop if ($pager->footer_fun) { // if set footer handler start_row("class='{$pager->footer_class}'"); $fun = $pager->footer_fun; if (method_exists($pager, $fun)) { $h = $pager->{$fun}($pager); } elseif (function_exists($fun)) { $h = $fun($pager); } foreach ($h as $c) { // draw footer columns $pars = isset($c[1]) ? $c[1] : ''; label_cell($c[0], $pars); } end_row(); } start_row("class='navibar'"); $colspan = count($pager->columns); $inact = @$pager->inactive_ctrl == true ? ' ' . checkbox(null, 'show_inactive', null, true) . _("Show also Inactive") : ''; end_row(); end_table(); $but_pref = $pager->name . '_page_'; // if (@$pager->inactive_ctrl) // submit('Update', _('Update'), true, '', null); // inactive update $context = array('first' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'first', _('«'), $pager->first_page), 'previous' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'prev', _('‹'), $pager->prev_page), 'next' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'next', _('›'), $pager->next_page), 'last' => $this->pager_button($but_pref . 'last', _('»'), $pager->last_page)); $from = ($pager->curr_page - 1) * $pager->page_len + 1; $to = $from + $pager->page_len - 1; if ($to > $pager->rec_count) { $to = $pager->rec_count; } $all = $pager->rec_count; // echo sprintf(_('Records %d-%d of %d'), $from, $to, $all); // echo $inact; // echo "</td>"; echo ThemeBootstrap::get()->renderBlock('controls.twig.html', 'pager', $context); /* if ($pager->rec_count) { echo "<td colspan=$colspan class='navibar' style='border:none;padding:3px;'>"; echo "<div style='float:right;'>"; $but_pref = $pager->name . '_page_'; start_table(); start_row(); if (@$pager->inactive_ctrl) submit('Update', _('Update'), true, '', null); // inactive update echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'first', _('First'), $pager->first_page, 'right'); echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'prev', _('Prev'), $pager->prev_page, 'right'); echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'next', _('Next'), $pager->next_page, 'right'); echo navi_button_cell($but_pref . 'last', _('Last'), $pager->last_page, 'right'); end_row(); end_table(); echo "</div>"; $from = ($pager->curr_page - 1) * $pager->page_len + 1; $to = $from + $pager->page_len - 1; if ($to > $pager->rec_count) $to = $pager->rec_count; $all = $pager->rec_count; echo sprintf(_('Records %d-%d of %d'), $from, $to, $all); echo $inact; echo "</td>"; } else { label_cell(_('No records') . $inact, "colspan=$colspan class='navibar'"); } */ if (isset($pager->marker_txt)) { display_note($pager->marker_txt, 0, 1, "class='{$pager->notice_class}'"); } div_end(); return true; }
echo '<tr>'; $from = Today(); $from = add_days($from, 1); $bal = get_balance_before_for_bank_account(1, $from); //echo $trans_no = kv_get_next_trans_no(99) + 1; if ($total_net <= $bal) { submit_cells('pay_salary', _("Process Payout"), '', _('Show Results'), 'default'); } else { display_warning(" Your Current Account Balance is lower than the payout!."); } echo '</tr>'; end_table(); } else { display_warning(" Paid Already!."); } div_end(); } end_form(); if (get_post('RefreshInquiry')) { $Ajax->activate('gross_salary'); $Ajax->activate('leave_days'); $Ajax->activate('monthly_loan'); $Ajax->activate('totals_tbl'); } if (get_post('pay_salary')) { global $Refs; $pay_slip_id = add_payslip($_POST['year'], $_POST['month'], $_POST['empl_id'], $_POST['basic'], $_POST['da'], $_POST['hra'], $_POST['convey_allow'], $_POST['edu_other_allow'], $_POST['pf'], $_POST['lop_amount'], $_POST['tds'], $_POST['total_ded'], $_POST['total_net'], $_POST['date_of_pay']); add_gl_trans(99, $pay_slip_id, $_POST['date_of_pay'], 5410, 0, 0, 'employee Salary #' . $_POST['empl_id'], $_POST['total_net']); add_gl_trans(99, $pay_slip_id, $_POST['date_of_pay'], 1060, 0, 0, 'employee Salary #' . $_POST['empl_id'], -$_POST['total_net']); $trans_no = kv_get_next_trans_no(99) + 1; $ref = get_next_reference(99);
function supplier_settings(&$supplier_id) { start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2); table_section(1); if ($supplier_id) { //SupplierID exists - either passed when calling the form or from the form itself $myrow = get_supplier($_POST['supplier_id']); $_POST['supp_name'] = $myrow["supp_name"]; $_POST['supp_ref'] = $myrow["supp_ref"]; $_POST['address'] = $myrow["address"]; $_POST['supp_address'] = $myrow["supp_address"]; $_POST['gst_no'] = $myrow["gst_no"]; $_POST['website'] = $myrow["website"]; $_POST['supp_account_no'] = $myrow["supp_account_no"]; $_POST['bank_account'] = $myrow["bank_account"]; $_POST['dimension_id'] = $myrow["dimension_id"]; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $myrow["dimension2_id"]; $_POST['curr_code'] = $myrow["curr_code"]; $_POST['payment_terms'] = $myrow["payment_terms"]; $_POST['credit_limit'] = price_format($myrow["credit_limit"]); $_POST['tax_group_id'] = $myrow["tax_group_id"]; $_POST['tax_included'] = $myrow["tax_included"]; $_POST['payable_account'] = $myrow["payable_account"]; $_POST['purchase_account'] = $myrow["purchase_account"]; $_POST['payment_discount_account'] = $myrow["payment_discount_account"]; $_POST['notes'] = $myrow["notes"]; $_POST['inactive'] = $myrow["inactive"]; } else { $_POST['supp_name'] = $_POST['supp_ref'] = $_POST['address'] = $_POST['supp_address'] = $_POST['tax_group_id'] = $_POST['website'] = $_POST['supp_account_no'] = $_POST['notes'] = ''; $_POST['dimension_id'] = 0; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = 0; $_POST['tax_included'] = 0; $_POST['sales_type'] = -1; $_POST['gst_no'] = $_POST['bank_account'] = ''; $_POST['payment_terms'] = ''; $_POST['credit_limit'] = price_format(0); $company_record = get_company_prefs(); $_POST['curr_code'] = $company_record["curr_default"]; $_POST['payable_account'] = $company_record["creditors_act"]; $_POST['purchase_account'] = ''; // default/item's cogs account $_POST['payment_discount_account'] = $company_record['pyt_discount_act']; } table_section_title(_("Basic Data")); text_row(_("Supplier Name:"), 'supp_name', null, 42, 40); text_row(_("Supplier Short Name:"), 'supp_ref', null, 30, 30); text_row(_("GSTNo:"), 'gst_no', null, 42, 40); link_row(_("Website:"), 'website', null, 35, 55); if ($supplier_id && !is_new_supplier($supplier_id) && (key_in_foreign_table($_POST['supplier_id'], 'supp_trans', 'supplier_id') || key_in_foreign_table($_POST['supplier_id'], 'purch_orders', 'supplier_id'))) { label_row(_("Supplier's Currency:"), $_POST['curr_code']); hidden('curr_code', $_POST['curr_code']); } else { currencies_list_row(_("Supplier's Currency:"), 'curr_code', null); } tax_groups_list_row(_("Tax Group:"), 'tax_group_id', null); text_row(_("Our Customer No:"), 'supp_account_no', null, 42, 40); table_section_title(_("Purchasing")); text_row(_("Bank Name/Account:"), 'bank_account', null, 42, 40); amount_row(_("Credit Limit:"), 'credit_limit', null); payment_terms_list_row(_("Payment Terms:"), 'payment_terms', null); // // tax_included option from supplier record is used directly in update_average_cost() function, // therefore we can't edit the option after any transaction waas done for the supplier. // if (is_new_supplier($supplier_id)) { check_row(_("Prices contain tax included:"), 'tax_included'); } else { hidden('tax_included'); label_row(_("Prices contain tax included:"), $_POST['tax_included'] ? _('Yes') : _('No')); } table_section_title(_("Accounts")); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Accounts Payable Account:"), 'payable_account', $_POST['payable_account']); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Purchase Account:"), 'purchase_account', $_POST['purchase_account'], false, false, _("Use Item Inventory/COGS Account")); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Purchase Discount Account:"), 'payment_discount_account', $_POST['payment_discount_account']); if (!$supplier_id) { table_section_title(_("Contact Data")); text_row(_("Phone Number:"), 'phone', null, 32, 30); text_row(_("Secondary Phone Number:"), 'phone2', null, 32, 30); } table_section(2); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim >= 1) { table_section_title(_("Dimension")); dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 1:", 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1); if ($dim > 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 2:", 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2); } } if ($dim < 1) { hidden('dimension_id', 0); } if ($dim < 2) { hidden('dimension2_id', 0); } table_section_title(_("Addresses")); textarea_row(_("Mailing Address:"), 'address', null, 35, 5); textarea_row(_("Physical Address:"), 'supp_address', null, 35, 5); table_section_title(_("General")); textarea_row(_("General Notes:"), 'notes', null, 35, 5); if ($supplier_id) { record_status_list_row(_("Supplier status:"), 'inactive'); } else { table_section_title(_("Contact Data")); text_row(_("Contact Person:"), 'contact', null, 42, 40); text_row(_("Fax Number:"), 'fax', null, 32, 30); email_row(_("E-mail:"), 'email', null, 35, 55); languages_list_row(_("Document Language:"), 'rep_lang', null, _('System default')); } end_outer_table(1); div_start('controls'); if ($supplier_id) { submit_center_first('submit', _("Update Supplier"), _('Update supplier data'), @$_REQUEST['popup'] ? true : 'default'); submit_return('select', get_post('supplier_id'), _("Select this supplier and return to document entry.")); submit_center_last('delete', _("Delete Supplier"), _('Delete supplier data if have been never used'), true); } else { submit_center('submit', _("Add New Supplier Details"), true, '', 'default'); } div_end(); }
if ($this->the_user->level < 3) { $menu = array($this->lang->line('system') => array('id' => 'system_tab', 'name' => 'system', 'class' => 'settings_tab', 'onclick' => "window.location.href='/settings?tab=system'"), $this->lang->line('users') => array('id' => 'users_tab', 'name' => 'users', 'class' => 'settings_tab', 'onclick' => "window.location.href='/settings?tab=users'"), $this->lang->line('products') => array('id' => 'products_tab', 'name' => 'products', 'class' => 'settings_tab', 'onclick' => "window.location.href='/settings?tab=products'"), $this->lang->line('clients') => array('id' => 'clients_tab', 'name' => 'clients', 'class' => 'settings_tab', 'onclick' => "window.location.href='/settings?tab=clients'")); } else { $menu = array($this->lang->line('system') => array('id' => 'system_tab', 'name' => 'system', 'class' => 'settings_tab', 'onclick' => "window.location.href='/settings?tab=system'")); } echo div_start($settings_wrapper); foreach ($menu as $item => $attr) { echo div_start($attr); echo $item; echo div_end(); } echo div_start($settings_container); switch ($tab) { case 'system': default: $this->load->view('settings/system'); break; case 'users': $this->load->view('settings/users'); break; case 'products': $this->load->view('settings/products'); break; case 'clients': $this->load->view('settings/clients'); break; } echo div_end(); //Container echo div_end(); //Wrapper
function display_languages() { global $table_style, $installed_languages, $dflt_lang, $GetText; $th = array(_("Language"), _("Name"), _("Encoding"), _("Right To Left"), _("Installed"), _("Available"), _("Default"), "", ""); $currlang = $_SESSION["language"]->code; div_start('lang_tbl'); start_form(); // // select/display system locales support for sites using native gettext // if (function_exists('gettext')) { if (check_value('DisplayAll')) { array_insert($th, 7, _("Supported")); } start_table(); check_row(_('Display also languages not supported by server locales'), 'DisplayAll', null, true); end_table(); } start_table(TABLESTYLE); table_header($th); $k = 0; // get list of all (available and installed) langauges $langs = get_languages_list(); foreach ($langs as $pkg_name => $lng) { if ($lng == 'C') { // skip default locale (aka no translation) continue; } $lang = $lng['code']; $lang_name = $lng['name']; $charset = $lng['encoding']; $rtl = @$lng['rtl'] == 'yes' || @$lng['rtl'] === true; $available = @$lng['available']; $installed = @$lng['version']; $id = @$lng['local_id']; if ($lang == $currlang) { start_row("class='stockmankobg'"); } else { alt_table_row_color($k); } $support = $GetText->check_support($lang, $charset); if (function_exists('gettext') && !$support && !get_post('DisplayAll')) { continue; } label_cell($lang); label_cell($available ? get_package_view_str($lang, $lang_name) : $lang_name); label_cell($charset); label_cell($rtl ? _("Yes") : _("No")); label_cell($id === null ? _("None") : ($available && $installed ? $installed : _("Unknown"))); label_cell($available ? $available : _("None")); label_cell($id === null ? '' : radio(null, 'CurDflt', $id, $dflt_lang == $lang, true), "align='center'"); if (function_exists('gettext') && check_value('DisplayAll')) { label_cell($support ? _("Yes") : _("No")); } if (!$available && $lang != 'C') { // manually installed language button_cell('Edit' . $id, _("Edit"), _('Edit non standard language configuration'), ICON_EDIT); } elseif (check_pkg_upgrade($installed, $available)) { // outdated or not installed language in repo button_cell('Update' . $pkg_name, $installed ? _("Update") : _("Install"), _('Upload and install latest language package'), ICON_DOWN); } else { label_cell(''); } if ($id !== null && $lang != $currlang && $lang != 'C') { delete_button_cell('Delete' . $id, _('Delete')); submit_js_confirm('Delete' . $id, sprintf(_("You are about to remove language \\'%s\\'.\nDo you want to continue ?"), $lang_name)); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); } end_table(); display_note(_("The marked language is the current language which cannot be deleted."), 0, 0, "class='currentfg'"); br(); submit_center_first('Refresh', _("Update default"), '', null); submit_center_last('Add', _("Add new language manually"), '', false); end_form(); div_end(); }
function item_settings(&$stock_id) { global $SysPrefs, $path_to_root, $new_item, $pic_height; start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2); table_section(1); table_section_title(_("Item")); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ($new_item) { text_row(_("Item Code/ISBN:"), 'NewStockID', null, 21, 20); $_POST['inactive'] = 0; } else { // Must be modifying an existing item if (get_post('NewStockID') != get_post('stock_id') || get_post('addupdate')) { // first item display $_POST['NewStockID'] = $_POST['stock_id']; $myrow = get_item($_POST['NewStockID']); $_POST['long_description'] = $myrow["long_description"]; $_POST['description'] = $myrow["description"]; $_POST['category_id'] = $myrow["category_id"]; /*==============MOODLEARNING=============*/ $_POST['level_id'] = $myrow["level_id"]; /*=======================================*/ $_POST['tax_type_id'] = $myrow["tax_type_id"]; $_POST['units'] = $myrow["units"]; $_POST['mb_flag'] = $myrow["mb_flag"]; $_POST['sales_account'] = $myrow['sales_account']; $_POST['inventory_account'] = $myrow['inventory_account']; $_POST['cogs_account'] = $myrow['cogs_account']; $_POST['adjustment_account'] = $myrow['adjustment_account']; $_POST['assembly_account'] = $myrow['assembly_account']; $_POST['dimension_id'] = $myrow['dimension_id']; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $myrow['dimension2_id']; $_POST['no_sale'] = $myrow['no_sale']; $_POST['del_image'] = 0; $_POST['inactive'] = $myrow["inactive"]; $_POST['editable'] = $myrow["editable"]; } label_row(_("Item Code/ISBN:"), $_POST['NewStockID']); hidden('NewStockID', $_POST['NewStockID']); set_focus('description'); } /*=================MOODLEARNING====================*/ level_list_row(_("Level:"), 'level_id', null); /*=================================================*/ text_row(_("Name:"), 'description', null, 52, 200); textarea_row(_('Description:'), 'long_description', null, 42, 3); stock_categories_list_row(_("Category/Subject:"), 'category_id', null, false, $new_item); if ($new_item && (list_updated('category_id') || !isset($_POST['units']))) { $category_record = get_item_category($_POST['category_id']); $_POST['level_id'] = $category_record["level_id"]; // moodlearning edit $_POST['subject_id'] = $category_record["level_id"]; $_POST['tax_type_id'] = $category_record["dflt_tax_type"]; $_POST['units'] = $category_record["dflt_units"]; $_POST['mb_flag'] = $category_record["dflt_mb_flag"]; $_POST['inventory_account'] = $category_record["dflt_inventory_act"]; $_POST['cogs_account'] = $category_record["dflt_cogs_act"]; $_POST['sales_account'] = $category_record["dflt_sales_act"]; $_POST['adjustment_account'] = $category_record["dflt_adjustment_act"]; $_POST['assembly_account'] = $category_record["dflt_assembly_act"]; $_POST['dimension_id'] = $category_record["dflt_dim1"]; $_POST['dimension2_id'] = $category_record["dflt_dim2"]; $_POST['no_sale'] = $category_record["dflt_no_sale"]; $_POST['editable'] = 0; } $fresh_item = !isset($_POST['NewStockID']) || $new_item || check_usage($_POST['stock_id'], false); item_tax_types_list_row(_("Item Tax Type:"), 'tax_type_id', null); stock_item_types_list_row(_("Item Type:"), 'mb_flag', null, $fresh_item); stock_units_list_row(_('Units of Measure:'), 'units', null, $fresh_item); check_row(_("Editable description:"), 'editable'); check_row(_("Exclude from sales:"), 'no_sale'); table_section(2); $dim = get_company_pref('use_dimension'); if ($dim >= 1) { table_section_title(_("Dimensions")); dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 1", 'dimension_id', null, true, " ", false, 1); if ($dim > 1) { dimensions_list_row(_("Dimension") . " 2", 'dimension2_id', null, true, " ", false, 2); } } if ($dim < 1) { hidden('dimension_id', 0); } if ($dim < 2) { hidden('dimension2_id', 0); } table_section_title(_("GL Accounts")); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Sales Account:"), 'sales_account', $_POST['sales_account']); if (!is_service($_POST['mb_flag'])) { gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Account:"), 'inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("C.O.G.S. Account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']); gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Inventory Adjustments Account:"), 'adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']); } else { gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("C.O.G.S. Account:"), 'cogs_account', $_POST['cogs_account']); hidden('inventory_account', $_POST['inventory_account']); hidden('adjustment_account', $_POST['adjustment_account']); } if (is_manufactured($_POST['mb_flag'])) { gl_all_accounts_list_row(_("Item Assembly Costs Account:"), 'assembly_account', $_POST['assembly_account']); } else { hidden('assembly_account', $_POST['assembly_account']); } table_section_title(_("Other")); // Add image upload for New Item - by Joe file_row(_("Image File (.jpg)") . ":", 'pic', 'pic'); // Add Image upload for New Item - by Joe $stock_img_link = ""; $check_remove_image = false; if (isset($_POST['NewStockID']) && file_exists(company_path() . '/images/' . item_img_name($_POST['NewStockID']) . ".jpg")) { // 31/08/08 - rand() call is necessary here to avoid caching problems. Thanks to Peter D. $stock_img_link .= "<img id='item_img' alt = '[" . $_POST['NewStockID'] . ".jpg" . "]' src='" . company_path() . '/images/' . item_img_name($_POST['NewStockID']) . ".jpg?nocache=" . rand() . "'" . " height='{$pic_height}' border='0'>"; $check_remove_image = true; } else { $stock_img_link .= _("No image"); } label_row(" ", $stock_img_link); if ($check_remove_image) { check_row(_("Delete Image:"), 'del_image'); } record_status_list_row(_("Item status:"), 'inactive'); end_outer_table(1); div_start('controls'); if (!isset($_POST['NewStockID']) || $new_item) { submit_center('addupdate', _("Insert New Item"), true, '', 'default'); } else { submit_center_first('addupdate', _("Update Item"), '', @$_REQUEST['popup'] ? true : 'default'); submit_return('select', get_post('stock_id'), _("Select this items and return to document entry."), 'default'); submit('clone', _("Clone This Item"), true, '', true); submit('delete', _("Delete This Item"), true, '', true); submit_center_last('cancel', _("Cancel"), _("Cancel Edition"), 'cancel'); } div_end(); }
} } $errCnt = 0; } // if (!$fp) } // if (isset($_FILES['imp']) && $_FILES['imp']['name'] != '') @fclose($fp); } // if (isset($_POST['type'])) // User Interface start_form(true); div_start('_main_table'); initialize_controls(); start_table(TABLESTYLE2, "width=95%"); //inner table $type = show_table_section_import_settings(); if ($type == ST_JOURNAL || $type == ST_BANKDEPOSIT || $type == ST_BANKPAYMENT) { show_table_section_control_accounts(); } show_table_section_display($type); if ($type == ST_BANKDEPOSIT || $type == ST_BANKPAYMENT) { $stateformat = show_table_section_bankstatement_checkbox(); } show_table_section_csv_separator(); show_table_section_trial_or_final(); end_table(1); div_end('_main_table'); submit_center('import', "Process", $echo = true, $title = false, $async = true, $icon = ICON_OK); end_form(); end_page();
function display_extensions() { global $installed_extensions; div_start('ext_tbl'); start_table(TABLESTYLE); $th = array(_("Extension"), _("Modules provided"), _("Options provided"), _("Installed"), _("Available"), "", ""); table_header($th); $k = 0; $mods = get_extensions_list('extension'); foreach ($mods as $pkg_name => $ext) { $available = @$ext['available']; $installed = @$ext['version']; $id = @$ext['local_id']; $entries = fmt_titles(@$ext['entries']); $tabs = fmt_titles(@$ext['tabs']); alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($available ? get_package_view_str($pkg_name, $ext['name']) : $ext['name']); label_cell($tabs); label_cell($entries); label_cell($id === null ? _("None") : ($available && $installed ? $installed : _("Unknown"))); label_cell($available ? $available : _("Unknown")); if (!$available && $ext['type'] == 'extension') { // third-party plugin if (!$installed) { button_cell('Local' . $ext['package'], _("Install"), _('Install third-party extension.'), ICON_DOWN); } else { label_cell(''); } } elseif (check_pkg_upgrade($installed, $available)) { // outdated or not installed extension in repo button_cell('Update' . $pkg_name, $installed ? _("Update") : _("Install"), _('Upload and install latest extension package'), ICON_DOWN); } else { label_cell(''); } if ($id !== null) { delete_button_cell('Delete' . $id, _('Delete')); submit_js_confirm('Delete' . $id, sprintf(_("You are about to remove package \\'%s\\'.\nDo you want to continue ?"), $ext['name'])); } else { label_cell(''); } end_row(); } end_table(1); submit_center_first('Refresh', _("Update"), '', null); div_end(); }
function display_po_receive_items() { div_start('grn_items'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "colspan=7 width='90%'"); $th = array(_("Item Code"), _("Description"), _("Ordered"), _("Units"), _("Received"), _("Outstanding"), _("This Delivery"), _("Price"), _("Total")); table_header($th); /*show the line items on the order with the quantity being received for modification */ $total = 0; $k = 0; //row colour counter if (count($_SESSION['PO']->line_items) > 0) { foreach ($_SESSION['PO']->line_items as $ln_itm) { alt_table_row_color($k); $qty_outstanding = $ln_itm->quantity - $ln_itm->qty_received; if (!isset($_POST['Update']) && !isset($_POST['ProcessGoodsReceived']) && $ln_itm->receive_qty == 0) { //If no quantites yet input default the balance to be received $ln_itm->receive_qty = $qty_outstanding; } $line_total = $ln_itm->receive_qty * $ln_itm->price; $total += $line_total; label_cell($ln_itm->stock_id); if ($qty_outstanding > 0) { text_cells(null, $ln_itm->stock_id . "Desc", $ln_itm->item_description, 30, 50); } else { label_cell($ln_itm->item_description); } $dec = get_qty_dec($ln_itm->stock_id); qty_cell($ln_itm->quantity, false, $dec); label_cell($ln_itm->units); qty_cell($ln_itm->qty_received, false, $dec); qty_cell($qty_outstanding, false, $dec); if ($qty_outstanding > 0) { qty_cells(null, $ln_itm->line_no, number_format2($ln_itm->receive_qty, $dec), "align=right", null, $dec); } else { label_cell(number_format2($ln_itm->receive_qty, $dec), "align=right"); } amount_decimal_cell($ln_itm->price); amount_cell($line_total); end_row(); } } $colspan = count($th) - 1; $display_sub_total = price_format($total); label_row(_("Sub-total"), $display_sub_total, "colspan={$colspan} align=right", "align=right"); $taxes = $_SESSION['PO']->get_taxes(input_num('freight_cost'), true); $tax_total = display_edit_tax_items($taxes, $colspan, $_SESSION['PO']->tax_included); $display_total = price_format($total + input_num('freight_cost') + $tax_total); start_row(); label_cells(_("Amount Total"), $display_total, "colspan={$colspan} align='right'", "align='right'"); end_row(); end_table(); div_end(); }
function display_balance_sheet() { global $path_to_root; $from = begin_fiscalyear(); $to = $_POST['TransToDate']; if (!isset($_POST['Dimension'])) { $_POST['Dimension'] = 0; } if (!isset($_POST['Dimension2'])) { $_POST['Dimension2'] = 0; } $dimension = $_POST['Dimension']; $dimension2 = $_POST['Dimension2']; $lconvert = $econvert = 1; if (isset($_POST["AccGrp"]) && strlen($_POST['AccGrp']) > 0) { $drilldown = 1; } else { $drilldown = 0; } // Root level div_start('balance_tbl'); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width='30%'"); if (!$drilldown) { $equityclose = 0.0; $lclose = 0.0; $calculateclose = 0.0; $parent = -1; //Get classes for BS $classresult = get_account_classes(false, 1); while ($class = db_fetch($classresult)) { $classclose = 0.0; $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); $ctype = $class["ctype"]; $classname = $class["class_name"]; //Print Class Name table_section_title($class["class_name"]); //Get Account groups/types under this group/type $typeresult = get_account_types(false, $class['cid'], -1); while ($accounttype = db_fetch($typeresult)) { $TypeTotal = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $convert, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); //Print Summary if ($TypeTotal != 0) { $url = "<a href='{$path_to_root}/gl/inquiry/balance_sheet.php?TransFromDate=" . $from . "&TransToDate=" . $to . "&Dimension=" . $dimension . "&Dimension2=" . $dimension2 . "&AccGrp=" . $accounttype['id'] . "'>" . $accounttype['id'] . " " . $accounttype['name'] . "</a>"; alt_table_row_color($k); label_cell($url); amount_cell($TypeTotal * $convert); end_row(); } $classclose += $TypeTotal; } //Print Class Summary start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Total') . " " . $class["class_name"]); amount_cell($classclose * $convert); end_row(); if ($ctype == CL_EQUITY) { $equityclose += $classclose; $econvert = $convert; } if ($ctype == CL_LIABILITIES) { $lclose += $classclose; $lconvert = $convert; } $calculateclose += $classclose; } if ($lconvert == 1) { $calculateclose *= -1; } //Final Report Summary $url = "<a href='{$path_to_root}/gl/inquiry/profit_loss.php?TransFromDate=" . $from . "&TransToDate=" . $to . "&Dimension=" . $dimension . "&Dimension2=" . $dimension2 . "&Compare=0'>" . _('Calculated Return') . "</a>"; start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell($url); amount_cell($calculateclose); end_row(); start_row("class='inquirybg' style='font-weight:bold'"); label_cell(_('Total') . " " . _('Liabilities') . _(' and ') . _('Equities')); amount_cell($lclose * $lconvert + $equityclose * $econvert + $calculateclose); end_row(); } else { //Level Pointer : Global variable defined in order to control display of root global $levelptr; $levelptr = 0; $accounttype = get_account_type($_POST["AccGrp"]); $classid = $accounttype["class_id"]; $class = get_account_class($classid); $convert = get_class_type_convert($class["ctype"]); //Print Class Name table_section_title($_POST["AccGrp"] . " " . get_account_type_name($_POST["AccGrp"])); $classclose = display_type($accounttype["id"], $accounttype["name"], $from, $to, $convert, $dimension, $dimension2, $drilldown, $path_to_root); } end_table(1); // outer table div_end(); }
function voucher_details($id) { div_start('voucher_table'); br(); if (!isset($_POST['imc']) || list_updated($_POST['imc'])) { $imc = get_post('imc'); $row = get_salesman_trans($imc); $_POST['sales'] = $row['salesman_name']; $_POST['invoice_no'] = $row['customized_no']; $_POST['client'] = $row['br_name']; $_POST['provision'] = $row['provision']; $_POST['total'] = $row['InvoiceTotal']; } div_start('detail_table'); start_outer_table(TABLESTYLE2); table_section(1); date_row(_("Date:"), 'date'); text_row(_("IMC: "), 'sales'); text_row(_("Invoice No."), 'invoice_no'); text_row(_("Client: "), 'client'); hidden('gross', $_POST['gross']); table_section(2); amount_row(_("Commission %: "), 'provision'); label_row(_("Gross Commission: "), price_format($_POST['netsales'])); label_row(_("W/Tax: "), price_format($_POST['tax'])); label_row(_("Net Commission: "), price_format($_POST['total'])); hidden('netsales', $_POST['netsales']); hidden('tax', $_POST['tax']); hidden('total', $_POST['total']); submit_row('Compute', _("Compute"), '', 'default'); hidden('br_id', $_POST['br_id']); hidden('discount', $_POST['discount']); hidden('returns', $_POST['returns']); end_outer_table(1); div_start('controls'); if (isset($_POST['Compute'])) { submit_center_first('Submit', _("Create Commission Voucher"), '', 'default'); } div_end(); br(); start_table(TABLESTYLE, "width=90%"); $th = array(_('IMC'), _('Invoice #'), _('Date'), _('Client'), ''); table_header($th); $k = 0; $res = get_salesman_trans($_POST['imc'], $_POST['customNum']); while ($myrow = db_fetch($res)) { alt_table_row_color($k); if (checkvouchexists($myrow['customized_no']) == 0) { if ($myrow['Voided'] == '') { label_cell($myrow['salesman_name']); label_cell($myrow['customized_no']); label_cell($myrow['tran_date']); label_cell($myrow['br_name']); edit_button_cell("Edit" . $myrow['customized_no'], _("Select")); } } end_row(); } end_table(1); div_end(); div_end(); br(); }