public function getNumeroCampos() { $num = dbase_numfields($this->conexao); if ($num != false) { return $num; } else { return false; } }
function import_dbf($db, $table, $dbf_file) { global $conn; if (!($dbf = dbase_open($dbf_file, 0))) { die("Could not open {$dbf_file} for import."); } $num_rec = dbase_numrecords($dbf); $num_fields = dbase_numfields($dbf); $fields = array(); for ($i = 1; $i <= $num_rec; $i++) { $row = @dbase_get_record_with_names($dbf, $i); $q = "insert into {$db}.{$table} values ("; foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if ($key == 'deleted') { continue; } $q .= "'" . addslashes(trim($val)) . "',"; // Code modified to trim out whitespaces } if (isset($extra_col_val)) { $q .= "'{$extra_col_val}',"; } $q = substr($q, 0, -1); $q .= ')'; //if the query failed - go ahead and print a bunch of debug info if (!($result = mysql_query($q, $conn))) { print mysql_error() . " SQL: {$q}\n\n"; print substr_count($q, ',') + 1 . " Fields total.\n\n"; $problem_q = explode(',', $q); $q1 = "desc {$db}.{$table}"; $result1 = mysql_query($q1, $conn); $columns = array(); $i = 1; while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($result1)) { $columns[$i] = $row1['Field']; $i++; } $i = 1; foreach ($problem_q as $pq) { print "{$i} column: {$columns[$i]} data: {$pq}\n\n"; $i++; } die; } } }
function subedbff($file = 'TRABAJAD.DBF') { //nota:hay que modificar el upload_max_file_size=100M del php.ini //nota:cambiar el tamanano de pres.nacinal a 15 caracteres //nota:cambiar tamano de carg.descrip a tamano de 100 set_time_limit(3600); $this->load->dbforge(); $this->load->dbutil(); $filea = explode('.', $file); $name = $filea[0]; $ext = $filea[1]; $uploadsdir = getcwd() . '/uploads/'; $filedir = $uploadsdir . $file; $tabla = strtoupper($ext . $name); if (extension_loaded('dbase')) { $db = dbase_open($filedir, 0); $this->dbforge->drop_table($tabla); if ($db) { $cols = dbase_numfields($db); $rows = dbase_numrecords($db); $row = dbase_get_record_with_names($db, 10); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $fields[trim($key)] = array('type' => 'TEXT'); } //print_r($fields); //exit(); $this->dbforge->add_field($fields); $this->dbforge->create_table($tabla); $insert = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $rows; $i++) { $r = dbase_get_record_with_names($db, $i); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $a = utf8_encode(trim($r[trim($key)])); $insert[trim($key)] = $a; } $this->db->insert($tabla, $insert); } echo $i; dbase_close($db); } else { echo "No pudo abrir el archivo"; } } else { echo 'Debe cargar las librerias dbase para poder usar este modulo'; } }
public function load_dbf($filename, $mode = 0) { if (!file_exists($filename)) { return cy_dt(CYE_ERROR, 'Not a valid DBF file!'); } $tail = substr($filename, -4); if (strcasecmp($tail, '.dbf') != 0) { return cy_dt(CYE_ERROR, 'Not a valid DBF file!'); } try { $this->_handler = dbase_open($filename, $mode); } catch (Exception $e) { echo $e->getMessage(); return cy_dt(CYE_ERROR, 'open DBF file failed!'); } $this->field_num = dbase_numfields($this->_handler); $this->rec_num = dbase_numrecords($this->_handler); $this->field_names = dbase_get_header_info($this->_handler); return cy_dt(0); }
/** * Gets the number of columns in a result set * * This method is not meant to be called directly. Use * DB_result::numCols() instead. It can't be declared "protected" * because DB_result is a separate object. * * @param resource $result PHP's query result resource * * @return int the number of columns. A DB_Error object on failure. * * @see DB_result::numCols() */ function numCols($foo) { return @dbase_numfields($this->connection); }
<?php $db = false; if (!empty($argc)) { $file = end($argv); $db = dbase_open($file, 0); } if ($db) { $iconvFrom = '866'; $iconvTo = 'UTF-8'; $delimetr = ','; $info = dbase_get_header_info($db); $fields = dbase_numfields($db); $fieldsCount = sizeof($fields); $records = dbase_numrecords($db); //for ($i = 1; $i <= 10; $i++) { # test for ($i = 1; $i <= $records; $i++) { $row = dbase_get_record($db, $i); $line = array(); for ($j = 0; $j < $fields; $j++) { $line[] = addslashes(iconv($iconvFrom, $iconvTo, trim($row[$j]))); } echo implode($delimetr, $line); echo PHP_EOL; } dbase_close($db); }
$tab_date = array(); // on constitue le tableau des champs à extraire $tabchamps = array("ABSTYPE", "ELENOET", "ABSDATD", "ABSDATF", "ABSSEQD", "ABSSEQF", "ABSHEUR", "ABSJUST", "ABSMOTI", "ABSACTI"); //ABSTYPE : Absence ou Retard ou Infirmerie //ELENOET : numéro de l'élève //ABSDATD : date de début de l'absence //ABSDATF : date de fin de l'absence //ABSSEQD : numéro de la séquence de début de l'absence //ABSSEQF : numéro de la séquence de fin de l'absence //ABSHEUR : heure de rentrée dans la cas d'un retard //ABSJUST : justification (Oui ou Non) //ABSMOTI : Motif //ABSACTI : ???? prend les valeurs suivantes AT, LE, CO, ... ? $nblignes = dbase_numrecords($fp); //number of rows $nbchamps = dbase_numfields($fp); //number of fields if (@dbase_get_record_with_names($fp, 1)) { $temp = @dbase_get_record_with_names($fp, 1); } else { echo "<p>Le fichier sélectionné n'est pas valide !<br />\n"; echo "<a href='import_absences_gep.php?id_classe={$id_classe}&periode_num={$periode_num}&step=3'>Cliquer ici </a> pour recommencer !</center></p>\n"; die; } $nb = 0; foreach ($temp as $key => $val) { $en_tete[$nb] = $key; $nb++; } // On range dans tabindice les indices des champs retenus for ($k = 0; $k < count($tabchamps); $k++) {
$xi = xbase_open("test/xbase.dbf", 2); echo "dbase<br>"; echo "index = {$di} <br>"; echo "<br>"; echo "xbase<br>"; echo "index = {$xi} <br>"; echo "header info: "; print_r(xbase_get_header_info($xi)); dbase_close($di); xbase_close($xi); echo "<br><br>"; $di = dbase_open("test/xbase.dbf", 0); $xi = xbase_open("test/dbase.dbf", 0); echo "dbase<br>"; echo "index = {$di} <br>"; echo "column count = " . dbase_numfields($di) . " <br>"; echo "record count = " . dbase_numrecords($di) . " <br>"; echo "<table>"; for ($i = 0; $i < dbase_numrecords($di); $i++) { echo "<tr>"; $r = dbase_get_record_with_names($di, $i + 1); foreach ($r as $c => $v) { echo "<td> {$c}={$v} </td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table>"; echo "<br>"; echo "xbase<br>"; echo "index = {$xi} <br>"; echo "column count = " . xbase_numfields($xi) . " <br>";
function subedbf($file = 'DATONO02.DBF', $insertar = true) { set_time_limit(3600); $this->load->dbforge(); $this->load->dbutil(); $filea = explode('.', $file); $name = $filea[0]; $ext = $filea[1]; $uploadsdir = getcwd() . '/uploads/'; $filedir = $uploadsdir . $file; $tabla = strtoupper($ext . $name); if (extension_loaded('dbase')) { $db = @dbase_open($filedir, 0); $this->dbforge->drop_table($tabla); if ($db) { $cols = @dbase_numfields($db); $rows = @dbase_numrecords($db); $row = @dbase_get_record_with_names($db, 10); print_r($row); count($row); if (is_array($row) > 0) { foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $fields[trim($key)] = array('type' => 'TEXT'); } //print_r($fields); //exit(); @$this->dbforge->add_field($fields); @$this->dbforge->create_table($tabla); if ($insertar) { $insert = array(); for ($i = 0; $i <= $rows; $i++) { $r = @dbase_get_record_with_names($db, $i); foreach ($row as $key => $value) { $a = @utf8_encode(trim($r[trim($key)])); $insert[trim($key)] = $a; } @$this->db->insert($tabla, $insert); echo 1; } } @dbase_close($db); } } else { echo "No pudo abrir el archivo"; } } else { echo 'Debe cargar las librerias dbase para poder usar este modulo'; } }
function execute() { $toFix = false; $archiveDBFname = $this->path; $variables = new Variables(); $MySQLconnect = new Connect($variables->dbHost, $variables->dbUser, $variables->dbPassword, $variables->dbName); if (!($DFBconnect = dbase_open($archiveDBFname, 0))) { //only reading return false; } //Connection to DBF error //get number of rows of dbf table $numRows = dbase_numrecords($DFBconnect); //get number of files of dbf table $numFields = dbase_numfields($DFBconnect); //the DBF registers begins with 1 for ($x = 1; $x <= $numRows; $x++) { $DBFrow = dbase_get_record($DFBconnect, $x); //Get DBF archive rows $this->DB[$x - 1] = $DBFrow; } /*$host_ftp = "localhost"; $user_ftp = "root"; $pass_ftp = ""; // Faz a conexão com o Servidor $ftp_con = ftp_connect($host_ftp); // Efetua o login com o usuário e senha informados $ftp_log = ftp_login($ftp_con,$user_ftp,$pass_ftp); // Deleta o arquivo informado if(!ftp_delete($ftp_con, $archiveDBFname)) die("ERRO CRITICO FTP!"); // Encerramos a conexão de FTP previamente estabelecida ftp_close($ftp_con);*/ /*echo(decoct(777)."<br/>"); $temp = stat($archiveDBFname); echo(octdec($temp["mode"])."<br/>"); echo(octdec(fileperms($archiveDBFname))); if(!unlink($archiveDBFname)) die("ERRO CRITICO!"); die("OK");*/ //unlink($archiveDBFname) if (!$MySQLconnect->start()) { echo "Impossible to star connection in Handler."; } if (strlen($this->folhaType) > 0) { $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($MySQLconnect->execute("SELECT codigo_fol FROM Folhas where nome='{$this->folhaType}'")); $code = $row["codigo_fol"]; } for ($x = 0; $x < $numRows; $x++) { switch ($this->tableId) { case "dcr": $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cargos (cargo, descricao_cargo , tipo, vencimento) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][2] . "', " . $this->DB[$x][3] . ")"); break; case "dlt": $aux = array("INSERT INTO Lotacoes (lotacao, descricao_lotacao , secretaria) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][2])) . "')"); break; case "especial": $aux = array("INSERT INTO Especialidades (codigo_esp, descricao_especialidade , cargo) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][2] . "')"); break; case "eventos": $aux = array("INSERT INTO Eventos (codigo_eve, descricao_evento, IRRF, IPMT, FAL, FIXO, TEMP, valor_eve, GRAT, FGTS, desconto, nivel_eve, INSS) VALUES ('" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][1])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][2] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][3] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][4] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][6] . "', " . $this->DB[$x][7] . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', " . $this->DB[$x][10] . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "')"); break; case "cadastro": $date = explode("-", $_SESSION["day"]); $query = "SELECT * FROM Cadastros WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code; $result = $MySQLconnect->execute($query); $cont = $MySQLconnect->counterResult($result); if ($code == 1) { if ($cont > 0) { $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', hora_sem='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', instrucao='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', receber='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', val_niv=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . ", data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][37]) . "', permanente='" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", vencimento=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", flag='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', entrada='" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][47] . "', medico='" . $this->DB[$x][48] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', CPF='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', PIS_PASEP='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', orgao_expedidor='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', numero='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . ""); } else { $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . ", '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][37]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][47] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][48] . "', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "', " . $code . ")"); } } else { if ($code == 2) { if ($cont > 0) { $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][10] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', hora_sem='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', instrucao='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][20]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][23] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][24] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][26]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', receber='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', val_niv=0, data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . "', permanente='" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", vencimento=0, flag='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', entrada='" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', medico='" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', CPF='" . $this->DB[$x][17] . "', PIS_PASEP='" . $this->DB[$x][18] . "', data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][19]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', orgao_expedidor='" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', numero='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . ""); } else { $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][10] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][20]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][23] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][24] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][26]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', 0, '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][39]) . ", 0, '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][45]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][46] . "', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][17] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][18] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][19]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][44])) . "', " . $code . ")"); } } else { if ($code == 3) { if ($cont > 0) { $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', hora_sem='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', instrucao='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', receber='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', 0, data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . "', permanente='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][42]) . ", 0, 'z', 'z', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][45] . "', 'z', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', CPF='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', PIS_PASEP='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', orgao_expedidor='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "', numero='" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . ""); } else { $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][36] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', 0, '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][42]) . ", 0, 'z', 'z', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][40]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][43] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][45] . "', 'z', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][38] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "', " . $code . ")"); } } else { if ($code == 4) { if ($cont > 0) { $aux = array("UPDATE Cadastros SET cargo='" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', lotacao='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', data_admissao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', vinculo='" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', previdencia'" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', nivel='" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', dep_imp_re='" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', hora_sem='" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', instrucao='" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', data_afastamento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', sindical='" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', dp_sal_fam='" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', hora_ponto='" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', vale_transporte='" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', data_promocao='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', tipo='" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', situacao='" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', descontar='" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', receber='" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', funcao='" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', maior_360='" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', prof_40h='" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', vlt_ver='" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', 0, data_FGTS='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . "', permanente='z', remuneracao_bruto=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . ", vencimento=0, flag='z', entrada='" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', liquido=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . ", sobregrat='" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', assistencia='" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', medico='z', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Pessoal SET nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', sexo='" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', CPF='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', PIS_PASEP='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', data_nascimento='" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', ultimo_nome='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE RG SET identidade='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', orgao_expedidor='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', codigo_fol=" . $code . " WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "'", "UPDATE Inf_Bancaria SET conta='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', banco='" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "', numero='" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "' WHERE matricula='" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "' AND codigo_fol=" . $code . ""); } else { $aux = array("INSERT INTO Cadastros (matricula, cargo, lotacao, data_admissao, vinculo, previdencia, nivel, dep_imp_re, hora_sem, instrucao, data_afastamento, sindical, dp_sal_fam, hora_ponto, vale_transporte, data_promocao, tipo, situacao, descontar, receber, funcao, maior_360, prof_40h, vlt_ver, val_niv, data_FGTS, permanente, remuneracao_bruto, vencimento, flag, entrada, liquido, sobregrat, assistencia, medico, senha, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][8] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][4]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][5] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][7] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][9] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][11] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][13] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][14] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][18]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][19] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][20] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][21] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][22] . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][24]) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][27] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][28] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][29] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][30] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][31] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][33] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][34] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][35] . "', 0, '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][36]) . "', 'z', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][44]) . ", 0, 'z', '" . $this->DB[$x][37] . "', " . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][38]) . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][41] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][42] . "', 'z', '" . $this->passwordMaker() . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Pessoal (matricula, nome, sexo, CPF, PIS_PASEP, data_nascimento, ultimo_nome, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][3])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][12] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][15])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][16])) . "', '" . $this->dateFormater($this->DB[$x][17]) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][32])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO RG (matricula, identidade, orgao_expedidor, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][25])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][26])) . "', " . $code . ")", "INSERT INTO Inf_Bancaria (matricula, conta, banco, numero, codigo_fol) VALUES ('" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][6])) . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][39] . "', '" . $this->DB[$x][40] . "', " . $code . ")"); } } } } } break; case "calculo": $date = explode("-", $_SESSION["day"]); $query = "SELECT * FROM Calculos WHERE matricula='" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "' AND fol_codigo=" . $code . " AND data BETWEEN '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-01' and '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-31' AND eve_codigo='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "' AND valor='" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][2]) . "'"; $result = $MySQLconnect->execute($query); if ($MySQLconnect->counterResult($result) > 0) { $aux = array("UPDATE Calculos SET valor=" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][2]) . " WHERE matricula='" . $this->DB[$x][0] . "' AND fol_codigo=" . $code . " AND eve_codigo='" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "' AND data BETWEEN '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-01' and '" . $date[2] . "-" . $date[1] . "-31'"); } else { $aux = array("INSERT INTO Calculos (valor, fol_codigo, eve_codigo, matricula, data) VALUES (" . $this->valueFormater($this->DB[$x][2]) . ", " . $code . ", '" . $this->DB[$x][1] . "', '" . addslashes(zkl($this->xkey, $this->DB[$x][0])) . "', '" . $this->dateFormater2($_SESSION["day"]) . "')"); } break; } /*foreach($aux as $query){ echo $query."<br>"; }*/ foreach ($aux as $query) { if (!$MySQLconnect->execute($query)) { /*echo $query."<br>"; die();*/ $toFix = true; $this->DB[$x][$numFields] = "true"; } else { $this->DB[$x][$numFields] = "false"; } } } //$MySQLconnect->close(); dbase_close($DFBconnect); unlink($archiveDBFname); if ($toFix and $this->tableId != "cadastro" and $this->tableId != "calculo") { $this->fixProblems($numFields, $numRows); } else { header("Location: ../importDocuments.php?upl=true&tab={$this->tableId}"); } }
function num_fields($query) { if ($this->debug) { echo "<pre style=\"color : green\">Getting number of fields {$this->dbpath} <p style=\"color:purple;\"> {$query} </p></pre>"; } $nooffields = 0; //Validate the sql statement and make adjustments switch ($this->dbtype) { /* Firebird Functionality */ case "firebird": //write some things here $nooffields = ibase_num_fields($query); break; /* SQLite Functionality */ /* SQLite Functionality */ case "sqlite": putenv("TMP=" . $this->tmppath); $nooffields = sqlite_num_fields($query); break; /*DBASE functionality */ /*DBASE functionality */ case "dbase": $nooffields = dbase_numfields($this->dbh); break; /* MYSQL Functionality */ /* MYSQL Functionality */ case "mysql": $nooffields = mysql_num_fields($query); break; /* Oracle Functionality */ /* Oracle Functionality */ case "oracle": $nooffields = oci_num_fields($query); break; /* PGSQL Functionality */ /* PGSQL Functionality */ case "pgsql": $nooffields = pg_num_fields($query); break; } if ($this->debug) { echo "<pre style=\"color : blue\">Number of fields {$nooffields} \n </pre>"; } return $nooffields; }
echo 'row before inserting is: '; print_r($row); // Replace the record dbase_replace_record($db, $row, 1); echo 'trying record num 1: '; $rec = dbase_get_record($db, 1); $nf = dbase_numfields($db); for ($i = 0; $i < $nf; $i++) { echo $rec[$i], "\n"; } echo 'deleting row 2. before deletion: '; $rec = dbase_get_record($db, 2); $nf = dbase_numfields($db); for ($i = 0; $i < $nf; $i++) { echo $rec[$i], "\n"; } echo dbase_delete_record($db, 2); echo 'before db pack'; echo dbase_pack($db); echo 'after pack, trying to fetch record 2'; $rec = dbase_get_record($db, 2); $nf = dbase_numfields($db); for ($i = 0; $i < $nf; $i++) { echo $rec[$i], "\n"; } dbase_close($db); } ?>