$entry_txt .= "y"; } else { $entry_txt .= "ies"; } $titles .= "<h3>" . mon_to_fullstring($month) . " ({$entry_txt})</h3><ul>\n"; $titles_empty = ""; foreach ($title_list as $idx => $title_pair) { $hash = $title_pair["hash"]; $title = $title_pair["title"]; if ($title) { // spew out the list of empty titles if we have any if ($titles_empty != "") { $titles .= "\t<li>{$titles_empty}</li>\n"; $titles_empty = ""; } $titles .= "\t<li>" . date_to_string(substr($hash, 1, 20)) . " - <a href=\"#{$hash}\">{$title}</a></li>\n"; } else { // add this entry to the list of empty titles $m = substr($hash, 5, 2); $d = substr($hash, 7, 2); $titles_empty .= "<a href=\"#{$hash}\">{$d}</a> "; } } if ($titles_empty != "") { $titles .= "\t<li>{$titles_empty}</li>\n"; } $titles .= "</ul>\n\n"; } $titles .= "\n\n"; fputs($fp, $head); fputs($fp, $titles);
$fp = fopen($output_file, "w"); $head = starttex(".plan {$key}", "", "\\rightmark", ""); $head .= "\\begin{document}\n" . title2tex(".plan ({$key})"); $body = ""; $last_month = ""; $titles_by_month = array(); // Sort by date asort($list); foreach ($list as $file) { // Read the file in, extract date $fp_plan = fopen($dir . $file, "r"); $data_plan = ltrim(fread($fp_plan, filesize($dir . $file))); fclose($fp_plan); $date_from_file = substr($file, 11, 8); $month = substr($date_from_file, 4, 2); $date = date_to_string($date_from_file); if ($date_from_file < "19960701") { continue; } if ($month != $last_month) { $body .= "\\chapter{" . $mon_full[$month] . "}\n"; $last_month = $month; } // Pull out a title if we can $title = ""; // A string of text followed by 2 line breaks if (preg_match("/^(.*?)(\n\n|\r\n\r\n)/", $data_plan, $matches)) { $tmp = $matches[1]; // Has to be smaller than 90 for a title, and not start with * or + if (strlen($tmp) < 90 && !preg_match("/^(\\*|\\+)/", $tmp)) { $data_plan = ltrim(substr($data_plan, strlen($tmp) + 2, strlen($data_plan)));
echo '<div class="ink-dropdown">'; echo '<button class="ink-button toggle" data-target="#dropdown-' . $user['uid'] . '">' . get_tag_icon_html(0) . ' ' . '<i class="icon-caret-down"></i></button>'; echo '<ul id="dropdown-' . $user['uid'] . '" class="dropdown-menu">'; foreach ($user['tags'] as $tag) { echo '<li style="font-weight : normal;"><a href="tag?uid=' . $tag['uid'] . '">' . get_tag_icon_html($tag['type']) . ' ' . $tag['uid'] . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } ?> <?php if (count($user['equipments']) > 0) { echo '<div class="ink-dropdown">'; echo '<button class="ink-button toggle" data-target="#dropdown-equipments' . $user['uid'] . '">' . '<i class="icon-tablet"></i>' . ' ' . '<i class="icon-caret-down"></i></button>'; echo '<ul id="dropdown-equipments' . $user['uid'] . '" class="dropdown-menu">'; foreach ($user['equipments'] as $equipment) { echo '<li style="font-weight : normal;"><a href="equipment?id=' . $equipment['id'] . '"> ' . $equipment['name'] . '</a>' . ' ' . _("jusqu'au") . ' ' . date_to_string($equipment['end']) . '</li>'; } echo '</ul></div>'; } ?> </td> </tr> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> <nav class="ink-navigation"><ul class="pagination rounded shadowed grey"></ul></nav> </div> </section> <div>
} echo '</ul></div>'; } ?> <?php if (count($client['jobs']) > 0) { echo '<div class="ink-dropdown">'; echo '<button class="ink-button toggle" data-target="#dropdown-jobs' . $client['uid'] . '">' . '<i class="fa fa-cube"></i>' . _(" Mes impressions 3D ") . '<i class="icon-caret-down"></i></button>'; echo '<ul id="dropdown-jobs' . $client['uid'] . '" class="dropdown-menu">'; foreach ($client['jobs'] as $job) { if ($job['status'] == 0) { echo '<li><a href="job?id=' . $job['id'] . '"> <i class="icon-circle ink-label error invert"></i> ' . $job['file'] . ' ' . _("livré") . ' ' . date_to_string($job['delivery']) . '</a></li>'; } elseif ($job['status'] == 1) { echo '<li><a href="job?id=' . $job['id'] . '"> <i class="icon-circle ink-label warning invert"></i> ' . $job['file'] . ' ' . _("livré") . ' ' . date_to_string($job['delivery']) . '</a></li>'; } else { echo '<li><a href="job?id=' . $job['id'] . '"> <i class="icon-circle ink-label success invert"></i> ' . $job['file'] . ' ' . _("livré") . ' ' . date_to_string($job['delivery']) . '</a></li>'; } } echo '</ul></div>'; } ?> </div> </div> <div class="ink-shade"> <div id="messageModal" class="ink-modal" data-trigger="#messageModal"> <div class="modal-header"> <button class="modal-close ink-dismiss"></button> <h3><?php echo _('Envoyer un message'); ?> </h3>
echo monthname($_GET["month"]) . " " . $_GET["year"]; ?> </h2> <table> <tr> <th>datum</th> <th>druh dne</th> <th>přesčas</th> <th>poznamka</th> </tr> <?php $total = 0; for ($day = 1; checkdate($_GET["month"], $day, $_GET["year"]); $day++) { $date = date_to_string($_GET["year"], $_GET["month"], $day); $time = db_get_condition("overtimes", "time", "date='" . $date . "' AND employee='" . $_GET["employee"] . "'"); if (!$time) { continue; } $time = datetime_to_secs($time); if ($time == 0) { continue; } $daytype = weekdayname($_GET["year"], $_GET["month"], $day); if (db_get_condition("vacancies", "date", "date='" . $date . "'")) { $daytype .= " + svatek"; } $note = db_get_condition("comments", "text", "date='" . $date . "' AND employee='" . $_GET["employee"] . "'"); $total += $time; echo "<tr>";
$cl = ""; } */ $cl = ""; $box_alternate ^= 1; $output_file = $conf->user . "_interview_" . substr($date_key, 0, 4) . "_" . $clean_title_in . ".html"; $output_path = "../{$output_file}"; // add_to_timeline( $timestamp, $type, $title, $url ) add_to_timeline(substr($date_key, 0, 8), "Interview", $title_in, $output_file); $titles .= "<li{$cl}><span class=\"strong\">" . date_to_string($date_key) . "</span> - {$organization_in} - <a href=\"{$output_file}\"> {$title_in} </a> - \n{$synopsis_in}</li> \n"; /* SUB PAGE */ $fp_out = fopen($output_path, "w"); $head_out = preg_replace(array("/@keywords/", "/@title/"), array($conf->keywords . ", interview", "{$conf->title} - {$title_in} (" . date_to_string($date_key) . ")"), $conf->header); $head_out .= "<h1>{$title_in}</h1><p></p>\r\n<h2>Overview</h2>\r\n<p>\r\n\t<span class=\"strong\">Date: </span> " . date_to_string($date_key) . " <br />\r\n\t<span class=\"strong\">Original URL: </span> <a href=\"{$url_in}\">{$url_in}</a> <br />\r\n\t<span class=\"strong\">Synopsis: </span> {$synopsis_in} <br />\r\n</p>"; $body_out = "<h2>Questions</h2>"; $sections_out = ""; $sections_cnt = 0; $questions_cnt = 0; preg_match_all("/<(.+?)( .+?)?>(.+?)<\\/\\1>\r/s", $text_in, $tags_out, PREG_SET_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags_out); $i++) { $tag = $tags_out[$i][1]; $tag_args = $tags_out[$i][2]; $tag_text = trim($tags_out[$i][3]); $tag_text = preg_replace("/\n/", "<br />\n", $tag_text); //$tag_text = "<p>{$tag_text}</p>"; //$tag_text = preg_replace( "/\n/", "</p><p>\n", $tag_text ); $tag_text = wordwrap($tag_text, 80, "\n"); switch ($tag) { case "desc":
foreach ($jobs as $job) { ?> <tr> <td><a href="/models/<?php echo $job['file']; ?> "><?php echo $job['file']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $job['firstname']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo date_to_string($job['delivery']); ?> </td> <?php if ($job['status'] == 0) { echo '<td><span class="ink-label error">' . _("Non traité") . '</span></td>'; } elseif ($job['status'] == 1) { echo '<td><span class="ink-label warning">' . _("Traitement") . '</span></td>'; } else { echo '<td><span class="ink-label success">' . _("Livré") . '</span></td>'; } ?> </tr> <?php } ?>
private function _request_auth() { ZResponse::getInstance()->setCode(401)->setMessage('Unauthorized')->setHeader('Date', date_to_string(date_create(DATE_RSS)))->setHeader('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="Secure area"'); throw new ZControllerException('Unauthorized', ZControllerException::EXC_AUTH); }
fclose($fp); $output_file = "../slashdot.html"; $fp = fopen($output_file, "w"); $head = preg_replace(array("/@keywords/", "/@title/"), array($conf->keywords . ", slashdot", "{$conf->title} - Slashdot archive"), $conf->header); $head .= read_file("template/slashdot.html"); $titles = "<h2>Article List</h2>\n<ul>\n"; ksort($sids); foreach ($sids as $sid_key => $sid_info) { $titles .= "\t<li>" . sidkey_to_date($sid_key) . " - <a href=\"#s{$sid_key}\">{$sid_info['title']}</a></li>\n"; } $titles .= "</ul>\n\n"; $body = "<h2>Comments</h2>\n"; ksort($sids); foreach ($sids as $sid_key => $sid_info) { $body .= "\t<h3><a href=\"#s{$sid_key}\"><img src=\"dot.png\" alt=\"\" /></a><a id=\"s{$sid_key}\"></a> <a href=\"{$sid_info['url']}\">{$sid_info['title']}</a></h3>\n\n\t<div class=\"highlight_block\">\n"; ksort($posts[$sid_key]); foreach ($posts[$sid_key] as $date => $post_list) { foreach ($post_list as $idx => $post_info) { add_to_timeline(substr($date, 0, 8), "Slashdot", "{$post_info['article']} - {$post_info['title']}", "slashdot.html#s{$sid_key}"); $body .= "\t\t<h4>" . date_to_string($date) . " - <a href=\"{$post_info['url']}\">{$post_info['title']}</a></h4><div>{$post_info['post']}</div>\n"; } } $body .= "\t</div>\n"; } $body .= "<p></p>"; fputs($fp, $head); fputs($fp, $titles); fputs($fp, $body); fputs($fp, $conf->footer); fclose($fp); chmod($output_file, 0666);
$head .= "\\begin{document}\n" . title2tex("Interviews"); $body = ""; ksort($interview_list); foreach ($interview_list as $date_key => $file) { $fp_in = fopen($file, "r"); $url_in = rtrim(fgets($fp_in, 1024)); $title_in = rtrim(fgets($fp_in, 1024)); $synopsis_in = rtrim(fgets($fp_in, 1024)); $organization_in = rtrim(fgets($fp_in, 1024)); $interviewer_in = rtrim(fgets($fp_in, 1024)); $text_in = fread($fp_in, filesize($file)); /* MAIN PAGE */ $body .= "\\chapter{" . html2tex($title_in) . "}\n"; $body .= "This interview was conducted by {$interviewer_in} for {$organization_in} on " . date_to_string($date_key) . ".\n\n"; $body .= "\\url{" . $url_in . "}\n\n"; $body .= "\\section*{Interview}\n\n"; $sections_out = ""; $sections_cnt = 0; $questions_cnt = 0; preg_match_all("/<(.+?)( .+?)?>(.+?)<\\/\\1>\r/s", $text_in, $tags_out, PREG_SET_ORDER); for ($i = 0; $i < count($tags_out); $i++) { $tag = $tags_out[$i][1]; $tag_args = ltrim(rtrim($tags_out[$i][2])); $tag_text = ltrim(rtrim($tags_out[$i][3])); switch ($tag) { case "desc": $body .= "\\section*{Prologue}\n" . html2tex($tag_text) . "\n\\section*{Questions}\n"; break; case "q":
if (preg_match("/" . $conf->user . "_plan_(....)(..)(..)\\.txt/", $file, $matches)) { $year = $matches[1]; $month = $matches[2]; $day = $matches[3]; $plans_mon["{$year}{$month}"][] = $file; $plans_yr["{$year}"][] = $file; } } closedir($dh); } foreach ($plans_yr as $key => $list) { $output_file = $conf->user . "_plan_" . $key . ".txt"; $fp = fopen($output_file, "w"); asort($list); foreach ($list as $file) { $fp_plan = fopen($dir . $file, "r"); $data_plan = fread($fp_plan, filesize($dir . $file)); fclose($fp_plan); $date = date_to_string(substr($file, 11, 8)); fputs($fp, "-----------------------------------------\n" . $conf->fullname . "'s .plan for {$date}\n-----------------------------------------\n\n"); fwrite($fp, $data_plan, strlen($data_plan)); fputs($fp, "\n\n\n"); } fclose($fp); chmod($output_file, 0777); } exec("zip -9 ../files/" . $conf->user . "_plan_by_year.zip " . $conf->user . "_plan_????.txt"); exec("zip -9 -j ../files/" . $conf->user . "_plan_by_day.zip " . $dir . $conf->user . "_plan_????????.txt"); chmod("../files/" . $conf->user . "_plan_by_year.zip", 0777); chmod("../files/" . $conf->user . "_plan_by_day.zip", 0777); exec("rm " . $conf->user . "_plan_????.txt");
function is_holiday($year, $month, $day) { $date = date_to_string($year, $month, $day); $res = db_query("SELECT id FROM vacancies WHERE date='" . $date . "'"); $row = pg_fetch_array($res); pg_free_result($res); if ($row) { return true; } return false; }
add_to_timeline("20110807", "Audio", "John Carmack at QuakeCon 2011", "http://www.archive.org/details/JohnCarmackAtQuakecon2011"); write_template("audio.html", ", audio, mp3, speech, keynote", " - Audio files"); write_template("plan.html", ", blog, log, plan", " - plan Archive"); write_template("pdfs.html", ", pdf", " - .pdf Archive"); // build latest postings for index krsort($timeline); $text = "<h2>Recent Items</h2>\n<ul>"; $items = 0; foreach ($timeline as $timestamp => $link_array) { $cnt = count($link_array); for ($i = $cnt - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { if ($items++ > 20) { break; } $link_info = $link_array[$i]; $text .= "<li><span class=\"strong\">" . date_to_string($timestamp) . "</span> - ({$link_info['type']}) <a href=\"{$link_info['url']}\">{$link_info['title']}</a></li>\n"; } } write_timeline(); // copy static in if ($dh = opendir($static_dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if (strlen($file) > 2) { copy($static_dir . $file, $root_dir . $file); chmod($root_dir . $file, 0777); // :| } } closedir($dh); } include "page_compress.php";
<tr> <td><?php echo $equipment['uid']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $equipment['name']; ?> </td> <td class="hide-small hide-medium"><?php echo $equipment['description']; ?> </td> <td><?php if ($equipment['hirer']) { echo '<span class="ink-label error invert">' . _("Loué par") . ' ' . $equipment['hirer'] . ' ' . _("jusqu'au") . ' ' . date_to_string($equipment['end']) . '</span>'; } else { echo '<span class="ink-label success invert">' . _("Disponible") . '</span>'; } ?> </td> <td> <a href="equipment?id=<?php echo $equipment['id']; ?> "><button class="ink-button"><i class="icon-pencil"></i></button></a> <a href="equipment/delete?id=<?php echo $equipment['id']; ?> "><button class="ink-button red"><i class="icon-remove"></i></button></a> <?php