예제 #1
파일: load.php 프로젝트: Vosie/CardsService
function processJSONFile($conn, $lang, $category, $topic, $file)
    $content = file_get_contents($file);
    echo 'import ' . $lang . ', ' . $category . ', ' . $topic . ', ' . $file . ':';
    $result = createCache($conn, $category, $lang, $topic, $content);
    if (!$result) {
        die("mysql error: " . $conn->error);
    echo $result . '<br>';
예제 #2
 * This function is used in the sidebar to display a random image
 * from the gallery
function lg_random_image($title)
    global $gallery_address, $gallery_root, $user_level, $lg_text_domain, $wp_rewrite;
    $gallery_uri = get_option('lg_gallery_uri');
    // Fix for permalinks
    if ($wp_rewrite->using_permalinks()) {
        $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '?';
    } else {
        $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '&amp;';
    if ($dir_content = opendir($gallery_root)) {
        echo $title;
        // Gather image files
        $imgfiles = lg_build_img_array();
        // Get a random image
        $img = $imgfiles[rand(0, sizeof($imgfiles) - 1)];
        // Keep track of the folders and separate from file (due to use of "thumbs folder")
        $img_file_path = explode('/', $img);
        $img_index = count($img_file_path) - 1;
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($img_file_path) - 1; $i++) {
            $folder .= $img_file_path[$i] . '/';
            // now $folder contains the path to the file without the filename
            // ie: some/where/
        $img_file = $img_file_path[$img_index];
        // $img_file contains now only the file name
        echo '<div id="lazyest_sidebox">' . "\n";
        // Slide's Cache System code (used for lightbox)
        $slide_folder = get_option('lg_slide_folder');
        // Gather Captions infos
        if (file_exists($gallery_root . $folder . 'captions.xml')) {
            $caption = clean_image_caption($img_file, $folder);
        $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
        if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $folder . $slide_folder . $img_file) && strlen($img_file) > 0) {
            createCache($folder, $img_file, false);
        /* =============
         * The Right URL
         * ============= */
        // Lightbox Informations
        $lb_enabled = get_option('lg_enable_lb_support');
        $lb_sidebar = get_option('lg_enable_lb_sidebar_support');
        $lb_force = get_option('lg_force_lb_support');
        // Thickbox informations
        $tb_enabled = get_option('lg_enable_tb_support');
        $tb_sidebar = get_option('lg_enable_tb_sidebar_support');
        $tb_force = get_option('lg_force_tb_support');
        // Slides' cache infos
        $lg_scache = get_option('lg_enable_slides_cache');
        // Image URL
        $urlImg = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_address . $folder . $slide_folder . $img_file);
        // Lightbox code
        if ($lb_enabled == "TRUE" && $lb_sidebar == "TRUE" && $lg_scache == "TRUE" && some_lightbox_plugin() || $lb_force == "TRUE") {
            echo "<a href='{$urlImg}' rel='lightbox' title='{$title}'>";
        } elseif ($tb_enabled == "TRUE" && $tb_sidebar == "TRUE" && $lg_scache == "TRUE" && some_thickbox_plugin() || $tb_force == "TRUE") {
            echo '<a href="' . $urlImg . '" class="thickbox" title="' . $title . ' ">';
        } else {
            // $img contains the full path to the file starting from $gallery_root (excluded)
            $urlImg = str_replace(" ", "%20", $img);
            echo '<a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $urlImg . '">' . "\n";
        /* ================
         * End of Right URL
         * ================ */
        /* ==============
         * Thumbnail code
         * ============== */
        if ($img) {
            // Gather Captions infos
            if (file_exists($gallery_root . $folder . 'captions.xml')) {
                $caption = clean_image_caption($img_file, $folder);
            } else {
                $caption = "Click to visit my gallery!";
            // This will remove HTML tags (which is incompatible with "title" argument)
            $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
            // Cache System code
            if (get_option('lg_enable_cache') == "TRUE") {
                $thumb_folder = get_option('lg_thumb_folder');
                if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $folder . $thumb_folder . $img)) {
                    createCache($folder, $img_file, true);
                $url = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_address . $folder . $thumb_folder . $img_file);
                echo '<img src="' . $url . '"  alt="' . $img . '" title="' . $title . '"/>';
            } else {
                $urlImg = str_replace(" ", "%20", $img);
                echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $urlImg . '&amp;thumb=1"  style="border: 1px solid #ccc; vertical-align:middle;padding:2px;"  alt="' . $img . '" title="' . $title . '" />';
        echo "</a></div>";
예제 #3
function cache($query, $time, $folder = '', $server = array(), $name = '')
    global $settings;
    $md5 = md5($query);
    if ($folder == '' && empty($name)) {
        $file = $md5;
    } else {
        if ($folder != '' && empty($name)) {
            $file = $folder . '/' . $md5;
        } else {
            if ($folder != '' && !empty($name)) {
                $file = $folder . '/' . $name;
            } else {
                if ($folder == '' && !empty($name)) {
                    $file = $name;
    if ($settings['debug']['sqlcache'] == true) {
        echo "<pre>";
        echo substr($query, 0, 1000);
        echo "</pre>";
    if ($settings['apc_enabled']) {
        if (apc_exists($file)) {
            return apc_fetch($file);
        } else {
            return createCache($query, $server, $file, $time);
    } else {
        $file = IN_PATH . 'cache/' . $file . '.php';
        if ($folder != '' && !is_dir(IN_PATH . 'cache/' . $folder)) {
            mkdir(IN_PATH . 'cache/' . $folder, 0777, true);
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            if (time() - filemtime($file) > $time) {
                // Needs recache
                return createCache($query, $server, $file);
                // Return the fresh data
            } else {
                // Serve the cache
                return unserialize(file_get_contents($file, NULL, NULL, 16));
        } else {
            // Cache needs creating
            return createCache($query, $server, $file);
            // Return the fresh data
예제 #4
 * This function builds the page relative to the caption system
function lg_build_captions_form()
    global $gallery_root, $gallery_address, $lg_text_domain;
    $capdir = $_GET['captions'];
    // main container div
    echo '<div class="wrap">';
    /* ==========
     * Upload div
     * ========== */
    $folder = $gallery_root . $capdir;
    $allowed_types = explode(' ', trim(strtolower(get_option('lg_fileupload_allowedtypes'))));
    if ($_POST['upload']) {
        $action = 'upload';
    if (!is_writable($folder)) {
        $action = 'not-writable';
    switch ($action) {
        case 'not-writable':
            printf(__("It doesn't look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (<code>%s</code>) doesn't appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.", $lg_text_domain), $folder);
        case 'upload':
            $imgalt = basename(isset($_POST['imgalt']) ? $_POST['imgalt'] : '');
            $img1_name = strlen($imgalt) ? $imgalt : basename($_FILES['img1']['name']);
            $img1_name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_.]/i', '', $img1_name);
            $img1_size = $_POST['img1_size'] ? intval($_POST['img1_size']) : intval($_FILES['img1']['size']);
            $img1_type = strlen($imgalt) ? $_POST['img1_type'] : $_FILES['img1']['type'];
            $pi = pathinfo($img1_name);
            $imgtype = strtolower($pi['extension']);
            if (in_array($imgtype, $allowed_types) == false) {
                die(sprintf(__('File %1$s of type %2$s is not allowed.', $lg_text_domain), $img1_name, $imgtype));
            if (strlen($imgalt)) {
                $pathtofile = $folder . $imgalt;
                $img1 = $_POST['img1'];
            } else {
                $pathtofile = $folder . $img1_name;
                $img1 = $_FILES['img1']['tmp_name'];
            // makes sure not to upload duplicates, rename duplicates
            $i = 1;
            $pathtofile2 = $pathtofile;
            $tmppathtofile = $pathtofile2;
            $img2_name = $img1_name;
            while (file_exists($pathtofile2)) {
                $pos = strpos(strtolower($tmppathtofile), '.' . trim($imgtype));
                $pathtofile_start = substr($tmppathtofile, 0, $pos);
                $pathtofile2 = $pathtofile_start . '_' . zeroise($i++, 2) . '.' . trim($imgtype);
                $img2_name = explode('/', $pathtofile2);
                $img2_name = $img2_name[count($img2_name) - 1];
            if (file_exists($pathtofile) && !strlen($imgalt)) {
                $i = explode(' ', get_option('lg_fileupload_allowedtypes'));
                $i = implode(', ', array_slice($i, 1, count($i) - 2));
                $moved = move_uploaded_file($img1, $pathtofile2);
                if (!$moved) {
                    $moved = copy($img1, $pathtofile2);
                if (!$moved) {
                    die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s.", $lg_text_domain), $pathtofile2));
                } else {
                    chmod($pathtofile2, 0666);
                // duplicate-renaming function contributed by Gary Lawrence Murphy
                __('Duplicate File?');
                printf(__("The filename '%s' already exists!"), $img1_name);
                printf(__("Filename '%1\$s' moved to '%2\$s'"), $img1, "{$pathtofile2} - {$img2_name}");
                _e('Confirm or rename:');

					<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
						<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php 
                echo get_option('lg_fileupload_maxk') * 1024;
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="img1_type" value="<?php 
                echo $img1_type;
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="img1_name" value="<?php 
                echo $img2_name;
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="img1_size" value="<?php 
                echo $img1_size;
" />
						<input type="hidden" name="img1" value="<?php 
                echo $pathtofile2;
" />
                _e('Alternate name:');
<br /><input type="text" name="imgalt" size="30" class="uploadform" value="<?php 
                echo $img2_name;
" /><br />
						<br />
						<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
" class="search" />
            if (!strlen($imgalt)) {
                @($moved = move_uploaded_file($img1, $pathtofile));
                //Path to your images directory, chmod the dir to 777
                // move_uploaded_file() can fail if open_basedir in PHP.INI doesn't
                // include your tmp directory. Try copy instead?
                if (!$moved) {
                    $moved = copy($img1, $pathtofile);
                // Still couldn't get it. Give up.
                if (!$moved) {
                    die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s.", $lg_text_domain), $pathtofile));
                } else {
                    chmod($pathtofile, 0666);
            } else {
                rename($img1, $pathtofile) or die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s.", $lg_text_domain), $pathtofile));
            if (ereg('image/', $img1_type)) {
                $piece_of_code = "[[Image:" . $capdir . $img1_name . "]]";
            } else {
                $piece_of_code = "<a href='" . $gallery_address . $capdir . $img1_name . "'>{$img1_name}</a>";
            $piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars($piece_of_code);
				<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><?php 
            _e('File uploaded!', $lg_text_domain);
            printf(__("Your file <code>%s</code> was uploaded successfully!", $lg_text_domain), $img1_name);
            _e('Here&#8217;s the code to display it in your posts:', $lg_text_domain);
            echo $piece_of_code;
            _e('Image Details');
</strong>: <br />
            echo $img1_name;
					<br />
            echo round($img1_size / 1024, 2);
            _e('<abbr title="Kilobyte">KB</abbr>', $lg_text_domain);
<br />
            echo $img1_type;
				<p><a href="options-general.php?page=lazyest-gallery/lazyest-admin.php&amp;captions=<?php 
            echo $capdir;
            _e('Upload another');

    /* =================
     * End of Upload div
     * ================= */
    /* =================
     * Confirmations div
     * ================= */
    if (isset($_POST['yes'])) {
        if (!is_dir($_POST['delete_this'])) {
            if (@unlink($_POST['delete_this'])) {
                echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('File deleted successfully', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Cannot delete file, maybe it has already been deleted or have wrong permissions', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        } else {
            if (lg_remove_directory($_POST['delete_this'])) {
                echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Folder deleted successfully', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Cannot delete folder: maybe it is already empty or have bad permissions', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        // Unsetting informations
    if (isset($_POST['no'])) {
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Nothing Changed', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        // Unsetting informations
    /* =================
     * file deletion div
     * ================= */
    if (isset($_GET['file_to_delete']) && !isset($_POST['update_captions']) && !isset($_POST['upload'])) {
		<div style="padding:10px;">
		<div style="text-align:center;padding:0px;color:red;border:1px solid #ff0000;background:#ffdddd">
        _e('You are about to delete', $lg_text_domain);
        echo " <code>" . basename($_GET['file_to_delete']) . "</code><br />";
        echo __('Are you sure?', $lg_text_domain) . "<br />";
		<form name="delete_image_file" method="post" action="" style="padding:5px;">
			<div class="submit" style="text-align:center">
				<input type="submit" name="yes" value="<?php 
        _e('Yes', $lg_text_domain);
" style="width:80px;" />
				<input type="submit" name="no" value="<?php 
        _e('No', $lg_text_domain);
" style="width:80px;" />
				<input type="hidden" name="delete_this" value="<?php 
        echo $_GET['file_to_delete'];
" />
        echo "</div>\n</div>";
    $imgfiles = get_imgfiles($capdir);
    $act_current = $capdir;

		<fieldset class="options">
    echo sprintf(__('Captions page for <code>%s</code>', $lg_text_domain), $act_current);

			<!-- Shortcuts-->
			<div style="padding:5px;display:block;background:#efefef;border:1px solid #ccc;height:20px;">
				<a href="options-general.php?page=lazyest-gallery/lazyest-admin.php">&laquo; <?php 
    _e('Admin page', $lg_text_domain);
			<!-- End of Shortcuts-->

			<br />

			<!-- Tip div -->
			<div style="padding:5px;border:1px solid #3fbd3f;background:#beffbe;color:#088000;">
    _e('You can use HTML links but be sure to use "[" and "]" instead of "<" and ">"; something like [a href="somewhere"]Link[/a]', $lg_text_domain);
			<!-- End of tip div -->

			<form name="gallery_captions" method="post" action="">
				<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="<?php 
    echo $act_current;
				<table summary="thumbs" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="10">
						<!-- Folder Caption code -->
						<td colspan='2'><b>&raquo; <?php 
    _e("Folder's description:", $lg_text_domain);
    $foldcap = clean_folder_caption($act_current, false);
    echo '<input type="text" name="folder_caption" value="' . $foldcap . '" size="80" style="width:98%" />';
								<li>&raquo; <a href="?page=lazyest-gallery/lazyest-admin.php&amp;captions=<?php 
    echo $act_current;
    echo $gallery_root . $act_current . get_option('lg_thumb_folder');
" class="delete" style="display:inline;"><?php 
    _e('Empty thumbs cache', $lg_text_domain);
								<li>&raquo; <a href="?page=lazyest-gallery/lazyest-admin.php&amp;captions=<?php 
    echo $act_current;
    echo $gallery_root . $act_current . get_option('lg_slide_folder');
" class="delete" style="display:inline;"><?php 
    _e('Empty slides cache', $lg_text_domain);
						<td colspan="2" style="text-algin: left;" ><b>&raquo; <?php 
    _e('Minimum level to access this folder:', $lg_text_domain);
							<select name="folder_minimum_level">
    for ($i = 1; $i < 11; $i++) {
        if ($i == get_minimum_folder_level($act_current)) {
            $selected = " selected='selected'";
        } else {
            $selected = '0';
        echo "\n\t<option value='{$i}' {$selected}>{$i}</option>";
							<span style="font-size:x-small;text-align:center;padding:2px;color:red;border:1px solid #ff0000;background:#ffdddd">
    _e('EXPERIMENTAL: Folder will be still browsable (if full path is known).', $lg_text_domain);

					<!-- End of Folder Caption code -->
    if (isset($imgfiles)) {
        foreach ($imgfiles as $img) {
            // clean_image_caption() function is in lazyest-gallery.php file
            // and checks if xml file exists, if not it returns false
            // we need a "clean" (with "<" and ">") caption
            $caption = clean_image_caption($img, $capdir);
            // this will removes HTML tags and used as title argument
            $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
            $righturl = urlencode($act_current . $img);
            echo '<tr><td><a href="' . get_option('lg_gallery_uri') . '&amp;file=' . $righturl . '">';
            // If thumbs cache system is enabled
            if (get_option('lg_enable_cache') == "TRUE") {
                // we check if thumbs exist
                if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $act_current . get_option('lg_thumb_folder') . $img)) {
                    // keeping track of subfolders
                    $img_file_path = explode('/', $img);
                    $img_index = count($img_file_path) - 1;
                    $img_file = $img_file_path[$img_index];
                    // If there are subfolders
                    if ($img_index > 1) {
                        for ($i = 1; $i < count($img_file_path) - 1; $i++) {
                            // set the new "current" directory
                            $act_current .= $img_file_path[$i] . "/";
                    // if thumbs do not exist we create them
                    createCache($act_current, $img, true);
                // trimming spaces (XHTML Urls)
                $righturl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_address . $act_current . get_option('lg_thumb_folder') . $img);
                echo '<img src="' . $righturl . '" alt="' . $img . '"  title="' . $title . '" />';
            } else {
                // otherwise
                $righturl = str_replace(" ", "%20", get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=" . $act_current . $img . "&amp;thumb=1");
                echo "<img src=" . $righturl . " alt=" . $img . " title=" . $title . " />";
            // this time we need a "rebuilded" (with "" and "") caption
            $caption = clean_image_caption($img, $capdir, false);
            // this is a dynamic form name construct that we need for the captions system
            $form_name = str_replace('.', '_', $img);
            $form_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $form_name);
            echo '</a></td>';
            echo '<td>&raquo; ' . $img . '<br />';
            // Inputs
				<input type="text" name="<?php 
            echo $form_name;
" value="<?php 
            echo $caption;
" size="90" style="width:88%" />
				<a href="?page=lazyest-gallery/lazyest-admin.php&amp;captions=<?php 
            echo $act_current;
            echo $gallery_root . $act_current . $img;
" class="button" style="display:inline;"><?php 
            _e('Delete', $lg_text_domain);
				<div class="submit">
					<input type="hidden" name="directory" value="<?php 
    echo $act_current;
" />
					<input type="submit" name="update_captions" value="<?php 
    _e('Update Folder', $lg_text_domain);
" />

		<!-- Upload section -->
		<fieldset class="dbx-box">
			<h3 title="click-down and drag to move this box" class="dbx-handle"><?php 
    _e('Upload Image', $lg_text_domain);
			<div class="dbx-content">
			</div><br /><br />

		<!-- Gallery structure section -->
		<fieldset class="dbx-box">
			<h3 title="click-down and drag to move this box" class="dbx-handle"><?php 
    _e('Image Captions', $lg_text_domain);
			<div class="dbx-content">

예제 #5
function al_build_captions_form()
    global $gallery_root, $gallery_address, $lg_text_domain;
    $capdir = $_GET['captions'];
    if (strlen($capdir) == 0) {
        $capdir = $_POST['upload_folder'];
    $gallery_uri = get_option('lg_gallery_uri');
    // Fix for permalinks
    if (strlen(get_option('permalink_structure')) != 0) {
        $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '?';
    } else {
        $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '&amp;';
    // main container div
    echo '<div class="wrap">';
    // Button: save captions (lazyest-captions.php)
    if (isset($_POST['update_captions'])) {
    /* ==========
     * Upload div
     * ========== */
    $folder = $gallery_root . $capdir;
    // $_POST['upload_folder'];
    $allowed_types = explode(' ', trim(strtolower(get_option('lg_fileupload_allowedtypes'))));
    if ($_POST['upload']) {
        $action = 'upload';
        if (!is_writable($folder)) {
            $action = 'not-writable';
        switch ($action) {
            case 'not-writable':
                printf(__("It doesn't look like you can use the file upload feature at this time because the directory you have specified (<code>%s</code>) doesn't appear to be writable by WordPress. Check the permissions on the directory and for typos.", $lg_text_domain), $folder);
            case 'upload':
                $imgalt = basename(isset($_POST['imgalt']) ? $_POST['imgalt'] : '');
                $img1_name = strlen($imgalt) ? $imgalt : basename($_FILES['img1']['name']);
                $img1_name = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_.]/i', '', $img1_name);
                $img1_size = $_POST['img1_size'] ? intval($_POST['img1_size']) : intval($_FILES['img1']['size']);
                $img1_type = strlen($imgalt) ? $_POST['img1_type'] : $_FILES['img1']['type'];
                $pi = pathinfo($img1_name);
                $imgtype = strtolower($pi['extension']);
                if (in_array($imgtype, $allowed_types) == false) {
                    die(sprintf(__('File %1$s of type %2$s is not allowed.', $lg_text_domain), $img1_name, $imgtype));
                if (strlen($imgalt)) {
                    $pathtofile = $folder . $imgalt;
                    $img1 = $_POST['img1'];
                } else {
                    $pathtofile = $folder . $img1_name;
                    $img1 = $_FILES['img1']['tmp_name'];
                // makes sure not to upload duplicates, rename duplicates
                $i = 1;
                $pathtofile2 = $pathtofile;
                $tmppathtofile = $pathtofile2;
                $img2_name = $img1_name;
                while (file_exists($pathtofile2)) {
                    $pos = strpos(strtolower($tmppathtofile), '.' . trim($imgtype));
                    $pathtofile_start = substr($tmppathtofile, 0, $pos);
                    $pathtofile2 = $pathtofile_start . '_' . zeroise($i++, 2) . '.' . trim($imgtype);
                    $img2_name = explode('/', $pathtofile2);
                    $img2_name = $img2_name[count($img2_name) - 1];
                if (file_exists($pathtofile) && !strlen($imgalt)) {
                    $i = explode(' ', get_option('lg_fileupload_allowedtypes'));
                    $i = implode(', ', array_slice($i, 1, count($i) - 2));
                    $moved = move_uploaded_file($img1, $pathtofile2);
                    if (!$moved) {
                        $moved = copy($img1, $pathtofile2);
                    if (!$moved) {
                        die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s.", $lg_text_domain), $pathtofile2));
                    } else {
                        chmod($pathtofile2, 0666);
                    // duplicate-renaming function contributed by Gary Lawrence Murphy
                    __('Duplicate File?');
                    printf(__("The filename '%s' already exists!", $lg_text_domain), $img1_name);
                    printf(__("Filename '%1\$s' moved to '%2\$s'", $lg_text_domain), $img1, "{$pathtofile2} - {$img2_name}");
                    _e('Confirm or rename:');

						<form action="<?php 
                    echo AL_FLM_PAGE;
                    echo $capdir;
" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
							<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php 
                    echo get_option('lg_fileupload_maxk') * 1024;
" />
							<input type="hidden" name="img1_type" value="<?php 
                    echo $img1_type;
" />
							<input type="hidden" name="img1_name" value="<?php 
                    echo $img2_name;
" />
							<input type="hidden" name="img1_size" value="<?php 
                    echo $img1_size;
" />
							<input type="hidden" name="img1" value="<?php 
                    echo $pathtofile2;
" />
                    _e('Alternate name:');
<br /><input type="text" name="imgalt" size="30" class="uploadform" value="<?php 
                    echo $img2_name;
" /><br />
							<br />
							<input type="submit" name="submit" value="<?php 
                    _e('Rename', $lg_text_domain);
" class="search" />
                if (!strlen($imgalt)) {
                    @($moved = move_uploaded_file($img1, $pathtofile));
                    //Path to your images directory, chmod the dir to 777
                    // move_uploaded_file() can fail if open_basedir in PHP.INI doesn't
                    // include your tmp directory. Try copy instead?
                    if (!$moved) {
                        $moved = copy($img1, $pathtofile);
                    // Still couldn't get it. Give up.
                    if (!$moved) {
                        die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s.", $lg_text_domain), $pathtofile));
                    } else {
                        chmod($pathtofile, 0666);
                } else {
                    rename($img1, $pathtofile) or die(sprintf(__("Couldn't upload your file to %s.", $lg_text_domain), $pathtofile));
                if (ereg('image/', $img1_type)) {
                    $piece_of_code = "[[Image:" . $capdir . $img1_name . "]]";
                } else {
                    $piece_of_code = "<a href='" . $gallery_address . $capdir . $img1_name . "'>{$img1_name}</a>";
                $piece_of_code = htmlspecialchars($piece_of_code);
					<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><?php 
                _e('File uploaded!', $lg_text_domain);
                printf(__("Your file <code>%s</code> was uploaded successfully!", $lg_text_domain), $img1_name);
                _e('Here&#8217;s the code to display it in your posts:', $lg_text_domain);
                echo $piece_of_code;
                _e('Image Details');
</strong>: <br />
                echo $img1_name;
						<br />
                echo round($img1_size / 1024, 2);
                _e('<abbr title="Kilobyte">KB</abbr>', $lg_text_domain);
<br />
                echo $img1_type;
					<p><a href="<?php 
                echo AL_FLM_PAGE;
                echo $capdir;
                _e('Upload another');

    /* =================
     * End of Upload div
     * ================= */
    /* ====================
     * Confirm deletion div
     * ==================== */
    if (isset($_POST['yes'])) {
        $hirez_to_delete = $gallery_root . $act_current . $capdir . basename($_POST['delete_this']);
        $thumb_to_delete = $gallery_root . $act_current . $capdir . get_option('lg_thumb_folder') . basename($_POST['delete_this']);
        if (!is_dir($hirez_to_delete)) {
            if (@unlink($hirez_to_delete)) {
                echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('File deleted successfully', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Cannot delete file, maybe it has already been deleted or have wrong permissions', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        } else {
            if (lg_remove_directory($_POST['delete_this'])) {
                echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Folder deleted successfully', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Cannot delete folder: maybe it is already empty or have bad permissions', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        		if (!is_dir($_POST['delete_this'])) {
        			if(@unlink($_POST['delete_this'])) {
        				echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>'. __('File deleted successfully', $lg_text_domain) .'</p></div>';
        			} else {
        				echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>'. __('Cannot delete file, maybe it has already been deleted or have wrong permissions', $lg_text_domain) .'</p></div>';
        		} else {
        			if(lg_remove_directory($_POST['delete_this'])) {
        				echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>'. __('Folder deleted successfully', $lg_text_domain) .'</p></div>';
        			} else {
        				echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>'. __('Cannot delete folder: maybe it is already empty or have bad permissions', $lg_text_domain) .'</p></div>';
        // Unsetting informations
    if (isset($_POST['no'])) {
        echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Nothing Changed', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        // Unsetting informations
    /* =================
     * file deletion div
     * ================= */
    if (isset($_GET['file_to_delete']) && !isset($_POST['update_captions']) && !isset($_POST['upload']) && !isset($_POST['create_new_folder']) && !isset($_POST['rename_the_folder']) && !isset($_POST['yes']) && !isset($_POST['no'])) {
		<div style="padding:10px;">
		<div style="text-align:center;padding:0px;color:red;border:1px solid #ff0000;background:#ffdddd">
        _e('You are about to delete', $lg_text_domain);
        echo " <code>" . basename($_GET['file_to_delete']) . "</code><br />";
        echo __('Are you sure?', $lg_text_domain) . "<br />";
		<form name="delete_image_file" method="post" action="<?php 
        echo AL_FLM_PAGE;
        echo $capdir;
" style="padding:5px;">
			<div class="submit" style="text-align:center">
				<input type="submit" name="yes" value="<?php 
        _e('Yes', $lg_text_domain);
" style="width:80px;" />
				<input type="submit" name="no" value="<?php 
        _e('No', $lg_text_domain);
" style="width:80px;" />
				<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="<?php 
        echo $_POST['folder'];
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="delete_this" value="<?php 
        echo $_GET['file_to_delete'];
" />
        echo "</div>\n</div>";
    /* =================
     * Rename folder div
     * ================= */
    if (isset($_POST['rename_the_folder'])) {
        if (strlen($_POST['new_file_name']) > 0) {
            $oldname = $_POST['actual_folder'];
            $newname = $gallery_root . $_POST['new_file_name'];
            if (lg_rename_file($oldname, $newname)) {
                echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Renamed successfully', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Cannot rename.', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Provide a new name.', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
    /* =======================
     * New folder creation div
     * ======================= */
    if (isset($_POST['create_new_folder'])) {
        if (strlen($_POST['new_folder_name']) > 0) {
            $folder_name = $_POST['actual_folder'] . $_POST['new_folder_name'];
            $new_folder_path = $gallery_root . $folder_name;
            if (lg_make_directory($new_folder_path)) {
                echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p>' . __('Folder created successfully', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
            } else {
                echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Cannot create folder: maybe it already exists or have bad permissions', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
        } else {
            echo '<div id="message" class="error fade"><p>' . __('Cannot create an empty named folder.', $lg_text_domain) . '</p></div>';
    $imgfiles = get_imgfiles($capdir);
    $act_current = $capdir;
    // Provide eventual icons to the image array
    if (file_exists($gallery_root . $capdir . substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".jpg")) {
        $capdir_icon = substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".jpg";
        $imgfiles[] = $capdir_icon;
    } else {
        if (file_exists($gallery_root . $capdir . substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".jpeg")) {
            $capdir_icon = substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".jpeg";
            $imgfiles[] = $capdir_icon;
        } else {
            if (file_exists($gallery_root . $capdir . substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".png")) {
                $capdir_icon = substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".png";
                $imgfiles[] = $capdir_icon;
            } else {
                if (file_exists($gallery_root . $capdir . substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".gif")) {
                    $capdir_icon = substr($capdir, 0, strlen($capdir) - 1) . ".gif";
                    $imgfiles[] = $capdir_icon;
    /* =========
     * Main Page
     * ========= */
    echo '<h2>' . __('Подписать и отправить на сайт', $lg_text_domain) . '</h2>';
    if (strlen($capdir) > 0) {

		<fieldset class="options">
        echo sprintf(__('Список картинок в папке %s', $lg_text_domain), $act_current);

			<!-- Shortcuts-->
			<div style="padding:5px;display:block;background:#efefef;border:1px solid #ccc;height:20px;">
				<a href="<?php 
        echo AL_FLM_PAGE;
">&laquo; <?php 
        _e('Назад к списку папок', $lg_text_domain);
			<!-- End of Shortcuts-->

			<br />

			<!-- Tip div -->
			<!-- <div style="padding:5px;border:1px solid #3fbd3f;background:#beffbe;color:#088000;">
        _e('You can use HTML links but be sure to use "[" and "]" instead of "<" and ">"; something like [a href="somewhere"]Link[/a]', $lg_text_domain);
			</div> -->
			<!-- End of tip div -->

			<form name="gallery_captions" method="post" action="<?php 
        echo AL_FLM_PAGE;
        echo $capdir;
				<input type="hidden" name="folder" value="<?php 
        echo $act_current;
				<table summary="thumbs" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="10">

					<!-- End of Folder Caption code -->
        if (isset($imgfiles)) {
            foreach ($imgfiles as $img) {
                // clean_image_caption() function is in lazyest-gallery.php file
                // and checks if xml file exists, if not it returns false
                // we need a "clean" (with "<" and ">") caption
                $caption = clean_image_caption($img, $capdir);
                // this will removes HTML tags and used as title argument
                $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
                $righturl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $act_current . $img);
                echo '<tr><td><a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $righturl . '">';
                // If thumbs cache system is enabled
                if (get_option('lg_enable_cache') == "TRUE") {
                    // we check if thumbs exist
                    if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $act_current . get_option('lg_thumb_folder') . $img)) {
                        // keeping track of subfolders
                        $img_file_path = explode('/', $img);
                        $img_index = count($img_file_path) - 1;
                        $img_file = $img_file_path[$img_index];
                        // If there are subfolders
                        if ($img_index > 1) {
                            for ($i = 1; $i < count($img_file_path) - 1; $i++) {
                                // set the new "current" directory
                                $act_current .= $img_file_path[$i] . "/";
                        // if thumbs do not exist we create them
                        createCache($act_current, $img, true);
                    // trimming spaces (XHTML Urls)
                    $righturl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_address . $act_current . get_option('lg_thumb_folder') . $img);
                    echo '<img src="' . $righturl . '" alt="' . $img . '"  title="' . $title . '" />';
                    echo '<br />&raquo; ' . $img;
                    $size = getimagesize($gallery_root . $act_current . $img);
                    echo '<br />' . $size[0] . "x" . $size[1] . " px";
				<br /><br /><a href="<?php 
                    echo AL_FLM_PAGE;
                    echo str_replace(" ", "%20", $act_current);
                    echo $righturl;
" class="button" style="width:50px;display:block;"><?php 
                    _e('Delete', $lg_text_domain);
                } else {
                    // otherwise
                    $righturl = str_replace(" ", "%20", get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/" . basename(__FILE__) . ".php?file=" . $act_current . $img . "&amp;thumb=1");
                    echo "<img src='" . $righturl . "' alt='" . $img . "' title='" . $title . "' />";
                // this time we need a "rebuilded" (with "" and "") caption
                $caption = clean_image_caption($img, $capdir, false);
                // this is a dynamic form name construct that we need for the captions system
                $form_name = str_replace('.', '_', $img);
                $form_name = str_replace(' ', '_', $form_name);
                echo '</a></td>';
                echo '<td align=right>';
                $righturl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_root . $act_current . $img);
                // Inputs
				<form id="ImageUploadToDB" method="post" action="<?php 
                echo AL_FLM_PAGE;
                echo $capdir;
				Название: <input type="text" name="img_title" style="width:95%;"><br />
				Описание: <textarea name="img_description" rows="3" cols="20" style="width:95%;"></textarea><br />
				Ключевые слова:<input type="text" name="img_tags" style="width:95%;"><br />
				Категория: <?php 
                echo topcategorylist(0);
<br />
				<!-- categ<input type="hidden" name="category" value="3" /> -->
				<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Сохранить">
				<input type="hidden" name="artist_id" value="<?php 
                echo get_artist_id_by_folder_name();
" />
				<input type="hidden" name="img_path" value="<?php 
                echo $gallery_root . $act_current . $img;
" />
				<br />
				<!-- <div class="submit">
					<input type="hidden" name="directory" value="<?php 
        echo $act_current;
" />
					<input type="submit" name="update_captions" value="<?php 
        _e('Update Folder', $lg_text_domain);
" />
				</div> -->

		<!-- Upload section -->
		<!-- <fieldset class="dbx-box">
			<h3 class="dbx-handle"><?php 
        _e('Upload Image', $lg_text_domain);
			<div class="dbx-content">
			</div><br /><br />
    // Closes the main page if

		<!-- Gallery structure section -->
		<fieldset class="dbx-box">
			<h3 class="dbx-handle"><?php 
    _e('Список папок с картинками', $lg_text_domain);

			<div class="dbx-content">


예제 #6
function showSlide($slidefile)
    // Builds slides view page
    global $gallery_root, $gallery_address, $currentdir, $file, $user_level, $lg_text_domain;
    $folder_level = get_minimum_folder_level($currentdir);
    if (!lg_user_can_access($currentdir)) {
        echo "<p>";
        _e("Are You Cheatin&#8217; uh?", $lg_text_domain);
        echo "</p>";
    } else {
        $gallery_uri = get_option('lg_gallery_uri');
        // Fix for permalinks
        if (strlen(get_option('permalink_structure')) != 0) {
            $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '?';
        } else {
            $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '&amp;';
        $imgfiles = get_imgfiles($dir);
        if (get_option('lg_sort_alphabetically') == "TRUE") {
        // Pager Code
        $prev = '';
        $slide = '';
        $next = '';
        $arraysize = count($imgfiles);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $arraysize; $i++) {
            if ($currentdir . $imgfiles[$i] == $slidefile) {
                $slide = $imgfiles[$i];
                // Set prev
                if ($i == 0) {
                    $prev = $imgfiles[$arraysize - 1];
                } else {
                    $prev = $imgfiles[$i - 1];
                // Set Next
                if ($i + 1 == $arraysize) {
                    $next = $imgfiles[0];
                } else {
                    $next = $imgfiles[$i + 1];
        // XHTML formatting
        $prev = str_replace(" ", "%20", $prev);
        $next = str_replace(" ", "%20", $next);
        $slideUrl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $slide);
        /* ========================
         *		Navigator HTML Code
         * ======================== */
        // This is because XHTML compiling
        $currdir = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currentdir);
        echo '<div id="lazyest_navigator">
					<a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $currdir . $prev . '" class="alignleft">' . __('&laquo; Prev', $lg_text_domain) . '</a>
					<a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $currdir . $next . '" class="alignright">' . __('Next &raquo;', $lg_text_domain) . '</a>
        /* =====================
         *		Image slide Code
         * ===================== */
        // Removes HTML tags
        $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
        echo '<div class="lazyest_image">';
        if (get_option('lg_use_slides_popup') == "TRUE") {
            //PopUp Window
            // Get picture info
            $img = $gallery_root . $currentdir . $slide;
            $path = pathinfo($img);
            // this will prevent some unshown thumb
            $mem = get_option('lg_buffer_size');
            ini_set("memory_limit", $mem);
            switch (strtolower($path["extension"])) {
                case "jpeg":
                case "jpg":
                    $img = imagecreatefromjpeg($img);
                case "gif":
                    $img = imagecreatefromgif($img);
                case "png":
                    $img = imagecreatefrompng($img);
            $xsize = imagesx($img);
            $ysize = imagesy($img);
        if (get_option('lg_enable_slides_cache') == "TRUE") {
            $slidesfolder = get_option('lg_slide_folder');
            if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $slidesfolder . $slide)) {
                createCache($currentdir, $slide, false);
            if (get_option('lg_use_slides_popup') == "TRUE") {
                // Popup
                echo '<a href="javascript:void(window.open(\'' . get_option('home') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-popup.php?image=' . $slide . '&folder=' . $currentdir . '\',\'\',\'resizable=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=yes,width=' . $xsize . ',height=' . $ysize . ',left=50,top=50\'))"><img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $slidesfolder . $slide . '" alt="' . $slide . '" title="' . $title . '"/></a>';
            } else {
                if (file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . 'captions.xml')) {
                    $caption = clean_image_caption($slide, $currentdir);
                // Removing HTML tags
                $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
                // Lightbox informations
                $lb_enabled = get_option('lg_enable_lb_support');
                $lb_slides = get_option('lg_enable_lb_slides_support');
                $lb_force = get_option('lg_force_lb_support');
                // Thickbox informations
                $tb_enabled = get_option('lg_enable_tb_support');
                $tb_slides = get_option('lg_enable_tb_slides_support');
                $tb_force = get_option('lg_force_tb_support');
                // Slides' hrefs
                $hrefs = true;
                if (get_option('lg_disable_full_size') == "TRUE") {
                    $hrefs = false;
                // Slides' cache infos
                $lg_cache = get_option('lg_enable_slides_cache');
                // Image link
                $urlImg = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_address . $currentdir . $slide);
                // Lightbox
                if ($lb_enabled == "TRUE" && $lb_slides == "TRUE" && $lg_cache == "TRUE" && some_lightbox_plugin() || $lb_force == "TRUE") {
                    if ($hrefs) {
                        echo '<a href="' . $urlImg . '" rel="lightbox" title="' . $title . '">';
                    echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currdir . $slidesfolder . $slide . '" alt="' . $slide . '"  title="' . $title . '" />';
                    if ($hrefs) {
                        echo '</a>';
                } elseif ($tb_enabled == "TRUE" && $tb_slides == "TRUE" && $lg_cache == "TRUE" && some_thickbox_plugin() || $tb_force == "TRUE") {
                    if ($hrefs) {
                        echo '<a href="' . $urlImg . '" class="thickbox" title="' . $title . ' ">';
                    echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currdir . $slidesfolder . $slide . '" alt="' . $slide . '"   />';
                    if ($hrefs) {
                        echo '</a>';
                } else {
                    if ($hrefs) {
                        echo '<a href="' . $urlImg . '" >';
                    echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currdir . $slidesfolder . $slideUrl . '" alt="' . $slide . '"  title="' . $title . '" />';
                    if ($hrefs) {
                        echo '</a>';
        } else {
            if (get_option('lg_use_slides_popup') == "TRUE") {
                // PopUp
                echo '<a href="javascript:void(window.open(\'' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $slide . '\',\'\',\'resizable=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=yes,width=' . $xsize . ',height=' . $ysize . ',left=50,top=50\'))"><img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $slide . '" alt="' . $currentdir . $slide . '" title="' . $title . '" /></a>';
            } else {
                // In window
                echo '<a href="' . $gallery_address . $currdir . $slideUrl . '" ><img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currdir . $slideUrl . '" alt="' . $currentdir . $slide . '" title="' . $title . '" /></a>';
        /* =============
         * Captions Code
         * ============= */
        if (get_option('lg_enable_captions') == "TRUE") {
            $caption = clean_image_caption($slide, $currentdir);
            if (strlen($caption) != 0) {
                echo '<div class="caption">' . $caption . '</div>';
        echo '</div><br/>';
        // closes "image" class
        /* =========================
         *		Image Exif Data Code
         * ========================= */
        if (get_option('lg_enable_exif') == "TRUE") {
            include_once 'lazyest-exinfos.php';
        if (get_option('lg_enable_captions') == "TRUE") {
            if (strlen($currentdir) != 0) {
                if ($user_level >= 8) {
                    echo "<div class='lg_admin'>";
                    echo "<a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/" . LG_FLM_PAGE . "&amp;captions=" . $currdir . "'>";
                    echo "&raquo; " . __('Write a caption for ', $lg_text_domain) . $slide;
                    echo "</a>";
                    echo "</div>";
예제 #7
function showDirs()
    // Builds folders view page
    global $gallery_address, $gallery_root, $currentdir, $file, $lg_text_domain, $user_level;
    if (!lg_user_can_access($currentdir)) {
        echo "<p>";
        _e("It doesn't look like you can access this folder at this time because the directory you have specified doesn't appear to be browsable.", $lg_text_domain);
        echo "</p>";
    } else {
        $gallery_uri = get_option('lg_gallery_uri');
        // Fix for permalinks
        if (strlen(get_option('permalink_structure')) != 0) {
            $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '?';
        } else {
            $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '&amp;';
        $columns = get_option("lg_folders_columns");
        $runonce = false;
        $col_count = 1;
        if ($dir_content = opendir($gallery_root . $currentdir)) {
            $directory_to_sort = array();
            for ($i = 0; false !== ($dir = readdir($dir_content)); $i++) {
                $directory_to_sort[$i] = $dir;
            if (get_option('lg_sort_alphabetically') == "TRUE") {
            foreach ($directory_to_sort as $dir) {
                if (is_dir($gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir) && !in_array($dir, get_option("lg_excluded_folders")) && $dir != '.' && $dir != '..') {
                    if (!$runonce) {
                        echo '<!-- Lazyest Gallery ' . LG_VERSION . ' -->' . "\n" . '
						<div class="folders">' . "\n" . '
							<table summary="Categories" class="dir_view">' . "\n" . '
								<tr>' . "\n" . '
									<td colspan="' . $columns . '" class="folder"><img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/images/folders.png" alt="Folders" class="icon" /> &raquo; ' . __("Folders", $lg_text_domain) . '</td>' . "\n" . '
								</tr>' . "\n" . '
                        $runonce = true;
                    if ($col_count <= $columns) {
                        $imgfiles = get_imgfiles($dir);
                        if (get_option('lg_sort_alphabetically') == "TRUE") {
                        $xhtmlurl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currentdir . $dir);
                        echo '<td><a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $xhtmlurl . '/">';
                        switch (get_option('lg_folder_image')) {
                            case 'icon':
                                // this will prevent some unshown thumb
                                $mem = get_option('lg_buffer_size');
                                ini_set("memory_limit", $mem);
                                // Display Category's images (if any) (Keytwo)
                                // PNG
                                if (file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.png')) {
                                    $resource = $gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.png';
                                    $resource = imagecreatefrompng($resource);
                                    if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                                        echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.png' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt=""/><br />' . "\n";
                                    } else {
                                        echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.png" alt="" class="category_icon" /><br />' . "\n";
                                } else {
                                    if (file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.gif')) {
                                        $resource = $gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.gif';
                                        $resource = imagecreatefromgif($resource);
                                        if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                                            echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.gif' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt=""/><br />' . "\n";
                                        } else {
                                            echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.gif" alt="" class="category_icon" /><br />' . "\n";
                                    } else {
                                        if (file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpg')) {
                                            $resource = $gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpg';
                                            $resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($resource);
                                            if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                                                echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpg' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt=""/><br />' . "\n";
                                            } else {
                                                echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpg" alt="" class="category_icon" /><br />' . "\n";
                                        } else {
                                            if (file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpeg')) {
                                                $resource = $gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpeg';
                                                $resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($resource);
                                                if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                                                    echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpeg' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt=""/><br />' . "\n";
                                                } else {
                                                    echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $dir . '.jpeg" alt="" class="category_icon" /><br />' . "\n";
                            case 'random_image':
                                // display a random image of this foldery (jan831)
                                $img = $imgfiles[rand(0, sizeof($imgfiles) - 1)];
                                if ($img) {
                                    if (file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/captions.xml')) {
                                        $captions = clean_image_caption($img, $currentdir . $dir);
                                    // This will removes HTML tags (which are incompatible with "title" argument)
                                    $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
                                    if (get_option('lg_enable_cache') == "TRUE") {
                                        $thumb_folder = get_option('lg_thumb_folder');
                                        if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $thumb_folder . $img)) {
                                            createCache($currentdir . $dir . '/', $img, true);
                                        $urlImg = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_address . $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $thumb_folder . $img);
                                        echo '<img src="' . $urlImg . '"  style="vertical-align:middle;padding:2px;"  alt="' . $img . '" title="' . $title . '"/><br />' . "\n";
                                    } else {
                                        $urlImg = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currentdir . $dir . '/' . $img);
                                        echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $urlImg . '&amp;thumb=1"  style="vertical-align:middle;padding:2px;"  alt="' . $img . '" title="' . $title . '" /><br />' . "\n";
                        $file_counter = sizeof($imgfiles);
                        $folder_caption = clean_folder_caption($currentdir . $dir);
                        if ($file_counter == 0) {
                            // "F" if there are folders only inside
                            if (get_option('lg_use_folder_captions') == "TRUE" && strlen($folder_caption) != 0) {
                                echo '&raquo; ' . $folder_caption . '</a> (F)</td>';
                            } else {
                                echo '&raquo; ' . $dir . '</a> (F)</td>';
                        } else {
                            // "#" if there are images instead
                            if (get_option('lg_use_folder_captions') == "TRUE" && strlen($folder_caption) != 0) {
                                echo '&raquo; ' . $folder_caption . '</a> (' . sizeof($imgfiles) . ')</td>';
                            } else {
                                echo '&raquo; ' . $dir . '</a>  (' . sizeof($imgfiles) . ')</td>';
                    if ($col_count > $columns) {
                        echo '</tr><tr>';
                        $col_count = 1;
        } else {
            echo "<div class='quote'>" . __('Something goes wrong. Make sure of your Gallery Root folder.', $lg_text_domain) . "</div>";
        if ($runonce) {
            echo '<td></td></tr></table></div><br/>' . "\n";
예제 #8
function showThumbs()
    // Builds thumbnails view page
    global $gallery_root, $currentdir, $file, $gallery_address, $user_level, $lg_text_domain;
    if (!lg_user_can_access($currentdir)) {
        echo "<p>";
        _e('You cannot browse this folder.', $lg_text_domain);
        echo "</p>";
    } else {
        $gallery_uri = get_option('lg_gallery_uri');
        // Fix for permalinks
        if (strlen(get_option('permalink_structure')) != 0) {
            $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '?';
        } else {
            $gallery_uri = $gallery_uri . '&amp;';
        // gathering pagination infos
        $thumbs_page = get_option('lg_thumbs_page');
        if ($thumbs_page != 0 && isset($_GET['offset']) && is_numeric($_GET['offset'])) {
            $offset = floor(abs(intval($_GET['offset'])) / $thumbs_page) * $thumbs_page;
        } else {
            $offset = 0;
        $folder_caption = clean_folder_caption($currentdir . $dir);
        $category = substr($currentdir, 0, strlen($currentdir) - 1);
        // Icons code
        // This section will display proper icon for each folder
        echo "<div class='folder_caption'>";
        if (is_file($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.png')) {
            $resource = imagecreatefrompng($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.png');
            if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $category . '.png' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt="" class="icon" />&raquo; ' . $folder_caption . "\n";
            } else {
                echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $category . '.png"  alt="' . $category . '" class="icon"/> &raquo; ' . $folder_caption;
        } else {
            if (is_file($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.jpg')) {
                $resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.jpg');
                if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                    echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $category . '.jpg' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt="" class="icon" />&raquo; ' . $folder_caption . "\n";
                } else {
                    echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $category . '.jpg"  alt="' . $category . '" class="icon"/> &raquo; ' . $folder_caption;
            } else {
                if (is_file($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.jpeg')) {
                    $resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.jpeg');
                    if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                        echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $category . '.jpeg' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt="" class="icon" />&raquo; ' . $folder_caption . "\n";
                    } else {
                        echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $category . '.jpeg" alt="' . $category . '" class="icon"/> &raquo; ' . $folder_caption;
                } else {
                    if (is_file($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.gif')) {
                        $resource = imagecreatefromgif($gallery_root . $currentdir . $category . '.gif');
                        if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                            echo '<img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currentdir . $category . '.gif' . '&amp;thumb=1" alt="" class="icon" />&raquo; ' . $folder_caption . "\n";
                        } else {
                            echo '<img src="' . $gallery_address . $currentdir . $category . '.gif"  alt="' . $category . '" class="icon"/> &raquo; ' . $folder_caption;
        echo "</div>";
        // End of Icons code
        // Here begins thumbs table
        echo '<table class="lazyest_thumb_view" summary="thumbs"><tr>';
        $tcol_count = 1;
        $tcolumns = get_option('lg_thumbs_columns');
        $imgfiles = get_imgfiles($dir);
        // Sort the files
        if (get_option('lg_sort_alphabetically') == "TRUE") {
        if (isset($imgfiles)) {
            if ($thumbs_page == 0) {
                // no pagination, display all
                $end = count($imgfiles);
                $offset = 0;
            } else {
                $end = $thumbs_page + $offset;
                if (count($imgfiles) < $end) {
                    $end = count($imgfiles);
            // This is because XHTML compiling
            $currdir = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currentdir);
            // Main cycle
            for ($i = $offset; $i < $end; $i++) {
                $img = $imgfiles[$i];
                if (file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . 'captions.xml')) {
                    $caption = clean_image_caption($img, $currentdir);
                // Removing HTML tags
                $title = ereg_replace("<[^>]*>", "", $caption);
                // Tumbs Cache code
                if (get_option('lg_enable_cache') == "TRUE") {
                    if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . get_option('lg_thumb_folder') . $img)) {
                        createCache($currentdir, $img, true);
                    /* =============
                     * The Right URL
                     * ============= */
                    // Lightbox informations
                    $lb_enabled = get_option('lg_enable_lb_support');
                    $lb_thumbs = get_option('lg_enable_lb_thumbs_support');
                    $lb_force = get_option('lg_force_lb_support');
                    // Thickbox informations
                    $tb_enabled = get_option('lg_enable_tb_support');
                    $tb_thumbs = get_option('lg_enable_tb_thumbs_support');
                    $tb_force = get_option('lg_force_tb_support');
                    // Slides' cache infos
                    $lg_scache = get_option('lg_enable_slides_cache');
                    // Lightbox URL
                    if ($lb_enabled == "TRUE" && $lb_thumbs == "TRUE" && $lg_scache == "TRUE" && some_lightbox_plugin() || $lb_force == "TRUE") {
                        $slide_folder = get_option('lg_slide_folder');
                        if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $slide_folder . $img)) {
                            createCache($currentdir, $img, false);
                        $urlImg = str_replace(" ", "%20", $gallery_address . $currentdir . $slide_folder . $img);
                        echo '<td><a href="' . $urlImg . '" rel="lightbox[' . $currentdir . ']" title="' . $title . '"><img src="' . $gallery_address . $currdir . get_option('lg_thumb_folder') . $img . '" alt="' . $img . '"  title="' . $title . '" /></a></td>';
                    } elseif ($tb_enabled == "TRUE" && $tb_thumbs == "TRUE" && $lg_scache == "TRUE" && some_thickbox_plugin() || $tb_force == "TRUE") {
                        $slide_folder = get_option('lg_slide_folder');
                        if (!file_exists($gallery_root . $currentdir . $slide_folder . $img)) {
                            createCache($currentdir, $img, false);
                        $thumb_folder = get_option('lg_thumb_folder');
                        $xhthumbs = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currdir . $thumb_folder . $img);
                        $xhurl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currdir . $img);
                        $xhslides = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currdir . $slide_folder . $img);
                        echo '<td><a href="' . $gallery_address . $xhslides . '" class="thickbox" title="' . $title . ' "><img src="' . $gallery_address . $xhthumbs . '" alt="' . $img . '"   /></a></td>';
                    } else {
                        $thumb_folder = get_option('lg_thumb_folder');
                        $xhthumbs = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currdir . $thumb_folder . $img);
                        $xhurl = str_replace(" ", "%20", $currdir . $img);
                        echo '<td><a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $xhurl . '"><img src="' . $gallery_address . $xhthumbs . '" alt="' . $img . '"  title="' . $title . '" /></a></td>';
                    /* ================
                     * End of Right URL
                     * ================ */
                } else {
                    // this will prevent some unshown thumb
                    $mem = get_option('lg_buffer_size');
                    ini_set("memory_limit", $mem);
                    $resource = $gallery_root . $currentdir . $img;
                    $path = pathinfo($resource);
                    switch (strtolower($path["extension"])) {
                        case "jpeg":
                        case "jpg":
                            $resource = imagecreatefromjpeg($resource);
                        case "gif":
                            $resource = imagecreatefromgif($resource);
                        case "png":
                            $resource = imagecreatefrompng($resource);
                    if (imagesx($resource) > get_option('lg_thumbwidth')) {
                        echo '<td><a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $currdir . $img . '"><img src="' . get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/lazyest-gallery/lazyest-img.php?file=' . $currdir . $img . '&amp;thumb=1" alt="' . $img . '" title="' . $title . '"/></a></td>';
                    } else {
                        echo '<td><a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $currdir . $img . '"><img src="' . $gallery_address . $currdir . $img . '" alt="' . $img . '" title="' . $title . '"/></a></td>';
                if ($tcol_count > $tcolumns) {
                    echo '</tr><tr>';
                    $tcol_count = 1;
        echo '<td></td></tr></table>';
        // Pagination's navigatior code
        if ($thumbs_page != 0) {
            $pages = ceil(sizeof($imgfiles) / $thumbs_page);
            echo '<div id="pagination">';
            if ($offset > 0) {
                echo '<a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $currdir . '&amp;offset=' . ($offset - $thumbs_page) . '"  title="previous">' . __('&laquo; Prev', $lg_text_domain) . '</a> ' . "\n";
            if ($pages > 1) {
                for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) {
                    if ($offset != ($i - 1) * $thumbs_page) {
                        echo ' <a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $currdir . '&amp;offset=' . ($i - 1) * $thumbs_page . '" >' . $i . '</a> ';
                    } else {
                        echo " {$i} ";
            if (count($imgfiles) > $thumbs_page + $offset) {
                echo ' <a href="' . $gallery_uri . 'file=' . $currdir . '&amp;offset=' . $end . '"  title="next">' . __('Next &raquo;', $lg_text_domain) . '</a> ';
            echo '</div>';
        // End of Pagination's navigatior code
        // Admin links
        if (get_option('lg_enable_captions') == "TRUE") {
            if (strlen($currentdir) != 0) {
                if ($user_level >= 8) {
                    echo "<div class='lg_admin'>";
                    echo "<a href='" . get_option('siteurl') . "/wp-admin/" . LG_FLM_PAGE . "&amp;captions=" . $currdir . "'>";
                    echo "&raquo; ";
                    _e("Write captions for images in ", $lg_text_domain);
                    echo " " . substr($currentdir, 0, strlen($currentdir) - 1);
                    echo "</a>";
                    echo "</div>";