public function postLogin() { $token = isset($_POST['_token']) ? $_POST['_token'] : null; check_token($token); $okay = true; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; // lookup the user $user = User::user($email); if ($user != null) { // validate password if (!password_verify($password, $user->password)) { $okay = false; } } else { $okay = false; } if ($okay) { $_SESSION['user'] = $user; flash('success', ['you are Login successfully']); redirect('/'); } else { flash('errors', ['Invalid Login or you not active your account']); redirect('/'); } }
/** * the login data post process here * @return [type] [description] */ public function postShowLoginPage() { check_token($_POST['_token']); $okay = true; $email = $_POST['email']; $password = $_POST['password']; // Look up the user $user = User::where('active', 1)->where('email', $email)->first(); if ($user != null) { // validate credentials if (!password_verify($password, $user->password)) { $okay = false; } } else { $okay = false; } if ($okay) { // if valid, log them $this->session->login($user); header('Location: /'); exit; } else { // if not valid redirect to the login page Session::flash('errors', ['Invalid Login']); echo $this->blade->render('login'); } }
function index() { $bo_table = $this->input->post('bo_table'); if (!IS_MEMBER || !$bo_table) { show_404(); } $board = $this->Basic_model->get_board($bo_table); if (!isset($board['bo_table'])) { alert_close('존재하지 않은 게시판입니다.'); } $member = unserialize(MEMBER); if ($member['mb_id'] != $board['bo_admin']) { show_404(); } $config = array(array('field' => 'bo_table', 'label' => 'TABLE', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|alpha_dash|xss_clean'), array('field' => 'token', 'label' => '토큰', 'rules' => 'trim|required'), array('field' => 'bo_subject', 'label' => '게시판 제목', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[20]|xss_clean'), array('field' => 'bo_admin', 'label' => '게시판 관리자', 'rules' => 'trim|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|alpha_dash')); $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $head = array('title' => $board['bo_subject']); $data = array('token' => get_token(), 'bo_table' => $board['bo_table'], 'bo_admin' => $board['bo_admin'], 'bo_subject' => $board['bo_subject'], 'bo_insert_content' => $board['bo_insert_content'], 'bo_sort_field' => $board['bo_sort_field'], 'bo_count_write' => isset($board['bo_count_write']) ? number_format($board['bo_count_write']) : FALSE, 'bo_count_comment' => isset($board['bo_count_comment']) ? number_format($board['bo_count_comment']) : FALSE, 'bo_count_delete' => $board['bo_count_delete'], 'bo_count_modify' => $board['bo_count_modify'], 'bo_use_secret' => $board['bo_use_secret'], 'bo_page_rows' => $board['bo_page_rows'], 'bo_page_rows_comt' => $board['bo_page_rows_comt'], 'bo_subject_len' => $board['bo_subject_len'], 'bo_new' => $board['bo_new'], 'bo_hot' => $board['bo_hot'], 'bo_image_width' => $board['bo_image_width'], 'bo_reply_order' => $board['bo_reply_order'], 'use_private_chk' => $board['bo_use_private'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_rss_chk' => $board['bo_use_rss'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_sns_chk' => $board['bo_use_sns'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_comment_chk' => $board['bo_use_comment'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_category_chk' => $board['bo_use_category'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_sideview_chk' => $board['bo_use_sideview'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_editor_chk' => $board['bo_use_editor'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_name_chk' => $board['bo_use_name'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_ip_view_chk' => $board['bo_use_ip_view'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_list_view_chk' => $board['bo_use_list_view'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_email_chk' => $board['bo_use_email'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_syntax_chk' => $board['bo_use_syntax'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'use_search_chk' => $board['bo_use_search'] ? "checked='checked'" : '', 'bo_list_level' => get_mb_level_select('bo_list_level', $board['bo_list_level'], '', $member['mb_level']), 'bo_read_level' => get_mb_level_select('bo_read_level', $board['bo_read_level'], '', $member['mb_level']), 'bo_write_level' => get_mb_level_select('bo_write_level', $board['bo_write_level'], '', $member['mb_level']), 'bo_reply_level' => get_mb_level_select('bo_reply_level', $board['bo_reply_level'], '', $member['mb_level']), 'bo_comment_level' => get_mb_level_select('bo_comment_level', $board['bo_comment_level'], '', $member['mb_level']), 'bo_upload_level' => get_mb_level_select('bo_upload_level', $board['bo_upload_level'], '', $member['mb_level']), 'bo_download_level' => get_mb_level_select('bo_download_level', $board['bo_download_level'], '', $member['mb_level'])); widget::run('head', $head); $this->load->view('board/admin', $data); widget::run('tail'); } else { check_token(); // 이것을 Model로 해야 하는가 말아야 하는가 $this->db->update('ki_board', array('bo_subject' => $this->input->post('bo_subject'), 'bo_list_level' => $this->input->post('bo_list_level'), 'bo_read_level' => $this->input->post('bo_read_level'), 'bo_write_level' => $this->input->post('bo_write_level'), 'bo_reply_level' => $this->input->post('bo_reply_level'), 'bo_comment_level' => $this->input->post('bo_comment_level'), 'bo_upload_level' => $this->input->post('bo_upload_level'), 'bo_download_level' => $this->input->post('bo_download_level'), 'bo_count_modify' => $this->input->post('bo_count_modify'), 'bo_count_delete' => $this->input->post('bo_count_delete'), 'bo_use_private' => $this->input->post('bo_use_private'), 'bo_use_rss' => $this->input->post('bo_use_rss'), 'bo_use_sns' => $this->input->post('bo_use_sns'), 'bo_use_category' => $this->input->post('bo_use_category'), 'bo_use_comment' => $this->input->post('bo_use_comment'), 'bo_use_sideview' => $this->input->post('bo_use_sideview'), 'bo_use_secret' => $this->input->post('bo_use_secret'), 'bo_use_editor' => $this->input->post('bo_use_editor'), 'bo_use_name' => $this->input->post('bo_use_name'), 'bo_use_ip_view' => $this->input->post('bo_use_ip_view'), 'bo_use_list_view' => $this->input->post('bo_use_list_view'), 'bo_use_email' => $this->input->post('bo_use_email'), 'bo_use_syntax' => $this->input->post('bo_use_syntax'), 'bo_subject_len' => $this->input->post('bo_subject_len'), 'bo_page_rows' => $this->input->post('bo_page_rows'), 'bo_page_rows_comt' => $this->input->post('bo_page_rows_comt'), 'bo_new' => $this->input->post('bo_new'), 'bo_hot' => $this->input->post('bo_hot'), 'bo_image_width' => $this->input->post('bo_image_width'), 'bo_reply_order' => $this->input->post('bo_reply_order'), 'bo_sort_field' => $this->input->post('bo_sort_field'), 'bo_insert_content' => $this->input->post('bo_insert_content'), 'bo_use_search' => $this->input->post('bo_use_search')), array('bo_table' => $bo_table)); alert_close('게시판 설정이 변경되었습니다.'); } }
function memo_delete() { $me_no = $this->input->post('me_no'); $flag = $this->input->post('flag'); check_token('member/memo/lists/' . $flag); if (!IS_MEMBER) { alert_close("회원만 이용하실 수 있습니다."); } if (!($flag && $me_no)) { alert_close("잘못된 접근입니다."); } $member = unserialize(MEMBER); $this->load->model('Member_memo_model'); if ($flag == 'R') { $result = $this->Member_memo_model->get_del_memo($me_no, $flag, $member['mb_id']); $cnt = 0; foreach ($result as $row) { if ($row['me_check'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $cnt++; } } if ($cnt > 0) { $this->Member_memo_model->memo_count($member['mb_id'], $cnt); } } $this->Member_memo_model->memo_delete($me_no, $flag, $member['mb_id']); goto_url('member/memo/lists/' . $flag); }
public function launch(Request $request, Response $response) { $content = ""; if ($request->getParam('asker')) { if ($_SESSION['statut'] == "administrateur") { check_token(); if ($request->getParam('asker') == "calendrier") { $this->insertPeriod($content, $request); } else { if ($request->getParam('asker') == "edit_period") { $this->editPeriod($content, $request); } else { if ($request->getParam('asker') == "delete_period") { $this->deletePeriod($content, $request); } else { if ($request->getParam('asker') == "validate_period") { $this->validatePeriod($content, $request); } } } } } } $response->addVar('content', $content); $this->render("./lib/template/ajaxrequestSuccess.php"); $this->printOut(); }
function index() { $member = unserialize(MEMBER); if (!$member['mb_email']) { alert('관리자 E-mail이 존재하지 않습니다.'); } $mail_addr = $mail_msg = FALSE; if ($this->input->post('mail_addr')) { check_token(); $mail_addr = $this->input->post('mail_addr'); $subject = '[메일검사] 제목'; $content = '[메일검사] 내용<br />이 내용이 제대로 보인다면 보내는 메일 서버에는 이상이 없는것입니다.<br />발송시간 : ' . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . '<br />이 메일 주소로는 회신되지 않습니다.'; $this->email->clear(); $this->email->from($member['mb_email'], '메일검사'); $this->email->to($mail_addr); $this->email->subject($subject); $this->email->message($content); if (!$this->email->send()) { $mail_msg = '<strong>※ 메일전송 오류</strong><br/>' . $this->email->print_debugger(); } else { $mail_msg = '<strong>' . $mail_addr . '</strong> (으)로 메일을 발송 하였습니다. <br/>해당 주소로 메일이 왔는지 확인하세요. <br/>메일이 오지 않는다면 프로그램의 오류가 아닌 <br/>메일 서버(sendmail)의 오류일 가능성이 있습니다. <br/>이런 경우에는 웹 서버관리자에게 문의하세요.'; } } $head = array('title' => '메일전송 테스트'); $data = array('token' => get_token(), 'mail_addr' => $mail_addr, 'mail_msg' => $mail_msg); widget::run('head', $head); $this->load->view(ADM_F . '/sendmail_test', $data); widget::run('tail'); }
function route_request() { $cmd = strtolower(grab_request_var("cmd")); // token if required for most everyting if ($cmd != "" && $cmd != "hello") { check_token(); } //echo "CMD='$cmd'<BR>"; switch ($cmd) { // say hello case "hello": say_hello(); break; // display a form for debugging/testing // display a form for debugging/testing case "": display_form(); break; default: //echo "PASSING TO PLUGINS<BR>"; // let plugins handle the output $args = array("cmd" => $cmd); do_callbacks(CALLBACK_PROCESS_REQUEST, $args); break; } echo "NO REQUEST HANDLER"; exit; }
function update() { check_token('member/join'); check_wrkey(); $this->load->helper('chkstr'); $config = array(array('field' => 'mb_id', 'label' => '아이디', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|alpha_dash|xss_clean|callback_mb_id_check'), array('field' => 'mb_password', 'label' => '비밀번호', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[20]|md5'), array('field' => 'mb_password_re', 'label' => '비밀번호 확인', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[20]|matches[mb_password]|md5'), array('field' => 'mb_password_q', 'label' => '비밀번호 분실시 질문', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[50]'), array('field' => 'mb_password_a', 'label' => '비밀번호 분실시 답변', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[50]'), array('field' => 'mb_name', 'label' => '이름', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[10]|callback_mb_name_check'), array('field' => 'mb_email', 'label' => '이메일', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[50]|valid_email|callback_mb_email_check'), array('field' => 'mb_birth', 'label' => '생일', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[10]'), array('field' => 'mb_sex', 'label' => '성별', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[1]'), array('field' => 'wr_key', 'label' => '자동등록방지', 'rules' => 'trim|required')); if ($this->config->item('cf_use_nick')) { $config[] = array('field' => 'mb_nick', 'label' => '별명', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[20]|callback_mb_nick_check'); } $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $this->_form(); } else { $this->load->library(array('encrypt', 'email')); if ($this->config->item('cf_use_nick')) { $mb_nick = $this->input->post('mb_nick'); } else { $mb_nick = substr(md5(uniqid($this->input->post('mb_id'), TRUE)), 0, 14); } $admin = $this->Basic_model->get_member(ADMIN, 'mb_nick, mb_email'); // 회원 INSERT $this->Member_infor_model->insert($mb_nick); // 회원가입 포인트 부여 $this->load->model('Point_model'); $this->Point_model->insert($this->input->post('mb_id'), $this->config->item('cf_register_point'), "회원가입 축하", '@member', $this->input->post('mb_id'), '회원가입'); // 회원님께 메일 발송 if ($this->config->item('cf_email_mb_member') || $this->config->item('cf_use_email_certify')) { $mb_md5 = md5($this->input->post('mb_id') . $this->input->post('mb_email') . TIME_YMDHIS); $certify_href = $this->config->item('base_url') . '/member/certify/email/' . $this->input->post('mb_id') . '/' . $mb_md5; $data = array('mb_name' => $this->input->post('mb_name'), 'certify_href' => $certify_href, 'email_chk' => $this->config->item('cf_use_email_certify')); $content = $this->load->view('mail/join_member', $data, TRUE); $this->email->clear(); $this->email->from($admin['mb_email'], $admin['mb_nick']); $this->email->to($this->input->post('mb_email')); $this->email->subject("회원가입을 축하드립니다."); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); } // 최고관리자님께 메일 발송 if ($this->config->item('cf_email_mb_admin')) { $data = array('mb_id' => $this->input->post('mb_id'), 'mb_name' => $this->input->post('mb_name'), 'mb_nick' => $mb_nick); $content = $this->load->view('mail/join_admin', $data, TRUE); $this->email->clear(); $this->email->from($this->input->post('mb_email'), $this->input->post('mb_name')); $this->email->to($admin['mb_email']); $this->email->subject($this->input->post('mb_name') . " 님께서 회원으로 가입하셨습니다."); $this->email->message($content); $this->email->send(); } // 메일인증 사용하지 않는 경우에만 로그인 if (!$this->config->item('cf_use_email_certify')) { $this->session->set_userdata('ss_mb_id', $this->input->post('mb_id')); } $this->session->set_flashdata('ss_mb_reg', $this->input->post('mb_id')); goto_url('member/join/result'); } }
/** * Validates form submission by checking for hidden input field and validating token * * @param boolean $skiptoken Set true to skip token checking for this form submission * * @return boolean form submit true/false **/ public function issubmitted($skiptoken = false) { if (isset($_POST["__fp" . $this->frmname])) { if (!$skiptoken) { check_token(); } return true; } return false; }
function delete() { check_token(false); $this->nature_selected=isset($_POST['nature'])?$_POST['nature']:(isset($_GET['nature'])?$_GET['nature']:Null); $this->nature[]=html_entity_decode($this->nature_selected,ENT_QUOTES); $this->categorie=isset($_POST['categorie_id'])?$_POST['categorie_id']:(isset($_GET['categorie_id'])?$_GET['categorie_id']:Null); if($this->categorie) { $this->modele_incidents->update_categorie('default',Null,$this->categorie); }else { $this->modele_incidents->update_categorie('default',$this->nature); } $this->index(); }
function form($w = '', $gr_id = '') { $this->load->library('form_validation'); $config = array(array('field' => 'gr_id', 'label' => '아이디', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|alpha_dash|xss_clean'), array('field' => 'gr_subject', 'label' => '제목', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[20]'), array('field' => 'gr_admin', 'label' => '그룹 관리자', 'rules' => 'trim|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|alpha_dash')); $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { if ($w == '') { $title = '생성'; $gr = FALSE; } else { if ($w == 'u') { $gr = $this->Boardgroup_model->get_group($gr_id); if (!isset($gr['gr_id'])) { alert('존재하지 않는 그룹 ID 입니다.'); } $title = '수정'; } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } } $head = array('title' => '게시판그룹' . $title); $data = array('w' => $w, 'token' => get_token(), 'gr_id' => $gr['gr_id'], 'gr_subject' => $gr['gr_subject'], 'gr_admin' => $gr['gr_admin']); widget::run('head', $head); $this->load->view(ADM_F . '/boardgroup_form', $data); widget::run('tail'); } else { check_token(); $w = $this->input->post('w'); $gr_id = $this->input->post('gr_id'); if (!$w) { $gr = $this->Boardgroup_model->get_group($gr_id); if (isset($gr['gr_id'])) { alert("이미 존재하는 그룹 ID 입니다."); } $this->Boardgroup_model->insert(); } else { if ($w == 'u') { $this->Boardgroup_model->update(); } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } } // goto_url(ADM_F.'/boardgroup/form/u/'.$gr_id); goto_url(ADM_F . '/boardgroup/lists'); } }
public function login($username = null, $password = null) { // testa token do formulário if (!check_token($_POST['token'])) { return false; } // verificar se username existe $user = $this->findByUsername($username); if (is_numeric($user->id)) { // verificar senha digitada if (!$password) { return false; } $this->db->query("SELECT password FROM users WHERE id = :id", array(array('name' => 'id', 'value' => $user->id))); $res = $this->db->getResults(); if ($this->db->isOk() && password_verify($password, $res->password)) { $_SESSION["user"] = $user->id; return true; } } return false; }
<?php include('includes/header.php'); switch($_POST['act']) { case 'Send': // Reply if(!check_token()) Output::HardError('Session error. Try again.'); //Lurk more? if($_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - $_SESSION['first_seen'] < REQUIRED_LURK_TIME_REPLY) { add_error('Lurk for at least ' . REQUIRED_LURK_TIME_REPLY . ' seconds before posting your first reply.'); } // Flood control. $too_early = $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME'] - FLOOD_CONTROL_REPLY; $res=DB::Execute(sprintf('SELECT 1 FROM {P}PMs WHERE pmFrom = \'%s\' AND pmDateSent > %d',$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $too_early)); if($res->RecordCount() > 0) { add_error('Wait at least ' . FLOOD_CONTROL_REPLY . ' seconds between each reply. '); } //Check inputs list($_POST['title'],$_POST['body'])=Check4Filtered($_POST['title'],$_POST['body']); $reply=new PM(); $reply->To = $_POST['to']; $reply->Thread = intval($_POST['thread']); $reply->From =$User->ID; $reply->Title = $_POST['title'];
$active = $db->insert('active', array('content' => "获取订单 {$tradeno} 返回状态码 {$data['message_id']} 内容 {$message[0]}", 'username' => $token['username'], 'time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()))); } else { // 显示错误信息 $message[] = '检查订单失败,请联系管理员'; } } } $title = '缴费'; include 'views/pay.php'; } else { header('Location: member.php?action=login'); } } else { if ($action == 'discount') { // Ajax 折扣码查询 $token = check_token(); if ($token) { if (isset($_GET['commodity_id'], $_GET['code'])) { $commodity = $db->get('commodity', array('id', 'name', 'introduction', 'time', 'price', 'transfer', 'region'), array('id' => $_GET['commodity_id'])); if ($commodity) { /*$code = generate_string(32); $db->insert('discount', array( 'card' => $code, 'md5' => md5($code), 'create_time' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'discount_price' => 5 ));*/ $discount_code = $db->get('discount', array('card', 'md5', 'create_time', 'used_member', 'discount_price', 'min_price', 'username'), array('AND' => array('card' => $_GET['code'], 'md5' => md5($_GET['code']), 'used_member' => array('', null)))); if ($discount_code) { echo json_encode(array('commodity' => $commodity, 'discount' => $discount_code)); } else {
<?php require_once 'f-encryption.php'; $client_encryption_keys = array('' => 'Qs/7S$N%C8'); $remote_ip = ''; $encryption_key = $client_encryption_keys[$remote_ip]; $timeout = 60; echo "Decrypting: {$argv['1']}\n\n"; $decr_b64 = urlsafe_b64decode($argv[1]); $decrypted = encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $decr_b64); $fields = explode(":", $decrypted); if (count($fields) == 2) { // sleep (3); list($ip, $timestamp) = explode(":", $decrypted); $nowtime = time(); //echo "$ip, $timestamp, $timeout\n"; $sum = (int) ($timestamp + $timeout); if ($nowtime > $sum || $nowtime < $timestamp) { echo "Expired key\n"; } echo "IP:{$ip},TIMESTAMP:{$timestamp}\n"; } check_token($argv[1]);
public function device_post() { set_req_log('/member/device', $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_TYPE'], json_encode($this->post())); if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN'])) { $access_token_check = check_token($_SERVER['HTTP_ACCESS_TOKEN']); if ($access_token_check['result'] == 0) { http_response_code(400); set_err_log('Access Token Error'); echo json_encode(array('errorCode' => '04', 'errorMessage' => ' access token error')); exit(0); } $access_token = $access_token_check['access_token']; $xid = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_XID']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_XID'] : get_xid($access_token); set_xid_log($xid); header('Access-Token: ' . $access_token); if ($xid == 0) { http_response_code(400); set_err_log('Access Token Error'); echo json_encode(array('errorCode' => '04', 'errorMessage' => ' access token error')); exit(0); } if ($this->post('uuid') && $this->post('pushToken')) { $uuid = $this->post('uuid'); $push_token = $this->post('pushToken'); $device = $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_TYPE']; $this->member_db_model->set_member_device($xid, $device, $uuid, $push_token); } else { http_response_code(400); if (!array_key_exists('uuid', $this->post())) { set_err_log('Parameter Empty - uuid'); } if (!array_key_exists('pushToken', $this->post())) { set_err_log('Parameter Empty - pushToken'); } echo json_encode(array('errorCode' => '00', 'errorMessage' => 'parameter error')); } } else { http_response_code(400); set_err_log('Parameter Empty - Access-Token'); echo json_encode(array('errorCode' => '00', 'errorMessage' => 'parameter error')); } }
function licensing_output($vars) { global $whmcs; global $licensing; global $aInt; global $numrows; global $tabledata; global $orderby; global $order; global $page; global $limit; global $jscode; if (!LICENSINGADDONLICENSE) { if ($whmcs->get_req_var("refresh")) { $licensing->forceRemoteCheck(); redir("module=licensing"); } echo "<div class=\"gracefulexit\">\nYour WHMCS license key is not enabled to use the Licensing Addon yet.<br /><br />\nYou can find out more about it and purchase @ <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"></a><br /><br />\nIf you have only recently purchased the addon, please <a href=\"addonmodules.php?module=licensing&refresh=1\">click here</a> to perform a license refresh.\n</div>"; return false; } $modulelink = $vars['modulelink']; $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : ""; $id = (int) $_REQUEST['id']; echo "<style>\n.licensinglinksbar {\n padding:10px 25px 10px 25px;\n background-color:#6CAD41;\n font-weight:bold;\n font-size: 14px;\n color: #5A7B2F;\n margin: 0 0 15px 0;\n -moz-border-radius: 5px;\n -webkit-border-radius: 5px;\n -o-border-radius: 5px;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\n.licensinglinksbar a {\n color: #fff;\n font-weight: normal;\n}\n</style>\n\n<div class=\"licensinglinksbar\">\n<a href=\"" . $modulelink . "\">Home</a> | <a href=\"" . $modulelink . "&action=list\">Search/Browse Licenses</a> | <a href=\"" . $modulelink . "&action=bans\">Ban Control</a> | <a href=\"" . $modulelink . "&action=log\">License Access Logs</a> | <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Help</a>\n</div>\n\n"; if (!$action) { echo "\n<h2>Statistics</h2>\n\n<table width=\"90%\" align=\"center\">\n<tr><td width=\"33%\">\n\n<div style=\"margin:0 25px;padding:15px;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Tahoma;text-align:center;font-size:20px;background-color:#E7F1C0;-moz-border-radius: 5px;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;-o-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;\">\nActive Licenses<br />\n"; echo "<s"; echo "trong>"; echo get_query_val("mod_licensing", "COUNT(*)", "status='Reissued' OR status='Active'"); echo "</strong>\n</div>\n\n</td><td width=\"33%\">\n\n<div style=\"margin:0 25px;padding:15px;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Tahoma;text-align:center;font-size:20px;background-color:#F2E8BF;-moz-border-radius: 5px;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;-o-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;\">\nSuspended Licenses<br />\n"; echo "<s"; echo "trong>"; echo get_query_val("mod_licensing", "COUNT(*)", "status='Suspended'"); echo "</strong>\n</div>\n\n</td><td width=\"33%\">\n\n<div style=\"margin:0 25px;padding:15px;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Tahoma;text-align:center;font-size:20px;background-color:#F2BFBF;-moz-border-radius: 5px;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;-o-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;\">\nExpired Licenses<br />\n"; echo "<s"; echo "trong>"; echo get_query_val("mod_licensing", "COUNT(*)", "status='Expired'"); echo "</strong>\n</div>\n\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<table width=\"90%\" align=\"center\">\n<tr><td width=\"50%\">\n\n<div style=\"margin:0 25px;padding:15px;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Tahoma;text-align:center;font-size:20px;background-color:#efefef;-moz-border-radius: 5px;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;-o-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;\">\nTotal Licenses in Database<br />\n"; echo "<s"; echo "trong>"; echo get_query_val("mod_licensing", "COUNT(*)", ""); echo "</strong>\n</div>\n\n</td><td width=\"50%\">\n\n<div style=\"margin:0 25px;padding:15px;font-family:Trebuchet MS,Tahoma;text-align:center;font-size:20px;background-color:#efefef;-moz-border-radius: 5px;-webkit-border-radius: 5px;-o-border-radius: 5px;border-radius: 5px;\">\nAccessed within the Past 30 Days<br />\n"; echo "<s"; echo "trong>"; echo get_query_val("mod_licensing", "COUNT(*)", "lastaccess>='" . date("Y-m-d", mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") - 30, date("Y"))) . "'"); echo "</strong>\n</div>\n\n</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<br />\n\n<h2>Search</h2>\n\n<form method=\"post\" action=\""; echo $modulelink; echo "&action=list\">\n\n<table class=\"form\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n<tr><td width=\"15%\" class=\"fieldlabel\">Product/License</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"search_pid\"><option value=\"0\">- Any -</option>"; $result = select_query("tblproducts", "id,name", array("servertype" => "licensing"), "name", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value=\"" . $data['id'] . "\">" . $data['name'] . "</option>"; } echo "</select></td></tr>\n<tr><td width=\"15%\" class=\"fieldlabel\">License Key</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_licensekey\" size=\"30\" value=\""; echo $search_licensekey; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Domain</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_domain\" size=\"30\" value=\""; echo $search_domain; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">IP</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_ip\" size=\"30\" value=\""; echo $search_ip; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Directory</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_dir\" size=\"60\" value=\""; echo $search_dir; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Status</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"search_status\">\n<option value=\"\">- Any -</option>\n<option>Reissued</option>\n<option>Active</option>\n<option>Suspended</option>\n<option>Expired</option>\n</select></td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" class=\"button\" /></p>\n\n</form>\n\n"; return null; } if ($action == "list") { echo "\n<form method=\"post\" action=\""; echo $modulelink; echo "&action=list\">\n\n<h2>Search/Browse Licenses</h2>\n\n<table class=\"form\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n<tr><td width=\"15%\" class=\"fieldlabel\">Product/License</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"search_pid\"><option value=\"0\">- Any -</option>"; $result = select_query("tblproducts", "id,name", array("servertype" => "licensing"), "name", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<option value=\"" . $data['id'] . "\""; if ($_REQUEST['search_pid'] == $data['id']) { echo " selected"; } echo ">" . $data['name'] . "</option>"; } echo "</select></td></tr>\n<tr><td width=\"15%\" class=\"fieldlabel\">License Key</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_licensekey\" size=\"30\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_licensekey']; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Domain</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_domain\" size=\"30\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_domain']; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">IP</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_ip\" size=\"30\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_ip']; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Directory</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"search_dir\" size=\"60\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_dir']; echo "\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Status</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"search_status\">\n<option value=\"\">- Any -</option>\n<option"; if ($_REQUEST['search_status'] == "Reissued") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Reissued</option>\n<option"; if ($_REQUEST['search_status'] == "Active") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Active</option>\n<option"; if ($_REQUEST['search_status'] == "Suspended") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Suspended</option>\n<option"; if ($_REQUEST['search_status'] == "Expired") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Expired</option>\n</select></td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Search\" class=\"button\" /></p>\n\n</form>\n\n"; $where = array(); if ($_REQUEST['search_pid']) { $where['packageid'] = $_REQUEST['search_pid']; } if ($_REQUEST['search_licensekey']) { $where['licensekey'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_licensekey'])); } if ($_REQUEST['search_domain']) { $where['validdomain'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_domain'])); } if ($_REQUEST['search_ip']) { $where['validip'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_ip'])); } if ($_REQUEST['search_dir']) { $where['validdirectory'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_dir'])); } if ($_REQUEST['search_status']) { $where['status'] = $_REQUEST['search_status']; } $aInt->sortableTableInit("id", "ASC"); if (!in_array($orderby, array("id", "licensekey", "validdomain", "validip", "lastaccess", "status"))) { $orderby = "id"; } $result = select_query("mod_licensing", "mod_licensing.*", $where, $orderby, $order, "", "tblhosting ON"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); if (count($where) && $numrows == 1) { $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $data['id']; redir("module=licensing&action=manage&id=" . $id); } $result = select_query("mod_licensing", "mod_licensing.*", $where, $orderby, $order, $page * $limit . ("," . $limit), "tblhosting ON"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $serviceid = $data['serviceid']; $licensekey = $data['licensekey']; $validdomain = $data['validdomain']; $validip = $data['validip']; $validdirectory = $data['validdirectory']; $status = $data['status']; $lastaccess = $data['lastaccess']; if ($lastaccess == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $lastaccess = "Never"; } else { $lastaccess = fromMySQLDate($lastaccess, "time"); } $validdomain = explode(",", $validdomain); $validip = explode(",", $validip); $validdirectory = explode(",", $validdirectory); $validdomain = $validdomain[0]; $validip = $validip[0]; $validdirectory = $validdirectory[0]; $tabledata[] = array("<a href=\"clientshosting.php?id=" . $serviceid . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $licensekey . "</a>", $validdomain, $validip, $lastaccess, $status, "<a href=\"" . $modulelink . "&action=manage&id=" . $id . "\"><img src=\"images/edit.gif\" border=\"0\"></a>"); } echo $aInt->sortableTable(array(array("licensekey", "License Key"), array("validdomain", "Valid Domains"), array("validip", "Valid IPs"), array("lastaccess", "Last Access"), array("status", "Status"), ""), $tabledata); return null; } if ($action == "manage") { if ($_REQUEST['save']) { update_query("mod_licensing", array("validdomain" => licensing_addon_valid_input_clean($_REQUEST['validdomain']), "validip" => licensing_addon_valid_input_clean($_REQUEST['validip']), "validdirectory" => licensing_addon_valid_input_clean($_REQUEST['validdirectory']), "reissues" => $_REQUEST['reissues'], "status" => $_REQUEST['status']), array("id" => $id)); redir("module=licensing&action=manage&id=" . $id); } $result = select_query("mod_licensing", "", array("id" => $id)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $id = $data['id']; if (!$id) { echo "<p>License Not Found. Please go back and try again.</p>"; return false; } $serviceid = $data['serviceid']; $licensekey = $data['licensekey']; $validdomain = $data['validdomain']; $validip = $data['validip']; $validdirectory = $data['validdirectory']; $reissues = $data['reissues']; $status = $data['status']; $lastaccess = $data['lastaccess']; if ($lastaccess == "0000-00-00 00:00:00") { $lastaccess = "Never"; } else { $lastaccess = fromMySQLDate($lastaccess, "time"); } $data = get_query_vals("tblhosting", ",", array("" => $serviceid), "", "", "", "tblproducts ON INNER JOIN tblproductgroups ON"); $productname = $data[0] . " - " . $data[1]; echo "\n<h2>Manage License Key</h2>\n\n<form method=\"post\" action=\""; echo $modulelink; echo "&action=manage&id="; echo $id; echo "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"save\" value=\"true\" />\n\n<table class=\"form\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\" width=\"20%\">Product/Service</td><td class=\"fieldarea\" height=\"24\">"; echo $productname; echo "</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">License Key</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" size=\"40\" value=\""; echo $licensekey; echo "\" readonly=\"true\" /> "; echo "<s"; echo "pan style=\"color:#cccccc;\">(Not Editable)</span></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Valid Domains</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><textarea name=\"validdomain\" rows=2 cols=80>"; echo $validdomain; echo "</textarea></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Valid IPs</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><textarea name=\"validip\" rows=2 cols=80>"; echo $validip; echo "</textarea></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Valid Directory</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><textarea name=\"validdirectory\" rows=2 cols=80>"; echo $validdirectory; echo "</textarea></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Number of Reissues</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"reissues\" size=\"10\" value=\""; echo $reissues; echo "\"></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Status</td><td class=\"fieldarea\">"; echo "<s"; echo "elect name=\"status\">\n<option"; if ($status == "Reissued") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Reissued</option>\n<option"; if ($status == "Active") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Active</option>\n<option"; if ($status == "Suspended") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Suspended</option>\n<option"; if ($status == "Expired") { echo " selected"; } echo ">Expired</option>\n</select></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Last Access</td><td class=\"fieldarea\" height=\"24\">"; echo $lastaccess; echo "</td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<p align=\"center\"><input type=\"button\" value=\"« Back to List\" onclick=\"history.go(-1)\" /> <input type=\"submit\" value=\"Save Changes\" class=\"button\" /> <input type=\"button\" value=\"Product Details »\" onclick=\"window.location='clientshosting.php?id="; echo $serviceid; echo "'\" /></p>\n\n</form>\n\n<h2>Recent Access</h2>\n\n"; $aInt->sortableTableInit("nopagination"); $result = select_query("mod_licensinglog", "", array("licenseid" => $id), "id", "DESC", "0,10"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $domain = $data['domain']; $ip = $data['ip']; $path = $data['path']; $message = $data['message']; $datetime = $data['datetime']; $datetime = fromMySQLDate($datetime, true); $tabledata[] = array($datetime, $domain, $ip, $path, $message); } echo $aInt->sortableTable(array("Date", "Domain", "IP", "Path", "Result"), $tabledata); return null; } if ($action == "bans") { if ($_REQUEST['save']) { check_token(); if (trim($_REQUEST['banvalue'])) { insert_query("mod_licensingbans", array("value" => trim($_REQUEST['banvalue']), "notes" => trim($_REQUEST['bannote']))); } redir("module=licensing&action=bans"); } if ($_REQUEST['delete']) { check_token(); delete_query("mod_licensingbans", array("id" => $_REQUEST['delete'])); redir("module=licensing&action=bans"); } $jscode = "function doDelete(id) {\n if (confirm(\"Are you sure you want to delete this ban entry?\")) {\n window.location='" . $modulelink . "&action=bans&delete='+id+'" . generate_token("link") . "';\n }\n}\n"; echo "\n<h2>Ban Control</h2>\n\n<form method=\"post\" action=\""; echo $modulelink; echo "&action=bans\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"save\" value=\"true\" />\n\n<table class=\"form\" width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"3\">\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\" width=\"20%\">Value</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"banvalue\" size=\"40\" /></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"fieldlabel\">Reason/Notes</td><td class=\"fieldarea\"><input type=\"text\" name=\"bannote\" size=\"80\" /></td></tr>\n</table>\n\n<p ali"; echo "gn=\"center\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"Add Ban\" /></p>\n\n</form>\n\n"; $aInt->sortableTableInit("nopagination"); $result = select_query("mod_licensingbans", "", "", "value", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $id = $data['id']; $value = $data['value']; $notes = $data['notes']; $tabledata[] = array($value, $notes, "<a href=\"#\" onClick=\"doDelete('" . $id . "');return false\"><img src=\"images/delete.gif\" width=\"16\" height=\"16\" border=\"0\" alt=\"" . $aInt->lang("global", "delete") . "\"></a>"); } echo $aInt->sortableTable(array("Domain/IP", "Ban Reason/Notes", ""), $tabledata); return null; } if ($action == "log") { echo "\n<h2>License Access Logs</h2>\n\n<form method=\"post\" action=\""; echo $modulelink; echo "&action=log\">\n<p align=\"center\"><b>Search/Filter</b>\nDomain: <input type=\"text\" name=\"search_domainlog\" size=\"30\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_domainlog']; echo "\" />\nIP: <input type=\"text\" name=\"search_iplog\" size=\"15\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_iplog']; echo "\" />\nDir: <input type=\"text\" name=\"search_dirlog\" size=\"25\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_dirlog']; echo "\" />\nStatus: <input type=\"text\" name=\"search_message\" size=\"25\" value=\""; echo $_REQUEST['search_message']; echo "\" />\n<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Go\" class=\"button\" /></p>\n</form>\n\n"; $where = array(); if ($_REQUEST['search_domainlog']) { $where['domain'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_domainlog'])); } if ($_REQUEST['search_iplog']) { $where['ip'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_iplog'])); } if ($_REQUEST['search_dirlog']) { $where['path'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_dirlog'])); } if ($_REQUEST['search_message']) { $where['message'] = array("sqltype" => "LIKE", "value" => trim($_REQUEST['search_message'])); } $result = select_query("mod_licensinglog", "", $where, "id", "DESC"); $numrows = mysql_num_rows($result); $result = select_query("mod_licensinglog", "", $where, "id", "DESC", $page * $limit . ("," . $limit)); $aInt->sortableTableInit("datetime", "ASC"); while ($data = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $domain = $data['domain']; $ip = $data['ip']; $path = $data['path']; $message = $data['message']; $datetime = $data['datetime']; $datetime = fromMySQLDate($datetime, true); $tabledata2[] = array($datetime, $domain, $ip, $path, $message); } echo $aInt->sortableTable(array("Date", "Domain", "IP", "Path", "Status Message"), $tabledata2); } }
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); check_token(ADM_F . '/member/lists'); $this->load->model(ADM_F . '/Member_model'); }
<?php $sub_menu = "200100"; include_once "./_common.php"; check_demo(); auth_check($auth[$sub_menu], "d"); $mb = get_member($_POST['mb_id']); if (!$mb[mb_id]) { alert("회원자료가 존재하지 않습니다."); } else { if ($member[mb_id] == $mb[mb_id]) { alert("로그인 중인 관리자는 삭제 할 수 없습니다."); } else { if (is_admin($mb[mb_id]) == "super") { alert("최고 관리자는 삭제할 수 없습니다."); } else { if ($mb[mb_level] >= $member[mb_level]) { alert("자신보다 권한이 높거나 같은 회원은 삭제할 수 없습니다."); } } } } check_token(); // 회원자료 삭제 member_delete($mb[mb_id]); if ($url) { goto_url("{$url}?{$qstr}&w=u&mb_id={$mb_id}"); } else { goto_url("./member_list.php?{$qstr}"); }
echo ", "; } echo get_nom_prenom_eleve($lig_ele_fut_aid->login); $cpt_ele_aid++; } echo "</span>)"; } echo "<br />\n"; } echo "</p>\n"; echo "<p><br /></p>\n"; } echo "<script type='text/javascript'>\n\tfunction verifie_form() {\n\t\ttemoin_assoc='ok';\n\t\tfor(i=0;i<{$cpt};i++) {\n\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('id_grp_fut_'+i)) {\n\t\t\t\t//alert(\"document.getElementById('id_grp_fut_\"+i+\"').value=\"+document.getElementById('id_grp_fut_'+i).value);\n\n\t\t\t\tif(document.getElementById('id_grp_fut_'+i).value=='') {\n\t\t\t\t\ttemoin_assoc='n';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tif(temoin_assoc=='n') {\n\t\t\tverif=confirm('ATTENTION:\\nUn enseignement de " . $classe . " au moins n est pas associé à un enseignement de " . $classe_future . ".\\nLes notes éventuelles de l élève à cet enseignement seront perdues si vous confirmez la volonté de procéder aux changements.');\n\t\t\tif(verif) {\n\t\t\t\tdocument.forms['form_assoc_grp'].submit();\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\tdocument.forms['form_assoc_grp'].submit();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n</script>\n"; echo "<p><b>ATTENTION:</b></p>\n<blockquote>\n<p>Dans le cas où des groupes sont en commun entre la {$classe} et la {$classe_future}, si l'élève fait partie de plusieurs enseignements correspondant à la même matière (<i>exemple: l'élève fait partie de 2 enseignements de DecP3 partagés entre les deux classes</i>), il faut éviter d'intervertir les groupes.<br />\nDans le cas contraire, lors de la migration du deuxième enseignement, l'inscription au premier est supprimé.</p>\n<p>La page propose normalement de ne pas changer de groupe lorsque le groupe est partagé par les deux classes (<i>le numéro de groupe est indiqué entre parenthèses</i>).<br />\nEvitez les 'fantaisies';o).</p>\n</blockquote>\n"; } else { check_token(false); $tab_per = array($periode_num); if ($chgt_periode_sup == "y") { $sql = "SELECT num_periode FROM periodes WHERE id_classe='{$id_classe}' AND num_periode>{$periode_num} ORDER BY num_periode;"; $test_per = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["mysqli"], $sql); if (mysqli_num_rows($test_per) > 0) { while ($lig_per = mysqli_fetch_object($test_per)) { $tab_per[] = $lig_per->num_periode; } } } affiche_debug("count(\$tab_per)=" . count($tab_per) . "<br />\n"); for ($j = 0; $j < count($tab_per); $j++) { affiche_debug("\$tab_per[{$j}]={$tab_per[$j]}<br />"); } $gepi_denom_boite = getSettingValue("gepi_denom_boite");
function form($w = '', $mb_id = '') { $this->load->config('cf_register'); $this->load->config('cf_icon'); $this->load->model('Register_model'); $this->load->library('form_validation'); $this->load->helper(array('admin', 'chkstr')); $config = array(array('field' => 'mb_name', 'label' => '이름', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[10]'), array('field' => 'mb_email', 'label' => '이메일', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[50]|valid_email|callback_mb_email_check'), array('field' => 'mb_sex', 'label' => '성별', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[1]'), array('field' => 'mb_birth', 'label' => '생일', 'rules' => 'trim|exact_length[10]')); $pwd_req = ''; if (!$this->input->post('w')) { $config[] = array('field' => 'mb_id', 'label' => '아이디', 'rules' => 'trim|required|min_length[3]|max_length[20]|alpha_dash|xss_clean|callback_mb_id_check'); $pwd_req = 'required|'; } $config[] = array('field' => 'mb_password', 'label' => '비밀번호', 'rules' => 'trim|' . $pwd_req . 'min_length[3]|max_length[20]|md5'); if ($this->config->item('cf_use_nick')) { $config[] = array('field' => 'mb_nick', 'label' => '별명', 'rules' => 'trim|required|max_length[20]|callback_mb_nick_check'); } $this->form_validation->set_rules($config); if ($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE) { $data = array(); if ($w == '') { $mb = array_false(unserialize(MEMBER), TRUE); $mb['mb_zip1'] = $mb['mb_zip2'] = ''; $mb['mb_mailling'] = 1; $mb['mb_open'] = 1; $mb['mb_level'] = $this->config->item('cf_register_level'); $title = '등록'; } else { if ($w == 'u') { $mb = $this->Basic_model->get_member($mb_id); if (!isset($mb['mb_id'])) { alert('존재하지 않는 회원자료입니다.'); } list($mb['mb_zip1'], $mb['mb_zip2']) = explode('-', $mb['mb_zip']); if ($this->config->item('cf_use_point')) { $mb['mb_point'] = number_format($mb['mb_point']); } if ($this->config->item('cf_use_email_certify')) { $data['passive_certify'] = FALSE; if ($mb['mb_email_certify'] == '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $data['passive_certify'] = "<input type='checkbox' name='passive_certify'> 수동인증"; } } $data['use_email_certify'] = $this->config->item('cf_use_email_certify'); $title = '수정'; } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } } if ($this->config->item('cf_use_icon')) { $mb_path = '/member/' . substr($mb['mb_id'], 0, 2) . '/'; $icon_path = $mb_path . $mb['mb_id'] . '.gif'; $icon_file = DATA_DIR . $icon_path; if (!file_exists(DATA_PATH . $icon_path)) { $icon_file = FALSE; } $data['icon_file'] = $icon_file; $data['icon_width'] = $this->config->item('cf_icon_width'); $data['icon_height'] = $this->config->item('cf_icon_height'); $data['icon_size'] = $this->config->item('cf_icon_size'); $named_path = $mb_path . 'n_' . $mb['mb_id'] . '.gif'; $named_file = DATA_DIR . $named_path; if (!file_exists(DATA_PATH . $named_path)) { $named_file = FALSE; } $data['named_file'] = $named_file; $data['named_width'] = $this->config->item('cf_named_width'); $data['named_height'] = $this->config->item('cf_named_height'); $data['named_size'] = $this->config->item('cf_named_size'); } $head = array('title' => '회원관리 ' . $title); $data = array_merge(array('w' => $w, 'token' => get_token(), 'cf_use_nick' => $this->config->item('cf_use_nick'), 'cf_use_icon' => $w ? $this->config->item('cf_use_icon') : FALSE, 'mailling_chk' => $mb['mb_mailling'] ? "checked='checked'" : FALSE, 'open_chk' => $mb['mb_open'] ? "checked='checked'" : FALSE, 'mb_level_select' => get_mb_level_select('mb_level', $mb['mb_level'])), $data, $mb); widget::run('head', $head); $this->load->view(ADM_F . '/member_form', $data); widget::run('tail'); } else { check_token(); $w = $this->input->post('w'); $mb_id = $this->input->post('mb_id'); if ($mb_id == ADMIN) { $member = unserialize(MEMBER); if ($member['mb_id'] != $mb_id) { alert('최고관리자는 수정할 수 없습니다.'); } } if (!$w) { $mb = $this->Basic_model->get_member($mb_id, 'mb_id,mb_name,mb_nick,mb_email'); if (isset($mb['mb_id'])) { alert("이미 존재하는 회원입니다.\\n\\nID : " . $mb['mb_id'] . "\\n\\n이름 : " . $mb['mb_name'] . "\\n\\n별명 : " . $mb['mb_nick'] . "\\n\\n메일 : " . $mb['mb_email']); } $this->Member_model->insert(); } else { if ($w == 'u') { $mb = $this->Basic_model->get_member($mb_id, 'mb_id'); if (!isset($mb['mb_id'])) { alert('존재하지 않는 회원자료입니다.'); } $mb_dir = DATA_PATH . '/member/' . substr($mb_id, 0, 2); $mb_icon = $mb_dir . '/' . $mb_id . '.gif'; $mb_named = $mb_dir . '/n_' . $mb_id . '.gif'; // 아이콘 삭제 if ($this->input->post('del_mb_icon')) { @unlink($mb_icon); } // 이미지이름 삭제 if ($this->input->post('del_mb_named')) { @unlink($mb_named); } if ($_FILES) { $this->load->library('upload'); if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['mb_icon']['tmp_name'])) { @mkdir($mb_dir, 0707); @chmod($mb_dir, 0707); $config['upload_path'] = $mb_dir; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif'; $config['max_size'] = $this->config->item('cf_icon_size'); $config['max_width'] = $this->config->item('cf_icon_width'); $config['max_height'] = $this->config->item('cf_icon_height'); $config['overwrite'] = TRUE; $config['file_name'] = $mb_id . '.gif'; $this->upload->initialize($config); if ($this->upload->do_upload('mb_icon')) { chmod($mb_icon, 0606); } } if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['mb_named']['tmp_name'])) { @mkdir($mb_dir, 0707); @chmod($mb_dir, 0707); $config['upload_path'] = $mb_dir; $config['allowed_types'] = 'gif'; $config['max_size'] = $this->config->item('cf_named_size'); $config['max_width'] = $this->config->item('cf_named_width'); $config['max_height'] = $this->config->item('cf_named_height'); $config['overwrite'] = TRUE; $config['file_name'] = 'n_' . $mb_id . '.gif'; $this->upload->initialize($config); if ($this->upload->do_upload('mb_named')) { chmod($mb_named, 0606); } } } $this->Member_model->update(); } else { alert('잘못된 접근입니다.'); } } goto_url(ADM_F . '/member/form/u/' . $mb_id); } }
exit; } // Handle OPML export if (isset($_POST['export']) && !empty($_POST['token']) && check_token(600, 'export_form')) { $feeds = array(); foreach ($_POST['export'] as $feed_id) { $feeds[] = get_feed($feed_id); } require_once 'inc/opml.php'; $now = new DateTime(); header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="freeder_export_' . $now->format('d-m-Y_H-i') . '.xml"'); header('Content-type: "text/xml"; charset="utf8"'); exit(opml_export($feeds)); } // Handle OPML import if (isset($_FILES['import']) && isset($_POST['import_tags_opml']) && !empty($_POST['token']) && check_token(600, 'import_form')) { if ($_FILES['import']['error'] > 0) { $error = array(); $error['type'] = 'error'; $error['title'] = 'OPML import error'; $error['content'] = '<p>The OPML file could not be imported.</p>'; $tpl->assign('error', $error, RainTPL::RAINTPL_IGNORE_SANITIZE); $tpl->draw('settings'); exit; } if ($_FILES['import']['size'] > 1048576) { $error = array(); $error['type'] = 'error'; $error['title'] = 'OPML import error'; $error['content'] = '<p>The OPML file is too large.</p>'; $tpl->assign('error', $error, RainTPL::RAINTPL_IGNORE_SANITIZE);
function __construct() { parent::__construct(); check_token(ADM_F . '/popup/lists'); $this->load->model(ADM_F . '/Popup_model'); }
<?php /* Copyright (c) 2014 Freeder * Released under a MIT License. * See the file LICENSE at the root of this repo for copying permission. */ require_once 'inc/init.php'; require_once 'inc/feeds.php'; $command_line = is_command_line(); if (!$command_line && (!require_auth(false) || empty($_GET['token']) || !check_token(600, 'refresh'))) { header('location: index.php'); exit; } $refresh_start = microtime(true); $feeds = get_feeds(); $feeds_to_refresh = array(); foreach ($feeds as $feed) { $feeds_to_refresh[$feed['id']] = array('id' => $feed['id'], 'url' => $feed['url'], 'post' => $feed['post'], 'import_tags_from_feed' => $feed['import_tags_from_feed']); } $tpl->assign('feeds_to_refresh', $feeds_to_refresh); $tpl->assign('feeds', $feeds); $tpl->assign('command_line', $command_line); $tpl->draw('refresh');
$modifs .= "**description** modifiée\n"; } if ($edited == 1) { // Suppression du token délayée jusqu'à ici check_token(true); // Ajout d'un commentaire résumant les modifications $st = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO commentaires(auteur, demande, texte, creation, resume) VALUES(:auteur, :demande, :texte, NOW(), 1)'); $st->execute(array(':auteur' => $utilisateur->userid(), ':demande' => $demande['id'], ':texte' => $modifs)); if (!$conf['debug']) { header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily'); header('Location: index.php?mod=demande&id=' . $demande['id']); } $template->assign_block_vars('MSG_INFO', array('DESCR' => 'Demande modifiée ; <a href="index.php?mod=demande&id=' . $demande['id'] . '">cliquez ici</a> pour la consulter')); } } else { if (isset($_POST['dem_titre']) && $_POST['dem_titre'] != '' && isset($_POST['dem_descr']) && $_POST['dem_descr'] != '' && check_token()) { $st = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO demandes(projet, titre, auteur, description, priorite, statut, creation, derniere_activite) VALUES(:projet, :titre, :auteur, :description, 1, 1, NOW(), NOW())'); $st->execute(array(':projet' => $projet['id'], ':titre' => $_POST['dem_titre'], ':auteur' => $utilisateur->userid(), ':description' => $_POST['dem_descr'])); $st = $db->prepare('SELECT, d.projet, d.version, d.titre, d.auteur, d.description, d.priorite, d.statut, d.creation, p.nom AS projet_nom, v.nom AS version_nom FROM demandes d INNER JOIN projets p ON LEFT OUTER JOIN versions v ON WHERE d.projet=:projet AND d.titre=:titre'); $st->execute(array(':projet' => $projet['id'], ':titre' => $_POST['dem_titre'])); // Si la demande a été ajoutée correctement, on l'affiche (on quitte donc la page d'édition) if ($demande = $st->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) { if (!$conf['debug']) { header('HTTP/1.1 302 Moved Temporarily'); header('Location: index.php?mod=demande&id=' . $demande['id']); } $template->assign_block_vars('MSG_INFO', array('DESCR' => 'Demande ajoutée ; <a href="index.php?mod=demande&id=' . $demande['id'] . '">cliquez ici</a> pour la consulter'));
public function launch(Request $request, Response $response) { $message = null; $new_name = null; $delete_confirmation = null; if ($_SESSION['statut'] == "administrateur") { if ($request->getParam('operation')) { check_token(false); if ($request->getParam('operation') == "delete") { if ($request->getParam('confirm_delete')) { if ($request->getParam('id_calendrier')) { $calendrier = new Calendrier(); $calendrier->id = $request->getParam('id_calendrier'); if (!$calendrier->delete()) { $message = "Impossible de supprimer le calendrier"; } } } else { if ($request->getParam('id_calendrier')) { $delete_confirmation = "<form action=\"index.php?action=calendriermanager\" method=\"post\">" . add_token_field(false) . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input name=\"operation\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"delete\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input name=\"id_calendrier\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $request->getParam('id_calendrier') . "\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p>La suppression d'un calendrier entraîne la suppression de toutes les périodes calendaires qui en dépendent !</p>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input name=\"confirm_delete\" type=\"submit\" style=\"width:200px;\" value=\"Confirmer la suppression\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>"; } } } else { if ($request->getParam('operation') == "new") { if ($request->getParam('nom_calendrier')) { $calendrier = new Calendrier(); $calendrier->nom = $request->getParam('nom_calendrier'); if (!$calendrier->save()) { $message = "Impossible de créer le calendrier"; } } } else { if ($request->getParam('operation') == "modify_name") { if ($request->getParam('new_name')) { $calendrier = new Calendrier(); $calendrier->nom = $request->getParam('new_name'); $calendrier->id = $request->getParam('id_calendrier'); if (!$calendrier->update()) { $message = "Impossible de modifier le nom du calendrier"; } } else { if ($request->getParam('id_calendrier')) { $new_name = "<form action=\"index.php?action=calendriermanager\" method=\"post\">" . add_token_field(false) . "\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input name=\"operation\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"modify_name\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input name=\"id_calendrier\" type=\"hidden\" value=\"" . $request->getParam('id_calendrier') . "\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input name=\"new_name\" type=\"text\" style=\"width:200px;\" value=\"" . Calendrier::getNom($request->getParam('id_calendrier')) . "\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input name=\"bouton_valider_new_name\" type=\"submit\" style=\"width:200px;\" value=\"Modifier le nom du calendrier\">\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>"; } } } else { if ($request->getParam('operation') == "edit_classes") { if ($request->getParam('id_calendrier')) { $id_calendrier = $request->getParam('id_calendrier'); $jointure = new jointure_calendar_classes(); $periodes = new PeriodeCalendaire(); $classe = new Classe(); $jointure->id_calendar = $id_calendrier; $jointure->delete_classes(); if ($request->getParam('classes_' . $id_calendrier)) { $liste_classes = null; foreach ($request->getParam('classes_' . $id_calendrier) as $id_classe) { $classe->id = $id_classe; $liste_classes .= $classe->getShortName() . ";"; $jointure->id_classe = $id_classe; if (!$jointure->save_classe()) { $message .= "Une classe est déjà affectée dans un autre calendrier<br/>"; } } // ================ Compatibilité pour les autres modules GEPi $periodes->id_calendar = $id_calendrier; $periodes->classes_concernees = $liste_classes; $periodes->update_classes(); } } } } } } } calendar::updateTables(); } $response->addVar('delete_confirmation', $delete_confirmation); $response->addVar('new_name', $new_name); $response->addVar('message', $message); $response->addVar('NomPeriode', calendar::getPeriodName(time())); $response->addVar('TypeSemaineCourante', calendar::getTypeCurrentWeek()); $response->addVar('SemaineCourante', calendar::getCurrentWeek()); $response->addVar('calendrier', calendar::GenerateCalendarList()); $this->render("./lib/template/calendriermanagerSuccess.php"); $this->printOut(); }
} redir("saved=true#" . $module); exit; } if ($action == "activate") { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); $module = $_GET['module']; if ($module) { delete_query("tblregistrars", array("registrar" => $module)); insert_query("tblregistrars", array("registrar" => $module, "setting" => "Username", "value" => "")); } redir("activated=true#" . $module); exit; } if ($action == "deactivate") { check_token("WHMCS.admin.default"); $module = $_GET['module']; if ($module) { delete_query("tblregistrars", array("registrar" => $module)); } redir("deactivated=true"); exit; } ob_start(); if ($saved) { infoBox($aInt->lang("domainregistrars", "changesuccess"), $aInt->lang("domainregistrars", "changesuccessinfo")); } if ($activated) { infoBox($aInt->lang("domainregistrars", "moduleactivated"), $aInt->lang("domainregistrars", "moduleactivatedinfo"), "success"); } if ($deactivated) {
// on success if (empty($erreurs)) { $new_fichier = bdd_fichier($fichier, 'ajout-nouveau', 'upload', $_FILES['fichier']); $fichier = is_null($new_fichier) ? $fichier : $new_fichier; echo '{'; echo '"url": "fichiers.php?file_id=' . $fichier['bt_id'] . '&edit",'; echo '"status": "success",'; echo '"token": "' . new_token() . '"'; echo '}'; exit; } else { echo '{'; echo '"url": "0",'; echo '"status": "failure",'; echo '"token": "0"'; echo '}'; exit; } } elseif (isset($_POST['token']) and check_token($_POST['token'])) { echo '{'; echo '"url": "0",'; echo '"status": "failure",'; echo '"token": "' . new_token() . '"'; echo '}'; } else { echo '{'; echo '"url": "0",'; echo '"status": "failure",'; echo '"token": "0"'; echo '}'; }
<?php require_once 'config/tank_config.php'; $getjson = file_get_contents('php://input'); $dataarr = json_decode($getjson, true); $token = $dataarr['token']; $tab = $dataarr['tab']; $uid = check_token($token); if ($uid != 3) { mysql_select_db($database_tankdb, $tankdb); $query_Recordset_sumtotal = sprintf("SELECT \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tCOUNT(*) as count_prj \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tFROM tk_project \t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE project_to_user = %s", GetSQLValueString($uid, "int")); $Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_query($query_Recordset_sumtotal, $tankdb) or die(mysql_error()); $row_Recordset_sumtotal = mysql_fetch_assoc($Recordset_sumtotal); $my_totalprj = $row_Recordset_sumtotal['count_prj']; $get_function = project_list($uid, "project_lastupdate", "DESC", "0", $tab); $rearr = array('summprj' => $my_totalprj, 'list' => $get_function); $redata = json_encode($rearr); echo $redata; } else { echo 3; }
<td><div class="warning"> <strong>WARNING:</strong><br /> You must use Get Subscription Status to get the Subscription ID before you can refund it. </div></td> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php if ($refundSubscription != null) { //This application uses the Autonomous Client OAuth consumption model //Check if there is a valid access token that has not expired $fullToken["accessToken"] = $accessToken; $fullToken["refreshToken"] = $refreshToken; $fullToken["refreshTime"] = $refreshTime; $fullToken["updateTime"] = $updateTime; $fullToken = check_token($FQDN, $api_key, $secret_key, $scope, $fullToken, $oauth_file); $accessToken = $fullToken["accessToken"]; $url = $FQDN . "/Commerce/Payment/Rest/2/Transactions/" . $trxIdRefund; $url = $url . "?access_token=" . $accessToken . "&Action=refund"; $headers = array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Accept: application/json'); $payload = "{\"RefundReasonCode\":1,\n \"RefundReasonText\":\"" . $refundReasonText . "\"}"; $putData = tmpfile(); fwrite($putData, $payload); fseek($putData, 0); $request = curl_init(); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HTTPGET, 1); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($request, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, 0); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);