function __construct($args = '') { global $bp; $defaults = bp_album_default_query_args(); $r = apply_filters('bp_album_template_args', wp_parse_args($args, $defaults)); extract($r, EXTR_SKIP); $this->pag_page = $page; $this->pag_per_page = $per_page; $this->owner_id = $owner_id; $this->privacy = $privacy; $total = bp_album_get_picture_count($r); $this->pictures = bp_album_get_pictures($r); if (!$max || $max >= $total) { $this->total_picture_count = $total; } else { $this->total_picture_count = $max; } if (!$max || $max >= count($this->pictures)) { $this->picture_count = count($this->pictures); } else { $this->picture_count = $max; } $this->pag_links_global = paginate_links(array('base' => get_permalink() . '%#%', 'format' => '?page=%#%', 'total' => ceil((int) $this->total_picture_count / (int) $this->pag_per_page), 'current' => (int) $this->pag_page, 'prev_text' => '←', 'next_text' => '→', 'mid_size' => 1)); //$this->pag_links = paginate_links( array( //'base' => $bp->displayed_user->domain . $bp->album->slug .'/'. $bp->album->pictures_slug .'/%_%', //'format' => '%#%', //'total' => ceil( (int) $this->total_picture_count / (int) $this->pag_per_page ), //'current' => (int) $this->pag_page, //'prev_text' => '←', //'next_text' => '→', //'mid_size' => 1 //)); if ($this->picture_count) { $this->picture = $this->pictures[0]; } }
/** * bp_album_limits_info() * * @version * @since */ function bp_album_limits_info() { global $bp, $pictures_template; $owner_id = isset($pictures_template) ? $pictures_template->picture->owner_id : $bp->loggedin_user->id; $results = bp_album_get_picture_count(array('owner_id' => $owner_id, 'privacy' => 'all', 'priv_override' => true, 'groupby' => 'privacy')); $return = array(); $tot_count = 0; $tot_remaining = false; foreach (array(0, 2, 4, 6, 10) as $i) { $return[$i]['count'] = 0; foreach ($results as $r) { if ($r->privacy == $i) { $return[$i]['count'] = $r->count; break; } } if (isset($pictures_template) && $i == $pictures_template->picture->privacy) { $return[$i]['current'] = true; } else { $return[$i]['current'] = false; } if ($i == 10) { $return[$i]['enabled'] = is_super_admin(); $return[$i]['remaining'] = $return[$i]['enabled']; } else { switch ($i) { case "0": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv0_pictures; break; case "1": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv1_pictures; break; case "2": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv2_pictures; break; case "3": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv3_pictures; break; case "4": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv4_pictures; break; case "5": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv5_pictures; break; case "6": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv6_pictures; break; case "7": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv7_pictures; break; case "8": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv8_pictures; break; case "9": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv9_pictures; break; default: $pic_limit = null; } $return[$i]['enabled'] = $pic_limit !== 0 ? true : false; $return[$i]['remaining'] = $pic_limit === false ? true : ($pic_limit > $return[$i]['count'] ? $pic_limit - $return[$i]['count'] : 0); } $tot_count += $return[$i]['count']; $tot_remaining = $tot_remaining || $return[$i]['remaining']; } $return['all']['count'] = $tot_count; $return['all']['remaining'] = $bp->album->bp_album_max_pictures === false ? true : ($bp->album->bp_album_max_pictures > $tot_count ? $bp->album->bp_album_max_pictures - $tot_count : 0); $return['all']['remaining'] = $tot_remaining ? $return['all']['remaining'] : 0; $return['all']['enabled'] = true; return $return; }
/** * bp_album_action_edit() * * @version * @since */ function bp_album_action_edit() { global $bp, $pictures_template; if ($bp->current_component == $bp->album->slug && $bp->album->single_slug == $bp->current_action && $pictures_template->picture_count && isset($bp->action_variables[1]) && $bp->album->edit_slug == $bp->action_variables[1] && isset($_POST['submit'])) { check_admin_referer('bp-album-edit'); $error_flag = false; $feedback_message = array(); $id = $pictures_template->pictures[0]->id; if (empty($_POST['title'])) { $error_flag = true; $feedback_message[] = __('Picture title cannot be blank.', 'bp-album'); } if ($bp->album->bp_album_require_description && empty($_POST['description'])) { $error_flag = true; $feedback_message[] = __('Picture description cannot be blank.', 'bp-album'); } if (!isset($_POST['privacy'])) { $error_flag = true; $feedback_message[] = __('Please select a privacy option.', 'bp-album'); } else { $priv_lvl = intval($_POST['privacy']); switch ($priv_lvl) { case "0": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv0_pictures; break; case "1": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv1_pictures; break; case "2": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv2_pictures; break; case "3": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv3_pictures; break; case "4": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv4_pictures; break; case "5": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv5_pictures; break; case "6": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv6_pictures; break; case "7": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv7_pictures; break; case "8": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv8_pictures; break; case "9": $pic_limit = $bp->album->bp_album_max_priv9_pictures; break; default: $pic_limit = null; } if ($priv_lvl == 10) { $pic_limit = is_super_admin() ? false : null; } if ($pic_limit === null) { $error_flag = true; $feedback_message[] = __('Privacy option is not correct.', 'bp-album'); } elseif ($pic_limit !== false && $priv_lvl !== $pictures_template->pictures[0]->privacy && ($pic_limit === 0 || $pic_limit <= bp_album_get_picture_count(array('privacy' => $priv_lvl)))) { $error_flag = true; switch ($priv_lvl) { case 0: $feedback_message[] = __('You have reached the limit for public pictures.', 'bp-album') . ' ' . __('Please select another privacy option.', 'bp-album'); break; case 2: $feedback_message[] = __('You have reached the limit for pictures visible to community members.', 'bp-album') . ' ' . __('Please select another privacy option.', 'bp-album'); break; case 4: $feedback_message[] = __('You have reached the limit for pictures visible to friends.', 'bp-album') . ' ' . __('Please select another privacy option.', 'bp-album'); break; case 6: $feedback_message[] = __('You have reached the limit for private pictures.', 'bp-album') . ' ' . __('Please select another privacy option.', 'bp-album'); break; } } } if (bp_is_active('activity') && $bp->album->bp_album_enable_comments) { if (!isset($_POST['enable_comments']) || $_POST['enable_comments'] != 0 && $_POST['enable_comments'] != 1) { $error_flag = true; $feedback_message[] = __('Comments option is not correct.', 'bp-album'); } else { $_POST['enable_comments'] == 0; } } if (!$error_flag) { // WordPress adds an escape character "\" to some special values in INPUT FIELDS (test's becomes test\'s), so we have to strip // the escape characters, and then run the data through *proper* filters to prevent SQL injection, XSS, and various other attacks. if (bp_album_edit_picture($id, stripslashes($_POST['title']), stripslashes($_POST['description']), $priv_lvl, $_POST['enable_comments'])) { $feedback_message[] = __('Picture details saved.', 'bp-album'); } else { $error_flag = true; $feedback_message[] = __('There were problems saving picture details.', 'bp-album'); } } if ($error_flag) { bp_core_add_message(implode(' ', $feedback_message), 'error'); } else { bp_core_add_message(implode(' ', $feedback_message), 'success'); bp_core_redirect($bp->displayed_user->domain . $bp->album->slug . '/' . $bp->album->single_slug . '/' . $id . '/'); die; } } }