$threaddb = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT tid,fid,subject,postdate,lastpost,lastposter,replies,hits,titlefont FROM pw_threads WHERE authorid=" . pwEscape($userdb['uid']) . " {$sql} ORDER BY {$ordertype} DESC {$limit}"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $rt['subject'] = substrs($rt['subject'], 45); $rt['forum'] = strip_tags($forum[$rt['fid']]['name']); $rt['postdate'] = get_date($rt['postdate'], 'Y-m-d'); $rt['lastpost'] = get_date($rt['lastpost'], 'Y-m-d'); $rt['encode_lastposter'] = rawurlencode($rt['lastposter']); $threaddb[] = $rt; } require_once PrintEot('u'); footer(); } elseif ($action == 'post') { include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/forum_cache.php'; require_once R_P . 'require/forum.php'; InitGP(array('ptable', 'page')); (!is_numeric($page) || $page < 1) && ($page = 1); $limit = pwLimit(($page - 1) * $db_perpage, $db_perpage); !isset($ptable) && ($ptable = $db_ptable); $pw_posts = GetPtable($ptable); $fidoff = $isU ? array(0) : getFidoff($groupid); $sqloff = ' AND p.fid NOT IN(' . pwImplode($fidoff) . ')'; $count = $db->get_value("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM {$pw_posts} p WHERE authorid=" . pwEscape($userdb['uid']) . " {$sqloff}"); $nurl = "u.php?action=post&uid={$uid}&"; if ($p_list) { $p_table = ""; foreach ($p_list as $key => $val) { $name = $val ? $val : ($key != 0 ? getLangInfo('other', 'posttable') . $key : getLangInfo('other', 'posttable')); $p_table .= "<tr><td id=\"up_post{$key}\" class=\"fav\"><a href=\"{$nurl}ptable={$key}\">" . $name . "</a></td></tr>"; } $nurl .= "ptable={$ptable}&";
//$navMenu->cache(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($action == 'delete') { InitGP(array('id')); empty($db_hackdb[$id]) && adminmsg('hackcenter_del'); unset($db_hackdb[$id]); $sqlarray = file_exists(R_P . "hack/{$id}/sql.txt") ? FileArray($id) : array(); !empty($sqlarray) && SQLDrop($sqlarray); setConfig('db_hackdb', $db_hackdb); $navMenu = L::loadClass('navmenu'); $navMenu->settype('bbs_navinfo'); $navMenu->del('hack_' . $id); $navMenu->cache(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($action == 'add') { InitGP(array('hackdir', 'hackname', 'hackopen'), 'G'); !empty($db_hackdb[$hackdir]) && adminmsg('hackcenter_sign_exists'); $sqlarray = file_exists(R_P . "hack/{$hackdir}/sql.txt") ? FileArray($hackdir) : array(); !empty($sqlarray) && SQLCreate($sqlarray); $db_hackdb[$hackdir] = array($hackname, $hackdir, $hackopen); setConfig('db_hackdb', $db_hackdb); $navMenu = L::loadClass('navmenu'); $navMenu->settype('bbs_navinfo'); $navMenu->update('hack_' . $hackdir, array('title' => strip_tags($hackname), 'link' => 'hack.php?H_name=' . $hackdir)); if ($hackopen == 0) { $navMenu->setshow('hack_' . $hackdir, 0); $navMenu->setupnav('hack_' . $hackdir, 'hack'); } elseif ($hackopen == 1) { $navMenu->setshow('hack_' . $hackdir, 1); $navMenu->setupnav('hack_' . $hackdir, 'hack'); } elseif ($hackopen == 2) {
} else { $userListHtml = getAllUsersHtml($message); $smsList = $messageServer->getReplies($userId, $message['mid'], $rid); } } elseif ($action == 'down') { InitGP(array('rid', 'redirect'), 'GP'); list($isown, $_url) = wap_redirect_init($redirect); empty($rid) && wap_msg("非法请求"); if (!($message = $messageServer->getDownInfoByType($userId, $rid, $isown))) { wap_sms_msg("已经是最后一条"); } else { $userListHtml = getAllUsersHtml($message); $smsList = $messageServer->getReplies($userId, $message['mid'], $rid); } } elseif ($action == 'post') { InitGP(array('parentMid', 'atc_content', 'rid'), 'GP'); $_url = "index.php?a=ms_index&action=info&mid={$parentMid}&rid={$rid}&"; if (!$_G['allowmessege']) { wap_msg('你所在的用户组不能发送消息', $_url); } empty($parentMid) && wap_msg('非法操作', $_url); empty($atc_content) && wap_msg('回复内容不能为空', $_url); $atc_content = trim(strip_tags($atc_content)); $messageInfo = array('create_uid' => $winduid, 'create_username' => $windid, 'title' => $windid, 'content' => $atc_content); if (!($message = $messageServer->sendReply($winduid, $rid, $parentMid, $messageInfo))) { wap_msg('回复失败', $_url); } wap_sms_msg('回复成功!'); } wap_header(); require_once PrintWAP('ms_index');
$uids1[] = $rt['uid']; } } else { $rt['startdate'] && ($rt['date'] = get_date($rt['startdate'])); $bandb[] = $rt; } } if ($ids) { $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_banuser WHERE id IN(" . pwImplode($ids) . ")"); $uids1 && $db->update("UPDATE pw_members SET groupid='-1' WHERE uid IN(" . pwImplode($uids1) . ")"); $uids2 && $db->update("UPDATE pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_banuser b ON m.uid=b.uid AND b.fid>0 SET m.userstatus=m.userstatus&(~1) WHERE b.uid is NULL AND m.uid IN(" . pwImplode($uids2) . ")"); } include PrintEot('viewban'); exit; } elseif ($_POST['action'] == 'freeban') { InitGP(array('free'), 'P'); !$free && adminmsg('operate_error'); $ids = pwImplode($free); $uids1 = $uids2 = array(); $_cache = getDatastore(); $query = $db->query("SELECT * FROM pw_banuser WHERE uid IN ({$ids})"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $_cache->delete('UID_' . $rt['uid']); if ($rt['fid']) { $uids2[] = $rt['uid']; } else { $uids1[] = $rt['uid']; } } $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_banuser WHERE uid IN({$ids})"); $uids1 && $db->update("UPDATE pw_members SET groupid='-1' WHERE uid IN(" . pwImplode($uids1) . ")");
<?php !defined('P_W') && exit('Forbidden'); define('AJAX', 1); InitGP(array('tid', 'block_id')); $tid = (int) $tid; if (!$tid) { exit; } $thread = $db->get_one("SELECT tid,fid,author,authorid,subject,type,postdate,hits,replies FROM pw_threads WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($tid)); $temp = array(); if ($thread) { $temp = array(); $temp['url'] = 'read.php?tid=' . $thread['tid']; $temp['title'] = $thread['subject']; $temp['image'] = ''; $temp['forumname'] = getForumName($thread['fid']); $temp['forumurl'] = getForumUrl($thread['fid']); $temp['descrip'] = getDescripByTid($tid); // $block = $stopic_service->getBlockById($block_id); // foreach ($block['config'] as $value) { // if ($value == 'descrip') { // $temp[$value] = getDescripByTid($tid); // } elseif (array_key_exists($value,$thread)) { // $temp[$value] = $thread[$value]; // } else { // $temp[$value] = ''; // } // } $temp = pwJsonEncode($temp); echo "success\t" . $temp;
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $siteBindInfoService = L::loadClass('WeiboSiteBindInfoService', 'sns/weibotoplatform/service'); /* @var $siteBindInfoService PW_WeiboSiteBindInfoService */ $templatesConfig = array('article' => array('title' => '帖子内容', 'description' => '{title}为帖子标题 ; {content}为帖子内容摘要 ; {url}为帖子地址'), 'diary' => array('title' => '日志内容', 'description' => '{title}为日志标题; {content}为日志内容摘要; {url}为日志地址'), 'group_active' => array('title' => '群组活动', 'description' => '{title}为群组活动标题; {content}为群组活动内容摘要; {url}为群组活动地址'), 'cms' => array('title' => '文章内容', 'description' => '{title}为文章标题; {content}为文章内容摘要; {url}为文章地址'), 'photos' => array('title' => '相册', 'description' => '{photo_count}为照片张数; {url}为相册地址'), 'group_photos' => array('title' => '群组相册', 'description' => '{photo_count}为照片张数; {url}为群组相册地址')); InitGP(array('step', 'templates')); if ($step == 'edit' && !empty($templates)) { $warningMessage = ''; foreach ($templatesConfig as $key => $value) { if (!isset($templates[$key]) || '' == $templates[$key]) { $warningMessage = '所有微博模版不能为空'; } } if (!$warningMessage) { $siteBindInfoService->saveWeiboTemplates($templates); $warningMessage = '恭喜, 设置成功了'; } } $templatesSet = $siteBindInfoService->getWeiboTemplates(); include PrintTemplate('custom_weibo_template'); exit;
<?php !defined('P_W') && exit('Forbidden'); InitGP(array('id'), null, 2); InitGP(array('record')); $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT tid,fid FROM pw_pinglog WHERE ifhide=0 AND id=" . S::sqlEscape($id)); if (empty($rt) || !$rt['fid']) { Showmsg('data_error'); } L::loadClass('forum', 'forum', false); $pwforum = new PwForum($rt['fid']); $isGM = CkInArray($windid, $manager); if (!$isGM && !pwRights($pwforum->isBM($windid), 'pingcp', $rt['fid'])) { Showmsg('mawhole_right'); } //$db->update("UPDATE pw_pinglog SET record=" . S::sqlEscape($record) . " WHERE id=" . S::sqlEscape($id)); pwQuery::update('pw_pinglog', 'id=:id', array($id), array('record' => $record)); echo "success"; # memcache reflesh if ($db_memcache) { //* $threads = L::loadClass('Threads', 'forum'); //* $threads->delThreads($rt['tid']); Perf::gatherInfo('changeThreadWithThreadIds', array('tid' => $rt['tid'])); } ajax_footer();
<?php !function_exists('readover') && exit('Forbidden'); /**** @name:加亮道具 @type:帖子类 @effect:可以将自己的帖子标题加亮显示 ****/ if ($tooldb['type'] != 1) { Showmsg('tooluse_type_error'); // 判断道具类型是否设置错误 } if (!$_POST['step']) { require_once PrintHack('index'); footer(); } else { if ($tpcdb['authorid'] != $winduid) { Showmsg('tool_authorlimit'); } InitGP(array('title1', 'title2', 'title3', 'title4', 'title5', 'title6')); $titlefont = "{$title1}~{$title2}~{$title3}~{$title4}~{$title5}~{$title6}~"; $db->update("UPDATE pw_threads SET titlefont=" . pwEscape($titlefont) . ",toolinfo=" . pwEscape($tooldb['name'], false) . "WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($tid)); $db->update("UPDATE pw_usertool SET nums=nums-1 WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($winduid) . "AND toolid=" . pwEscape($toolid)); $logdata = array('type' => 'use', 'nums' => '', 'money' => '', 'descrip' => 'tool_3_descrip', 'uid' => $winduid, 'username' => $windid, 'ip' => $onlineip, 'time' => $timestamp, 'toolname' => $tooldb['name'], 'subject' => substrs($tpcdb['subject'], 15), 'tid' => $tid); writetoollog($logdata); Showmsg('toolmsg_success'); }
!$fid && Showmsg('annouce_fid'); InitGP(array('msgtype', 'toname', 'savetime'), 'P'); !$msgtype && !$toname && Showmsg('forummsg_object'); $msgtype == 1 ? $toname = '' : ($msgtype = 2); $savetime = $timestamp + (intval($savetime) > 0 ? intval($savetime) : 30) * 86400; $message = trim(Char_cv($_POST['message'])); !$message && Showmsg('forummsg_content'); $toname = "," . implode(',', $toname) . ","; $pwSQL = pwSqlSingle(array('fid' => $fid, 'uid' => $winduid, 'username' => $windid, 'toname' => $toname, 'msgtype' => $msgtype, 'posttime' => $timestamp, 'savetime' => $savetime, 'message' => $message)); $db->update("INSERT INTO pw_forummsg SET {$pwSQL}"); refreshto("forumcp.php?action=edit&type=msg&fid={$fid}", 'operate_success'); } } } elseif ($action == 'del') { PostCheck(); InitGP(array('selid', 'type')); $selids = array(); foreach ($selid as $key => $value) { is_numeric($value) && ($selids[] = $value); } if ($selids) { $selids = pwImplode($selids); } else { Showmsg('id_error'); } if ($type == 'report') { $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_report WHERE id IN ({$selids})"); refreshto("forumcp.php?action=edit&type=report&fid={$fid}", 'operate_success'); } } function updatecache_fd1()
} $editset = $checkvar = ''; foreach ($nav_left as $title => $left) { $checkvar .= ",'chk_{$title}' : true"; $editset .= '<tr class="tr3"><td width="15%"><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="CheckForm(getObj(\'' . $title . '\'))">' . $left['name'] . '</a></td><td id="' . $title . '"><ul class="list2">'; foreach ($left['items'] as $key => $value) { $checked = !empty($right) && (int) $right[$key] == 1 ? 'CHECKED' : ''; $editset .= ' <li><input type="checkbox" name="rightdb[' . $key . ']" value="1" ' . $checked . '> ' . $value . '</li>'; } $editset .= "</ul></td></tr>"; } $checkvar && ($checkvar = substr($checkvar, 1)); include PrintEot('rightset'); exit; } else { InitGP(array('rightdb'), 'P', 2); !$gid && adminmsg('undefined_action'); if (!empty($rightdb) && is_array($rightdb)) { $right = array(); foreach ($rightdb as $key => $value) { list($k1, $k2) = explode('_', $key); if ($k1 == 'o' || $k1 == 'area' || $k1 == 'app') { $right[$key] = $value; } else { if ($k2) { $right[$k1][$k2] = $value; } else { $right[$key] = $value; } } }
<?php include "../common.inc.php"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "inbox", "uname", "email", "subject", "message", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=" . CHARSET); if (empty($action)) { InitGP(array("uid", "isadmin", "email", "subject", "message")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($_POST) and !empty($subject)) { //发送邮件 if (isemail($email) && !empty($message)) { $emailstr = $message; include_once INC_PATH . "/sendmail.class.php"; $sendmail = new SendEmail(); $sendmail->sendmailto($subject, $emailstr, $email); if (!empty($inbox)) { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('" . $sendmail->printmsg . "');parent.\$.fn.colorbox.close();</script>"); } else { showmsg($sendmail->printmsg, PHP_SELF); //出错! } } else { if (!empty($inbox)) { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('email格式错误');location.reload();</script>"); } else { showmsg("email格式错误", PHP_SELF); //出错!
$htm_tr = ''; foreach ($groupdb as $key => $value) { if ($key == '1' || $key == '2') { continue; } $checked = strpos($postcate['viewright'], ',' . $key . ',') !== false ? 'checked' : ''; $htm_tr = ''; $num++; $num % 5 == 0 ? $htm_tr = '</tr><tr>' : ''; $viewrighthtml .= "<td><input class='input' type='checkbox' name='viewright[]' value='" . $key . "' " . $checked . ">" . $value['grouptitle'] . "</td>" . $htm_tr; } $viewrighthtml .= "</tr></table>"; include PrintEot('postcate'); exit; } else { InitGP(array('viewright', 'adminright')); $viewrights = ',' . implode(',', $viewright) . ','; $adminrights = ',' . implode(',', $adminright) . ','; $db->update("UPDATE pw_postcate" . " SET " . pwSqlSingle(array('viewright' => $viewrights, 'adminright' => $adminrights)) . " WHERE pcid=" . pwEscape($pcid)); updatecache_postcate(); adminmsg('operate_success', $basename . "&action=rightset&pcid={$pcid}"); } } function getFieldSqlByType($type) { if (in_array($type, array('number', 'calendar'))) { $sql = "INT(10) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"; } elseif (in_array($type, array('radio', 'select'))) { $sql = "TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'"; } elseif ($type == 'textarea') { $sql = "TEXT NOT NULL";
<?php !defined('M_P') && exit('Forbidden'); InitGP(array('pushid'), '', 2); $pushdata = $invokeService->getPushDataById($pushid); $invokeService->deletePushData($pushid); $invokeService->updateCacheDataPiece($pushdata['invokepieceid'], $pushdata['fid'], $pushdata['loopid']); echo "success"; ajax_footer();
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=unituser"; require_once R_P . 'require/credit.php'; if (!$action) { require_once PrintEot('unituser'); } elseif ($_POST['action'] == "unit") { InitGP(array('uids', 'newuid'), 'P'); if (!$uids) { adminmsg('unituser_username_empty'); } if (!$newuid) { adminmsg('unituser_newname_empty'); } $touser = $db->get_one("SELECT username FROM pw_members WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($newuid)); Add_S($touser); if (!$touser['username']) { adminmsg('unituser_newname_error'); } $oldinfo = array(); $uids = explode(',', $uids); foreach ($uids as $key => $val) { if (is_numeric($val)) { if ($val == $newuid) { adminmsg('unituser_samename'); } $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT m.uid,m.username,md.postnum,md.digests,md.rvrc,md.money,md.credit,md.currency,mi.deposit,mi.ddeposit FROM pw_members m LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON m.uid=md.uid LEFT JOIN pw_memberinfo mi ON m.uid=mi.uid WHERE m.uid=" . pwEscape($val)); if (!$rt['uid']) { adminmsg('unituser_username_error'); } else {
updatecache_f(); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=setforum&action=edit&fid={$fid}"; adminmsg('operate_success'); } } elseif ($action == 'changename') { $fid = (int) GetGP('fid'); InitGP(array('fname'), 'P', 0); $fname = str_replace('<iframe', '<iframe', $fname); $fname = str_replace(array('<iframe', '"', "'"), array("<iframe", "", ""), $fname); $db->update("UPDATE pw_forums SET name=" . pwEscape($fname) . " WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); updatecache_f(); $msg = getLangInfo('cpmsg', 'operate_success'); echo $msg; ajax_footer(); } elseif ($action == 'delttype') { InitGP(array('type', 'id')); $id_array = array(); if ($type == 'top') { $query = $db->query("SELECT id FROM pw_topictype WHERE upid=" . pwEscape($id)); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $id_array[] = $rt['id']; } } $id_array = array_merge($id_array, array($id)); if (!empty($id_array)) { $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_topictype WHERE id IN (" . pwImplode($id_array) . ")"); updatecache_f(); $ids = implode("\t", $id_array); echo "success\t" . $ids; } else { echo 'fail';
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=safecheck"; if (!$action) { $dirlist = ''; $fp = opendir('./'); while ($filename = readdir($fp)) { if ($filename != '.' && $filename != '..' && is_dir($filename)) { $dirlist .= "<option value=\"{$filename}\">/{$filename}</option>"; } } include PrintEot('safecheck'); exit; } elseif ($action == 'search') { InitGP(array('dir', 'keyword')); if (!$dir || !$keyword) { adminmsg('safecheck_operate_error'); } $check = $dirlist = array(); foreach ($dir as $key => $value) { $ifsub = $value == '.' ? 0 : 1; checkfile($keyword, $value . '/', $ifsub); } if (empty($check)) { adminmsg('all_file_ok'); } foreach ($check as $file => $value) { $dir = dirname($file); $filename = basename($file); $filemtime = get_date(pwFilemtime($file));
<?php include "../common.inc.php"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "state", "value", "payid", "ids", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 $Table = new TableClass("favorite", "fid"); AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 if (empty($action)) { InitGP(array("state", "orderby", "orderway", "keywords")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($state)) { $wherestr[] = "state='{$state}'"; } if (!empty($keywords)) { $wherestr[] = " CONCAT(uname,' ',goodsname,' ',goodsseller) like '%{$keywords}%' "; } if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 $orderway = $orderway == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc"; if (!empty($orderby)) { $orderstr = "{$orderby} {$orderway}"; } //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 $pagesize = 15; //一页显示信息数
<?php //我的劵 InitGP(array("action", "type", "oid", "page")); //初始化变量全局返回 include_once INC_PATH . "/guestbook.class.php"; $Table = new GuestBookClass(); AjaxHead(); if (empty($action)) { $uname = $_USERS['uname']; $wherestr[] = "G.uname='{$uname}'"; if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount("uname='{$uname}'"); //总信息数 $pagesize = 5; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; //偏移量 $dataarray = $Table->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql); //获取团购数据 } //print_r($dataarray); include template('member_guestbooklist'); //包含输出指定模板
} } if ($subdb1) { foreach ($subdb1 as $value) { $forum_L[] = $value; } } if ($subdb2) { foreach ($subdb2 as $value) { $forum_L[] = $value; } } $ajaxurl = EncodeUrl($basename); } elseif ($action == 'editforum') { InitGP(array('fidcommend'), 'P', 0); InitGP(array('order'), 'P', 2); $pwSQL = $forumDB = $fids = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT fid,vieworder FROM pw_searchforum"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $forumDB[$rt['fid']]['fid'] = $rt['fid']; $forumDB[$rt['fid']]['vieworder'] = (int) $rt['vieworder']; $fids[] = $rt['fid']; } foreach ($fidcommend as $key => $value) { //用于add|update $vieworder = (int) $order[$key]; if (!S::inArray($key, $fids)) { $addSQL[$key]['fid'] = $key; $addSQL[$key]['vieworder'] = $vieworder; } else { if ($vieworder !== $forumDB[$key]['vieworder']) {
Showmsg('找不到专题数据,请您重试', $basename . "&job=stman"); } $styles = $stopic_service->getStyles(); $bg_list = $stopic_service->getPicturesAndDefaultBGs($stopic_data['category_id']); $bg_total = ceil(count($bg_list) / $bg_perpage); include stopic_use_layout('admin'); } elseif ("edit" == $jobact) { InitGP(array("stopic_id"), null, 2); if ($stopic_id <= 0) { Showmsg('参数错误,请您重试', "javascript:history.back();"); } $stopic_data = $stopic_service->getSTopicInfoById($stopic_id); if (null == $stopic_data) { Showmsg('找不到专题数据,请您重试', "javascript:history.back();"); } InitGP(array("stopic_title", "banner_url", "nav_set", "layout_set", "is_new_bg", "bg_id", "seo_keyword", "seo_desc")); $title = trim($stopic_title); if ("" == $title) { Showmsg("对不起,请填写标题", "javascript:history.back();"); } if ($is_new_bg) { $bg_id = 0; } if ($is_new_bg && count($_FILES) && $_FILES["background"]["name"] && $_FILES["background"]["size"]) { $new_bg_id = $stopic_service->uploadPicture($_FILES, $stopic_data['category_id'], $admin_name); !$new_bg_id && Showmsg("对不起,背景图片增加失败", $stopic_admin_url); $bg_id = $new_bg_id; } $stopic_service->updateSTopicById($stopic_id, array("title" => $title, "banner_url" => $banner_url, "nav_config" => stopic_filter_navconfig($nav_set), "layout_config" => $layout_set, "bg_id" => $bg_id, "seo_keyword" => $seo_keyword, "seo_desc" => $seo_desc)); ObHeader($basename . '&job=editstopic&stopic_id=' . $stopic_id); } else {
<?php !function_exists('adminmsg') && exit('Forbidden'); $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=userpay"; if (!$_POST['action']) { include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/ol_config.php'; !$ol_paypalcode && ($ol_paypalcode = RandString('40')); ifcheck($ol_onlinepay, 'onlinepay'); include PrintEot('userpay'); exit; } else { InitGP(array('userpay'), 'P'); !$userpay['ol_paypalcode'] && ($userpay['ol_paypalcode'] = RandString('40')); foreach ($userpay as $key => $value) { setConfig($key, $value); } updatecache_ol(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } function RandString($len) { $rand = '1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM'; mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { $code .= $rand[mt_rand(0, strlen($rand))]; } return $code; }
!$pwpost->isGM && !pwRights($pwpost->isBM, 'deltpcs') && Showmsg('undefined_action'); $atcdb = $db->get_one('SELECT authorid,subject FROM pw_threads WHERE tid=' . pwEscape($tid) . ' AND fid=' . pwEscape($fid)); empty($atcdb) && Showmsg('illegal_tid'); if ($winduid != $atcdb['authorid'] && $groupid != 3 && $groupid != 4) { $authordb = $db->get_one('SELECT groupid FROM pw_members WHERE uid=' . pwEscape($atcdb['authorid'])); if ($authordb['groupid'] == 3 || $authordb['groupid'] == 4) { Showmsg('modify_admin'); } } if (empty($_POST['step'])) { $atcdb['subject'] = str_replace(array("<", ">", "\t"), array('<', '>', ''), $atcdb['subject']); echo "success\t" . $atcdb['subject']; ajax_footer(); } else { PostCheck(); InitGP(array('atc_content'), 'P'); !$atc_content && Showmsg('content_empty'); if (!$atc_content || strlen($atc_content) > $db_titlemax) { Showmsg('postfunc_subject_limit'); } $wordsfb = L::loadClass('FilterUtil'); if (($banword = $wordsfb->comprise($atc_content)) !== false) { Showmsg('title_wordsfb'); } $db->update('UPDATE pw_threads SET subject=' . pwEscape($atc_content) . ' WHERE tid=' . pwEscape($tid)); //临时修改,待改进 $threads = L::loadClass('Threads'); $threads->delThreads($tid); $rt = $db->get_one('SELECT titlefont FROM pw_threads WHERE tid=' . pwEscape($tid)); if ($rt['titlefont']) { $detail = explode("~", $rt['titlefont']);
<?php include "../common.inc.php"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "state", "value", "payid", "ids", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 $Table = new TableClass("admin", "adminid"); AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 if (empty($action)) { InitGP(array("type", "raction", "orderby", "orderway", "keywords")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($type)) { $wherestr[] = "type='{$type}'"; } if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 $orderway = $orderway == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc"; if (!empty($orderby)) { $orderstr = "{$orderby} {$orderway}"; } //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 $pagesize = 20; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize;
$id = $arr[$uid]['id']; } elseif (isset($arr[$winduid]) && isset($arr[$uid])) { if ($arr[$uid]['id'] == $arr[$winduid]['id']) { Showmsg('userbinding_has'); } else { $db->update("UPDATE pw_userbinding SET id=" . pwEscape($arr[$winduid]['id']) . ' WHERE id=' . pwEscape($arr[$uid]['id'])); $id = $arr[$winduid]['id']; } } else { Showmsg('undefined_action'); } $db->update("UPDATE pw_userbinding u LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON u.uid=m.uid SET m.userstatus=m.userstatus|(1<<11) WHERE u.id=" . pwEscape($id)); refreshto("profile.php?action=modify&info_type=binding", 'operate_success', 2, true); } elseif ($_POST['step'] == '4') { PostCheck(); InitGP(array('selid')); if ($selid && is_array($selid)) { $arr = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT u2.uid FROM pw_userbinding u1 LEFT JOIN pw_userbinding u2 ON u1.id=u2.id WHERE u1.uid=" . pwEscape($winduid)); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $arr[] = $rt['uid']; } if ($delarr = array_intersect($arr, $selid)) { $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_userbinding WHERE uid IN(" . pwImplode($delarr) . ')'); $tmp = $delarr + array($winduid); if (count(array_unique($tmp)) == count($arr)) { $delarr = $tmp; } $db->update("UPDATE pw_members SET userstatus=userstatus&~(1<<11) WHERE uid IN (" . pwImplode($delarr) . ')'); } }
InitGP(array('aid')); $aid = (int) $aid; empty($aid) && Showmsg('data_error'); require_once PrintEot('m_ajax'); ajax_footer(); } elseif ($a == 'createajax') { define('AJAX', 1); define('F_M', true); banUser(); InitGP(array('job')); require_once PrintEot('m_ajax'); ajax_footer(); } elseif ($a == 'getallowflash') { define('AJAX', 1); define('F_M', true); InitGP(array('aid')); $aid = (int) $aid; if ($aid) { $photonums = $db->get_value("SELECT photonum FROM pw_cnalbum WHERE atype='0' AND aid=" . pwEscape($aid)); $o_maxphotonum && $photonums >= $o_maxphotonum && Showmsg('colony_photofull'); if ($o_maxphotonum) { $allowmutinum = $o_maxphotonum - $photonums; } else { $allowmutinum = 'infinite'; } } echo "ok\t{$allowmutinum}"; ajax_footer(); } //require_once(M_P.'require/header.php'); if ($space == 1 && defined('F_M')) {
!$winduid && Showmsg('not_login'); @(include_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php'); @(include_once R_P . 'require/credit.php'); @(include_once R_P . 'lib/datanalyse.class.php'); @(include_once A_P . 'hot/lang/lang_o_hot.php'); @(include_once A_P . 'hot/lib/index.class.php'); if (!trim($o_hot_groups, ',') || strpos($o_hot_groups, ',' . $winddb[groupid] . ',') !== false || $winddb['groupid'] == -1 && strpos($o_hot_groups, ',' . $winddb['memberid'] . ',') !== false) { $popedom = true; } else { $popedom = false; } !$o_hot_open && Showmsg('hot_close'); !$popedom && Showmsg('hot_popedom'); $datanalyse = new Datanalyse(); $hotDB = new HotDB($datanalyse); InitGP(array('action', 'sub', 'fTime', 'fType'), 'GP'); $tabs = $hotDB->getTabs(); if (empty($action) || $action == "center") { @(include_once R_P . 'lib/datanalysecache.class.php'); $datacache = new DatanalyseCache(); $disModules = $hotDB->getAllDisplayModules(); $md5key = md5(serialize($disModules)); $result = array(); if ($datacache->ifUpdateCache($md5key)) { $parents = (array) $disModules['parent']; $num = 1; foreach ($parents as $key => $value) { $rTop = array('tag' => $value['tag'], 'title' => $value['type_name']); if ($disModules[$value['id']]) { foreach ($disModules[$value['id']] as $k => $v) { $fTime = $fType = '';
$postdata->setConvert($atc_convert, $atc_autourl); $postdata->setAnonymous($atc_anonymous); $postdata->setHideatt($atc_hideatt); $postdata->setIconid($atc_iconid); $postdata->setIfsign($atc_usesign, $atc_html); $postdata->setHide($atc_hide); $postdata->setEnhide($atc_requireenhide, $atc_rvrc, $atc_enhidetype); $postdata->setSell($atc_requiresell, $atc_money, $atc_credittype); if ($special && file_exists(R_P . "lib/special/post_{$special}.class.php")) { require_once R_P . "lib/special/post_{$special}.class.php"; $postSpecial = new postSpecial($pwpost); $postSpecial->modifyData($tid); } if ($postmodify->hasAtt()) { InitGP(array('keep', 'oldatt_special', 'oldatt_needrvrc'), 'P', 2); InitGP(array('oldatt_ctype', 'oldatt_desc'), 'P'); $postmodify->initAttachs($keep, $oldatt_special, $oldatt_needrvrc, $oldatt_ctype, $oldatt_desc); } require_once R_P . 'lib/upload/attupload.class.php'; if (PwUpload::getUploadNum() || $flashatt) { $postdata->att = new AttUpload($winduid, $flashatt); $postdata->att->check(); $postdata->att->transfer(); $postdata->att->setReplaceAtt($postmodify->replacedb); PwUpload::upload($postdata->att); } $postmodify->execute($postdata); if ($postSpecial) { $postSpecial->updateData($tid); } if ($postTopic) {
require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php'; $topicdb['content'] = strip_tags(convert($topicdb['content'], $db_windpost)); $topicdb['content'] = substrs($topicdb['content'], 100, 'N'); $attimages = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT attachurl,ifthumb FROM pw_attachs WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($topicdb['tid'], false) . " AND pid=0 AND type='img' LIMIT 4"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $a_url = geturl($rt['attachurl'], 'show', $rt['ifthumb']); if ($a_url != 'nopic') { $attimages[$rt['attachurl']] = is_array($a_url) ? $a_url[0] : $a_url; } } $attimages = serialize($attimages); $share['topic']['abstract'] = $topicdb['content']; $share['topic']['imgs'] = $attimages; } elseif ($type == 'reply') { InitGP(array('tid')); $pw_posts = GetPtable('N', $tid); $replydb = $db->get_one("SELECT p.pid,p.tid,p.subject as psubject,p.author,p.authorid,p.postdate,p.content,t.subject as tsubject FROM {$pw_posts} p LEFT JOIN pw_threads t ON p.tid=t.tid WHERE p.pid=" . pwEscape($id)); empty($replydb) && Showmsg('data_error'); $link = $db_bbsurl . '/job.php?action=topost&tid=' . $tid . '&pid=' . $id; $type = 'topic'; $share['topic']['subject'] = $replydb['psubject'] ? $replydb['psubject'] : 'Re:' . $replydb['tsubject']; require_once R_P . 'require/bbscode.php'; $replydb['content'] = strip_tags(convert($replydb['content'], $db_windpost)); $replydb['content'] = substrs($replydb['content'], 100, 'N'); $attimages = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT attachurl FROM pw_attachs WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($replydb['authorid'], false) . " AND pid=" . pwEscape($id, false) . " AND type='img' LIMIT 5"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $a_url = geturl($rt['attachurl'], 'show'); if ($a_url != 'nopic') { $attimages[$rt['attachurl']] = is_array($a_url) ? $a_url[0] : $a_url;
<?php !defined('P_W') && exit('Forbidden'); InitGP(array('keyword')); require_once R_P . "lib/adminsearch.class.php"; $searchpurview = new AdminSearch($keyword); $result = $searchpurview->search(); include PrintEot('search'); exit;
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