  * An augmented scandir() which will ensure any Aliases are included in the relevant
  * directory scans; this makes the Aliases behave very similarly to actual directories.
 public function scandir($dir, $filemask, $see_thumbnail_dir, $glob_flags_or, $glob_flags_and)
     $dir = self::enforceTrailingSlash($dir);
     // collect the real items first:
     $coll = parent::scandir($dir, $filemask, $see_thumbnail_dir, $glob_flags_or, $glob_flags_and);
     FM_vardumper($this, 'scandir4Alias', $coll);
     if ($coll === false) {
         return $coll;
     $flags &= $glob_flags_and;
     $flags |= $glob_flags_or;
     // make sure we keep the guarantee that the '..' entry, when present, is the very last one, intact:
     $doubledot = array_pop($coll['dirs']);
     if ($doubledot !== null && $doubledot !== '..') {
         $coll['dirs'][] = $doubledot;
         $doubledot = null;
     // we must check against thumbnail path again, as it MAY be an alias, itself!
     $tndir = null;
     if (!$see_thumbnail_dir) {
         $tn_uri = $this->options['thumbnailPath'];
         $tnpath = $this->url_path2file_path($tn_uri);
         //if (FileManagerUtility::startswith($dir, $tnpath))
         //  return false;
         $tnparent = self::getParentDir($tnpath);
         $just_below_thumbnail_dir = FileManagerUtility::startswith($dir, $tnparent);
         if ($just_below_thumbnail_dir) {
             $tndir = basename(substr($tn_uri, 0, -1));
     // now see if we need to add any aliases as elements:
     if (isset($this->scandir_alias_lu_arr) && !empty($this->scandir_alias_lu_arr[$dir])) {
         $a_base = $this->scandir_alias_lu_arr[$dir];
         $d = $coll['dirs'];
         $f = $coll['files'];
         foreach ($a_base[false] as $a_elem) {
             if (!in_array($a_elem, $d, true) && $tndir !== $a_elem && (!($flags & GLOB_NOHIDDEN) || $a_elem[0] != '.')) {
                 //$coll['special_indir_mappings'][1][] = array_push($coll['dirs'], $a_elem) - 1;
                 $coll['dirs'][] = $a_elem;
         foreach ($a_base[true] as $a_elem) {
             if (!in_array($a_elem, $f, true) && (!($flags & GLOB_NOHIDDEN) || $a_elem[0] != '.')) {
                 //$coll['special_indir_mappings'][0][] = array_push($coll['files'], $a_elem) - 1;
                 $coll['files'][] = $a_elem;
     // make sure we keep the guarantee that the '..' entry, when present, is the very last one, intact:
     if ($doubledot !== null) {
         $coll['dirs'][] = $doubledot;
     return $coll;
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  <h1>FileManager Backend Tests</h1>

  <h2>Basic PHP tests</h2>
// log request data:
FM_vardumper(null, 'testFM' . (!empty($_GET['event']) ? '-' . $_GET['event'] : null));
if (01) {
    $re_extra = '-_., []()~!@+';
    $trim_extra = '-_,~@+#&';
    echo "pagetitle(str, NULL, '{$re_extra}', '{$trim_extra}'): regex to filter file &amp; dirnames before they are created:\n";
    // ASCII range
    for ($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++) {
        $msg = '';
        $str = '';
        for ($j = 0; $j < 16; $j++) {
            $c = $i * 16 + $j;
            switch ($c) {
                case 9:
                    $msg .= "(TAB)";
                case 13:
예제 #3
function FM_IsAuthorized($mgr, $action, &$info)
    // Start session, if not already started
    //$settings = $mgr->getSettings();
    //$mimetdefs = $mgr->getMimeTypeDefinitions();
    // log request data:
    FM_vardumper($mgr, $action, $info);
    // when the session, started in the demo entry pages, doesn't exist or is not valid, we do not allow ANYTHING any more:
    if (empty($_SESSION)) {
        throw new FileManagerException('authorized: The session is non-existent.');
        return false;
    if (empty($_SESSION['FileManager']) || $_SESSION['FileManager'] !== 'DemoMagick') {
        throw new FileManagerException('authorized: The session is illegal, as it does not contain the mandatory magic value set up by the demo entry pages.');
        return false;
     * authenticate / authorize:
     * this sample is a bogus authorization, but you can perform simple to highly
     * sophisticated authentications / authorizations here, e.g. even ones which also check permissions
     * related to what is being uploaded right now (different permissions required for file mimetypes,
     * e.g. images: any authorized user; while other file types which are more susceptible to carrying
     * illicit payloads requiring at least 'power/trusted user' permissions, ...)
    $rv = false;
    switch ($action) {
        case 'upload':
             * Note that the TinyMCE demo currently has this sestting set to 'NO' to simulate an UNauthorized user, for the sake of the demo.
            $rv = $_SESSION['UploadAuth'] == 'yes';
        case 'download':
            $rv = true;
        case 'create':
            // create directory
        // create directory
        case 'destroy':
        case 'move':
            // move or copy!
        // move or copy!
        case 'view':
            $rv = true;
        case 'detail':
             * For the demo, we deny generation of thumbnails for images in a certain size range: 500KB - 2MB, jpeg only.
             * To showcase the nasty/cool (depending on your disposition) things you can do in this callback, we
             * force the thumbnail to become a thumbnail of the 'nuke':
            $fsize = @filesize($info['file']);
             * When the thumbnail request is made, the demo will error on
             *   bison-head-with-horns (Ray Rauch, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service).jpg
             *   fruits-vegetables-milk-and-yogurt (Peggy Greb, U.S. Department of Agriculture).jpg
             * intentionally with the next bit of code; just to give you an idea what can be done in here.
             * you can do a similar thing for any other request and have a good file fail or a bad file recover and succeed,
             * simply by patching the $info[] items.
            if (SHOW_CUSTOM_CALLBACK_WORK && $info['mime'] == 'image/jpeg' && $fsize >= 180 * 1024 && $fsize <= 200 * 1024) {
                // force the manager to fetch the 'nuke' icon:
                $info['filename'] = 'is.default-error';
                // and nuke the mimetype to make sure it does go for the icon, always:
                $info['mime'] = 'icon/icon';
                // and act as if we authorized the action. Meanwhile, we just nuked it.
            $rv = true;
            // unknown operation. Internal server error.
            $rv = false;
    // make sure the session is closed (and unlocked) before the bulk of the work is performed: better parallelism server-side.
    return $rv;
예제 #4
function FM_IsAuthorized($mgr, $action, &$info)
    //$settings = $mgr->getSettings();
    //$mimetdefs = $mgr->getMimeTypeDefinitions();
    // log request data:
    FM_vardumper($mgr, $action, $info);
     * authenticate / authorize:
     * this sample is a bogus authorization, but you can perform simple to highly
     * sophisticated authentications / authorizations here, e.g. even ones which also check permissions
     * related to what is being uploaded right now (different permissions required for file mimetypes,
     * e.g. images: any authorized user; while other file types which are more susceptible to carrying
     * illicit payloads requiring at least 'power/trusted user' permissions, ...)
    switch ($action) {
        case 'upload':
             *   $fileinfo = array(
             *     'dir' => (string) directory where the uploaded file will be stored (filesystem absolute)
             *     'name' => (string) the filename of the uploaded file (already cleaned and resequenced, without the file name extension
             *     'extension' => (string) the file name extension (already cleaned as well, including 'safe' mode processing, i.e. any uploaded binary executable will have been assigned the extension '.txt' already)
             *     'size' => (integer) number of bytes of the uploaded file
             *     'maxsize' => (integer) the configured maximum number of bytes for any single upload
             *     'mimes' => NULL or an array of mime types which are permitted to be uploaded. This is a reference to the array produced by $mgr->getAllowedMimeTypes().
             *     'ext2mime_map' => an array of (key, value) pairs which can be used to map a file name extension (key) to a mime type (value). This is a reference to the array produced by $mgr->getAllowedMimeTypes().
             *     'chmod' => (integer) UNIX access rights (default: 0666) for the directory-to-be-created (RW for user,group,world). Note that the eXecutable bits have already been stripped before the callback was invoked.
             *   );
             * Note that this request originates from a Macromedia Flash client: hence you'll need to use the
             * $_GET['session'] value to manually set the PHP session_id() before you start your your session
             * again. (Of course, this assumes you've set up the client side FileManager JS object to pass the
             * session_id() in this 'session' request parameter.
             * In examples provided with mootools_filemanager itself, the value is set to 'MySessionId'.
            if (!empty($_GET['session'])) {
                return true;
            return false;
        case 'download':
             *     $fileinfo = array(
             *         'file' => (string) full path of the file (filesystem absolute)
             *     );
            return true;
        case 'create':
            // create directory
             *     $fileinfo = array(
             *         'dir' => (string) parent directory: directory where the directory-to-be-created will exist (filesystem absolute)
             *         'file' => (string) full path of the directory-to-be-created itself (filesystem absolute)
             *         'chmod' => (integer) UNIX access rights (default: 0777) for the directory-to-be-created (RWX for user,group,world)
             *     );
            return true;
        case 'destroy':
             *     $fileinfo = array(
             *         'dir' => (string) directory where the file / directory-to-be-deleted exists (filesystem absolute)
             *         'file' => (string) the filename (with extension) of the file / directory to be deleted
             *     );
            return true;
        case 'move':
            // move or copy!
             *     $fileinfo = array(
             *         'dir' => (string) directory where the file / directory-to-be-moved/copied exists (filesystem absolute)
             *         'file' => (string) the filename (with extension) of the file / directory to be moved/copied
             *         'newdir' => NULL or (string) target directory: full path of directory where the file/directory will be moved/copied to. (filesystem absolute)
             *         'newname' => NULL or (string) target path: full path of file/directory. This is the file location the file/.directory should be renamed/moved to. (filesystem absolute)
             *         'rename' => (boolean) TRUE when a file/directory RENAME operation is requested (name change, staying within the same parent directory). FALSE otherwise.
             *         'is_dir' => (boolean) TRUE when the subject is a directory itself, FALSE when it is a regular file.
             *         'function' => (string) PHP call which will perform the operation. ('rename' or 'copy')
             *     );
             * on RENAME these path elements will be set: 'dir', 'file'            'newname'; 'rename' = TRUE, 'function' = 'rename'
             * on MOVE   these path elements will be set: 'dir', 'file', 'newdir', 'newname'; 'rename' = TRUE, 'function' = 'rename'
             * on COPY   these path elements will be set: 'dir', 'file'  'newdir', 'newname'; 'rename' = TRUE, 'function' = 'copy'
            return true;
            // unknown operation. Internal server error.
            return false;
예제 #5
define('DEVELOPMENT', 0);
// set to 01 / 1 / nonzero value to enable logging of each incoming event request.
require 'FM-common.php';
// this one loads the appropriate FileManager AND the support functions used in this demo
 * when you want to pass absolute paths into FileManager, be reminded that ALL paths
 * (except for the [mimeTypesPath] one!) are paths in URI space, i.e. the 'root'
 * is assumed to be DocumentRoot.
 * Below is a quick example how a physical filesystem path /could/ be transformed
 * to a URI path -- assumed you don't get buggered by having Aliases apply to this
 * particular path, in which case you are between a rock and a hard place: then you
 * MUST specify URI paths instead, this 'trick' being defective.
$fm_basedir = str_replace(strtr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], '\\', '/'), '', dirname(strtr(__FILE__, '\\', '/'))) . '/';
 * Go to FM-common.php to edit the Alias array there to mirror your local situation.
 * See also the 'SITE_USES_ALIASES' define and the mkNewFileManager() function in there.
 * mkNewFileManager() is just a wrapper used to keep the demo code lean...
$browser = mkNewFileManager(array('directory' => 'Files/', 'upload' => true, 'destroy' => true, 'create' => true, 'move' => true, 'download' => true, 'allowExtChange' => true));
$event_cmd = !empty($_GET['event']) ? $_GET['event'] : null;
// log request data:
FM_vardumper($browser, 'init' . $event_cmd);
// and process the request:
// Do *NOT* add a <?php ?-> close tag here! Any whitespace after that makes PHP output both a Content-Type: test/html header AND the whitespace as content.
// This BREAKS any operation (such as mootools-filemanager::event=thumbnail) which outputs BINARY DATA (in that particular case, PHP spits out an image)
// The safest way to prevent ANY PHP file from producing undesirable [whitespace] output is to never add that ?-> close tag.