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Command Line Tools for WebSharks™

A collection of scripts that power command-line tools used by WebSharks, Inc.


$ brew tap websharks/formulas
$ brew install websharks-cli-tools

Depends On ~/.websharks.json; aka: ~/.ws.json

Please create this config. file and fill in your username and API keys.

Note: Not all team members will have access to all of these credentials. For instance, a websharks->api_key is available to Jason/Raam only, and is required for access to special sub-commands (e.g., $ ws sales). Please fill in what you do have, and don't worry too much. If you forget something vital the CLI Tools will let you know that a specific config. option is required to complete the requested action—this may happen whenever you try to run a particular sub-command.

    "cli_tools": {
        "user": {
            "name": "jaswsinc",
            "projects_dir": "~/projects"
        "github": {
            "username": "jaswsinc",
            "api_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "slack": {
            "username": "jaswsinc",
            "api_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "idonethis": {
            "username": "jaswsinc",
            "api_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
        "websharks": {
          "username": "jaswsinc",
          "api_key": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Note: The cli_tools key was previously named config, which still works also.

Getting Started w/ CLI Tools

Type the following for a list of all available sub-commands:

$ ws --help


Getting Help For A Specific Sub-Command

$ ws [sub-command] --help

Example: $ ws done --help will give you instructions for the done sub-command.


Staying Up-To-Date

$ brew update --all && brew upgrade --all;

This will update all of your Homebrew formulas; including the websharks-cli-tools.