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= oneapp


oneapp is released under the GNU GPL v3.0.

Get oneapp

First, you will want to download the oneapp system. The recommended method is to do an SVN checkout:
	svn checkout oneapp

You probably want to export to get rid of svn directories:
	svn export oneapp oneapp_work

Alternatively, you can access the project page at, select Downloads, and download the latest version.


First, create a database and set it up with install.sql:
	mysql -u root -p
		[enter password]
		use oneapp;
		source path/to/oneapp/install.sql

You should also create a separate user with only permissions to modify the new database:
		GRANT ALL ON oneapp.* TO 'oneapp'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

Now, copy config_.php to config.php:
	cd path/to/oneapp
	cp config_.php config.php

Open up config.php in your favorite editor and set at least the following fields:
	db_name: the database name, 'oneapp' in this example
	db_hostname: the database host; 'localhost' if your MySQL server will be on the same server as your web server
	db_username: the database username, 'oneapp' in this example
	db_password: the database password, 'password' in this example
	mail_smtp: true if you wish to send mail through SMTP, or false to send directly (via PHP mail() command)
	mail_username: the email address to send from; also SMTP username if using mail_smtp
	mail_password: the password if sending through another mail server
	mail_smtp_host: the host if sending through another mail server; protocol should be included (like ssl://
	mail_smtp_port: the port if sending through another mail server; default 25 if no encryption, 465 if SSL
	site_name: the name of the website
	organization_name: the name of your organization (e.g., the school name)
	site_address: URL where oneapp will be accessed later

Good job! You're done configuring oneapp. Now, you still need to install a few packages for oneapp to work (assuming you already have a webserver, PHP, and MySQL). On Debian and similar systems:
	sudo aptitude install texlive-latex-recommended php-pear

If mail_smtp is true:
	pear install Net_SMTP Mail

Alright, now copy over oneapp to your webroot:
	cp -r oneapp /var/www/oneapp

And go to [site_address] and see if everything is working properly.

To set up the initail user, head to [site_address]/install.
Now, you should be able to login at [site_address]/login.php.
Then head to [site_address]/root to enter the root administration area.

Find any bugs? Have any feature requests? Submit using our issue tracker at
Want to use our hosting? Visit (a fee to support our hosting servers is required).
Want to see a simple demo?
Have a nice day!


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