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BPI Web-service


BPI service is a storage of content provided by libraries. That is BPI is an danish acronym for Biblioteks Produceret Indhold - Library Produced Content.

As the name states this service can be used across libraries to share content between each other using an unified API.

The service itself follows REST architecture with token based authorisation.


  1. Web-server with PHP version 5.6 with mongo extension. Only this version and it's minor versions are supported with plans to add support for latest PHP in near future;

  2. Mongo database engine version 2.x. Latest version (at the moment of writing this text) of mongo 3.x was not tested. As soon as the service sources will be updated to PHP 7.x, support for mongo 3.x will be default and most likely support for mongo versions 2.x will be abandoned;

  3. composer;


The installation procedure assumes that develop branch of this repository is used.

Clone this repository and switch to develop branch;

git clone bpi-service && cd bpi-service && git checkout develop

Install dependencies via composer and fill in the prompted values;
Do NOT leave secret value null, otherwise the process would fail.
If this happened, remove the ./vendor and app/config/parameters.yml file and repeat this step again;

composer install

Current configuration is pre-configured for mongo database that is NOT using any authentication. If mongo setup uses authentication, edit app/config/config.yml file and use the database connection URI string instead:

            #server: "%mongodb_server%"
            server: mongodb://%mongodb_user%:%mongodb_pass%@localhost:27017/%mongodb_db%

Make sure directory ./web/uploads/assets exists and is write-able by the web-server user. This directory holds all the images that get pushed along the content.

Make sure ./var directory is write-able by the web-server. This is the place for temporary and cache files used by the core framework.

Point your web-server virtual host to /web directory.

Optionally, run the bundled tests to check the installation:


Note that this file expects a php5.6 executable to be available in your path. Feel free to edit this script accordingly. php5.6 was left due to compatibility issues when several php versions are installed in the system.

A similar output should follow:

PHPUnit 5.7.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Testing BpiApiTests
......................                                            22 / 22 (100%)

Time: 1.63 minutes, Memory: 88.25MB

OK (22 tests, 1555 assertions)

Currently, there is neither docker container available, nor any virtualized environment was tested with these sources.


The installation is already pre-configured to be ready for usage, only relevant part might be the security of the administrative interface.
The username and password for above is located in app/config/security.yml file. Edit this section accordingly and pick a secure password:

                        password: _YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE_
                        roles: ROLE_ADMIN
                        password: _YOUR_PASSWORD_HERE_
                        roles: ROLE_SUPER_ADMIN

Additional security is highly recommended, by limiting the allowed hosts/ip's to the /admin route. This is a system/web-server related setup and is not covered by BPI sources.


BPI service access relies on agencies. Agencies are like clients, each with it's own unique identifier consisting of a six-digit number and a pair of keys.

Each client must be informed with Public id, Public key and Secret values to be able to authenticate and use the service.

These three values are used to generate a request token that is validated in the service and, if validation succeeded, the request is processed.

To create a valid hash generate a BCRYPT hash by joining all three values in a single string and hash it with the appropriate method.

An example implementation of token creation in PHP:

$agencyId = '999999';
$publicKey = 'ac582ae9081804f93f2f755140c31200';
$secretKey = 'bf075f515c758875571f21f32c0ff56281c08ed3';

$requestToken = password_hash(

// Result of the above:
// $2y$10$bDyY7TFlLl5HPgRgbWvLJe8dErlzQpPR0tJXlidfvCmfD7joogSUi

To authenticate in the service the agency id and token generated above must be provided with the request. These should accompany the request payload either in the query string:


or header (preferably):

Auth: BPI agency="999999", token="$2y$10$XwhtwKK9Sau8F/H2Xg0yfuwpsEu.GNv/cJwdrovnxKCJncOXFynym"

Exposed endpoints:

GET / - Main entry point, returns a generic service schema outlining available endpoints and their request parameters.
GET /node/collection - Fetched a list of content that is available in the storage.
GET /node/item/{id} - Fetch data for a single content, identified by it's id.
GET /node/syndicate/{id} - Mark a node as syndicated.
GET /node/delete - Mark a node as deleted.
POST /node - Store a content entry.
GET /statistics - Fetch current service statistic data, i.e. number of pushed and/or syndicated nodes.
GET /profile/dictionary - Fetch dictionaries known by the service. Dictionaries are a set of tags that categorize content. Best analogy would be Drupal taxonomy system.
GET|POST /user/* - TBD.
GET|POST /channel/* - TBD.

For example implementation see:

All responses are XML strings with the respective HTTP codes.

A more detailed documentation about the endpoints, payloads and response codes would follow in near future using auto-generated documentation processed by bundle.


Administrative interface is available at /admin route. Authorisation is required to access this route. Credentials used are set in the respective configuration file, see Configuration section.

Once authorized, the administrative interface allows management of most entities that BPI service implements.

To create a new agency (client):
Authenticate in the administrative interface at http(s)://BPI_DOMAIN/admin and access the Agencies link. Create a new agency by clicking the Add new link.
Fill in the Public id with a six-digit value, follow with the Name and Moderator fields.
Leave Internal checkbox checked.
Public key and Secret key fields will be filled automatically by some random values. Edit them manually for specific values, if needed.




BPI REST API is based on usage of up to level 3 of Richardson Maturity Model and custom Hypermedia types.







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  • PHP 94.4%
  • HTML 3.5%
  • CSS 1.1%
  • Other 1.0%