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SilverStripe janitor Module

The way SilverStripe handles deletion of DataObjects leaves some things to be desired since data which safely could have been discarded is often left in the database. Two examples of this is the intermediate tables for many_many relations and "related" tables for a DataObject (for example, if you create a RedirectorPage and then change it to a VirtualPage and delete the VirtualPage, junk will be left in the RedirectorPage table).

There is also a lack of a handy mechanism to specify what happens to has_many <=> has_one relations when the has_many-side of the relation is deleted.

This module tries to provide means to deal with these problems by providing custom cleaning of tables and relations on the onAfterDelete-event for DataObjects.

Maintainer Contact

Redema AB

Author: Erik Edlund


  • PHP: 5.2.4+ minimum.
  • Database: Only tested with MySQL 5 and SQLite3, but might work with other databases as well.
  • SilverStripe: 2.4.0 minimum (previous versions has never been tested).

Installation Instructions

  • Place this directory in the root of your SilverStripe installation. Make sure that the folder is named "janitor" if you are planning to run the unit tests.

  • Patch the Versioned decorator using janitor/patch/Versioned.diff. See Known issues for more information.

  • Visit to rebuild the manifest.

  • Start using the provided features to handle DataObject relations.

  • Optionally: Run DataObjectRetroactiveCleanerTask to perform retroactive cleaning of your SilverStripe/Sapphire managed database. (NEVER do this unless you have a very recent backup of your database, you have been warned.)

Usage Overview

If you have a has_many-has_one relation between two DataObjects

class Parent extends DataObject {
    public static $has_many = array('Children' => 'Child');

class Child extends DataObject {
    public static $has_one = array('Parent' => 'Parent');
    public static $has_one_on_delete = array('Parent' => 'delete');

all Children for a Parent will be deleted when their Parent is deleted. By changing from "delete” to "set null” as the value for the "Parent” key in $has_one_on_delete ParentID would be set to 0 for all children when Parent is deleted instead.

This is a rough equivalence for using foreign key referential actions in SQL:


The advantage of handling this through PHP and SilverStripes ORM as Janitor does, is that any cleanup code or restrictions in place for the DataObject being deleted is run.

Janitor will also handle Versioned DataObjects in order to make sure that cleaning is only performed when the DataObject has been deleted from all stages and that cascading deletes handles all stages for Versioned DataObjects (the reason why Versioned must be patched in order to use Janitor).

Another feature is that it cleans all tables in which the current DataObject could have saved data. If you change type of a DataObject and then delete it

$page = new RedirectorPage();
$page = $page->newClassInstance('VirtualPage');

the row left in RedirectorPage will be deleted.

Combine the first example with the second

$obj = DataObject::get_one('Parent', ...); // Assume it has children.
$obj = $parent->newClassInstance('OtherObjectWithTheSameBaseClass');

and find that all Children for the parent are deleted.

many_many-belong_many_many relations are also handled, references to deleted objects are simply deleted from the intermediate database table.

More detailed documentation is available as source code comments in the module. _config.php and modules/*/_config.php contains some default settings which should probably be looked over before the module is used. These defaults also serves as usage examples.

Known issues

  • In order to handle Versioned DataObjects Janitor needs to determine which stages are available. There is however no way to determine this since the Versioned decorator does not provide a get function to access the stages it was initialized with. The best way to deal with this is to apply the Versioned patch provided with this module. it simply adds a get function. To do this (assuming you are a Linux user), navigate to the root directory of the SilverStripe installation and run:

    $ patch -p1 < janitor/patch/Versioned.diff

    and you are good to go.

Third party modules

Janitor will detect and automatically define has_one cleaning rules for the following SilverStripe modules:

  • blog
  • forum
  • userforms

If DBPlumber is installed, Janitor can be configured to backup the database automatically before DataObjectRetroactiveCleanerTask is run, use JanitorDBP::set_sql_file_path() to specify where the backup file should be placed (preferably outside the web root).


Minimize the amount of unnecessary data stored in a SilverStripe/Sapphire database.







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