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Slim3 Doctrine integration

Doctrine handler service for Slim3.

Frees you from the tedious work of configuring Doctrine's Entity Manager and Document Manager.


Best way to install is using Composer:

composer require juliangut/slim-doctrine

Then require_once the autoload file:

require_once './vendor/autoload.php';


Register in the DI container as any other service.

use Jgut\Slim\Doctrine\EntityManagerBuilder;
use Slim\App;

// Create Slim app and fetch DI Container
$app = new App();
$container = $app->getContainer();

// Register Entity Manager in the container
$container['entityManager'] = function () {
    $doctrineSettings = [
        'connection' => [
            'driver' => 'pdo_sqlite',
            'memory' => true,
        'annotation_paths' => ['path_to_entities_files'],

    return EntityManagerBuilder::build($doctrineSettings);

$app->get('/', function () {
    $this->entityManager->persist(new \Entity);

You can use Slim settings service to store Doctrine configurations.

use Jgut\Slim\Doctrine\DocumentManagerBuilder;
use Interop\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Slim\App;

$settings = [
    'settings' => [
        'doctrine' => [
            'connection' => [
                'server' => 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
            'annotation_paths' => ['path_to_documents_files'],

// Create Slim app and fetch DI Container
$app = new App($settings);
$container = $app->getContainer();

// Register Document Manager in the container
$container['documentManager'] = function (ContainerInterface $container) {
    return DocumentManagerBuilder::build($container->get('settings')['doctrine']);

$app->get('/', function () {
    $this->documentManager->persist(new \Document);

ORM Entity Manager configurations

  • connection array of PDO configurations or \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection
  • cache_driver \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache
  • annotation_files array of Doctrine annotations files
  • annotation_namespaces array of Doctrine annotations namespaces
  • annotation_autoloaders array of Doctrine annotations autoloader callables
  • annotation_paths array of paths where to find annotated entity files
  • xml_paths array of paths where to find XML entity mapping files
  • yaml_paths array of paths where to find YAML entity mapping files
  • naming_strategy a \Doctrine\ORM\Mapping\NamingStrategy, defaults to UnderscoreNamingStrategy
  • proxy_path path were Doctrine creates its proxy classes, defaults to /tmp
  • proxies_namespace string for proxies namespace, defaults to 'DoctrineORMProxy'
  • auto_generate_proxies integer indicating proxy auto generation behavior
  • sql_logger a \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\SQLLogger
  • event_manager a configured Doctrine\Common\EventManager

ODM Document Manager configurations

  • connection array of MongoClient configurations or \Doctrine\MongoDB\Connection
  • cache_driver \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache
  • annotation_files array of Doctrine annotations files
  • annotation_namespaces array of Doctrine annotations namespaces
  • annotation_autoloaders array of Doctrine annotations autoloader callables
  • annotation_paths array of paths where to find annotated document files
  • xml_paths array of paths where to find XML document mapping files
  • yaml_paths array of paths where to find YAML document mapping files
  • default_database default database to be used in case none specified
  • proxy_path path where Doctrine creates its proxy classes, defaults to /tmp
  • proxies_namespace string for proxies namespace, defaults to 'DoctrineODMProxy'
  • auto_generate_proxies integer indicating proxy auto generation behavior
  • hydrator_path path where Doctrine creates its hydrator classes, defaults to /tmp
  • hydrators_namespace string for hydrators namespace, defaults to 'DoctrineODMHydrator'
  • logger_callable valid callable
  • event_manager a configured Doctrine\Common\EventManager


These are general considerations when configuring both Entity and Document managers:

  • connection configuration is mandatory:

    • For ORM as a PDO configurations array or as a proper Doctrine DBAL Connection.
    • For ODM as a MongoClient configurations array or as a proper Doctrine MongoDB Connection.
  • One of 'path' configurations is mandatory ( annotation_paths, xml_paths or yaml_paths) as it's needed by Doctrine to configure the Metadata Driver. They are checked in that order and the first to appear is the one that gets configured. Most commonly used is annotation_paths.

  • auto_generate_proxies configuration values are Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory constants, in both cases it defaults to Doctrine\Common\Proxy\AbstractProxyFactory::AUTOGENERATE_NEVER (0).

  • Managers are being configured ready for production and not for development, this mainly means proxies won't be automatically generated and, in case no cache_driver is provided, one will be auto-generated in the following order depending on availability: ApcCache, XcacheCache, MemcacheCache, RedisCache or finally fall back to ArrayCache which is always available. It is recommended you provide your cache always, for development you can use VoidCache.

CLI tool

Find here an example of cli-config.php file that can be used as a template:

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Helper\DocumentManagerHelper;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\ConsoleRunner;
use Jgut\Slim\Doctrine\DocumentManagerBuilder;
use Jgut\Slim\Doctrine\EntityManagerBuilder;

$CLISettings = [
    'cache_driver' => new VoidCache,
$settings = require 'configurations.php';

$entityManager = EntityManagerBuilder::build(array_merge($settings['entity_manager'], $CLISettings));
$documentManager = DocumentManagerBuilder::build(array_merge($settings['document_manager'], $CLISettings);

$helperSet = ConsoleRunner::createHelperSet($entityManager);
$helperSet->set(new DocumentManagerHelper($documentManager), 'dm');

$cli = ConsoleRunner::createApplication($helperSet, [
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\GenerateDocumentsCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\GenerateHydratorsCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\GenerateProxiesCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\GenerateRepositoriesCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\QueryCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\ClearCache\MetadataCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\Schema\CreateCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\Schema\DropCommand(),
    new \Doctrine\ODM\MongoDB\Tools\Console\Command\Schema\UpdateCommand(),

return $cli->run();


Found a bug or have a feature request? Please open a new issue. Have a look at existing issues before

See file



See file LICENSE included with the source code for a copy of the license terms


Slim3 Doctrine integration







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  • PHP 94.9%
  • JavaScript 5.1%