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Multitoad's Wordpress

@author: John Lusky @date: 12.19.15

//// Database Installation

  • I've included all the WordPress files you need in the Github repo.
  • Uploads are not included, so all the blog featured images and such will show as broken – no big deal.
  • There is a .sql database file in /_sql that you'll need to import into phpmyadmin.
  • Styling is currently sloppy. As. Hell. Shouldn't need to worry about it too much. It's a mess because the theme is was bought from themeforest back in 2013 and then bits of CSS were progressively added via the WP dashboard to fit Multitoad's brand.
  • The theme is intended to be temporary – keep everything as modular as possible so important features can easily be moved to a new theme.
  • Try to keep your work pushed to our repo so we can keep our builds synced up.
  1. Find your local URL after you pull the repo from Github. I run a local MAMP server and in my case it ended up being 'http://localhost:8888/multitoad/mt-wordpress/''

  2. Access phpmyadmin on your server. If you're rolling with MAMP, you click "Open WebStart page" and click "Tools" in the nav. Make a new database- call it mt-wordpress. You can name it whatever you want but if you use mt-wordpress you don't have to bother with wp-config.

    • If you name it something else, go into wp-config.php (root level file) and change the DB_NAME to whatever you used.
  3. In phpmyadmin: go to "Import" and upload the .sql file that's located in /_sql

  4. In phpmyadmin: go to "SQL." Next, have a look at the /_sql folder again. There's a file called sql-commands that includes 3 commands you'll need to run in this console. Change 'http://localhost:8888/multitoad/mt-wordpress/' to whatever YOUR URL is before you run each command. Run each line SEPARATELY. phpmyadmin will tell you how many lines were affected after each run.

  5. Refresh your page and make sure everything is working correctly. You should see with an obnoxious amount of broken images on the blog.

//// Logging In

  • Append /wp-admin to the end of your URL. This will take you to the login form.
    • Username: multitoa
    • Password: tasmball987


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