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Web Application that permits users to control a Raspberry from web Browsers.

What you need

Install on your Raspberry a web server, mysql server and PHP (Version 5), if you want to easily manage database you can install also phpmyadmin

For running command with root permissions from application you will need to install also inotify-tools


Create a RaspiControl account (Optional)

Download .zip file and extract it in web-server folder ( Example: /var/www ), a raspicontrol directory will be created.

If you want you can use an account for your RaspiControl application, so you have to create it, and then adjust permissions: Example:

# useradd -d /var/www/raspirontrol -m raspirontrol
# chown raspicontrol:raspicontrol -R /var/www/raspicontrol
Configuration of Database

In mysql create an account for the application with a strong password

CREATE USER raspicontrol@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';

and a database:

CREATE DATABASE rapicontrol;

in the end configure privileges:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON raspicontrol.* TO raspicontrol;
Install Application

Move in install folder and then install raspicontrol using the script

# cd raspicontrol/install
# chmod +x
# ./

Raspicontrol will be installed in your Raspberry, if you want to use it as daemon you can use -d argument

# ./ -d
Configure RaspiControl

Now you have to configure application with DB credentials and other things, you can do that using config.json file in /etc/RaspiControl/config.json

  "Database": {
    "DB_Host": "localhost",
    "DB_Name": "dbname",
    "DB_Username": "user",
    "DB_Password": "password"

than you have also to configure which actions can be performed with application, for example you can set some services that can be started, stopped, reloaded or simple actions, for example reboot, or poweroff.

  "services": {
    "apache2": "start|stop|force-reload",
    "vsftpd": "start|stop"
  "actions": {
    "reboot": "reboot"

If you want to better understand how services and actions have to be configured please, read Wiki.


Web Application that permits users to control a Raspberry






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