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2016-02-01 -> 2021-03-05

This is a set of various tools.

MikeMagicTools is part of the universe framework.


Using the planet installer via light-cli

lt install Ling.MikeMagicTools

Using the uni tool

uni import Ling/MikeMagicTools

File section

  • prepender: prepend some string for every file in the given file set
  • remove x first lines: remove the first x lines for every file in the given file set
  • reduce consecutive end of lines: reduce consecutive end of lines to one single end of line for every file in the given file set
  • free hand tool: use this tool to freely modify the content of every file in the given file set, using a callback

How to use

prepender tool

Here is how to use the prepend tool, I needed it once because I wanted to test the order in which my js files were called, so so I needed to prepend every js file with a "console.log ( 'file $xx loaded' );" statement.


use Ling\DirScanner\YorgDirScannerTool;
use Ling\MikeMagicTools\File\MikeFilePreprenderTool;

require_once "bigbang.php"; // start the local universe

$prependix = function ($file) {
    return "console.log('" . basename($file) . " lib');" . PHP_EOL;

$dir = "/path/to/my/app/www/libs";
$files = YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesWithExtension($dir, 'js', false, true);
MikeFilePreprenderTool::prependFiles($files, $prependix);

remove first x lines tool

Use this method to remove the first x lines of the given file set.


use Ling\DirScanner\YorgDirScannerTool;
use Ling\MikeMagicTools\File\MikeFileRemoveFirstXLinesTool;

require_once "bigbang.php"; // start the local universe

$prependix = function ($file) {
    return "console.log('" . basename($file) . " lib');" . PHP_EOL;

$dir = "/path/to/my/app/www/libs";
$files = YorgDirScannerTool::getFilesWithExtension($dir, 'js', false, true);
MikeFileRemoveFirstXLinesTool::removeFirstXLines(1, $files);

reduce consecutive end of lines tool

This tool is useful to remove unecessary end of lines in your files.

strip lines tool

This tool removes all the lines containing a certain expression, in the given set of files.

What if something goes wrong with the File tools?

Every Mike Magic file tool uses the Mike magic's FreeHandTool under the hood. The reason for this is that the free hand tool automatically creates a copy of the file set (unless you tell it specifically to not do so).

So, if for some reason you accidentally blow a set of files away, you can try to go to the free hand tool's trash directory and see if you can backup your original files from there. Beware that the trash only saves one state and overwrites itself if necessary, so don't go too fast.

For more info, please browse the source code's comments.

Give me some snippets

Since 1.1.0, there is a snippets folder (in the doc directory). It contains the following snippets:

  • lingosiris: a safe workflow to prepend a first line to the js files of your app, and remove them when finished

History Log

  • 1.1.4 -- 2021-05-31

    • Removing trailing plus in lpi-deps file (to work with Light_PlanetInstaller:2.0.0 api
  • 1.1.3 -- 2021-03-05

    • update, add install alternative
  • 1.1.2 -- 2020-12-08

    • Fix lpi-deps not using natsort.
  • 1.1.1 -- 2020-12-04

    • Add lpi-deps.byml file
  • 1.1.0 -- 2016-02-01

    • add File/MikeFileStripLinesTool
  • 1.0.0 -- 2016-02-01

    • initial commit


This is a set of various tools






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