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A facade pattern API implementation for Silverstripe using interfaces and optionally Swagger




This is an opinionated package that implements a Silverstripe API with the following features:

  • Each API node is described in a PHP interface file.
  • The API is abstracted from your Silverstripe data structure. You can structure your API in whatever way makes the most logical sense to its consumers: this is the facade pattern.
  • Optional integration with a Swagger UI instance.
  • An optional stub file implementation of each interface for testing.
  • The real world implementation of each interface can be assigned to any (one) class. In many cases the class implementing an interface could be an existing Page Controller, but you're entirely free to have a separate class purely for implementing the API interface.

This package is being developed progressively by the team, and features are being added as they're required for our own project. This means that some desirable features have not yet been implemented. OAuth and permissions checking, for example, will only be added when we need them ourselves. We don't have the resources to add features until they're on our own development roadmap, so we'd be delighted if others extended this package to provide some of the functionality we've not yet included.

Quick start

The /resources/data_dir subdirectory within this module contains interface samples.

  1. Copy the entire subdirectory to a suitable location (see API data below). Ensure you don't copy the _manifest_exclude file, which is outside this subdirectory.
  2. Run dev/build.
  3. Open dev/tasks and run API: Rebuild definitions.
  4. In a web browser, type [WEBROOT]/api/v1/section/list ... you should see a correctly formatted response. Use Swagger-UI or manually browse the assets/api/v1/swagger.json file to learn the other available API requests.



File structure

This module installs into /silverstripe-api.

API data

You need another directory to store your interface definitions and stub files for testing. This is called the API data directory, and it can be anywhere you wish: our own implementation has this as a root directory, but that's not mandatory.

The path to the API data directory needs to be set in a .yml config file. No default is provided.

  data_dir: '[PATH]'

The path must be preceded by a forward slash. For example:

  data_dir: '/api/data'

Within the API data directory the following structure must be adhered to.

  |   |---interfaces 
  |   |---stubs
  |   |---tests  
      ... etc   

API definitions

silverstripe-api allows you to break your API definition into blocks distributed across multiple files. It's not mandatory to split up your API definition: if you wish, you can write it as a single block. But splitting it up improves maintainability, and the dev task API: Rebuild definitions will still generate a single swagger.json file for each API version.

All the interface definition files are kept in an /interfaces subdirectory.

However you structure your API definition, it needs to be

  1. standard JSON,
  2. aligned with the Swagger 2.0 specification, and
  3. contained in mulit-line comment blocks:
      (json here) 

Unlike a regular JSON file, you can include // comments in your API definitions (but don't use /* */ comments). These // comments will be ignored by the dev task that generates the swagger.json output. The dev task will assume that each chunk of JSON is a top-level element within the Swagger definition: the provided examples demonstrate this.

Swagger JSON file

The dev task API: Rebuild definitions takes the JSON fragments from each /interfaces directory and builds them into a single swagger.json file. By default the resulting swagger.json file is saved in /assets/api, but you can change that with a .yml config setting:

  data-dir: [PATH]

The path must be preceded by a forward slash. And if you're integrating govtnz/swagger-ui with this API module, this path must be externally accessible.


Each /interface directory must have a file called base.txt. This file defines properties that are common across all the interface nodes. There are two useful variables available within base.txt which can make your API definitions more portable between dev, test and production servers:

You can use getHost to automatically populate the "host" key:

"host": "<% getHost %>",

You can use getProtocol to automatically populate the "schemes" array:

"schemes": [
    "<% getProtocol %>"

It's recommended that you copy and modify the existing base.txt file to kick-start your own API development.

ApiInterface PHP files

File names for the interface definition files include the API version and the name of the API node. For example, version two of the interface definition for cake would be in a file named ApiInterface_cake_02.php and headed:

interface ApiInterface_cake_02 {
    // function definitions here

The examples put common definitions at the top of each file, and function-specific definitions after each function declaration. While this can make the API definition easier to maintain, it's not mandatory.

What is mandatory is the structure of each PHP function definition.

  1. The function name is defined in the corresponding "path" section of the JSON fragment as the operationID.
  2. Each function takes only one parameter: the Api_Controller instance handling that API request. The controller exposes all the parameters the function will need to fulfill the API request, and in turn the function will populate the controller's output property with the response.

Check the contents of the /resources files for examples.


  ##Other files

Stub files

Each file in the stubs directory implements an API interface using static data. It is invoked in one of two circumstances:

  1. When a test parameter is added to an API request, for example &test=true.
  2. When there is no other implementation of an API interface.

A stub file's name must start ApiStub_.

Stub files are not mandatory, but they're useful for testing as their responses never change.


Automated tests can be written to exercise each interface and its stub file. These can be stored in the /tests subdirectory.



How silverstripe-api works

For each incoming request, an instance of Api_Controller is created, and this controller then manages the following steps:

  1. ApiRequestSerialiser is invoked to parse the request. Request fieldnames are converted to camelCase at this point.
  2. The controller loads the swagger.json file to determine which interface and function should handle the request.
  3. ApiAuthenticator applies OAuth and permissions checking (note that this is currently a stub - see the Introduction above).
  4. The controller invokes the implementation class for the required interface and calls the indicated function.
  5. The implementation class retrieves the requested data.
  6. One of the ApiResponseSerialiser classes is invoked to return the data in the requested format.

Utility functions

There are several useful functions in the controller:

  • caseCamel($field) ensures $field is in camelCase.
  • caseRequest($field) ensures $field is in the case specified in the request (default camelCase). Simple, one word field names are the same in camelCase and snake_case, but more complex field names can be passed through this function when generating your output.
  • caseSnake($field) ensures $field is in snake_case.
  • date3339toDB($input) converts an RFC3339 timestamp (2015-06-28T00:00:00+12:00) to MySQL format (2015-06-28 00:00:00).
  • dateDBto3339($input) converts a MySQL timestamp (2015-06-28 00:00:00) to RFC3339 format (2015-06-28T00:00:00+12:00).
  • formatOutput() returns an array containing two nodes: the query total, count and offset; the output data previously assigned to output.
  • logAdd($text) populates the controller's internal log; sometimes useful for debugging.
  • logGet() returns the controller's internal log as an array; sometimes useful for debugging.
  • param($name) returns either the request parameter $name, or an empty string if this doesn't exist.
  • setError($params) takes an array containing a status value and one or more error messages. It changes the controller's status and sets the error messages to be returned.
  • xmlAdd($key, $parent, $label) registers an XML label for a given key|parent combination. An asterisk * can be used to denote a numeric value. Registering labels is only necessary for exceptions to the general rule, which is that XML label plurals will be created by adding an "s". However, one important use case is one-dimensional arrays, which will have a numeric key. The default behaviour is to convert any numeric key to "item" to prevent the XML breaking, but it's nicer to have a context-specific label.


Your implementation code can:

  • Rely on field names being in camelCase.
  • Retrieve request parameters from the controller's param() function.
  • Convert request and response dates using date3339toDB() and dateDBto3339().
  • Register labels for XML nodes with xmlAdd().
  • Call the controller's setError() function if you are unable to process the request.

Your implementation must:

  • Call caseRequest() for any output field that is more than a simple one word name.
  • Assign generated data to the controller's output property as an array.
  • Set the controller's pronoun property if the type of the output data is not the same as the base type of the API node. For example, the API method organisation/sector returns a list of organisation sectors, not a list of organisations. In this instance set pronoun to sector so the output is appropriately described.



Swagger integration

There is a companion package, govtnz/swagger-ui, which forks Swagger UI and makes it easy to include in a Silverstripe project. See the documentation within this companion Swagger package for more details.






A facade pattern API implementation using interfaces and Swagger







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  • PHP 100.0%