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Phing Things

Various tasks, filters, and mappers for phing <>. See build.xml for additional documentation.


  • CheckstyleReportTask - create Checkstyle reports from XML files.
  • ConsistentCopy - exactly like CopyTask, only copies to a tmp file and then does an atomic rename.
  • ForkPhingTask - runs phing build files in subdirectories/subprojects.
  • MinifyJSTask - runs YUI Compressor on Javascript files.
  • OptimizeImagesTask - runs image optimization programs (jpegtran, optipng) on images.
  • SmartyCompileTask - compiles Smarty templates - experimental.


These filters run together dynamically transform a static site into one that conforms to many of Yahoo's rules for Exception Performance Namely, it takes CSS and Javascript files and:

  • combines multiple files into a single static resource
  • minifies files using YUI Compressor
  • adds a timestamp to the filename for long-lived Expires headers

And takes images and:

  • optimizes images with optimization programs (optipng, jpegtran)
  • adds a timestamp to the filename for long-lived Expires headers

This process is outlined in


  • OptimizeCSS - runs CSS files thru Yahoo's Front End Rules for Exceptional Performance.
  • OptimizeJS - runs Javascript files thru Yahoo's Front End Rules for Exceptional Performance.
  • OptimizeImages - runs image files thru Yahoo's Front End Rules for Exceptional Performance.

There is an example website called mysite. Running phing optimize will optimize mysite and create a build site. The new website should be identical but optimized for the front-end.

Apache configuration

For further optimizations, make these changes to your Apache configuration (httpd.conf or vhosts file).

# turn on compression.
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/css text/plain text/xml application/x-javascript
# modify `ETags`. 
FileETag MTime Size
# turn off `.htaccess` files.
AllowOverride None
# set `Expires` headers for static resources far in the future.
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 1 year"
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "accss plus 1 year"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 1 yea"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 1 year
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 1 year
# Turn on `HTTP Keep-Alive` for static resources. Be very careful with
# `KeepAliveTimeout`. Setting it too high will cause Apache to consumer ll the
# memory on a machine very quickly.
KeepAlive On
KeepAliveTimeout 2

see LICENSE for copyright and license info


Various custom tasks, filters, and mappers for phing.







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