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A simple RESTFul API built with Laravel to manage trips


List all airports (Ordered alphabetically by city and name):

GET /airports/list
Example: curl -i -X GET '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/airports/list?pretty'

List all available trips

GET /trips/list
Example: curl -i -X GET '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/trips/list?pretty'

List all flights associated to a trip:

GET /trips/{trip_id}/flights

Param Name Description
trip_id The trip's id.
Example: curl -i -X GET '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/trips/1/flights?pretty'

Create a new trip

POST /trips?name={name}

Param Name Description
name (Optional) The new trips name.
Example: curl -i -X POST '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/trips?pretty' -d 'name=Im making a trip!'

Rename a trip

PUT /trips/{trip_id}/?name={name}

Param Name Description
trip_id The trip's id.
name The trip's new name.
Example: curl -i -X PUT '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/trips/1?pretty' -d 'name=My Cool New Name'

Delete a flight for a trip

DELETE /trips/{trip_id}/flight/{flight_id}

Param Name Description
trip_id The trip id.
flight_id The flight id associate to the trip.
Example: curl -i -X DELETE '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/trips/1/flights/1?pretty'

Add a flight to a trip

POST /trips/{trip_id}/flights/{origin_id}/{destination_id}

Param Name Description
trip_id The trip's id.
origin_id The origin airport id.
destination_id The destination airport id.
Example: curl -i -X POST '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/trips/1/flights/6/5?pretty'

Delete a trip (and associated flights)

DELETE /trips/{trip_id}

Param Name Description
trip_id The trip's id.
Example: curl -i -X DELETE '<REST SERVICE IP>:8080/trips/1?pretty'


From your terminal, execute the following commands:

  1. git clone
  2. cd FlightHubTripBuilderApi
  3. composer install
  4. edit /app/config/database.php to add the database connection info.
  5. php artisan migrate
  6. php artisan db:seed
  7. php artisan serve --port 8080

The service should then be running and ready for use.

Still to do

TESTS!!! - These should have been done BEFORE writing a single line of code, but because of lack of time.. (not making excuses.. just sayin..)


Simple trip builder API built with Laravel






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