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Drupal In a Box Builder

This is a small custom script which I designed to speed up the deployment of Drupal projects on multiple platforms. It supports only a small subset of operations and most of it's functionality comes from its ability to run other tools like Drush.


The repository should be cloned and a minimum of build.php, build.ini, and a single .run file should be copied to the sites/ directory of the Drupal installation for a multisite installation. For a single site, the same set of files may be copied into the specific site directory and executed from there.


All configuration is done with flat text files to promote portability and reduce complexity. They should be encoded in UTF-8 and may use Unix or Windows new line syntax. The .run file names listed are only suggestions and any number may be created for various administrative tasks.


This file acts as a global registry of variables used for replacement in commands as they execute. It follows standard INI format and divides different environments into their own INI section. The special section [master] only contains a single variable build at present. This variable defines which sub-section of variables should be used for this command run. This variable also allows a special flag value of 'all' which instructs the script to run in batch mode and execute the command file with all the available sets of variables.

build           = dev

; For Windows
findstr         = findstr
; For Linux
; findstr       = grep
database        = db_dev
username        = admin_user
password        = admin_password

; For Windows
findstr         = findstr
; For Linux
; findstr       = grep
database        = db_test
username        = admin_user
password        = admin_password

.run Files

These files are the scripts that the program runs to complete administration and deployment tasks. The examples below are illustrative but not exhaustive. Any number of additional scripts could be defined depending on the tasks required.

// Comments are supportedi **only** on a new line.
// Any command in the current PATH can be executed.
drush en -y drupal_modules

// The 'cd' command is executed as a special directive. It **must** be placed 
// on its own line and not part of a larger composite command string.
cd ../some/directory/in/the/path

// Variable substitution is done by wrapping the variable name in '%'. If a 
// literal '%' is required, use '%%' instead.
mysql -u %username% -p%password% %database%

// To maintain cross system compatibility remember to wrap PHP strings run  
// through 'drush eval' in "" to prevent sh from interpreting function calls  
// in your PHP as shell function calls.  
drush eval "php_function_call()"

This file defines the initial install procedure from a base Drupal install to the first version of a site.

Defines the backup procedure for a certain version of the site. This can include things like zipping up a files directory, exporting a database, or any number of other maintenance tasks.

Typically this file defines the process to reload a certain version of the site from a database dump. This is usually used as a way to restore the previous version's environment before deploying the current upgrade over it.

Used to upgrade the site to the current version. Upgrades are expected to run cleanly on top of the commands and any post-deploy instructions from the previous version.


Running the script from the commandline is easy to do and runs all commands in the requested .run file relative to the current working directory. The optional branch key allows the user to override the build variable in build.ini on a per execution basis.

php build.php [[optional branch key].][.run file name] [section in .run file]


PHP build script for DIB projects.






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