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Digital Footprint Profile


A tool used to recommend you what to consider deleting from your social media profiles.

Supported Networks

  • Twitter (Tweets)
  • Facebook (Text only posts) (Sadly people use this)

Planned Network Support

  • Tumblr (Posts)
  • Twitter (DMs, likes)
  • Facebook (Messages, Shares, Likes, All posts)


  • Sendgrid
  • Mustache templates



You can use my publicly available instance here.

DFP-Demo-1.png DFP-Demo-2.png DFP-Demo-3.png DFP-Demo-4.png

Side Notes

  • This was made voluntarily for my school at request of the PBIS team. Not to mention my on going hate for the way people use social media.
  • I demoed this in front of the board of education on 2016-01-06.
  • This provides an option for the user to send an email about what they should remove. This feature is hard coded and cannot be removed or turned off easily.
  • This currently does not scan comments due to the API complexity of doing so.

Privacy Statement/Acceptable Use

This web application is used to scan the end user's social media accounts for explicit or bad content based on rules. All flagged posts/tweets/etc will be saved in the session file and can be exported by the application administrator. This application should not be used to sell, distribute, illegal purposes, and/or used for personal gain. All data pulled from connected OAuth providers is rendered to be anonymous. Names in content/posts/tweets is currently not redacted. The use of these names is any way is not permitted under the use of this application unless found to be endangering. The end user is only authorizing the use of their data to find content that is recommended to delete for a better online appearance. This application may only read from connected OAuth providers and can only view networks that the end user of the application has authorized it to do so. The OAuth tokens/keys are stored in a temporary session. Upon expiry, these tokens are no longer retrievable. Information provided is personally identifiable and should be handled with care and caution. The end user's email, if provided, may only be used to email them a link to their session to review their posts/accounts from home. Please review /dfp/theme/privacy.mustache and make necessary changes for your setup before deploying/using.

TL;DR: Only content the gets flagged by any of the rules is saved. Account information is redacted but remains personally identifiable. Tokens to access your account are only saved temporarily. This data may be exported by the administrator of the application for statistical purposes only. Also make sure to edit /dfp/theme/privacy.mustache.

License Statement

This project is licensed under a MIT license. But due to the nature of the project's purpose. Please read the Privacy Statement/Acceptable Use to ensure this project is not abused.