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Setting up Automatically

  • Make sure you have the following packages installed: Virtualbox, Vagrant, vagrant-hostsupdater and Ansible (ignore Ansible if you are on Windows)
  • Run vagrant up

Setting up Manually

  • composer install
  • ./vendor/bin/phinx migrate -e development


  • run php ./bin/battleship.php [ip] [port] ([ip] and [port] are optional and default to and 1337)
  • connect to your ip and port using telnet: telnet [ip] [port]

Playing the game

Battleship commands

Command Description
START [X:Y] Starts a game, optional give the X and Y size, defaults to 10x10
RESUME <ID> Restart a game with the given ID
STATUS Show the status of the game
FIRE <X.Y> Fire on the given coordinates
FIELD Show the current field with all shots on it
SURRENDER Give up the game and lose

Honourable mention to our WeCamp coach: Eli White