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Installation Requirements

  1. PHP version 5.5.9 or greater
  2. The PHP mbstring and intl extensions
  3. Apache

Installation Instructions

  1. Identify the path to your apache web server.


    • C:\wamp\www
    • /var/www/
    • /var/htdocs
  2. Identify the login information to your MySQL server

    • Server: This is usually "localhost." Alternatively, it can be the IP address or hostname of a machine running MySQL.
    • Database: The name of the MySQL database on the server to upload data into
    • Username: Usually "root" on development machines. This is the MySQL user to log in as
    • Password: This is the MySQL user's password.
  3. Download the TicketAngel source. This can be accomplished by clicking the "Download ZIP" button on GitHub, or clicking the below link:

  4. Upload the installer.

    • Find the folder "installer" within the project ZIP file.
    • Copy/upload it to the web server. Example: C:\www\wamp\installer
    • Visit the installer page (Example: http://localhost/installer/)
    • Type in the MySQL credentials mentioned in step 2.
    • Click the submit button.
  5. Upload the code

    • Find the folder "code" within the project ZIP file.
    • Rename it to "ticketangel" (or similar), and copy it to the web server like with the installer in step 4.
  6. Edit the configuration file

    • In the newly uploaded site, open config/app.php

    • On line 220, fine the following:

      'username' => 'root',  
      'password' => ((strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') ? "" : "root"),  
      'database' => 'theater_ticket_manager_db',
    • Upadte to include the MySQL access information

      'username' => 'root',  
      'password' => 'thepassowrd',  
      'database' => 'ticketangel',
  7. Access the site

    Visit the site. For example: http://localhost/ticketangel/