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GudTril by Serafim Junior Dos Santos Cyb3r Net

PHP 5 Github API Library

Version 0.9

MIT Licence

Uses API Uses CURL library

Another PHP Github API Wrapper library

I needed to implement for a client some fonctionalities with the Github API. The PHP GitHub API libraries available not offering me the desired services, I decided to build my own.


Include the file "".


Set the configs in the "" file.

Set the GITHUB_LOGIN and GITHUB_TOKEN constants.

Instantiate an object of a class contained in the files mentioned in the next section.

API Classes

API classes follow the documentation at and are in the following files:

  • - currently developed - tested
  • - currently developed - tested
  • - currently developed - tested
  • - currently developed - tested
  • - currently developed - not tested

API Classes Usage

Most of the classes have the same usage. Data is posted or getted after one instance creation and a method call. A method requesting the service is called and the response returned. That's it.

Two values are passed to the constructor: First parameter passed to the constructor is a constant of the CGithubResponseTypes class to indicate the type of response desired; literally a string 'json', 'yaml' or 'xml' passed later internaly to the URL.

The other parameter is a boolean value asking for a forced authentication, although it can be non mandatory letting the internal logic decide if authentication is required with a POST HTTPS connection.

Usage Example

// Commenting an issue

// /issues/comment/:user/:repo/:id
// + comment

$bAuthenticate = true;

$oGHIssues = new CGithubIssues(CGithubResponseTypes::sXML, $bAuthenticate);

$sResponse = $oGHIssues->CommentOnIssue("Cyb3rWeb", "GudTril", 1, "This is a comment");


Authentification is done by passing a boolean value at the constructor of the APi modules or automatically set by default on some methods. When Authetification is valued the connexion goes on HTTPS mode and its a POST request. HTTPS can be forced on the configuration file:

API Service Call Limitation

I've even implemented a counter as the base curl class for limiting the the number of requests to less than 60 per minute as mentioned in the documentation. The script throws a GitHubLimitException if 60 or more requests within a minute have been made.


I've implemented a test case for the files and classes of the library. To run the tests, load in a browser the file test.github.api.php.

More Information

Check the wiki of the GudTril repository on