コード例 #1
ファイル: Type0.php プロジェクト: marcyniu/vendors
  * Object constructor
 public function __construct(CidFont\AbstractCidFont $descendantFont)
     $this->_fontType = Pdf\Font::TYPE_TYPE_0;
     $this->_descendantFont = $descendantFont;
     $this->_fontNames = $descendantFont->getFontNames();
     $this->_isBold = $descendantFont->isBold();
     $this->_isItalic = $descendantFont->isItalic();
     $this->_isMonospaced = $descendantFont->isMonospace();
     $this->_underlinePosition = $descendantFont->getUnderlinePosition();
     $this->_underlineThickness = $descendantFont->getUnderlineThickness();
     $this->_strikePosition = $descendantFont->getStrikePosition();
     $this->_strikeThickness = $descendantFont->getStrikeThickness();
     $this->_unitsPerEm = $descendantFont->getUnitsPerEm();
     $this->_ascent = $descendantFont->getAscent();
     $this->_descent = $descendantFont->getDescent();
     $this->_lineGap = $descendantFont->getLineGap();
     $this->_resource->Subtype = new InternalType\NameObject('Type0');
     $this->_resource->BaseFont = new InternalType\NameObject($descendantFont->getResource()->BaseFont->value);
     $this->_resource->DescendantFonts = new InternalType\ArrayObject(array($descendantFont->getResource()));
     $this->_resource->Encoding = new InternalType\NameObject('Identity-H');
     $toUnicode = $this->_objectFactory->newStreamObject(self::getToUnicodeCMapData());
     $this->_resource->ToUnicode = $toUnicode;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AbstractSimple.php プロジェクト: marcyniu/vendors
  * Object constructor
 public function __construct()
      * @todo
      * It's easy to add other encodings support now (Standard-Encoding, MacRomanEncoding,
      * PDFDocEncoding, MacExpertEncoding, Symbol, and ZapfDingbats).
      * Steps for the implementation:
      * - completely describe all PDF single byte encodings in the documentation
      * - implement non-WinAnsi encodings processing into encodeString()/decodeString() methods
      * These encodings will be automatically supported for standard builtin PDF fonts as well
      * as for external fonts.
     $this->_resource->Encoding = new InternalType\NameObject('WinAnsiEncoding');
コード例 #3
ファイル: AbstractCidFont.php プロジェクト: marcyniu/vendors
  * Object constructor
  * @param \ZendPdf\BinaryParser\Font\OpenType\AbstractOpenType $fontParser Font parser object
  *   containing OpenType file.
  * @param integer $embeddingOptions Options for font embedding.
  * @throws \ZendPdf\Exception\ExceptionInterface
 public function __construct(Pdf\BinaryParser\Font\OpenType\AbstractOpenType $fontParser)
     /* Object properties */
     $this->_fontNames = $fontParser->names;
     $this->_isBold = $fontParser->isBold;
     $this->_isItalic = $fontParser->isItalic;
     $this->_isMonospaced = $fontParser->isMonospaced;
     $this->_underlinePosition = $fontParser->underlinePosition;
     $this->_underlineThickness = $fontParser->underlineThickness;
     $this->_strikePosition = $fontParser->strikePosition;
     $this->_strikeThickness = $fontParser->strikeThickness;
     $this->_unitsPerEm = $fontParser->unitsPerEm;
     $this->_ascent = $fontParser->ascent;
     $this->_descent = $fontParser->descent;
     $this->_lineGap = $fontParser->lineGap;
     $this->_cmap = $fontParser->cmap;
     /* Resource dictionary */
     $baseFont = $this->getFontName(Pdf\Font::NAME_POSTSCRIPT, 'en', 'UTF-8');
     $this->_resource->BaseFont = new InternalType\NameObject($baseFont);
      * Prepare widths array.
     /* Constract characters widths array using font CMap and glyphs widths array */
     $glyphWidths = $fontParser->glyphWidths;
     $charGlyphs = $this->_cmap->getCoveredCharactersGlyphs();
     $charWidths = array();
     foreach ($charGlyphs as $charCode => $glyph) {
         $charWidths[$charCode] = $glyphWidths[$glyph];
     $this->_charWidths = $charWidths;
     $this->_missingCharWidth = $glyphWidths[0];
     /* Width array optimization. Step1: extract default value */
     $widthFrequencies = array_count_values($charWidths);
     $defaultWidth = null;
     $defaultWidthFrequency = -1;
     foreach ($widthFrequencies as $width => $frequency) {
         if ($frequency > $defaultWidthFrequency) {
             $defaultWidth = $width;
             $defaultWidthFrequency = $frequency;
     // Store default value in the font dictionary
     $this->_resource->DW = new InternalType\NumericObject($this->toEmSpace($defaultWidth));
     // Remove characters which corresponds to default width from the widths array
     $defWidthChars = array_keys($charWidths, $defaultWidth);
     foreach ($defWidthChars as $charCode) {
     // Order cheracter widths aray by character codes
     ksort($charWidths, SORT_NUMERIC);
     /* Width array optimization. Step2: Compact character codes sequences */
     $lastCharCode = -1;
     $widthsSequences = array();
     foreach ($charWidths as $charCode => $width) {
         if ($lastCharCode == -1) {
             $charCodesSequense = array();
             $sequenceStartCode = $charCode;
         } elseif ($charCode != $lastCharCode + 1) {
             // New chracters sequence detected
             $widthsSequences[$sequenceStartCode] = $charCodesSequense;
             $charCodesSequense = array();
             $sequenceStartCode = $charCode;
         $charCodesSequense[] = $width;
         $lastCharCode = $charCode;
     // Save last sequence, if widths array is not empty (it may happens for monospaced fonts)
     if (count($charWidths) != 0) {
         $widthsSequences[$sequenceStartCode] = $charCodesSequense;
     $pdfCharsWidths = array();
     foreach ($widthsSequences as $startCode => $widthsSequence) {
         /* Width array optimization. Step3: Compact widths sequences */
         $pdfWidths = array();
         $lastWidth = -1;
         $widthsInSequence = 0;
         foreach ($widthsSequence as $width) {
             if ($lastWidth != $width) {
                 // New width is detected
                 if ($widthsInSequence != 0) {
                     // Previous width value was a part of the widths sequence. Save it as 'c_1st c_last w'.
                     $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($startCode);
                     // First character code
                     $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($startCode + $widthsInSequence - 1);
                     // Last character code
                     $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($this->toEmSpace($lastWidth));
                     // Width
                     // Reset widths sequence
                     $startCode = $startCode + $widthsInSequence;
                     $widthsInSequence = 0;
                 // Collect new width
                 $pdfWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($this->toEmSpace($width));
                 $lastWidth = $width;
             } else {
                 // Width is equal to previous
                 if (count($pdfWidths) != 0) {
                     // We already have some widths collected
                     // So, we've just detected new widths sequence
                     // Remove last element from widths list, since it's a part of widths sequence
                     // and write the rest if it's not empty
                     if (count($pdfWidths) != 0) {
                         // Save it as 'c_1st [w1 w2 ... wn]'.
                         $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($startCode);
                         // First character code
                         $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\ArrayObject($pdfWidths);
                         // Widths array
                         // Reset widths collection
                         $startCode += count($pdfWidths);
                         $pdfWidths = array();
                     $widthsInSequence = 2;
                 } else {
                     // Continue widths sequence
         // Check if we have widths collection or widths sequence to wite it down
         if (count($pdfWidths) != 0) {
             // We have some widths collected
             // Save it as 'c_1st [w1 w2 ... wn]'.
             $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($startCode);
             // First character code
             $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\ArrayObject($pdfWidths);
             // Widths array
         } elseif ($widthsInSequence != 0) {
             // We have widths sequence
             // Save it as 'c_1st c_last w'.
             $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($startCode);
             // First character code
             $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($startCode + $widthsInSequence - 1);
             // Last character code
             $pdfCharsWidths[] = new InternalType\NumericObject($this->toEmSpace($lastWidth));
             // Width
     /* Create the \ZendPdf\InternalType\ArrayObject object and add it to the font's
      * object factory and resource dictionary.
     $widthsArrayElement = new InternalType\ArrayObject($pdfCharsWidths);
     $widthsObject = $this->_objectFactory->newObject($widthsArrayElement);
     $this->_resource->W = $widthsObject;
     /* CIDSystemInfo dictionary */
     $cidSystemInfo = new InternalType\DictionaryObject();
     $cidSystemInfo->Registry = new InternalType\StringObject('Adobe');
     $cidSystemInfo->Ordering = new InternalType\StringObject('UCS');
     $cidSystemInfo->Supplement = new InternalType\NumericObject(0);
     $cidSystemInfoObject = $this->_objectFactory->newObject($cidSystemInfo);
     $this->_resource->CIDSystemInfo = $cidSystemInfoObject;