コード例 #1
ファイル: Code128.php プロジェクト: Flesh192/magento
 public function setUtf8StringWrapper(StringWrapperInterface $utf8StringWrapper)
     if (!$utf8StringWrapper->isSupported('UTF-8')) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("The string wrapper needs to support UTF-8 character encoding");
     $this->utf8StringWrapper = $utf8StringWrapper;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Entry.php プロジェクト: totolouis/ZF2-Auth
  * Set summary
  * @param  string $value
  * @return Entry
  * @throws Writer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public function setItunesSummary($value)
     if ($this->stringWrapper->strlen($value) > 4000) {
         throw new Writer\Exception\InvalidArgumentException('invalid parameter: "summary" may only' . ' contain a maximum of 4000 characters');
     $this->data['summary'] = $value;
     return $this;
コード例 #3
ファイル: StringLength.php プロジェクト: totolouis/ZF2-Auth
  * Set the string wrapper to detect the string length
  * @param StringWrapper $stringWrapper
  * @return StringLength
 public function setStringWrapper(StringWrapper $stringWrapper)
     $this->stringWrapper = $stringWrapper;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Float.php プロジェクト: ErR163/torrentpier
  * Returns true if and only if $value is a floating-point value. Uses the formal definition of a float as described
  * in the PHP manual: {@link http://www.php.net/float}
  * @param  string $value
  * @return bool
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 public function isValid($value)
     if (!is_scalar($value) || is_bool($value)) {
         return false;
     if (is_float($value) || is_int($value)) {
         return true;
     // Need to check if this is scientific formatted string. If not, switch to decimal.
     $formatter = new NumberFormatter($this->getLocale(), NumberFormatter::SCIENTIFIC);
     if (intl_is_failure($formatter->getErrorCode())) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException($formatter->getErrorMessage());
     if (StringUtils::hasPcreUnicodeSupport()) {
         $exponentialSymbols = '[Ee' . $formatter->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::EXPONENTIAL_SYMBOL) . ']+';
         $search = '/' . $exponentialSymbols . '/u';
     } else {
         $exponentialSymbols = '[Ee]';
         $search = '/' . $exponentialSymbols . '/';
     if (!preg_match($search, $value)) {
         $formatter = new NumberFormatter($this->getLocale(), NumberFormatter::DECIMAL);
      * @desc There are seperator "look-alikes" for decimal and group seperators that are more commonly used than the
      *       official unicode chracter. We need to replace those with the real thing - or remove it.
     $groupSeparator = $formatter->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
     $decSeparator = $formatter->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_SYMBOL);
     if ($groupSeparator == " ") {
         $value = str_replace(' ', $groupSeparator, $value);
     } elseif ($groupSeparator == "٬") {
         //NumberFormatter doesn't have grouping at all for Arabic-Indic
         $value = str_replace(array('\'', $groupSeparator), '', $value);
     if ($decSeparator == "٫") {
         $value = str_replace(',', $decSeparator, $value);
     $groupSeparatorPosition = $this->wrapper->strpos($value, $groupSeparator);
     $decSeparatorPosition = $this->wrapper->strpos($value, $decSeparator);
     //We have seperators, and they are flipped. i.e. 2.000,000 for en-US
     if ($groupSeparatorPosition && $decSeparatorPosition && $groupSeparatorPosition > $decSeparatorPosition) {
         return false;
     //If we have Unicode support, we can use the real graphemes, otherwise, just the ASCII characters
     $decimal = '[' . preg_quote($decSeparator, '/') . ']';
     $prefix = '[+-]';
     $exp = $exponentialSymbols;
     $numberRange = '0-9';
     $useUnicode = '';
     $suffix = '';
     if (StringUtils::hasPcreUnicodeSupport()) {
         $prefix = '[' . preg_quote($formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::POSITIVE_PREFIX) . $formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_PREFIX) . $formatter->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL) . $formatter->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL), '/') . ']{0,3}';
         $suffix = $formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_SUFFIX) ? '[' . preg_quote($formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::POSITIVE_SUFFIX) . $formatter->getTextAttribute(NumberFormatter::NEGATIVE_SUFFIX) . $formatter->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::PLUS_SIGN_SYMBOL) . $formatter->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::MINUS_SIGN_SYMBOL), '/') . ']{0,3}' : '';
         $numberRange = '\\p{N}';
         $useUnicode = 'u';
      * @desc Match against the formal definition of a float. The
      *       exponential number check is modified for RTL non-Latin number
      *       systems (Arabic-Indic numbering). I'm also switching out the period
      *       for the decimal separator. The formal definition leaves out +- from
      *       the integer and decimal notations so add that.  This also checks
      *       that a grouping sperator is not in the last GROUPING_SIZE graphemes
      *       of the string - i.e. 10,6 is not valid for en-US.
      * @see http://www.php.net/float
     $lnum = '[' . $numberRange . ']+';
     $dnum = '(([' . $numberRange . ']*' . $decimal . $lnum . ')|(' . $lnum . $decimal . '[' . $numberRange . ']*))';
     $expDnum = '((' . $prefix . '((' . $lnum . '|' . $dnum . ')' . $exp . $prefix . $lnum . ')' . $suffix . ')|' . '(' . $suffix . '(' . $lnum . $prefix . $exp . '(' . $dnum . '|' . $lnum . '))' . $prefix . '))';
     // LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK (U+200E) is messing up everything for the handful
     // of locales that have it
     $lnumSearch = str_replace("‎", '', '/^' . $prefix . $lnum . $suffix . '$/' . $useUnicode);
     $dnumSearch = str_replace("‎", '', '/^' . $prefix . $dnum . $suffix . '$/' . $useUnicode);
     $expDnumSearch = str_replace("‎", '', '/^' . $expDnum . '$/' . $useUnicode);
     $value = str_replace("‎", '', $value);
     $unGroupedValue = str_replace($groupSeparator, '', $value);
     // No strrpos() in wrappers yet. ICU 4.x doesn't have grouping size for
     // everything. ICU 52 has 3 for ALL locales.
     $groupSize = $formatter->getAttribute(NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SIZE) ? $formatter->getAttribute(NumberFormatter::GROUPING_SIZE) : 3;
     $lastStringGroup = $this->wrapper->substr($value, -$groupSize);
     if ((preg_match($lnumSearch, $unGroupedValue) || preg_match($dnumSearch, $unGroupedValue) || preg_match($expDnumSearch, $unGroupedValue)) && false === $this->wrapper->strpos($lastStringGroup, $groupSeparator)) {
         return true;
     return false;