addArgument() public method

The existing arguments stored in the builder are preserved. You cannot add arguments after adding a multi-valued argument. If you do so, this method throws an exception. Adding required arguments after optional arguments is not supported. Also in this case an exception is thrown.
public addArgument ( Argument $argument ) : static
$argument Argument The argument to add.
return static The current instance.
コード例 #1
 public function testGetDefinitionWithBaseDefinition()
     $this->baseFormatBuilder->addCommandName($server = new CommandName('server'));
     $this->baseFormatBuilder->addArgument($argument1 = new Argument('argument1'));
     $this->baseFormatBuilder->addOption($option1 = new Option('option1'));
     $this->builder = new ArgsFormatBuilder($baseDefinition = $this->baseFormatBuilder->getFormat());
     $this->builder->addCommandName($add = new CommandName('add'));
     $this->builder->addArgument($argument2 = new Argument('argument2'));
     $this->builder->addArgument($argument3 = new Argument('argument3'));
     $this->builder->addOption($option2 = new Option('option2'));
     $this->builder->addOption($option3 = new Option('option3'));
     $definition = $this->builder->getFormat();
     $this->assertSame($baseDefinition, $definition->getBaseFormat());
     // base command names are returned first
     $this->assertSame(array($server, $add), $definition->getCommandNames());
     // base arguments are returned first
     $this->assertSame(array('argument1' => $argument1, 'argument2' => $argument2, 'argument3' => $argument3), $definition->getArguments());
     // base options are returned last
     $this->assertSame(array('option2' => $option2, 'option3' => $option3, 'option1' => $option1), $definition->getOptions());
コード例 #2
ファイル: ArgsFormat.php プロジェクト: webmozart/console
  * Creates a format builder for a set of arguments and options.
  * @param array      $elements   The arguments and options to add to the
  *                               builder.
  * @param ArgsFormat $baseFormat The base format.
  * @return ArgsFormatBuilder The created builder.
 private function createBuilderForElements(array $elements, ArgsFormat $baseFormat = null)
     $builder = new ArgsFormatBuilder($baseFormat);
     foreach ($elements as $element) {
         if ($element instanceof CommandName) {
         } elseif ($element instanceof CommandOption) {
         } elseif ($element instanceof Option) {
         } elseif ($element instanceof Argument) {
         } else {
             throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Expected instances of CommandName, CommandOption, ' . 'Option or Argument. Got: %s', is_object($element) ? get_class($element) : gettype($element)));
     return $builder;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Config.php プロジェクト: webmozart/console
  * Adds an argument.
  * Read {@link Argument} for a more detailed description of console
  * arguments.
  * @param string $name        The argument name.
  * @param int    $flags       A bitwise combination of the flag constants in
  *                            the {@link Argument} class.
  * @param string $description A one-line description of the argument.
  * @param mixed  $default     The default value. Must be `null` if the
  *                            flags contain {@link Argument::REQUIRED}.
  * @return ApplicationConfig|CommandConfig|SubCommandConfig|OptionCommandConfig The current instance.
  * @see getArguments()
 public function addArgument($name, $flags = 0, $description = null, $default = null)
     $this->formatBuilder->addArgument(new Argument($name, $flags, $description, $default));
     return $this;