コード例 #1
ファイル: ZoneController.php プロジェクト: fundoit/nginad
  * Toggle the approval given the supplied flag to toggle.
  * @param integer $flag 0 = Pending | 1 = Approved
  * @return boolean TRUE if successful, FALSE if failure.
 private function adApprovalToggle($flag)
     $DomainID = intval($this->params()->fromRoute('param1', 0));
     $PublisherAdZoneID = intval($this->params()->fromRoute('id', 0));
     if (($this->is_super_admin || $this->is_domain_admin) && $DomainID > 0 && $PublisherAdZoneID > 0 && ($flag === 0 || $flag === 1 || $flag === 2)) {
         $DomainObj = $this->get_domain_data($DomainID, $this->PublisherInfoID);
         if ($DomainObj === null) {
             $error_message = "An invalid publishing web domain was specified for the specified user.";
         } else {
             if ($this->is_domain_admin) {
                 if (!\util\AuthHelper::domain_user_authorized_publisher($this->auth->getUserID(), $DomainObj->DomainOwnerID)) {
                     die("Not Authorized");
             $PublisherAdZoneFactory = \_factory\PublisherAdZone::get_instance();
             $AdObject = new \model\PublisherAdZone();
             $parameters = array("PublisherWebsiteID" => $DomainObj->PublisherWebsiteID, "PublisherAdZoneID" => $PublisherAdZoneID);
             $AdObject = $PublisherAdZoneFactory->get_row_object($parameters);
             if (intval($AdObject->PublisherAdZoneID) == $PublisherAdZoneID) {
                 $AdObject->AutoApprove = 0;
                 $AdObject->AdStatus = intval($flag);
                 if ($PublisherAdZoneFactory->save_ads($AdObject)) {
                     if (($flag == 1 || $flag == 2) && $this->config_handle['mail']['subscribe']['user_zones']) {
                         $PublisherInfoFactory = \_factory\PublisherInfo::get_instance();
                         $params = array();
                         $params["PublisherInfoID"] = $DomainObj->DomainOwnerID;
                         $PublisherInfo = $PublisherInfoFactory->get_row($params);
                         if ($PublisherInfo !== null) {
                             // approval, send out email
                             $site_url = $this->config_handle['delivery']['site_url'];
                             $exchange_name = $this->config_handle['delivery']['exchange_name'];
                             if ($flag == 1) {
                                 $message = 'Your ' . $exchange_name . ' Publisher Ad Zone for : ' . $DomainObj->WebDomain . ' : ' . $AdObject->AdName . ' was approved.<br /><br />Please login <a href="' . $site_url . '/auth/login">here</a> with your email and password';
                                 $subject = "Your " . $exchange_name . " Publisher Ad Zone for : " . $DomainObj->WebDomain . " was approved";
                             } else {
                                 $message = 'Your ' . $exchange_name . ' Publisher Ad Zone for : ' . $DomainObj->WebDomain . ' : ' . $AdObject->AdName . ' was rejected.<br /><br />Please login <a href="' . $site_url . '/auth/login">here</a> with your email and password';
                                 $subject = "Your " . $exchange_name . " Publisher Ad Zone for : " . $DomainObj->WebDomain . " was rejected";
                             $transport = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('mail.transport');
                             $text = new Mime\Part($message);
                             $text->type = Mime\Mime::TYPE_HTML;
                             $text->charset = 'utf-8';
                             $mimeMessage = new Mime\Message();
                             $zf_message = new Message();
                             $zf_message->addTo($PublisherInfo->Email)->addFrom($this->config_handle['mail']['reply-to']['email'], $this->config_handle['mail']['reply-to']['name'])->setSubject($subject)->setBody($mimeMessage);
                     return TRUE;
     return FALSE;
コード例 #2
ファイル: SignupController.php プロジェクト: cloudseo/nginad
 private function userApprovalToggle($flag, $user_id, $user_type)
     $initialized = $this->initialize();
     if ($initialized !== true) {
         return $initialized;
     if (($this->is_super_admin || $this->is_domain_admin) && $user_id > 0 && ($flag === 1 || $flag === 0)) {
         if ($this->is_domain_admin) {
             if (!\util\AuthHelper::domain_user_authorized_publisher($this->auth->getUserID(), $user_id)) {
                 die("Not Authorized");
         $authUsers = new \model\authUsers();
         $authUsersFactory = \_factory\authUsers::get_instance();
         if ($user_type == 'publisher') {
             $PublisherInfoFactory = \_factory\PublisherInfo::get_instance();
             $authUsers = $authUsersFactory->get_row_object(array("PublisherInfoID" => $user_id));
         if ($user_type == 'customer') {
             $DemandCustomerFactory = \_factory\DemandCustomerInfo::get_instance();
             $authUsers = $authUsersFactory->get_row_object(array("DemandCustomerInfoID" => $user_id));
         $authUsers->user_enabled = $flag;
         $authUsers->user_verified = $flag;
         $authUsers->user_agreement_accepted = 0;
         if ($flag === 1) {
             return true;
         if ($flag === 0) {
             if ($user_type == 'publisher') {
             if ($user_type == 'customer') {
             return true;
     return false;
コード例 #3
ファイル: WebsiteController.php プロジェクト: cloudseo/nginad
 public function approvedeniedAction()
     $initialized = $this->initialize();
     if ($initialized !== true) {
         return $initialized;
     if (!$this->auth->hasIdentity()) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('login');
     } elseif (!$this->is_super_admin && !$this->is_domain_admin) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('publisher');
     $success = false;
     $msg = "";
     $PublisherWebsite = new \model\PublisherWebsite();
     $PublisherWebsiteFactory = \_factory\PublisherWebsite::get_instance();
     $PublisherInfoFactory = \_factory\PublisherInfo::get_instance();
     $request = $this->getRequest();
     if ($request->isPost()) {
         $q = $request->getPost('q');
         $website_ids = $request->getPost('website_ids');
         $denied_desciption = $request->getPost('description');
         $website_arry = explode(",", $website_ids);
         foreach ($website_arry as $website_id) {
             if ($website_id == "d") {
             $website_id = intval($website_id);
             $params = array();
             $params["PublisherWebsiteID"] = $website_id;
             $PublisherWebsite = $PublisherWebsiteFactory->get_row_object($params);
             $params = array();
             $params["PublisherInfoID"] = $PublisherWebsite->DomainOwnerID;
             if ($this->is_domain_admin == true) {
                 if (!\util\AuthHelper::domain_user_authorized_publisher($this->auth->getUserID(), $PublisherWebsite->DomainOwnerID)) {
             $publisher_obj = $PublisherInfoFactory->get_row_object($params);
             $PublisherWebsite->DateUpdated = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
             if ($q == 0) {
                 $PublisherWebsite->AutoApprove = 0;
                 $PublisherWebsite->ApprovalFlag = 2;
                 $PublisherWebsite->Description = $denied_desciption;
                 $PublisherAdZoneFactory = \_factory\PublisherAdZone::get_instance();
                 $params = array();
                 $params["PublisherWebsiteID"] = $website_id;
                 $PublisherAdZoneList = $PublisherAdZoneFactory->get($params);
                 foreach ($PublisherAdZoneList as $PublisherAdZone) {
                     $PublisherAdZoneFactory->updatePublisherAdZonePublisherAdZoneStatus($PublisherAdZone->PublisherAdZoneID, 2);
                 $subject = "Website Denied " . $PublisherWebsite->WebDomain;
                 $message = '<b>Website Denied</b> : ';
                 $message = $message . " " . $PublisherWebsite->WebDomain;
                 $message = $message . "<p>" . $denied_desciption . "</p>";
                 $this->batchmailAction($publisher_obj->Email, $subject, $message);
                 $msg = "Websites denied successfully. And batch mails goes to publisher.";
             } elseif ($q == 1) {
                 $PublisherWebsite->ApprovalFlag = 1;
                 $subject = "Website Approved " . $PublisherWebsite->WebDomain;
                 $message = '<b>Website Approved</b> : ';
                 $message = $message . " " . $PublisherWebsite->WebDomain;
                 $this->batchmailAction($publisher_obj->Email, $subject, $message);
                 $msg = "Websites approved successfully. And batch mails goes to publisher.";
         $success = true;
     $data = array('success' => $success, 'data' => array('msg' => $msg));
     return $this->getResponse()->setContent(json_encode($data));
コード例 #4
ファイル: AuthHelper.php プロジェクト: cloudseo/nginad
 public static function domain_user_authorized_publisher_website($parent_id, $publisher_website_id)
     $PublisherWebsiteFactory = \_factory\PublisherWebsite::get_instance();
     $params = array();
     $params["PublisherWebsiteID"] = $publisher_website_id;
     $PublisherWebsite = $PublisherWebsiteFactory->get_row($params);
     if (!\util\AuthHelper::domain_user_authorized_publisher($parent_id, $PublisherWebsite->DomainOwnerID)) {
         die("You are not authorized to perform this action: CODE 101");
     return true;
コード例 #5
  * @return Ambigous <\Zend\Http\Response, \Zend\Stdlib\ResponseInterface>
 public function changeprivateexchangepublishermarkupAction()
     $initialized = $this->initialize();
     if ($initialized !== true) {
         return $initialized;
     if ($this->is_super_admin == false && $this->is_domain_admin == false) {
         die("You do not have permission to access this page");
     $publisher_info_id = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('markuppublisherinfoid');
     $publisher_markup = $this->getRequest()->getQuery('private-exchange-publisher-markup');
     if ($this->is_super_admin == false && !\util\AuthHelper::domain_user_authorized_publisher($this->auth->getUserID(), $publisher_info_id)) {
         die("You are not authorized to perform this action: CODE 101");
     $PrivateExchangePublisherMarkupFactory = \_factory\PrivateExchangePublisherMarkup::get_instance();
     $params = array();
     $params["PublisherInfoID"] = $publisher_info_id;
     $PrivateExchangePublisherMarkup = $PrivateExchangePublisherMarkupFactory->get_row($params);
     $publisher_markup = floatval($publisher_markup) / 100;
     if ($publisher_markup <= 0) {
         die("Publisher Markup can not be less than or equal to zero percent");
     if ($publisher_markup >= 1) {
         die("Publisher Markup can not be greater than or equal to one hundred percent");
     $publisher_markup = sprintf("%1.2f", $publisher_markup);
     $_PrivateExchangePublisherMarkup = new \model\PrivateExchangePublisherMarkup();
     $_PrivateExchangePublisherMarkup->PublisherInfoID = $publisher_info_id;
     $_PrivateExchangePublisherMarkup->MarkupRate = $publisher_markup;
     if ($PrivateExchangePublisherMarkup != null) {
     } else {
     if ($this->is_domain_admin) {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('pxpublishers');
     } else {
         return $this->redirect()->toRoute('publisher');