コード例 #1
  * Will generate the code used before the original function body
  * @param bool               $injectNeeded       Determine if we have to use a try...catch block
  * @param FunctionDefinition $functionDefinition The function definition object
  * @return string
 protected function generateBeforeCode($injectNeeded, FunctionDefinition $functionDefinition)
     $suffix = PBC_ORIGINAL_FUNCTION_SUFFIX . str_replace('.', '', microtime(true));
     $code = PBC_CONTRACT_CONTEXT . ' = \\TechDivision\\PBC\\ContractContext::open();';
     // Invariant is not needed in private or static functions.
     // Also make sure that there is none in front of the constructor check
     if ($functionDefinition->getVisibility() !== 'private' && !$functionDefinition->getIsStatic() && $functionDefinition->getName() !== '__construct') {
     $code .= PBC_PRECONDITION_PLACEHOLDER . $functionDefinition->getName() . PBC_PLACEHOLDER_CLOSE . PBC_OLD_SETUP_PLACEHOLDER . $functionDefinition->getName() . PBC_PLACEHOLDER_CLOSE;
     // If we inject something we might need a try ... catch around the original call.
     if ($injectNeeded === true) {
         $code .= 'try {';
     // Build up the call to the original function.
     $code .= PBC_KEYWORD_RESULT . ' = ' . $functionDefinition->getHeader('call', $suffix) . ';';
     // Finish the try ... catch and place the inject marker
     if ($injectNeeded === true) {
         $code .= '} catch (\\Exception $e) {}' . PBC_METHOD_INJECT_PLACEHOLDER . $functionDefinition->getName() . PBC_PLACEHOLDER_CLOSE;
     // No just place all the other placeholder for other filters to come
     $code .= PBC_POSTCONDITION_PLACEHOLDER . $functionDefinition->getName() . PBC_PLACEHOLDER_CLOSE;
     // Invariant is not needed in private or static functions
     if ($functionDefinition->getVisibility() !== 'private' && !$functionDefinition->getIsStatic()) {
     $code .= 'if (' . PBC_CONTRACT_CONTEXT . ') {\\TechDivision\\PBC\\ContractContext::close();}
         return ' . PBC_KEYWORD_RESULT . ';}';
     $code .= $functionDefinition->getHeader('definition', $suffix, true) . '{';
     return $code;
コード例 #2
  * Will change code to create an entry for the old object state.
  * @param string                                                    $bucketData         Payload of the currently
  *                                                                                       filtered bucket
  * @param \TechDivision\PBC\Entities\Definitions\FunctionDefinition $functionDefinition Currently handled function
  * @throws \TechDivision\PBC\Exceptions\GeneratorException
  * @return boolean
 private function injectOldCode(&$bucketData, FunctionDefinition &$functionDefinition)
     // Do we even need to do anything?
     if ($functionDefinition->getUsesOld() !== true) {
         return false;
     // If the function is static it should not use the pbcOld keyword as there is no state to the class!
     if ($functionDefinition->getIsStatic() === true) {
         throw new GeneratorException('Cannot clone class state in static method ' . $functionDefinition->getName());
     // Still here? Then inject the clone statement to preserve an instance of the object prior to our call.
     $bucketData = str_replace(PBC_OLD_SETUP_PLACEHOLDER . $functionDefinition->getName() . PBC_PLACEHOLDER_CLOSE, PBC_KEYWORD_OLD . ' = clone $this;', $bucketData);
     // Still here? We encountered no error then.
     return true;