public function preDispatch() { $this->cr = Core::$mode == 'cli' ? "\n" : '<br/>'; // get active modules list // detect existing CronController() foreach (Module::getConfig() as $vendor => $modules) { foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { // ignore disabled module if ($module['enabled'] != true) { continue; } // ignore module without controller (rare though) if (!isset($module['controller'])) { continue; } $path = Core::$basePath . "application/modules/{$vendor}/{$key}/controllers/CronController.php"; if (file_exists($path)) { $this->_modules[$vendor . '/' . $key] = $module; } } } }
public function init() { // Just in cas something goes wrong before the end // @todo replace with a setTemplate() in t41\Exception View::setTemplate('default.html'); // get page identifiers (module, controller and action) Layout::$module = $this->_getParam('module'); Layout::$controller = $this->_getParam('controller'); Layout::$action = $this->_getParam('action'); // provide controller with basic information about the current module foreach (Module::getConfig() as $vendor => $modules) { foreach ($modules as $key => $module) { if (isset($module['controller']) && Layout::$module == $module['controller']['base']) { $this->_module = 'app/' . $vendor . '/' . $key; Layout::$vendor = $vendor; Layout::$moduleKey = $key; $resource = Layout::$controller; if (Layout::$action) { $resource .= '/' . Layout::$action; } if (isset($module['controller']['items'])) { foreach ($module['controller']['items'] as $controller) { if ($this->_getCurrentItem($resource, $controller) == true) { break; } } } if (isset($module['controllers_extends'])) { foreach ($module['controllers_extends'] as $controller) { if ($this->_getCurrentItem($resource, $controller['items']) == true) { break; } } } break; } } } }
/** * Detect all modules directories and try to get config for them * @param string $path */ public static function init($path) { if (Core::getEnvData('cache_configs') !== false) { $ckey = 'configs_acl'; if (($cached = Core::cacheGet($ckey)) !== false) { self::$_config = $cached; return; } } // load application acl configuration file $config = Config\Loader::loadConfig('acl.xml', Config::REALM_CONFIGS); $resources = array(); // add all fragments coming from modules foreach (Core\Module::getConfig() as $vendorId => $vendorModules) { foreach ($vendorModules as $key => $module) { // module menus if (isset($module['controller']) && isset($module['controller']['items'])) { // walk recursively through all module's items (menu elements) $resources += self::_getAcl($module['controller']['base'], $module['controller']['items']); } // and optional menus extensions if (isset($module['controllers_extends'])) { foreach ($module['controllers_extends'] as $controller => $data) { $resources += self::_getAcl($module['controller']['base'], $data['items']); } } } } if (!isset($config['acl']['resources'])) { $config['acl']['resources'] = array(); } $config['acl']['resources'] += $resources; self::$_config = $config['acl']; if (isset($ckey)) { Core::cacheSet($config['acl'], $ckey, true, array('tags' => array('config', 'acl'))); } }
/** * environment builder * * @var string $env forced env value */ public static function init($envKey = null) { if (!is_null($envKey) && !in_array($envKey, array(self::ENV_DEV, self::ENV_STAGE, self::ENV_PROD))) { throw new \Exception(sprintf("'%s' is not a recognized environment", $envKey)); } // enable garbage collection gc_enable(); // enable t41 error handler (notices are not catched until we get a proper logger) set_error_handler(array('t41\\Core', 'userErrorHandler'), (E_ALL | E_STRICT) ^ E_NOTICE); self::preInit(); // never cached, shall it be ? $config = Config\Loader::loadConfig('application.xml'); self::$_config = $config['application']; if (!is_null($envKey)) { self::$env = $envKey; self::$appId = $envKey; } else { /* CLI Mode */ if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { self::$mode = self::$_config['environments']['mode'] = 'cli'; $opts = new \Zend_Console_Getopt(array('env=s' => 'Environment value', 'controller=s' => "Controller", 'module=s' => "Module", 'action=s' => "Action", 'params=s' => "Action parameters", 'simulate' => "Simulate execution")); try { $opts->parse(); } catch (\Zend_Console_GetOpt_Exception $e) { exit($e->getUsageMessage()); } $match = trim($opts->env); /* temporary */ define('CLI_CONTROLLER', trim($opts->controller)); define('CLI_MODULE', trim($opts->module)); define('CLI_ACTION', trim($opts->action)); define('CLI_PARAMS', $opts->params); define('CLI_SIMULATE', (bool) $opts->simulate); } else { View::setDisplay(View\Adapter\WebAdapter::ID); /* array of mode / $_SERVER data key value */ $envMapper = array('hostname' => 'SERVER_NAME'); $match = isset($_SERVER[$envMapper[self::$_config['environments']['mode']]]) ? $_SERVER[$envMapper[self::$_config['environments']['mode']]] : null; } /* define which environment matches current mode value */ if (is_null($match)) { throw new Config\Exception("environment value not detected"); } self::$appId = str_replace(array('.', '-'), '_', $match); $envKey = null; switch (self::$_config['environments']['mode']) { case 'cli': foreach (self::$_config['environments'] as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } if ($key == $match) { $envKey = self::$env = $key; break; } } break; case 'hostname': default: foreach (self::$_config['environments'] as $key => $value) { if (!is_array($value)) { continue; } if (isset($value['hostname']) && in_array($match, (array) $value['hostname'])) { $envKey = self::$env = $key; break; } } break; } if (is_null($envKey)) { throw new Config\Exception("No matching environment found"); } } self::$_env += self::$_config['environments'][$envKey]; if (self::getEnvData('cache_backend')) { self::$cache = self::getEnvData('cache_backend'); } self::$_env['version'] = self::$_config['versions'][self::$_config['versions']['default']]; /* define app name */ self::$name = isset(self::$_config['name']) ? self::$_config['name'] : 'Untitled t41-based application'; /* set PHP env */ setlocale(E_ALL, self::$_env['version']['locale']); setlocale(LC_MONETARY, self::$_env['version']['currency']); date_default_timezone_set(isset(self::$_env['version']['timezone']) ? self::$_env['version']['timezone'] : 'Europe/Paris'); if (isset(self::$_env['php'])) { foreach (self::$_env['php'] as $directive => $value) { ini_set($directive, $value); } } // define logger if (isset(self::$_env['log']) && self::$_env['log'] != false) { self::enableLogger(self::$_env['log']); } /* define lang - can be overwritten anywhere */ self::$lang = self::$_config['versions']['default']; // load modules Core\Module::init(self::$basePath); // load ACL Core\Acl::init(self::$basePath); /* load configuration files if lazy mode is off */ if (self::$lazy !== true) { // get backends configuration Backend::loadConfig(); // get mappers configuration Mapper::loadConfig(); // get object model configuration ObjectModel::loadConfig(); } // configure error reporting according to env if (in_array(self::$env, array(self::ENV_STAGE, self::ENV_PROD))) { error_reporting(E_ERROR); //(E_ALL | E_STRICT) ^ E_NOTICE); ini_set('display_errors', 1); } else { error_reporting(E_ERROR); // E_ALL & ~E_STRICT); ini_set('display_errors', 1); } // define some basic view data View::setEnvData('t41.version', self::VERSION); if (class_exists('Zend_Version')) { View::setEnvData('zf.version', \Zend_Version::VERSION); } View::setEnvData('', self::$_config['name']); View::setEnvData('app.version', self::getVersion()); // set a cache adapter if (!isset(self::$_adapters['registry'])) { self::$_adapters['registry'] = new \Zend_Registry(); } // (re-)init data session if (!isset(self::$_adapters['session'])) { self::$_adapters['session'] = new \Zend_Session_Namespace('data'); } // to be done at the very end to avoid empty stack on exception if (self::$_fancyExceptions === true) { //set_exception_handler(array('t41\Core', 'exceptionHandler')); } }