parse() public static method

public static parse ( Parser $parser, TokensList $list, array $options = [] ) : DataType
$parser SqlParser\Parser The parser that serves as context.
$list SqlParser\TokensList The list of tokens that are being parsed.
$options array Parameters for parsing.
return DataType
コード例 #1
  * Parses a parameter of a routine.
  * @param string $param Parameter's definition.
  * @return array
 public static function getReturnType($param)
     $lexer = new Lexer($param);
     // A dummy parser is used for error reporting.
     $type = DataType::parse(new Parser(), $lexer->list);
     if ($type === null) {
         return array('', '', '', '', '');
     $options = array();
     foreach ($type->options->options as $opt) {
         $options[] = is_string($opt) ? $opt : $opt['value'];
     return array('', '', $type->name, implode(',', $type->parameters), implode(' ', $options));
コード例 #2
  * @param Parser     $parser The instance that requests parsing.
  * @param TokensList $list   The list of tokens to be parsed.
  * @return void
 public function parse(Parser $parser, TokensList $list)
     // Skipping `CREATE`.
     // Parsing options.
     $this->options = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$OPTIONS);
     // Skipping last option.
     // Parsing the field name.
     $this->name = Expression::parse($parser, $list, array('noAlias' => true, 'noBrackets' => true, 'skipColumn' => true));
     if (!isset($this->name) || $this->name === '') {
         $parser->error(__('The name of the entity was expected.'), $list->tokens[$list->idx]);
     } else {
         // Skipping field.
     if ($this->options->has('DATABASE')) {
         $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$DB_OPTIONS);
     } elseif ($this->options->has('TABLE')) {
         $this->fields = CreateDefinition::parse($parser, $list);
         if (empty($this->fields)) {
             $parser->error(__('At least one column definition was expected.'), $list->tokens[$list->idx]);
         $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$TABLE_OPTIONS);
          * The field that is being filled (`partitionBy` or
          * `subpartitionBy`).
          * @var string $field
         $field = null;
          * The number of brackets. `false` means no bracket was found
          * previously. At least one bracket is required to validate the
          * expression.
          * @var int|bool $brackets
         $brackets = false;
          * Handles partitions.
         for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
              * Token parsed at this moment.
              * @var Token $token
             $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
             // End of statement.
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {
             // Skipping comments.
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) {
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $token->value === 'PARTITION BY') {
                 $field = 'partitionBy';
                 $brackets = false;
             } elseif ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $token->value === 'SUBPARTITION BY') {
                 $field = 'subpartitionBy';
                 $brackets = false;
             } elseif ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $token->value === 'PARTITIONS') {
                 $token = $list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_NUMBER);
                 // `getNextOfType` also advances one position.
                 $this->partitionsNum = $token->value;
             } elseif ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $token->value === 'SUBPARTITIONS') {
                 $token = $list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_NUMBER);
                 // `getNextOfType` also advances one position.
                 $this->subpartitionsNum = $token->value;
             } elseif (!empty($field)) {
                  * Handling the content of `PARTITION BY` and `SUBPARTITION BY`.
                 // Counting brackets.
                 if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $token->value === '(') {
                     // This is used instead of `++$brackets` because,
                     // initially, `$brackets` is `false` cannot be
                     // incremented.
                     $brackets = $brackets + 1;
                 } elseif ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $token->value === ')') {
                 // Building the expression used for partitioning.
                 $this->{$field} .= $token->type === Token::TYPE_WHITESPACE ? ' ' : $token->token;
                 // Last bracket was read, the expression ended.
                 // Comparing with `0` and not `false`, because `false` means
                 // that no bracket was found and at least one must is
                 // required.
                 if ($brackets === 0) {
                     $this->{$field} = trim($this->{$field});
                     $field = null;
             } elseif ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $token->value === '(') {
                 if (!empty($this->partitionBy)) {
                     $this->partitions = ArrayObj::parse($parser, $list, array('type' => 'SqlParser\\Components\\PartitionDefinition'));
     } elseif ($this->options->has('PROCEDURE') || $this->options->has('FUNCTION')) {
         $this->parameters = ParameterDefinition::parse($parser, $list);
         if ($this->options->has('FUNCTION')) {
             $token = $list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD);
             if ($token->value !== 'RETURNS') {
                 $parser->error(__('A "RETURNS" keyword was expected.'), $token);
             } else {
                 $this->return = DataType::parse($parser, $list);
         $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$FUNC_OPTIONS);
         for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
             $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
             $this->body[] = $token;
     } elseif ($this->options->has('VIEW')) {
         $token = $list->getNext();
         // Skipping whitespaces and comments.
         // Parsing columns list.
         if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $token->value === '(') {
             // getNext() also goes forward one field.
             $this->fields = ArrayObj::parse($parser, $list);
             // Skipping last token from the array.
         // Parsing the `AS` keyword.
         for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
             $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {
             $this->body[] = $token;
     } elseif ($this->options->has('TRIGGER')) {
         // Parsing the time and the event.
         $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$TRIGGER_OPTIONS);
         $list->getNextOfTypeAndValue(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD, 'ON');
         // Skipping `ON`.
         // Parsing the name of the table.
         $this->table = Expression::parse($parser, $list, array('noAlias' => true, 'noBrackets' => true, 'skipColumn' => true));
         $list->getNextOfTypeAndValue(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD, 'FOR EACH ROW');
         // Skipping `FOR EACH ROW`.
         for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
             $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
             $this->body[] = $token;
     } else {
         for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
             $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {
             $this->body[] = $token;
コード例 #3
  * @param Parser     $parser The instance that requests parsing.
  * @param TokensList $list   The list of tokens to be parsed.
  * @return void
 public function parse(Parser $parser, TokensList $list)
     // Skipping `CREATE`.
     // Parsing options.
     $this->options = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$OPTIONS);
     // Skipping last option.
     // Parsing the field name.
     $this->name = Expression::parse($parser, $list, array('noAlias' => true, 'noBrackets' => true, 'skipColumn' => true));
     // Skipping field.
     if ($this->options->has('DATABASE')) {
         $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$DB_OPTIONS);
     } elseif ($this->options->has('TABLE')) {
         $this->fields = FieldDefinition::parse($parser, $list);
         $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$TABLE_OPTIONS);
     } elseif ($this->options->has('PROCEDURE') || $this->options->has('FUNCTION')) {
         $this->parameters = ParameterDefinition::parse($parser, $list);
         if ($this->options->has('FUNCTION')) {
             $token = $list->getNextOfType(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD);
             if ($token->value !== 'RETURNS') {
                 $parser->error('\'RETURNS\' keyword was expected.', $token);
             } else {
                 $this->return = DataType::parse($parser, $list);
         $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$FUNC_OPTIONS);
         for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
             $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
             $this->body[] = $token;
     } else {
         if ($this->options->has('VIEW')) {
             $token = $list->getNext();
             // Skipping whitespaces and comments.
             // Parsing columns list.
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $token->value === '(') {
                 // getNext() also goes forward one field.
                 $this->fields = ArrayObj::parse($parser, $list);
                 // Skipping last token from the array.
             // Parsing the `AS` keyword.
             for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
                 $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
                 if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {
                 $this->body[] = $token;
         } else {
             if ($this->options->has('TRIGGER')) {
                 // Parsing the time and the event.
                 $this->entityOptions = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$TRIGGER_OPTIONS);
                 $list->getNextOfTypeAndValue(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD, 'ON');
                 // Skipping `ON`.
                 // Parsing the name of the table.
                 $this->table = Expression::parse($parser, $list, array('noAlias' => true, 'noBrackets' => true, 'skipColumn' => true));
                 $list->getNextOfTypeAndValue(Token::TYPE_KEYWORD, 'FOR EACH ROW');
                 // Skipping `FOR EACH ROW`.
                 for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
                     $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
                     $this->body[] = $token;
コード例 #4
  * @param Parser     $parser  The parser that serves as context.
  * @param TokensList $list    The list of tokens that are being parsed.
  * @param array      $options Parameters for parsing.
  * @return CreateDefinition[]
 public static function parse(Parser $parser, TokensList $list, array $options = array())
     $ret = array();
     $expr = new CreateDefinition();
      * The state of the parser.
      * Below are the states of the parser.
      *      0 -----------------------[ ( ]------------------------> 1
      *      1 --------------------[ CONSTRAINT ]------------------> 1
      *      1 -----------------------[ key ]----------------------> 2
      *      1 -------------[ constraint / column name ]-----------> 2
      *      2 --------------------[ data type ]-------------------> 3
      *      3 ---------------------[ options ]--------------------> 4
      *      4 --------------------[ REFERENCES ]------------------> 4
      *      5 ------------------------[ , ]-----------------------> 1
      *      5 ------------------------[ ) ]-----------------------> 6 (-1)
      * @var int $state
     $state = 0;
     for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
          * Token parsed at this moment.
          * @var Token $token
         $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
         // End of statement.
         if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {
         // Skipping whitespaces and comments.
         if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_WHITESPACE || $token->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) {
         if ($state === 0) {
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $token->value === '(') {
                 $state = 1;
             } else {
                 $parser->error(__('An opening bracket was expected.'), $token);
         } elseif ($state === 1) {
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $token->value === 'CONSTRAINT') {
                 $expr->isConstraint = true;
             } elseif ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $token->flags & Token::FLAG_KEYWORD_KEY) {
                 $expr->key = Key::parse($parser, $list);
                 $state = 4;
             } else {
                 $expr->name = $token->value;
                 if (!$expr->isConstraint) {
                     $state = 2;
         } elseif ($state === 2) {
             $expr->type = DataType::parse($parser, $list);
             $state = 3;
         } elseif ($state === 3) {
             $expr->options = OptionsArray::parse($parser, $list, static::$FIELD_OPTIONS);
             $state = 4;
         } elseif ($state === 4) {
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_KEYWORD && $token->value === 'REFERENCES') {
                 // Skipping keyword 'REFERENCES'.
                 $expr->references = Reference::parse($parser, $list);
             } else {
             $state = 5;
         } elseif ($state === 5) {
             if (!empty($expr->type) || !empty($expr->key)) {
                 $ret[] = $expr;
             $expr = new CreateDefinition();
             if ($token->value === ',') {
                 $state = 1;
             } elseif ($token->value === ')') {
                 $state = 6;
             } else {
                 $parser->error(__('A comma or a closing bracket was expected.'), $token);
                 $state = 0;
     // Last iteration was not saved.
     if (!empty($expr->type) || !empty($expr->key)) {
         $ret[] = $expr;
     if ($state !== 0 && $state !== 6) {
         $parser->error(__('A closing bracket was expected.'), $list->tokens[$list->idx - 1]);
     return $ret;
コード例 #5
  * @param Parser     $parser  The parser that serves as context.
  * @param TokensList $list    The list of tokens that are being parsed.
  * @param array      $options Parameters for parsing.
  * @return ParameterDefinition[]
 public static function parse(Parser $parser, TokensList $list, array $options = array())
     $ret = array();
     $expr = new ParameterDefinition();
      * The state of the parser.
      * Below are the states of the parser.
      *      0 -----------------------[ ( ]------------------------> 1
      *      1 ----------------[ IN / OUT / INOUT ]----------------> 1
      *      1 ----------------------[ name ]----------------------> 2
      *      2 -------------------[ data type ]--------------------> 3
      *      3 ------------------------[ , ]-----------------------> 1
      *      3 ------------------------[ ) ]-----------------------> (END)
      * @var int $state
     $state = 0;
     for (; $list->idx < $list->count; ++$list->idx) {
          * Token parsed at this moment.
          * @var Token $token
         $token = $list->tokens[$list->idx];
         // End of statement.
         if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_DELIMITER) {
         // Skipping whitespaces and comments.
         if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_WHITESPACE || $token->type === Token::TYPE_COMMENT) {
         if ($state === 0) {
             if ($token->type === Token::TYPE_OPERATOR && $token->value === '(') {
                 $state = 1;
         } elseif ($state === 1) {
             if ($token->value === 'IN' || $token->value === 'OUT' || $token->value === 'INOUT') {
                 $expr->inOut = $token->value;
             } elseif ($token->value === ')') {
             } else {
                 $expr->name = $token->value;
                 $state = 2;
         } elseif ($state === 2) {
             $expr->type = DataType::parse($parser, $list);
             $state = 3;
         } elseif ($state === 3) {
             $ret[] = $expr;
             $expr = new ParameterDefinition();
             if ($token->value === ',') {
                 $state = 1;
             } elseif ($token->value === ')') {
     // Last iteration was not saved.
     if (isset($expr->name) && $expr->name !== '') {
         $ret[] = $expr;
     return $ret;