コード例 #1
 public function testUntilShouldWaitShouldThrowException()
     $wait = new WebDriverWait(3);
     $label = $wait->until($this->_driver, "findElement", array(By::id("dDiv1-0"), true));
コード例 #2
 public function testDemo2()
     //click button/get alert text
     $this->assertEquals("Here is the alert", $this->_driver->getAlertText());
     //get main window handle
     $mainWindowHandle = $this->_driver->getCurrentWindowHandle();
     //open popup window / handle its elements
     $webElement = $this->_driver->waitForElementUntilIsPresent(By::id("txt1"));
     $webElement->sendKeys("test window");
     $this->assertEquals("test window", $webElement->getAttribute("value"));
     //get iframe / handle its elements
     $webElement = $this->_driver->waitForElementUntilIsPresent(By::id("txt1"));
     $webElement->sendKeys("test iframe");
     $this->assertEquals("test iframe", $webElement->getAttribute("value"));
     //wait for element to be present
     $wait = new WebDriverWait(8);
     $label = $wait->until($this->_driver, "findElement", array(By::id("dDiv1-0"), true));
     $this->assertEquals("Some content", $label->getText());
コード例 #3
ファイル: WebDriver.php プロジェクト: SysBind/joomla-cms
  * Stops the process until an element is found
  * @param By $locator
  * @param Integer $timeOutSeconds
  * @return \SeleniumClient\WebElement
 public function waitForElementUntilIsPresent(By $locator, $timeOutSeconds = 5)
     //We have to validate that timeOutSeconds is int, we have to add a new exception into the selenium exceptions and not use the exceptions that are outsite of the library
     //if ( !is_int($timeOutSeconds) ) { throw new Not_Int_Exception("wait_for_element_until_is_present", "time_out_seconds"); }
     $wait = new WebDriverWait($timeOutSeconds);
     $dynamicElement = $wait->until($this, "findElement", array($locator, TRUE));
     return $dynamicElement;
コード例 #4
ファイル: WebElement.php プロジェクト: SysBind/joomla-cms
  * Wait until current element's text equals specified
  * @param By $locator
  * @param String $targetText
  * @param Integer $timeOutSeconds
  * @throws WebDriverWaitTimeoutException
  * @return \SeleniumClient\WebElement
 public function waitForElementUntilIsPresentWithSpecificText(By $locator, $targetText, $timeOutSeconds = 5)
     //We have to validate that timeOutSeconds is int, we have to add a new exception into the selenium exceptions and not use the exceptions that are outsite of the library
     //if ( !is_int($timeOutSeconds) ) { throw new Not_Int_Exception("wait_for_element_until_is_present", "time_out_seconds"); }
     $dynamicElement = null;
     $wait = true;
     $attempts = $timeOutSeconds;
     while ($wait) {
         $currentText = null;
         $webDriverWait = new WebDriverWait($timeOutSeconds);
         $dynamicElement = $webDriverWait->until($this, "findElement", array($locator, TRUE));
         try {
             $currentText = $dynamicElement->getText();
         } catch (SeleniumStaleElementReferenceException $ex) {
             //echo "\nError The Objet Disappear, Wait For Element Until Is Present With Specific Text\n";
         if ($currentText == $targetText) {
             $wait = false;
         } else {
             if ($attempts <= 0) {
                 throw new WebDriverWaitTimeoutException("Timeout for waitForElementUntilIsPresentAndTextIsChange.");
         $attempts = $attempts - 1;
     return $dynamicElement;