コード例 #1
ファイル: Tests.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $file_name string
 public function runFile($file_name)
     $class_name = Names::pathToClass(substr($file_name, 0, -4));
     if (is_subclass_of($class_name, Test::class)) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: Add_Controller.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $object     object|string object or class name
  * @param $parameters string[] parameters
  * @return Button[]
 protected function getGeneralButtons($object, $parameters)
     $buttons = parent::getGeneralButtons($object, $parameters);
     $close_link = View::link(Names::classToSet(get_class($object)));
     list($close_link) = $this->prepareThen($object, $parameters, $close_link);
     return array_merge($buttons, [Feature::F_CLOSE => new Button('Close', $close_link, Feature::F_CLOSE, [new Color('close'), Target::MAIN])]);
コード例 #3
ファイル: Link_Table.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @return string
 function masterColumn()
     if (!isset($this->master_column)) {
         $this->master_column = 'id_' . Names::setToSingle($this->property->getAnnotation('foreign')->value);
     return $this->master_column;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Method_Annotation.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $value           string
  * @param $class_property  Reflection
  * @param $annotation_name string
 public function __construct($value, Reflection $class_property, $annotation_name)
     if (!empty($value)) {
         $class = $class_property instanceof Reflection_Property ? $class_property->getFinalClass() : $class_property;
         if ($pos = strpos($value, '::')) {
             $type_annotation = new Type_Annotation(substr($value, 0, $pos), $class);
             if ($type_annotation->value == 'composite') {
                 /** @var $composite_property Reflection_Property */
                 $composite_property = call_user_func([$class->getName(), 'getCompositeProperty']);
                 $type_annotation->value = $composite_property->getType()->asString();
             // if the property is declared into the final class : try using the class namespace name
             if (!$class_property instanceof Reflection_Property || $class_property->getDeclaringTraitName() === $class_property->getFinalClassName()) {
             if (!@class_exists($type_annotation->value)) {
                 $this->searchIntoDeclaringTrait($class_property, $type_annotation, $value, $pos);
             if (!@class_exists($type_annotation->value)) {
                 $this->searchIntoFinalClass($class_property, $type_annotation, $value, $pos);
             if (!@class_exists($type_annotation->value)) {
                 trigger_error(sprintf('Not found full class name for Method_Annotation %1 value %2 class %3 property %4', $annotation_name, $value, $class->getName(), $class_property->getName()), E_USER_ERROR);
             $value = $type_annotation->value . substr($value, $pos);
             $this->static = true;
         } else {
             if ($value === true) {
                 $value = Names::propertyToMethod($annotation_name);
             $value = $class->getName() . '::' . $value;
コード例 #5
ファイル: View.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $view_name     string   the view name is the associated data class name
  * @param $feature_names string[] feature and inherited feature which view will be searched
  * @param $template      string   if a specific template is set, the view named with it will be
  *                       searched into the view / feature namespace first
  * @return callable
 private static function getView($view_name, $feature_names, $template = null)
     $view_engine_name = get_class(View::current());
     $view_engine_name = Namespaces::shortClassName(Namespaces::of($view_engine_name));
     if (isset($template)) {
         foreach ([$view_engine_name . '_View', 'View'] as $suffix) {
             foreach ($feature_names as $feature_name) {
                 list($class, $method) = Getter::get($view_name, $feature_name, Names::methodToClass($template) . '_' . $suffix, 'php');
                 if (isset($class)) {
                     break 2;
     if (!isset($class)) {
         foreach ([$view_engine_name . '_View', 'View'] as $suffix) {
             foreach ($feature_names as $feature_name) {
                 list($class, $method) = Getter::get($view_name, $feature_name, $suffix, 'php');
                 if (isset($class)) {
                     break 2;
     if (!isset($class)) {
         list($class, $method) = [__CLASS__ . BS . $view_engine_name . BS . 'Default_View', 'run'];
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection if $class is set, then $method is set too */
     return [$class, $method];
コード例 #6
ファイル: Json_Controller.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Run the default json controller
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form array
  * @param $files array
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return string
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files, $class_name)
     $parameters = $parameters->getObjects();
     // read all objects corresponding to class name
     if (!$parameters) {
         return json_encode(Dao::readAll(Names::setToClass($class_name, false), [Dao::sort()]));
     // read object
     $first_parameter = reset($parameters);
     if (is_object($first_parameter)) {
         return json_encode($first_parameter);
     // search objects for autocomplete combo pull-down list
     if (isset($parameters['term'])) {
         $element_class_name = Names::setToClass($class_name, false);
         $search = null;
         if (!empty($parameters['term'])) {
             $search = (new Search_Array_Builder())->buildMultiple(new Reflection_Class($element_class_name), $parameters['term'], '', '%');
         if (isset($parameters['filters']) && $parameters['filters']) {
             if (!(is_object($search) && $search->isAnd())) {
                 $search = Dao\Func::andOp($search ? [$search] : []);
             foreach ($parameters['filters'] as $filter_name => $filter_value) {
                 $search->arguments[$filter_name] = $filter_value[0] == '!' ? Dao\Func::notEqual(substr($filter_value, 1)) : $filter_value;
             if (count($search->arguments) == 1) {
                 $search = [key($search->arguments) => current($search->arguments)];
         $objects = [];
         // first object only
         if (isset($parameters['first']) && $parameters['first']) {
             $objects = Dao::search($search, $element_class_name, [Dao::sort(), Dao::limit(1)]);
             $source_object = $objects ? reset($objects) : Builder::create($element_class_name);
             return json_encode(new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object)));
         } else {
             $search_options = [Dao::sort()];
             if (isset($parameters['limit'])) {
                 $search_options[] = Dao::limit($parameters['limit']);
             foreach (Dao::search($search, $element_class_name, $search_options) as $source_object) {
                 $objects[] = new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object));
             return json_encode($objects);
     } elseif (isset($parameters['id'])) {
         $element_class_name = Names::setToClass($class_name);
         $source_object = Dao::read($parameters['id'], $element_class_name);
         return json_encode(new Autocomplete_Entry(Dao::getObjectIdentifier($source_object), strval($source_object)));
     return '';
コード例 #7
ファイル: Import_Class.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $class_name                 string
  * @param $property_path              string[]
  * @param $object_not_found_behaviour string create_new_value, do_nothing, tell_it_and_stop_import
 public function __construct($class_name = null, $property_path = null, $object_not_found_behaviour = null)
     if (isset($class_name)) {
         $this->class_name = $class_name;
         $this->name = Names::classToDisplay($class_name);
     if (isset($object_not_found_behaviour)) {
         $this->object_not_found_behaviour = $object_not_found_behaviour;
     if (isset($property_path)) {
         $this->property_path = $property_path;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Option.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $value   string
  * @param $caption string
 public function __construct($value = null, $caption = null)
     parent::__construct('option', true);
     if (isset($value)) {
         if (!isset($caption)) {
         $this->setAttribute('value', $value);
     if (isset($caption)) {
         if (!isset($value)) {
             $this->setAttribute('value', $value);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Search_Controller.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $parameters Parameters
  * @param $form       array
  * @param $files      array
  * @return mixed
 public function run(Parameters $parameters, $form, $files)
     $parameters->set(Parameter::CONTAINER, 'inside_tree');
     $search = $parameters->getRawParameter('search');
     if (empty($search)) {
         return parent::run($parameters, $form, $files);
     $search = strtolower(str_replace([DOT, '*', '?'], [BS . DOT, '.*', '.?'], strSimplify($search, '.*? ' . BS)));
     $class_name = Names::setToClass($parameters->shift());
     $properties = $this->searchProperties($class_name, $search);
     $top_property = new Property();
     $top_property->class = $class_name;
     $objects = $parameters->getObjects();
     array_unshift($objects, $top_property);
     $objects['class_name'] = $class_name;
     $objects['properties'] = $properties;
     $objects['display_full_path'] = true;
     return View::run($objects, $form, $files, Property::class, 'select');
コード例 #10
ファイル: Autoloader.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Includes the php file that contains the given class (must contain namespace)
  * @param $class_name string class name (with or without namespace)
  * @return boolean
 public function autoload($class_name)
     if ($i = strrpos($class_name, '\\')) {
         $namespace = strtolower(str_replace('\\', '/', substr($class_name, 0, $i)));
         $file_name = substr($class_name, $i + 1);
         // 'A\Class' stored into 'a/class/Class.php'
         if (file_exists($file1 = strtolower($namespace . '/' . $file_name) . '/' . $file_name . '.php')) {
             /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
             $result = (include_once Include_Filter::file($file1));
         } elseif (file_exists($file2 = strtolower($namespace) . '/' . $file_name . '.php')) {
             /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
             $result = (include_once Include_Filter::file($file2));
         } else {
             if (Builder::isBuilt($class_name)) {
                 $file = 'cache/compiled/' . str_replace(SL, '-', Names::classToPath($class_name));
                 if (file_exists($file)) {
                     /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
                     $result = (include_once $file);
             if (!isset($result)) {
                 if (error_reporting()) {
                     trigger_error('Class not found ' . $class_name . ', should be into ' . $file1 . ' or ' . $file2, E_USER_ERROR);
                 $result = false;
     } else {
         /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */
         $result = (include_once Include_Filter::file($class_name . '.php'));
     // instantiate plugin
     if ($result && class_exists($class_name, false) && is_a($class_name, Plugin::class, true)) {
         if (Session::current()) {
コード例 #11
ファイル: Maintainer.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Create a table in database, which has no associated class, using fields names
  * @param $mysqli       mysqli
  * @param $table_name   string
  * @param $column_names string[]
  * @return boolean
  * @todo mysqli context should contain sql builder (ie Select) in order to know if this was
  *       an implicit link table. If then : only one unique index should be built
 private function createImplicitTable(mysqli $mysqli, $table_name, $column_names)
     $only_ids = true;
     $table = new Table($table_name);
     $ids_index = new Index();
     $indexes = [];
     foreach ($column_names as $column_name) {
         $table->addColumn($column_name === 'id' ? Column::buildId() : Column::buildLink($column_name));
         if (substr($column_name, 0, 3) === 'id_') {
             if ($mysqli instanceof Contextual_Mysqli && is_array($mysqli->context)) {
                 $index = Index::buildLink($column_name);
                 foreach ($mysqli->context as $context_class) {
                     $id_context_property = 'id_' . Names::classToProperty(Names::setToSingle(Dao::storeNameOf($context_class)));
                     $id_context_property_2 = 'id_' . Names::classToProperty(Names::setToSingle(Namespaces::shortClassName($context_class)));
                     if (in_array($column_name, [$id_context_property, $id_context_property_2])) {
                         $table->addForeignKey(Foreign_Key::buildLink($table_name, $column_name, $context_class));
                 $indexes[] = $index;
         } else {
             $only_ids = false;
     if ($only_ids) {
     } else {
         foreach ($indexes as $index) {
     $mysqli->query((new Create_Table($table))->build());
     return true;
コード例 #12
ファイル: Compiler.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Gets a Reflection_Source knowing its class _name.
  * Uses sources cache, or router's getClassFilename() and fill-in cache.
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return Reflection_Source
 public function getClassFilename($class_name)
     if (isset($this->sources_cache[$class_name])) {
         return $this->sources_cache[$class_name];
     } else {
         /** @var $router Router */
         $router = Session::current()->plugins->get(Router::class);
         if (Builder::isBuilt($class_name)) {
             $file_name = $this->getCacheDir() . SL . str_replace(SL, '-', Names::classToPath($class_name));
         } else {
             $file_name = $router->getClassFilename($class_name);
         $source = new Reflection_Source($file_name, $this, $class_name);
         foreach (array_keys($source->getClasses()) as $class_name) {
             $this->sources_cache[$class_name] = $source;
             if (count($this->sources_cache) > self::MAX_OPENED_SOURCES) {
         return $this->sources_cache[$class_name];
コード例 #13
ファイル: Register.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Defines multiple annotations classes
  * A very little bit faster than multiple calls to setAnnotation()
  * @param $context             string Parser::T_CLASS, Parser::T_METHOD, Parser::T_VARIABLE
  * @param $annotations_classes string[] key is the annotation name, value is the annotation class
 public function setAnnotations($context, $annotations_classes)
     // instantiates Parser, in order to call its __destruct() method at the script end
     if (!isset($GLOBALS['parser'])) {
         $GLOBALS['parser'] = new Parser();
     // add annotation
     $namespace = 'SAF\\Framework\\Reflection\\Annotation' . BS . $context;
     foreach ($annotations_classes as $annotation_name => $annotation_class) {
         $class_name = Names::propertyToClass($annotation_name) . '_Annotation';
         Parser::$additional_annotations[$namespace . BS . $class_name] = $annotation_class;
コード例 #14
ファイル: Menu.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $configuration array
 public function __construct($configuration = [])
     foreach ($configuration as $block_key => $items) {
         if ($block_key == self::TITLE) {
             foreach ($items as $item) {
                 if (substr($item, 0, 1) == SL) {
                     $this->title_link = $item;
                 } elseif (substr($item, 0, 1) == '#') {
                     $this->title_link_target = $item;
                 } else {
                     $this->title = $item;
         } else {
             $block = new Block();
             if (substr($block_key, 0, 1) == SL) {
                 $block->title_link = $block_key;
             } else {
                 $block->title = $block_key;
             foreach ($items as $item_key => $item) {
                 if ($item_key == self::MODULE) {
                     $block->module = $item;
                 } elseif ($item_key == self::TITLE) {
                     $block->title = $item;
                 } elseif ($item_key == self::LINK) {
                     $block->title_link = $item;
                 } elseif ($item_key == self::TARGET) {
                     $block->title_link_target = $item;
                 } else {
                     $menu_item = new Item();
                     $menu_item->link = $item_key;
                     if (is_array($item)) {
                         foreach ($item as $property_key => $property) {
                             if (is_numeric($property_key)) {
                                 if (substr($property, 0, 1) == SL) {
                                     $menu_item->link = $property;
                                 } elseif (substr($property, 0, 1) == '#') {
                                     $menu_item->link_target = $property;
                                 } else {
                                     $menu_item->caption = $property;
                     } else {
                         $menu_item->caption = $item;
                     $block->items[] = $menu_item;
             if (!isset($block->module)) {
                 $block->module = Names::displayToProperty($block_key);
             $this->blocks[] = $block;
コード例 #15
ファイル: Data_Link.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Gets the store name for records typed as $class_name
  * @param $class_name string
  * @return string
 public function storeNameOf($class_name)
     return strtolower(Namespaces::shortClassName(Names::classToSet($class_name)));
コード例 #16
ファイル: Main.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $controller_name string the name of the data class which controller we are looking for
  * @param $feature_name    string the feature which controller we are looking for
  * @param $sub_feature     string if set, the sub feature controller is searched into the feature
  *                         controller namespace
  * @return callable
 private function getController($controller_name, $feature_name, $sub_feature = null)
     if (isset($sub_feature)) {
         list($class, $method) = Getter::get($controller_name, $feature_name, Names::methodToClass($sub_feature) . '_Controller', 'php');
     if (!isset($class)) {
         list($class, $method) = Getter::get($controller_name, $feature_name, 'Controller', 'php');
     if (!isset($class)) {
         list($class, $method) = [Default_Controller::class, 'run'];
     /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedVariableInspection if $class is set, then $method is set too */
     return [$class, $method];
コード例 #17
ファイル: Uri_Tests.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
 public function testDeleteControllers()
     $controller_uri = new Uri('/SAF/Framework/Widget/Tab/remove/' . Names::classToSet(Order::class) . SL . Feature::F_LIST . '/date/number', [Parameter::AS_WIDGET => true, '_' => 2]);
     $this->assume(__METHOD__, ['controller_name' => $controller_uri->controller_name, 'feature_name' => $controller_uri->feature_name, 'parameters' => $controller_uri->parameters->getRawParameters()], ['controller_name' => Tab::class, 'feature_name' => Feature::F_REMOVE, 'parameters' => (new Parameters())->addValue(Names::classToSet(Order::class))->addValue(Feature::F_LIST)->addValue('date')->addValue('number')->set(Parameter::AS_WIDGET, true)->set('_', 2)->getRawParameters()]);
コード例 #18
ファイル: Builder.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Gets replacement class name for a parent class name or a list of traits to implement
  * @param $class_name string can be short or full class name
  * @return string
 private function replacementClassName($class_name)
     if ($this->enabled) {
         $result = isset($this->replacements[$class_name]) ? $this->replacements[$class_name] : $class_name;
         if (is_array($result)) {
             if ($this->build) {
                 $this->compositions[$class_name] = $result;
                 $built_class_name = Class_Builder::builtClassName($class_name);
                 if (file_exists(Application::current()->getCacheDir() . '/compiled/' . str_replace('/', '-', Names::classToPath($built_class_name)))) {
                     $result = $built_class_name;
                 } else {
                     $result = Class_Builder::build($class_name, $result);
                 $this->replacements[$class_name] = $result;
             } else {
                 $result = $class_name;
         } elseif (!$this->build && self::isBuilt($result)) {
             $result = $class_name;
     } else {
         $result = $class_name;
     return $class_name != $result && !self::isBuilt($result) ? $this->replacementClassName($result) : $result;
コード例 #19
ファイル: Annotation.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Gets annotation name (the displayable root of the annotation class name, when set)
  * @return string
 public function getAnnotationName()
     return Names::classToDisplay(lLastParse(Namespaces::shortClassName(get_class($this)), '_Annotation'));
コード例 #20
  * @param $multiline boolean keep this value empty, it is not used because the @multiline
  *        annotation is automatically used
  * @param $values    string[] keep this value empty, it is not used because the @values annotation
  *        is automatically used
  * @return Element
 protected function buildString($multiline = false, $values = null)
     $values_captions = [];
     $values = $this->property->getListAnnotation('values')->values();
     foreach ($values as $value) {
         $values_captions[$value] = Names::propertyToDisplay($value);
     if ($values_captions && !in_array($this->value, $values_captions)) {
         $values_captions[$this->value] = $this->value;
     $element = parent::buildString($this->property->getAnnotation('multiline')->value, $values_captions);
     if ($this->property->getAnnotation('mandatory')->value) {
         $element->setAttribute('required', true);
     if ($this->property->getAnnotation('password')->value) {
         $element->setAttribute('type', 'password');
         $element->setAttribute('value', strlen($this->value) ? Password::UNCHANGED : '');
     return $element;
コード例 #21
ファイル: Parser.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Gets annotation class name (including namespace) for a given annotation name
  * @param $reflection_object Has_Doc_Comment
  * @param $annotation_name string
  * @return string
 private static function getAnnotationClassName(Has_Doc_Comment $reflection_object, $annotation_name)
     $reflection_class = get_class($reflection_object);
     $pos = strrpos($reflection_class, '_');
     $reflection_class = substr($reflection_class, $pos + 1);
     if ($reflection_class == 'Class') {
         $reflection_class .= '_';
     } elseif ($reflection_class == 'Value') {
         $reflection_class = 'Property';
     $annotation_class = __NAMESPACE__ . BS . $reflection_class . BS . Names::propertyToClass($annotation_name) . '_Annotation';
     /** @noinspection PhpUsageOfSilenceOperatorInspection */
     if (!@class_exists($annotation_class)) {
         if (!isset(self::$default_annotations)) {
         if (isset(self::$default_annotations[$annotation_class])) {
             $annotation_class = self::$default_annotations[$annotation_class];
         } else {
             $annotation_class = Annotation::class;
     return $annotation_class;
コード例 #22
  * @param $list_settings Data_List_Settings
  * @return string
 public function getSearchSummary(Data_List_Settings $list_settings)
     if ($list_settings->search) {
         if (Locale::current()) {
             $t = '|';
             $i = '¦';
         } else {
             $t = $i = '';
         $class_display = Names::classToDisplay((new Reflection_Class($list_settings->class_name))->getAnnotation('set')->value);
         $summary = $t . $i . ucfirst($class_display) . $i . ' filtered by' . $t;
         $first = true;
         foreach ($list_settings->search as $property_path => $value) {
             if ($first) {
                 $first = false;
             } else {
                 $summary .= ',';
             $summary .= SP . $t . $property_path . $t . ' = ' . DQ . $value . DQ;
         return $summary;
     return null;
コード例 #23
  * @param $property Reflection_Property
  * @return string[] Possibles properties names
 private function defaultMap(Reflection_Property $property)
     $possibles = [];
     $foreign_class = $this->getForeignClass($property);
     foreach ($foreign_class->getProperties([T_EXTENDS, T_USE]) as $foreign_property) {
         $foreign_type = $foreign_property->getType();
         if ($foreign_type->isClass() && $foreign_type->isMultiple() && is_a($property->getFinalClassName(), $foreign_type->getElementTypeAsString(), true) && $foreign_property->getAnnotation('link')->value == Link_Annotation::MAP && ($foreign_property->getDeclaringClassName() != $property->getDeclaringClassName() || $foreign_property->getName() != $property->getName())) {
             $possibles[$foreign_property->getName()] = $foreign_property;
     $possibles = Replaces_Annotations::removeReplacedProperties($possibles);
     if (count($possibles) != 1) {
         $this->value = Names::classToProperty(Names::setToClass($property->getDeclaringClass()->getAnnotation('set')->value));
     return array_keys($possibles);
コード例 #24
ファイル: Import_Array.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @param $class_name              string
  * @param $property_path           string
  * @param $use_reverse_translation boolean if true, will try reverse translation of property names
  * @param $properties_alias        string[] $property_path = string[string $property_alias]
  * @return string
 public static function propertyPathOf($class_name, $property_path, $use_reverse_translation = false, $properties_alias = null)
     if (isset($properties_alias) && isset($properties_alias[$property_path])) {
         $property_path = $properties_alias[$property_path];
     } elseif ($use_reverse_translation) {
         $property_class_name = $class_name;
         $property_names = [];
         foreach (explode(DOT, $property_path) as $property_name) {
             if ($asterisk = substr($property_name, -1) == '*') {
                 $property_name = substr($property_name, 0, -1);
             $property = null;
             $property_name = Names::displayToProperty($property_name);
             try {
                 $property = new Reflection_Property($property_class_name, $property_name);
             } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
                 $translated_property_name = Names::displayToProperty(Loc::rtr($property_name, $property_class_name));
                 try {
                     $property = new Reflection_Property($property_class_name, $translated_property_name);
                     $property_name = $translated_property_name;
                 } catch (ReflectionException $e) {
             $property_names[] = $property_name . ($asterisk ? '*' : '');
             if (!isset($property)) {
             $property_class_name = $property->getType()->getElementTypeAsString();
         $property_path = join(DOT, $property_names);
     return $property_path;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Collection.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * @return Head
 protected function buildHead()
     $head = new Head();
     $row = new Row();
     foreach ($this->properties as $property) {
         if (!$property->getType()->isMultiple() || $property->getType()->getElementTypeAsString() != $property->getFinalClass()->name) {
             $cell = new Header_Cell(Loc::tr(Names::propertyToDisplay($property->getAnnotation('alias')->value), $this->class_name));
     return $head;
コード例 #26
ファイル: Tab.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * return @string
 public function getName()
     return Names::displayToProperty($this->title);
コード例 #27
ファイル: Template.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Parse a special data / function and returns its return value
  * @param $func_name string
  * @return mixed
 protected function parseFunc($func_name)
     $func_name = ($p = strpos($func_name, '(')) ? Names::propertyToMethod(substr($func_name, 0, $p), 'get') . substr($func_name, $p) : Names::propertyToMethod($func_name, 'get');
     return $this->htmlEntities($this->callFunc($this->functions, $func_name));
コード例 #28
  * @return string
 public function display()
     return $this->display ? $this->display : Names::propertyToDisplay($this->path ? $this->path : $this->name);
コード例 #29
ファイル: Drop_Controller.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Delete an object
  * @param $parameters mixed[]
  * - first : the deleted object
  * - other parameters are not sent to the delete controller (only as_widget is kept)
  * @return mixed
 private function deleteObject($parameters)
     $object = array_shift($parameters);
     $controller_uri = SL . Names::classToUri(get_class($object)) . SL . Dao::getObjectIdentifier($object) . SL . Feature::F_DELETE;
     return (new Main())->runController($controller_uri, $parameters);
コード例 #30
ファイル: Paths.php プロジェクト: TuxBoy/Demo-saf
  * Get the root URL for the application
  * This includes : currently used protocol, server name and uri base
  * If object or class name is set, path to this object or class name is added to the URL
  * @example without class name : 'https://saf.re/saf'
  * @example with the class name of User : '******'
  * @example with a User object of id = 1 : 'https://saf.re/saf/SAF/Framework/User/1'
  * @param $object object|string object or class name
  * @return string
 public static function getUrl($object = null)
     return (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'https' : 'http') . '://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . Paths::$uri_base . (isset($object) ? SL . Names::classToUri($object) : '');