コード例 #1
ファイル: ViewRenderer.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-template
 public function init()
     // default path to runtime
     if (!Alias::existsAlias('runtime')) {
         Alias::setAlias('runtime', dirname(__DIR__) . '/runtime');
     $this->twig = new \Twig_Environment(null, array_merge(['cache' => Alias::getAlias($this->cachePath)], $this->options));
     // Adding custom globals (objects or static classes)
     if (!empty($this->globals)) {
     // Adding custom functions
     if (!empty($this->functions)) {
     // Adding custom filters
     if (!empty($this->filters)) {
     $this->addExtensions([new Extension($this->uses)]);
     // Adding custom extensions
     if (!empty($this->extensions)) {
     //$this->twig->addGlobal('app', \rock\Rock::$app);
     // Change lexer syntax (must be set after other settings)
     if (!empty($this->lexerOptions)) {
コード例 #2
ファイル: Controller.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock
  * Renders a view with a layout.
  * @param string $layout name of the view to be rendered.
  * @param array $placeholders list placeholders.
  * @param string $defaultPathLayout
  * @param bool $isAjax
  * @return string the rendering result. Null if the rendering result is not required.
  * @throws \Exception
 public function render($layout, array $placeholders = [], $defaultPathLayout = '@views', $isAjax = false)
     $layout = FileHelper::normalizePath(Alias::getAlias($layout));
     if (!strstr($layout, DS)) {
         $class = explode('\\', get_class($this));
         $layout = Alias::getAlias($defaultPathLayout) . DS . 'layouts' . DS . strtolower(str_replace('Controller', '', array_pop($class))) . DS . $layout;
     return $this->getTemplate()->render($layout, $placeholders, $this, $isAjax);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ImageProvider.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-image
 public function init()
     if (!($this->adapter = Instance::ensure($this->adapter, null, [], false))) {
         throw new ImageException(ImageException::NOT_INSTALL_FILE);
     $this->adapterCache = Instance::ensure($this->adapterCache);
     $this->srcImage = Alias::getAlias($this->srcImage);
     $this->srcCache = Alias::getAlias($this->srcCache);
コード例 #4
ファイル: PhpManager.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock
 public function init()
     $this->path = Alias::getAlias($this->path);
     $this->pathAssignments = Alias::getAlias($this->pathAssignments);
     if (empty(static::$items)) {
         static::$items = $this->load($this->path);
     if (empty(static::$assignments)) {
         static::$assignments = $this->load($this->pathAssignments);
コード例 #5
ファイル: Route.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock
  * Set config scope
  * @param string $path path to config
  * @param bool $clear clear DIC.
  * @throws RouteException
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function setConfigScope($path, $clear = true)
     $path = Alias::getAlias($path);
     if (!file_exists($path) || !($config = (require $path))) {
         throw new RouteException(RouteException::UNKNOWN_FILE, ['path' => $path]);
     if ($clear) {
     $components = $config['components'] ?: [];
     if (class_exists('\\rock\\Rock')) {
         Rock::$components = $components;
         Rock::$config = $config;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CaptchaView.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock
 public function get()
     if (!($dataImage = $this->captcha->get())) {
         return '#';
     if ($dataImage['mime_type'] === 'image/x-png') {
         $ext = '.png';
     } elseif ($dataImage['mime_type'] === 'image/jpeg') {
         $ext = '.jpg';
     } else {
         $ext = '.gif';
     $uniq = uniqid();
     $path = Alias::getAlias('@assets') . DS . 'cache' . DS . 'captcha' . DS . $uniq . $ext;
     if (FileHelper::create($path, $dataImage['image'])) {
         return Alias::getAlias('@web') . '/cache/captcha/' . $uniq . $ext;
     return '#';
コード例 #7
ファイル: UploadedFile.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-file
  * Saves the uploaded file.
  * Note that this method uses php's move_uploaded_file() method. If the target file `$file`
  * already exists, it will be overwritten.
  * @param string $file the file path used to save the uploaded file
  * @param boolean $deleteTempFile whether to delete the temporary file after saving.
  *                                If true, you will not be able to save the uploaded file again in the current request.
  * @param bool $createDir
  * @return bool true whether the file is saved successfully
  * @throws \Exception
  * @see error
 public function saveAs($file, $deleteTempFile = true, $createDir = false)
     if ($this->error !== UPLOAD_ERR_OK) {
         return false;
     $file = Alias::getAlias($file);
     if ($this->calculatePathname instanceof \Closure) {
         $file = call_user_func($this->calculatePathname, $this, $file, $this->adapter);
     if ($createDir) {
     if ($deleteTempFile) {
         return move_uploaded_file($this->tempName, $file);
     } elseif (is_uploaded_file($this->tempName)) {
         return copy($this->tempName, $file);
     return false;
コード例 #8
ファイル: Container.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-di
 protected static function calculateConfig($config)
     if (is_string($config)) {
         $class = Alias::getAlias($config);
         $config = [];
     } elseif (isset($config['class'])) {
         $class = Alias::getAlias($config['class']);
         unset($config['class'], $config['singleton']);
     } else {
         throw new ContainerException('Object configuration must be an array containing a "class" element.');
     $class = ltrim(str_replace(['\\', '_', '/'], '\\', $class), '\\');
     return [$class, $config];
コード例 #9
ファイル: Session.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-session
  * @param string $path the current session save path. This can be either a directory name or a path alias.
  * @throws SessionException if the path is not a valid directory
 public function setSavePath($path)
     $path = Alias::getAlias($path);
     if (is_dir($path)) {
     } else {
         throw new SessionException("Session save path is not a valid directory: {$path}.");
コード例 #10
ファイル: Image.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-image
  * Adds a frame around of the image. Please note that the image size will increase by `$margin` x 2.
  * @param string|resource $pathOrResource the full path to the image file
  * @param integer $margin the frame size to add around the image
  * @param string $color the frame color
  * @param integer $alpha the alpha value of the frame.
  * @return ImageInterface
 public static function frame($pathOrResource, $margin = 20, $color = '666', $alpha = 100)
     /** @var ImageInterface $img */
     $img = is_resource($pathOrResource) ? static::getImagine()->read($pathOrResource) : static::getImagine()->open(Alias::getAlias($pathOrResource));
     $size = $img->getSize();
     $pasteTo = new Point($margin, $margin);
     $box = new Box($size->getWidth() + ceil($margin * 2), $size->getHeight() + ceil($margin * 2));
     $image = static::getImagine()->create($box, (new RGB())->color($color, $alpha));
     $image->paste($img, $pasteTo);
     return $image;
コード例 #11
ファイル: Route.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-route
 protected function normalizeRules(array &$result = [], array &$aliases = [], array $rules, array $params = [], array $group = [])
     foreach ($rules as $alias => $rule) {
         if ($rule[0] === self::REST) {
             $this->normalizeRules($result, $aliases, ArrayHelper::only($this->RESTHandlers, Helper::getValue($rule['only'], []), Helper::getValue($rule['exclude'], [])), ['prefix' => $alias, 'replace' => $rule[1], 'controller' => $rule[2], 'filters' => isset($rule['filters']) ? $rule['filters'] : null], $group);
         list(, $pattern) = $rule;
         if (is_string($alias)) {
             if (isset($params['replace'])) {
                 if (isset($params['prefix']) && !is_string($params['prefix'])) {
                     $params['prefix'] = $params['replace'];
                 $alias = "{$params['prefix']}.{$alias}";
             if (isset($group['as'])) {
                 $alias = "{$group['as']}.{$alias}";
         $result[$alias] = $rule;
         if (isset($params['controller'])) {
             $result[$alias]['params']['controller'] = $params['controller'];
         if (isset($params['filters']) && !isset($result[$alias][3])) {
             $result[$alias]['filters'] = $params['filters'];
         if (!is_array($pattern)) {
             $value = $pattern;
             $pattern = [];
             $pattern[self::FILTER_PATH] = $value;
         if (isset($pattern[self::FILTER_PATH])) {
             if (isset($params['replace'])) {
                 $pattern[self::FILTER_PATH] = is_array($params['replace']) ? strtr($pattern[self::FILTER_PATH], $params['replace']) : str_replace('{url}', $params['replace'], $pattern[self::FILTER_PATH]);
             if (isset($group[self::FILTER_PATH])) {
                 $pattern[self::FILTER_PATH] = rtrim($group[self::FILTER_PATH], '/') . '/' . ltrim($pattern[self::FILTER_PATH], '/');
         foreach ($pattern as $key => &$data) {
             if (is_array($data)) {
                 foreach ($data as $k => $value) {
                     if (is_string($value)) {
                         $data[$k] = $this->parse($value, '.+');
             $data = $key != self::FILTER_PATH ? $this->parse($data, '.+') : $this->parse($data);
         $result[$alias][1] = $pattern;
         if (is_string($alias)) {
             $build = $this->buildAlias($pattern, $params, $group);
             $placeholders = ['self_path' => $this->request->getUrlWithoutArgs(), 'self_scheme' => $this->request->getScheme()];
             foreach ($this->request->rawGet() ?: [] as $name => $placeholder) {
                 $placeholders["self_query_{$name}"] = $placeholder;
             Alias::setAlias(str_replace('/', '.', $alias), StringHelper::replace($build, $placeholders, false), false);
             $aliases[$alias] = $build;
コード例 #12
ファイル: configs.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-app-basic
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('root', dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))));
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('rock', \rock\Rock::$dir);
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('vendor', '@root/vendor');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('assets', '@root/public/assets');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('web', '/assets');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('web.img', '/assets/images');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('app', '@root/apps');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('common', '@app/common');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('frontend', '@app/frontend');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('backend', '@app/backend');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('admin', '@backend');
// namespaces
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('common.ns', 'apps\\common');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('frontend.ns', 'apps\\frontend');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('backend.ns', 'apps\\backend');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('ns', '@common.ns');
// runtime
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('common.runtime', '@common/runtime');
// views
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('common.views', '@common/views');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('frontend.views', '@frontend/views');
// media
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('img', '@assets/images');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('images', '@img');
// links
$request = new \rock\request\Request();
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('link.home', $request->getHostInfo() ?: 'localhost');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('link.ajax', '@link.home/ajax');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('email', 'support@' . ($request->getHost() ?: 'localhost'));
$config = \rock\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge(require \rock\base\Alias::getAlias('@rock/classes.php'), require __DIR__ . '/classes.php', require __DIR__ . '/controllers.php');
return ['components' => $config];
コード例 #13
ファイル: ActiveForm.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-widgets
  * Initializes the widget.
  * This renders the form open tag.
 public function init()
     $this->csrf = Instance::ensure($this->csrf, '\\rock\\csrf\\CSRF', [], false);
     $this->request = Instance::ensure($this->request, '\\rock\\request\\Request');
     if (!empty($this->clientAction)) {
         $this->clientAction = Alias::getAlias($this->clientAction);
     if (!isset($this->options['id'])) {
         $this->options['id'] = $this->getId();
     if (!isset($this->fieldConfig['class'])) {
         $this->fieldConfig['class'] = ActiveField::className();
         $this->fieldConfig['enableClientValidation'] = $this->enableClientValidation;
         $this->fieldConfig['validateOnChanged'] = $this->validateOnChanged;
     $this->modelName = $this->model->formName();
     $this->options = $this->clientOptions($this->options);
     echo ActiveHtml::beginForm($this->action, $this->method, $this->modelName, $this->options);
コード例 #14
ファイル: ErrorHandler.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock
  * Display fatal error.
  * @param Response $response
  * @throws \Exception
 public static function displayFatal(Response $response = null)
     if (isset($response)) {
         $request = new Request();
         if ($response->format !== Response::FORMAT_HTML || $request->isAjax() || $request->isCORS()) {
             echo 0;
     if (!isset(static::$pathFatal) || !file_exists(Alias::getAlias(static::$pathFatal))) {
         die('This site is temporarily unavailable. Please, visit the page later.');
コード例 #15
ファイル: CacheExecute.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-execute
  * @param string $value
  * @return string
 protected function preparePath($value)
     return Alias::getAlias($this->path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5($value) . '.php';
コード例 #16
ファイル: Url.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-url
  * Returns current url.
  * @return string
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function currentInternal()
     return $this->current ? Alias::getAlias($this->current) : $this->request->getAbsoluteUrl();
コード例 #17
ファイル: classes.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock

use rock\base\Alias;
use rock\db\BatchQueryResult;
use rock\rbac\Permission;
use rock\rbac\Role;
use rock\Rock;
use rock\security\Security;
use rock\template\Template;
return array_merge(['route' => ['class' => \rock\route\Route::className()], 'access' => ['class' => \rock\access\Access::className()], 'behavior' => ['class' => \rock\components\Behavior::className()], 'db' => ['class' => \rock\db\Connection::className(), 'username' => 'root', 'password' => 'root', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=rockdemo;charset=utf8', 'tablePrefix' => 'spt_', 'aliasSeparator' => '__'], 'BatchQueryResult' => ['class' => BatchQueryResult::className()], 'template' => ['class' => Template::className(), 'locale' => [\rock\LocaleProperties::className(), 'locale'], 'autoEscape' => Template::ESCAPE | Template::TO_TYPE, 'handlerLink' => function ($link, Template $template, array $params = []) {
    if (!($link = Alias::getAlias("@{$link}", [], false))) {
        return '#';
    return $template->autoEscape(\rock\template\filters\BaseFilter::modifyUrl($link, $params));
}, 'extensions' => ['cfg' => function (array $keys) {
    return \rock\helpers\ArrayHelper::getValue(Rock::$config, $keys);
}, 'user' => function (array $keys) {
    if (current($keys) === 'isGuest') {
        return Rock::$app->user->isGuest();
    } elseif (in_array(current($keys), ['isLogged', 'isAuthenticated'], true)) {
        return !Rock::$app->user->isGuest();
    return \rock\helpers\ArrayHelper::getValue(Rock::$app->user->getAll(), $keys);
}, 'call' => function (array $call, array $params = [], Template $template) {
    if (!isset($call[1])) {
        $call[1] = null;
    list($class, $method) = $call;
    if ($class === 'context') {
        $object = $template->context;
        $function = [$object, $method];
コード例 #18
ファイル: configs.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-app-basic

// Config scope "frontend"
$config = (require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/common/configs/configs.php');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('scope', '@frontend');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('views', '@frontend/views');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('runtime', '@frontend/runtime');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('ns', '@frontend.ns');
$request = new \rock\request\Request();
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('link.home', $request->getHostInfo());
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('link.ajax', '@link.home/ajax');
\rock\base\Alias::setAlias('email', 'support@' . $request->getHost());
$config['components'] = \rock\helpers\ArrayHelper::merge($config['components'], require __DIR__ . '/classes.php', require __DIR__ . '/models.php', require __DIR__ . '/controllers.php');
return $config;
コード例 #19
ファイル: PHPMorphy.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-morphy
  * Sets a path to dictionaries.
  * @param string $pathDict
  * @return $this
 public function setPathDict($pathDict)
     $this->pathDict = Alias::getAlias($pathDict);
     return $this;
コード例 #20
ファイル: Log.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock
 protected function defaultHandlers()
     $path = $path = Alias::getAlias('@runtime/logs');
     $paths = [self::DEBUG => "{$path}/debug.log", self::INFO => "{$path}/info.log", self::NOTICE => "{$path}/error.log", self::WARNING => "{$path}/error.log", self::ERROR => "{$path}/error.log", self::CRITICAL => "{$path}/error.log", self::ALERT => "{$path}/error.log", self::EMERGENCY => "{$path}/error.log"];
     $formatter = new LineFormatter("[%datetime%]\t%level_name%\t%extra.hash%\t%message%\t%extra.user_id%\t%extra.user_ip%\t%extra.user_agent%\n");
     $this->logger->pushProcessor(function ($record) {
         $record['extra']['hash'] = substr(md5($record['message']), -6);
         $record['extra']['user_agent'] = strip_tags($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']);
         $record['extra']['user_ip'] = filter_input(INPUT_SERVER, 'REMOTE_ADDR', FILTER_VALIDATE_IP);
         $record['extra']['user_id'] = isset($_SESSION['user']['id']) ? $_SESSION['user']['id'] : 'NULL';
         return $record;
     $handlers = [];
     foreach ($paths as $level => $path) {
         $handlers[$level] = (new StreamHandler($path, $level, false))->setFormatter($formatter);
     return $handlers;
コード例 #21
ファイル: i18n.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-i18n
  * Adds dicts.
  * ```php
  *  [ 'ru' =>
  *    [
  *     'path/lang/ru/lang.php',
  *     'path/lang/ru/validate.php',
  *    ]
  *  ]
  * ```
  * @param array $dicts
  * @throws \Exception
  * @throws i18nException
 public function addDicts(array $dicts)
     if (!empty(static::$data)) {
     foreach ($dicts as $lang => $paths) {
         $total = [];
         foreach ($paths as $path) {
             $path = Alias::getAlias($path);
             if (!file_exists($path) || !($data = (require $path)) || !is_array($data)) {
                 throw new i18nException(i18nException::UNKNOWN_FILE, ['path' => $path]);
                 break 2;
             $context = basename($path, '.php');
             $total[$context] = array_merge(Helper::getValue($total[$context], [], true), $data);
         static::$data[$lang] = array_merge(Helper::getValue(static::$data[$lang], [], true), $total);
コード例 #22
ファイル: Request.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-request
  * @return string the homepage URL
 public function getHomeUrl()
     if ($this->_homeUrl === null) {
         if ($this->showScriptName) {
             return $this->getScriptUrl();
         } else {
             return $this->getBaseUrl() . '/';
     } else {
         return Alias::getAlias($this->_homeUrl);
コード例 #23
ファイル: Template.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-template
  * Normalize path.
  * @param string $path
  * @return string
  * @throws TemplateException
  * @throws \Exception
 protected function normalizePath($path)
     $path = Alias::getAlias($path, ['lang' => $this->locale]);
     $path = FileHelper::normalizePath($path, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, false);
     if (!pathinfo($path, PATHINFO_EXTENSION)) {
         $path .= '.' . $this->defaultExtension;
     $normalizePath = $path;
     // relative path
     if ((strpos($normalizePath, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) === false || strpos($normalizePath, '.' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) !== false) && $this->path) {
         $normalizePath = dirname($this->path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $normalizePath;
         $normalizePath = realpath($normalizePath);
     if (!file_exists($normalizePath)) {
         throw new TemplateException(TemplateException::UNKNOWN_FILE, ['path' => $path]);
     return $normalizePath;
コード例 #24
ファイル: classes.php プロジェクト: romeoz/rock-app-basic

return ['db' => ['class' => 'rock\\db\\Connection', 'username' => 'rock', 'password' => 'rock', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=rockdemo;charset=utf8', 'tablePrefix' => 'spt_', 'aliasSeparator' => '__', 'enableSchemaCache' => true], 'template' => ['chroots' => ['@common/views', '@frontend/views']], 'i18n' => ['class' => \rock\i18n\i18n::className(), 'pathsDicts' => ['ru' => ['@common/messages/ru/lang.php', '@common/messages/ru/validate.php', '@frontend/messages/ru/lang.php'], 'en' => ['@common/messages/en/lang.php', '@common/messages/en/validate.php', '@frontend/messages/en/lang.php']]], 'execute' => ['class' => \rock\execute\CacheExecute::className(), 'path' => '@common/runtime/execute'], 'markdown' => ['class' => 'rock\\markdown\\Markdown', 'handlerLinkByUsername' => [\apps\common\configs\MarkdownProperties::className(), 'handlerLinkByUsername']], 'mail' => ['From' => \rock\base\Alias::getAlias('@email')]];