コード例 #1
ファイル: EnumTest.php プロジェクト: rakorium/okapi
 public function testBlock4()
     $alias = new Alias($sum = new Op('+', ["red", "yellow", "green"]), "local");
     $node = Enum::values(["aa", "bb", $alias, "cc"]);
     $res = $node->render($this->board(), 1);
     $exp = implode("\n", ["  'aa',", "  'bb',", "      red", "      + yellow", "      + green AS \"local\",", "  'cc'"]);
     // $this->dump($res, 1);
     // $this->assertEquals($exp, $res->getSql());
コード例 #2
ファイル: OperatorTest.php プロジェクト: rakorium/okapi
 public function testBlock5()
     $board = $this->board();
     $cc = Op::bin('xx', '@@', 'yy');
     $node = new Op('AND', ['aa', Op::bin('bb', 'OR', $cc), 'dd']);
     $res = $node->render($board, 1);
     $exp = implode("\n", ["  aa", "  AND (bb OR (xx @@ yy))", "  AND dd"]);
     // $this->dump($res, 0);
     $this->assertEquals($exp, $res->getSql());
コード例 #3
ファイル: SelectTest.php プロジェクト: rakorium/okapi
 public function testComplex1()
     $db = $this->board(false);
     $select1 = (new Sql\Select("info"))->from("other_table")->where("id = ?", [4711]);
     $select = new Sql\Select();
     $select->columns([["t.id", "the_id"], "t.name", [$select1, "col_x"], "t.created_at", "t.data"])->from("the_table", "t")->join("other_table", "x", "t.id = x.id")->join("more_table", "m", "t.id = m.id AND m.filter = ?", 123)->where($where = new Sql\Operator('AND'))->orderBy(["created_at ASC"])->limit(10)->offset(15);
     $where->add("t.some_num = ?", 42)->add("t.second = ?", 'string');
     $res = $select->render($db);
     $exp = file_get_contents($this->path('select-01.sql'));
     $val = [4711, 123, 42, 'string'];
     //        $this->dump($res, 0);
     //        var_dump($res->getParams());
     $this->assertEquals(trim($exp), trim($res));
     $this->assertEquals($val, $res->getParams());
コード例 #4
ファイル: TableTest.php プロジェクト: rakorium/okapi
 public function testBasic()
     $table = new Sql\Table("my_table", "t");
     $table->leftJoin("other_table", "x", "t.id = x.id AND y = ?", [4711]);
     $table->leftJoin("third_table", "y", Op::bin(new Id("t.id"), '=', new Id("y.id")));
     $res = $table->render($this->board(false));
     //        $this->dump($res, 0);
     //        var_dump($res->getParams());