コード例 #1
 public function __construct($sTable)
     $oUserModel = new UserCoreModel();
     $sMail = $this->httpRequest->post('mail');
     if (!($iProfileId = $oUserModel->getId($sMail, null, $sTable))) {
         // Security against brute-force attack to avoid drowning the server and the database
         \PFBC\Form::setError('form_forgot_password', t('Oops, this "%0%" is not associated with any %site_name% account. Please, make sure that you entered the e-mail address used in creating your account.', escape(substr($sMail, 0, PH7_MAX_EMAIL_LENGTH))));
     } else {
         $oUserModel->setNewHashValidation($iProfileId, Various::genRnd(), $sTable);
         (new UserCore())->clearReadProfileCache($iProfileId, $sTable);
         // Clean the profile data (for the new hash)
         $oData = $oUserModel->readProfile($iProfileId, $sTable);
         /** We place the text outside of Uri::get() otherwise special characters will be deleted and the parameters passed in the url will be unusable thereafter. **/
         $sResetUrl = Uri::get('lost-password', 'main', 'reset', $this->httpRequest->get('mod')) . PH7_SH . $oData->email . PH7_SH . $oData->hashValidation;
         $this->view->content = t('Hello %0%!<br />Somebody (from the IP address %1%) has requested a new password for their account.', $oData->username, Ip::get()) . '<br />' . t('If you requested for this, click on the link below, otherwise ignore this email and your password will remain unchanged.') . '<br /><a href="' . $sResetUrl . '">' . $sResetUrl . '</a>';
         $sMessageHtml = $this->view->parseMail(PH7_PATH_SYS . 'global/' . PH7_VIEWS . PH7_TPL_NAME . '/mail/sys/mod/lost-password/confirm-lost-password.tpl', $oData->email);
         $aInfo = ['to' => $oData->email, 'subject' => t('Request for new password - %site_name%')];
         if (!(new Mail())->send($aInfo, $sMessageHtml)) {
             \PFBC\Form::setError('form_forgot_password', Form::errorSendingEmail());
         } else {
             \PFBC\Form::setSuccess('form_forgot_password', t('Successfully requested a new password, email sent!'));