コード例 #1
  * @Request({"permissions": "array"}, csrf=true)
  * @Response("json")
 public function saveAction($permissions = [])
     foreach ($this->roles->findAll() as $role) {
         $role->setPermissions(isset($permissions[$role->getId()]) ? $permissions[$role->getId()] : []);
     return $this['request']->isXmlHttpRequest() ? ['message' => __('Permissions saved!')] : $this->redirect('@system/permission');
コード例 #2
  * @Request({"order": "array"}, csrf=true)
  * @Response("json")
 public function priorityAction($order)
     foreach ($order as $id => $priority) {
         $role = $this->roles->find($id);
         if ($role) {
             $this->roles->save($role, compact('priority'));
     return $order;
コード例 #3
  * @Request({"id": "int", "name"}, csrf=true)
 public function saveAction($id, $name)
     try {
         if (!$name) {
             throw new Exception(__('Invalid menu name.'));
         if (!($menu = $this->menus->find($id))) {
             $menu = new Menu();
         if ($this->menus->where(['name = ?', 'id <> ?'], [$name, $id])->first()) {
             throw new Exception(__('Invalid menu name. "%name%" is already in use.', ['%name%' => $name]));
         $this->menus->save($menu, compact('name'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $this->redirect('@system/menu', ['id' => isset($menu) ? $menu->getId() : 0]);
コード例 #4
  * @Request({"position", "order": "array"}, csrf=true)
  * @Response("json")
 public function reorderAction($position, $order = [])
     $widgets = $this->widgets->findAll();
     foreach ($order as $priority => $data) {
         $id = $data['id'];
         if (isset($widgets[$id])) {
             $this->widgets->save($widgets[$id], compact('position', 'priority'));
     return ['message' => __('Widgets updated.')];
コード例 #5
  * @Request({"status": "int", "ids": "int[]"}, csrf=true)
  * @Response("json")
 public function statusAction($status, $ids = [])
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if ($comment = $this->comments->find($id) and $comment->getStatus() != $status) {
             $previous = $comment->getStatus();
             $this['events']->dispatch('system.comment.spam_mark', new MarkSpamEvent($comment, $previous));
     return ['message' => _c('{0} No comment status updated.|{1} Comment status updated.|]1,Inf[ Comment statuses updated.', count($ids))];
コード例 #6
  * @Route("/comment")
  * @Request({"post_id": "int", "comment": "array"}, csrf=true)
 public function commentAction($id, $data)
     try {
         $user = $this['user'];
         if (!$user->hasAccess('blog: post comments')) {
             throw new Exception(__('Insufficient User Rights.'));
         // check minimum idle time in between user comments
         if (!$user->hasAccess('blog: skip comment min idle') and $minidle = $this->extension->getParams('comments.minidle') and $comment = $this->comments->query()->where($user->isAuthenticated() ? ['user_id' => $user->getId()] : ['ip' => $this['request']->getClientIp()])->orderBy('created', 'DESC')->first()) {
             $diff = $comment->getCreated()->diff(new \DateTime("- {$minidle} sec"));
             if ($diff->invert) {
                 throw new Exception(__('Please wait another %seconds% seconds before commenting again.', ['%seconds%' => $diff->s + $diff->i * 60 + $diff->h * 3600]));
         if (!($post = $this->posts->query()->where(['id' => $id, 'status' => Post::STATUS_PUBLISHED])->first())) {
             throw new Exception(__('Insufficient User Rights.'));
         if (!$post->isCommentable()) {
             throw new Exception(__('Comments have been disabled for this post.'));
         // retrieve user data
         if ($user->isAuthenticated()) {
             $data['author'] = $user->getName();
             $data['email'] = $user->getEmail();
             $data['url'] = $user->getUrl();
         } elseif ($this->extension->getParams('comments.require_name_and_email') && (!$data['author'] || !$data['email'])) {
             throw new Exception(__('Please provide valid name and email.'));
         $comment = new Comment();
         $comment->setUserId((int) $user->getId());
         $comment->setCreated(new \DateTime());
         $approved_once = (bool) $this->comments->query()->where(['user_id' => $user->getId(), 'status' => Comment::STATUS_APPROVED])->first();
         $comment->setStatus($user->hasAccess('blog: skip comment approval') ? Comment::STATUS_APPROVED : $user->hasAccess('blog: comment approval required once') && $approved_once ? Comment::STATUS_APPROVED : Comment::STATUS_PENDING);
         // check the max links rule
         if ($comment->getStatus() == Comment::STATUS_APPROVED && $this->extension->getParams('comments.maxlinks') <= preg_match_all('/<a [^>]*href/i', @$data['content'])) {
         // check for spam
         $this['events']->dispatch('system.comment.spam_check', new CommentEvent($comment));
         $this->comments->save($comment, $data);
         $this['message']->info(__('Thanks for commenting!'));
         return $this->redirect($this['url']->route('@blog/id', ['id' => $post->getId()], true) . '#comment-' . $comment->getId());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return $this->redirect($this['url']->previous());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this['message']->error(__('Whoops, something went wrong!'));
         return $this->redirect($this['url']->previous());
コード例 #7
  * @Request({"id": "int", "alias", "source"}, csrf=true)
 public function saveAction($id, $alias, $source)
     try {
         if (!($obj = $this->aliases->find($id))) {
             $obj = new Alias();
         if (!($alias = trim($alias, '/'))) {
             throw new Exception(__('Invalid alias.'));
         if (!($source = trim($source, '/')) or strpos($source, '@') !== 0) {
             throw new Exception(__('Invalid source.'));
         if ($this->aliases->where(['alias = ?', 'id <> ?'], [$alias, $id])->first()) {
             throw new Exception(__('The alias "%alias%" is already in use.', ['%alias%' => $alias]));
         $this->aliases->save($obj, compact('alias', 'source'));
         $id = $obj->getId();
         $this['message']->success($id ? __('Alias saved.') : __('Alias created.'));
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     return $this->redirect($id ? '@system/alias/edit' : '@system/alias/add', compact('id'));
コード例 #8
  * @Request({"status": "int", "ids": "int[]"}, csrf=true)
  * @Response("json")
 public function statusAction($status, $ids = [])
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         if ($page = $this->pages->find($id) and $page->getStatus() != $status) {
     if ($status == Page::STATUS_PUBLISHED) {
         $message = _c('{0} No page published.|{1} Page published.|]1,Inf[ Pages published.', count($ids));
     } else {
         $message = _c('{0} No page unpublished.|{1} Page unpublished.|]1,Inf[ Pages unpublished.', count($ids));
     return compact('message');