コード例 #1
 * Smarty function
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * Purpose: Output price string
 * add [{oxprice price="..." currency="..."}] where you want to display content
 * price - decimal number: 13; 12.45; 13.01;
 * currency - currency abbreviation: EUR, USD, LTL etc.
 * -------------------------------------------------------------
 * @param array  $params  params
 * @param Smarty &$smarty clever simulation of a method
 * @return string
function smarty_function_oxprice($params, &$smarty)
    $sOutput = '';
    $iDecimals = 2;
    $sDecimalsSeparator = ',';
    $sThousandSeparator = '.';
    $sCurrencySign = '';
    $sSide = '';
    $mPrice = $params['price'];
    if (!is_null($mPrice)) {
        $oConfig = Registry::getConfig();
        $sPrice = $mPrice instanceof \OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Price ? $mPrice->getPrice() : $mPrice;
        $oCurrency = isset($params['currency']) ? $params['currency'] : $oConfig->getActShopCurrencyObject();
        if (!is_null($oCurrency)) {
            $sDecimalsSeparator = isset($oCurrency->dec) ? $oCurrency->dec : $sDecimalsSeparator;
            $sThousandSeparator = isset($oCurrency->thousand) ? $oCurrency->thousand : $sThousandSeparator;
            $sCurrencySign = isset($oCurrency->sign) ? $oCurrency->sign : $sCurrencySign;
            $sSide = isset($oCurrency->side) ? $oCurrency->side : $sSide;
            $iDecimals = isset($oCurrency->decimal) ? (int) $oCurrency->decimal : $iDecimals;
        if (is_numeric($sPrice)) {
            if ((double) $sPrice > 0 || $sCurrencySign) {
                $sPrice = number_format($sPrice, $iDecimals, $sDecimalsSeparator, $sThousandSeparator);
                $sOutput = isset($sSide) && $sSide == 'Front' ? $sCurrencySign . $sPrice : $sPrice . ' ' . $sCurrencySign;
            $sOutput = trim($sOutput);
    return $sOutput;
コード例 #2
ファイル: RssFeed.php プロジェクト: Alpha-Sys/oxideshop_ce
  * _getArticleItems create channel items from article list
  * @param oxArticleList $oList article list
  * @access protected
  * @return array
 protected function _getArticleItems(ArticleList $oList)
     $myUtilsUrl = Registry::get("oxUtilsUrl");
     $aItems = array();
     $oLang = Registry::getLang();
     $oStr = getStr();
     foreach ($oList as $oArticle) {
         $oItem = new stdClass();
         $oActCur = $this->getConfig()->getActShopCurrencyObject();
         $sPrice = '';
         if ($oPrice = $oArticle->getPrice()) {
             $sFrom = $oArticle->isRangePrice() ? Registry::getLang()->translateString('PRICE_FROM') . " " : '';
             $sPrice .= ' ' . $sFrom . $oLang->formatCurrency($oPrice->getBruttoPrice(), $oActCur) . " " . $oActCur->sign;
         $oItem->title = strip_tags($oArticle->oxarticles__oxtitle->value . $sPrice);
         $oItem->guid = $oItem->link = $myUtilsUrl->prepareUrlForNoSession($oArticle->getLink());
         $oItem->isGuidPermalink = true;
         // $oItem->description             = $oArticle->getLongDescription()->value; //oxarticles__oxshortdesc->value;
         //#4038: Smarty not parsed in RSS, although smarty parsing activated for longdescriptions
         if (Registry::getConfig()->getConfigParam('bl_perfParseLongDescinSmarty')) {
             $oItem->description = $oArticle->getLongDesc();
         } else {
             $oItem->description = $oArticle->getLongDescription()->value;
         if (trim(str_replace(' ', '', strip_tags($oItem->description))) == '') {
             $oItem->description = $oArticle->oxarticles__oxshortdesc->value;
         $oItem->description = trim($oItem->description);
         if ($sThumb = $oArticle->getThumbnailUrl()) {
             $oItem->description = "<img src='{$sThumb}' border=0 align='left' hspace=5>" . $oItem->description;
         $oItem->description = $oStr->htmlspecialchars($oItem->description);
         if ($oArticle->oxarticles__oxtimestamp->value) {
             list($date, $time) = explode(' ', $oArticle->oxarticles__oxtimestamp->value);
             $date = explode('-', $date);
             $time = explode(':', $time);
             $oItem->date = date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', mktime($time[0], $time[1], $time[2], $date[1], $date[2], $date[0]));
         } else {
             $oItem->date = date('D, d M Y H:i:s O', time());
         $aItems[] = $oItem;
     return $aItems;