Inheritance: extends Prezent\Doctrine\Translatable\Entity\AbstractTranslatable, use trait Ojs\CoreBundle\Entity\GenericEntityTrait
コード例 #1
 public function issueFileAction(IssueFile $issueFile)
     $fileManager = $this->get('jb_fileuploader.file_history.manager');
     $rootDir = $this->getParameter('kernel.root_dir');
     $assetHelper = $this->get('templating.helper.assets');
     $fileHistory = $fileManager->findOneByFileName($issueFile->getFile());
     $path = $rootDir . '/../web' . $fileManager->getUrl($fileHistory);
     $path = preg_replace('/\\?' . $assetHelper->getVersion() . '$/', '', $path);
     $response = new BinaryFileResponse($path);
     $response->setContentDisposition(ResponseHeaderBag::DISPOSITION_INLINE, preg_replace('/[[:^print:]]/', '_', $fileHistory->getOriginalName()));
     $event = new DownloadIssueFileEvent($issueFile);
     $dispatcher = $this->get('event_dispatcher');
     $dispatcher->dispatch(SiteEvents::DOWNLOAD_ISSUE_FILE, $event);
     return $response;
コード例 #2
ファイル: IssueFileControllerTest.php プロジェクト: ojs/ojs
 public function testDelete()
     $em = $this->em;
     $entity = new IssueFile();
     $entity->setTitle('Demo File');
     $entity->setDescription('A file');
     $issue = $em->getRepository('OjsJournalBundle:Issue')->find('1');
     $id = $entity->getId();
     $client = $this->client;
     $token = $this->generateToken('ojs_journal_issue_file' . $id);
     $client->request('DELETE', '/journal/1/issue/1/file/' . $id . '/delete', array('_token' => $token));
     $this->assertStatusCode(302, $client);
コード例 #3
  * Imports the given issue file
  * @param int    $id    Issue file's ID
  * @param int    $oldId Old issue file's ID
  * @param Issue  $issue File's issue
  * @param string $slug  Journal's slug
 public function importIssueFile($id, $oldId, $issue, $slug)
     $this->consoleOutput->writeln("Reading issue file #" . $id . "... ", true);
     $issueFileSql = "SELECT * FROM issue_files WHERE file_id = :id LIMIT 1";
     $issueFileStatement = $this->dbalConnection->prepare($issueFileSql);
     $issueFileStatement->bindValue('id', $id);
     $galleysSql = "SELECT galley_id, issue_id, locale, label FROM issue_galleys " . "WHERE issue_id = :issue_id AND file_id = :id";
     $galleysStatement = $this->dbalConnection->prepare($galleysSql);
     $galleysStatement->bindValue('issue_id', $oldId);
     $galleysStatement->bindValue('id', $id);
     $pkpIssueFile = $issueFileStatement->fetch();
     $pkpGalleys = $galleysStatement->fetchAll();
     foreach ($pkpGalleys as $galley) {
         $locale = !empty($galley['locale']) ? mb_substr($galley['locale'], 0, 2, 'UTF-8') : 'en';
         $label = !empty($galley['label']) ? $galley['label'] : '-';
         $filename = sprintf('imported/%s/%s.%s', $galley['issue_id'], $galley['galley_id'], FileHelper::$mimeToExtMap[$pkpIssueFile['file_type']]);
         $issueFile = new IssueFile();
         // Fill translatable fields
         $history = $this->em->getRepository(FileHistory::class)->findOneBy(['fileName' => $filename]);
         if (!$history) {
             $history = new FileHistory();
         $source = sprintf('%s/issue/download/%s/%s', $slug, $galley['issue_id'], $galley['galley_id']);
         $target = sprintf('/../web/uploads/issuefiles/imported/%s/%s.%s', $galley['issue_id'], $galley['galley_id'], FileHelper::$mimeToExtMap[$pkpIssueFile['file_type']]);
         $pendingDownload = new PendingDownload();
コード例 #4
ファイル: IssueFileController.php プロジェクト: ojs/ojs
  * Displays a form to create a new IssueFile entity.
  * @param $issueId
  * @return Response
 public function newAction($issueId)
     $journal = $this->get('ojs.journal_service')->getSelectedJournal();
     $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
     if (!$this->isGranted('CREATE', $journal, 'issues')) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException('You are not authorized for create  issue file for this journal!');
     /** @var Issue $issue */
     $issue = $em->getRepository('OjsJournalBundle:Issue')->find($issueId);
     $entity = new IssueFile();
     $form = $this->createCreateForm($entity, $journal->getId())->add('create', 'submit', array('label' => 'c'));
     return $this->render('OjsJournalBundle:IssueFile:new.html.twig', array('entity' => $entity, 'form' => $form->createView()));
コード例 #5
  * Displays a form to create a new IssueFile entity.
 public function newAction(Request $request, $issueId)
     $journal = $this->get('ojs.journal_service')->getSelectedJournal();
     if (!$this->isGranted('CREATE', $journal, 'issues')) {
         throw new AccessDeniedException('You are not authorized for create  issue file for this journal!');
     $entity = new IssueFile();
     $form = $this->createCreateForm($entity, $journal->getId());
     return $this->render('OjsJournalBundle:IssueFile:new.html.twig', array('entity' => $entity, 'form' => $form->createView()));
コード例 #6
ファイル: SamplesCommand.php プロジェクト: beyzakokcan/ojs
 protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
     $output->writeln('Creating sample data...');
     $em = $this->getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
     $manipulator = $this->getContainer()->get('fos_user.util.user_manipulator');
     $manipulator->create('sample_author', 'author', '*****@*****.**', false, false);
     $user = $em->getRepository('OjsUserBundle:User')->findOneBy(['username' => 'sample_author']);
     $announcement = new AdminAnnouncement();
     $announcement->setTitle('We are online!');
     $announcement->setContent('We are now online and accepting submissions!');
     $post = new AdminPost();
     $post->setTitle('Welcome to OJS!');
     $post->setSlug('Welcome to OJS!');
     $post->setContent('Hello! We are now online and waiting for your submissions. ' . 'Our readers will be able to follow you and read your work ' . 'right after it gets published!');
     $publisherTypes = ['University', 'Government', 'Association', 'Foundation', 'Hospital', 'Chamber', 'Private'];
     foreach ($publisherTypes as $typeName) {
         $publisherType = new PublisherTypes();
     $slug = $this->getContainer()->getParameter('defaultPublisherSlug');
     $publisherType = $em->getRepository('OjsJournalBundle:PublisherTypes')->find(1);
     $publisher = new Publisher();
     $publisher->setAddress('First Avenue, Exampletown');
     $subject1 = new Subject();
     $subject1->setSubject('Computer Science');
     $subject1->setTags('computer, science');
     $subject2 = new Subject();
     $language1 = new Lang();
     $language2 = new Lang();
     $articleTypes = [['Case Report', 'Olgu Sunumu'], ['Research papers', 'Araştırma Makalesi'], ['Translation', 'Çeviri'], ['Note', 'Not'], ['Letter', 'Editöre Mektup'], ['Review Articles', 'Derleme'], ['Book review', 'Kitap İncelemesi'], ['Correction', 'Düzeltme'], ['Editorial', 'Editoryal'], ['Short Communication', 'Kısa Bildiri'], ['Meeting abstract', 'Toplantı Özetleri'], ['Conference Paper', 'Konferans Bildirisi'], ['Biography', 'Biyografi'], ['Bibliography', 'Bibliyografi'], ['News', 'Haber'], ['Report', 'Rapor'], ['Legislation Review', 'Yasa İncelemesi'], ['Decision Review', 'Karar İncelemesi'], ['Art and Literature', 'Sanat ve Edebiyat'], ['Other', 'Diğer']];
     foreach ($articleTypes as $typeNames) {
         $type = new ArticleTypes();
     $contactTypes = ['Journal Contact', 'Primary Contact', 'Technical Contact', 'Author Support', 'Subscription Support', 'Publisher Support', 'Submission Support', 'Advertising', 'Media', 'Editor', 'Co-Editor'];
     foreach ($contactTypes as $typeName) {
         $type = new ContactTypes();
     $journal = new Journal();
     $journal->setTitle('Introduction to OJS');
     $journal->setSubtitle('How to use OJS');
     $journal->setDescription('A journal about OJS');
     $journal->setFounded(new \DateTime('now'));
     $issueFile = new IssueFile();
     $issueFile->setTitle('Demo File');
     $issueFile->setDescription('A file');
     $issueFileHistory = new FileHistory();
     $issue = new Issue();
     $issue->setTitle('First Issue: Hello OJS!');
     $issue->setDescription('First issue of the journal');
     $issue->setDatePublished(new \DateTime('now'));
     $issue->setTags('first, guide, tutorial');
     $issue->setDatePublished(new \DateTime('now'));
     $section = new Section();
     $citation1 = new Citation();
     $citation1->setRaw('The Matrix [Motion picture]. (2001). Warner Bros. Pictures.');
     $articleFile = new ArticleFile();
     $articleFile->setTitle('Demo File');
     $articleFile->setDescription('A file');
     $articleFileHistory = new FileHistory();
     $author = new Author();
     $article1 = new Article();
     $article1->setTitle('Getting Started with OJS');
     $article1->setAbstract('A tutorial about using OJS');
     $article1->setKeywords('ojs, intro, starting');
     $article1->setSubmissionDate(new \DateTime('now'));
     $article1->setPubdate(new \DateTime('now'));
     $articleAuthor = new ArticleAuthor();
     $checklistItems = [['The title page should include necessary information.', "<ul>\n                    <li>The name(s) of the author(s)</li>\n                     <li>A concise and informative title</li>\n                     <li>The affiliation(s) of the author(s)</li>\n                     <li>The e-mail address, telephone number of the corresponding author </li>\n                 </ul>"], ['Manuscript must be approved.', 'All authors must have read and approved the most recent version of the manuscript.'], ['Manuscript must be <i>spell checked</i>.', 'The most recent version of the manuscript must be spell checked.']];
     foreach ($checklistItems as $checklistItem) {
         $label = $checklistItem[0];
         $detail = $checklistItem[1];
         $item = new SubmissionChecklist();
     $periods = ['Monthly', 'Bimonthly', 'Quarterly', 'Triquarterly', 'Biannually', 'Annually', 'Spring', 'Summer', 'Fall', 'Winter'];
     foreach ($periods as $period) {
         $journalPeriod = new Period();