コード例 #1
  * @param integer $userId The user's id
  * @param string $passwordHash The passsword's hash
 public static function createAndSave($userId, $passwordHash)
     $passwordHistory = new PasswordHistory();
     $passwordHistory->user_id = $userId;
     $passwordHistory->password_hash = $passwordHash;
コード例 #2
  * Checks whether the user is allowed to change his password.
  * If the password is the same as one of his $lastPasswordChangesCount previous passwords, the user is not allowed.
  * @param Event $event
 public function allowPasswordChange(Event $event)
     $form = $event->sender;
     // The ChangePasswordForm
     if ($form->oldPassword == $form->newPassword) {
         Yii::info("The system doesn't allow a password change because the current " . "password of the user is the same as the new one!", __CLASS__);
         $form->addError('newPassword', Yii::t(Module::I18N_CATEGORY, 'Passwords must not be the same!'));
     $security = Yii::$app->security;
     $userModel = $form->getUser();
     $previousPasswords = PasswordHistory::findAllByUserId($userModel->id, $this->lastPasswordChangesCount);
     if (!count($previousPasswords)) {
         // The password is changed for a first time
         Yii::info("Save the first password of the user to the password history table", __CLASS__);
         PasswordHistory::createAndSave($userModel->id, $userModel->password_hash);
         // Save the first password
     } else {
         foreach ($previousPasswords as $passwordHistory) {
             if ($security->validatePassword($form->newPassword, $passwordHistory->password_hash)) {
                 Yii::info("The system doesn't allow a password change, because " . "the current password is the same as one of the previous passwords of the user!", __CLASS__);
                 $form->addError('newPassword', Yii::t(Module::I18N_CATEGORY, 'Your password is the same as a previous password of yours. For security reasons, please add another password.'));
     Yii::info("Save the new password of the user to the password history table", __CLASS__);
     PasswordHistory::createAndSave($userModel->id, $security->generatePasswordHash($form->newPassword));
     // Save the new password
コード例 #3
ファイル: User.php プロジェクト: nkostadinov/yii2-user
 public function getPasswordHistories()
     return $this->hasMany(PasswordHistory::className(), ['user_id' => 'id']);
コード例 #4
 public function testPasswordHistoryPolicy()
     // Asure that everything is configured properly
     verify('Check that the advanced directory exists', is_dir(Commons::ADVANCED_MIGRATIONS_DIR))->true();
     $files = scandir(Commons::ADVANCED_MIGRATIONS_DIR);
     $result = preg_grep('/' . self::ATTR_PASSWORD_HISTORY . '/', $files);
     verify('Check that the migration exists', $result)->notEmpty();
     verify('Check that the table is added to the database (the migration is run)', Yii::$app->db->schema->getTableSchema('password_history'))->notNull();
     verify('Asure that the model is created', Yii::createObject(self::PASSWORD_HISTORY_MODEL))->notNull();
     // Behavior validations
     $changePasswordForm = Yii::createObject(Yii::$app->user->changePasswordForm);
     $behavior = $changePasswordForm->attachBehavior('passwordHistoryPolicy', 'nkostadinov\\user\\behaviors\\PasswordHistoryPolicyBehavior');
     verify('Check that the behavior exists', $behavior)->notNull();
     verify('Check that lastPasswordChangesCount field exists', isset($behavior->lastPasswordChangesCount))->true();
     verify('Check that the default value of lastPasswordChangesCount is set to 5', $behavior->lastPasswordChangesCount)->equals(5);
     // Try to change the password for a first time by adding the same password
     $changePasswordForm->email = Commons::TEST_EMAIL;
     $changePasswordForm->oldPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPasswordRepeat = 'Ni$test123';
     verify('Assure that the password cannot be changed, because it is the same as the previous one', $changePasswordForm->changePassword())->false();
     verify('Assure that exactly the new password field has errors', $changePasswordForm->hasErrors('newPassword'))->true();
     verify('Assure that the error on the new password is the error we expect', $changePasswordForm->getErrors('newPassword')[0])->equals('Passwords must not be the same!');
     // Change the password this time for real
     $userId = $changePasswordForm->getUser()->id;
     $changePasswordForm->newPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPasswordRepeat = 'Ni$test1233';
     verify('Assure that the password is successfuly changed', $changePasswordForm->changePassword())->true();
     $previousPasswords = PasswordHistory::findAllByUserId($userId);
     verify('Assure that both - the first and the new passwords are added to the history table', count($previousPasswords))->equals(2);
     // Try to change the password by adding a password that has already been used in the past
     $changePasswordForm->oldPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPasswordRepeat = 'Ni$test123';
     verify('Assure that the password cannot be changed, because it is the same as a password added in the past', $changePasswordForm->changePassword())->false();
     verify('Assure that exactly the new password field has errors', $changePasswordForm->hasErrors('newPassword'))->true();
     verify('Assure that the error on the new password is the error we expect', $changePasswordForm->getErrors('newPassword')[0])->equals('Your password is the same as a previous password of yours. For security reasons, please add another password.');
     // Change the password for a second time (this time for real)
     $changePasswordForm->oldPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPassword = '******';
     $changePasswordForm->newPasswordRepeat = 'Ni$test!23';
     verify('Assure that the password is successfuly changed', $changePasswordForm->changePassword())->true();
     $previousPasswords = PasswordHistory::findAllByUserId($userId);
     verify('Assure that the new password is added to the history table', count($previousPasswords))->equals(3);