Inheritance: extends Nette\Object, implements Nette\DI\Config\IAdapter
コード例 #1
ファイル: Classgen.php プロジェクト: f3l1x/nette-plugins
 public function startup()
     $this->template = $this->getTemplate();
     $this->template->setFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/Classgen.latte');
     $this->template->phpTag = "<?php";
     $neon = new NeonAdapter();
     $this->data = $neon->load(dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.neon');
コード例 #2
ファイル: Extension.php プロジェクト: minetro/ghpage
 public function loadConfiguration()
     $builder = $this->getContainerBuilder();
     $config = $this->validateConfig($this->defaults);
     // Add themes
     $params = [];
     $neon = new NeonAdapter();
     foreach (Finder::findFiles('theme.neon')->limitDepth(2)->from($config['themes']) as $file => $splfile) {
         // Parse config
         $expandConfig = ['themeDir' => dirname($splfile->getRealPath())];
         $themeConfig = Helpers::expand($neon->load($file), $expandConfig, TRUE);
         // Validate theme configs
         $this->validateConfig($this->themeDefaults, $themeConfig, 'themes');
         $this->validateConfig($this->themeDefaults['theme'], $themeConfig['theme'], 'theme');
         // Parse theme name
         $themeName = strtolower($themeConfig['theme']['name']);
         // Check duplicity
         if (array_key_exists($themeName, $params)) {
             throw new InvalidStateException('Theme "' . $themeName . '" is already defined.');
         // Add to array
         $params[$themeName] = $themeConfig;
     // Check if selected template is not null
     Validators::assertField($params, $config['theme'], NULL, 'template "%s"');
     $theme = $params[$config['theme']];
     // Add parameters to global parameters
     $builder->parameters['themes'] = [];
     $builder->parameters['themes']['theme'] = $theme['theme'];
     $builder->parameters['themes']['vars'] = $config['template'];
     $builder->parameters['themes']['output'] = $config['output'];
     // Add template model to container
     Compiler::parseServices($builder, ['services' => $theme['model']], $this->prefix('model'));
     // Add command manager (fake presenter)
     // Add template factory
     // Add commands
     $builder->addDefinition($this->prefix('commands.generate'))->setClass('Generator\\Commands\\GenerateCommand', [$builder->parameters['themes']])->setInject();
コード例 #3
  * @param array $files
  * @throws InvalidStateException
  * @return array
 protected function parsePosts($files)
     $posts = [];
     $postsIds = [];
     $decoder = new NeonAdapter();
     foreach ($files as $file) {
         // Decode file
         $config = $decoder->load($file);
         // Merge
         $post = Config\Helpers::merge($config, $this->scheme);
         // Check unique post id
         if (in_array($post['id'], $postsIds)) {
             throw new InvalidStateException('Duplicate "' . $post['id'] . '"');
         // Expand post scheme
         $post = Helpers::expand($post, ['file' => dirname($file)], TRUE);
         // Unify
         $post['post'] = realpath($post['post']);
         $posts[] = $post;
         $postsIds[] = $post['id'];
     return $posts;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ConfigMapper.php プロジェクト: venne/venne
 public function saveConfig()
     $values = $this->data;
     $data =& $this->data;
     foreach ($this->root as $item) {
         $data =& $data[$item];
     $data = $data ?: array();
     $data = Arrays::mergeTree($values, $data);
     file_put_contents($this->fileName, $this->adapter->dump($this->data));
     if (function_exists('opcache_reset')) {
コード例 #5
ファイル: NeonAdapter.php プロジェクト: norik16/TripMap
  * @return Neon\Entity
  * @internal
 public static function statementToEntity(Statement $val)
     array_walk_recursive($val->arguments, function (&$val) {
         if ($val instanceof Statement) {
             $val = NeonAdapter::statementToEntity($val);
     if (is_array($val->entity) && $val->entity[0] instanceof Statement) {
         return new Neon\Entity(Neon\Neon::CHAIN, array(self::statementToEntity($val->entity[0]), new Neon\Entity('::' . $val->entity[1], $val->arguments)));
     } else {
         return new Neon\Entity($val->entity, $val->arguments);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ConfigBuilder.php プロジェクト: venne/venne
 public function save()
     file_put_contents($this->fileName, $this->adapter->dump((array) $this->data));