setCreateAbsoluteUri() public method

If set, the URI is prepended with the current base URI. Defaults to FALSE.
public setCreateAbsoluteUri ( boolean $createAbsoluteUri ) : UriBuilder
$createAbsoluteUri boolean
return UriBuilder the current UriBuilder to allow method chaining
コード例 #1
  * @test
 public function buildDoesNotPrependsScriptRequestPathIfCreateRelativePathsCompatibilityFlagIsTrue()
     $expectedResult = 'resolvedUri';
     $actualResult = $this->uriBuilder->build();
     $this->assertEquals($expectedResult, $actualResult);
コード例 #2
  * Starts the authentication: Redirect to login page
  * @param Request $request The current request
  * @param Response $response The current response
  * @return void
  * @throws MissingConfigurationException
 public function startAuthentication(Request $request, Response $response)
     if (isset($this->options['routeValues'])) {
         $routeValues = $this->options['routeValues'];
         if (!is_array($routeValues)) {
             throw new MissingConfigurationException(sprintf('The configuration for the WebRedirect authentication entry point is incorrect. "routeValues" must be an array, got "%s".', gettype($routeValues)), 1345040415);
         $actionRequest = new ActionRequest($request);
         $actionName = $this->extractRouteValue($routeValues, '@action');
         $controllerName = $this->extractRouteValue($routeValues, '@controller');
         $packageKey = $this->extractRouteValue($routeValues, '@package');
         $subPackageKey = $this->extractRouteValue($routeValues, '@subpackage');
         $uri = $this->uriBuilder->setCreateAbsoluteUri(true)->uriFor($actionName, $routeValues, $controllerName, $packageKey, $subPackageKey);
     } elseif (isset($this->options['uri'])) {
         $uri = strpos($this->options['uri'], '://') !== false ? $this->options['uri'] : $request->getBaseUri() . $this->options['uri'];
     } else {
         throw new MissingConfigurationException('The configuration for the WebRedirect authentication entry point is incorrect or missing. You need to specify either the target "uri" or "routeValues".', 1237282583);
     $response->setContent(sprintf('<html><head><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=%s"/></head></html>', htmlentities($uri, ENT_QUOTES, 'utf-8')));
     $response->setHeader('Location', $uri);
コード例 #3
  * Redirects the request to another action and / or controller.
  * Redirect will be sent to the client which then performs another request to the new URI.
  * NOTE: This method only supports web requests and will throw an exception
  * if used with other request types.
  * @param string $actionName Name of the action to forward to
  * @param string $controllerName Unqualified object name of the controller to forward to. If not specified, the current controller is used.
  * @param string $packageKey Key of the package containing the controller to forward to. If not specified, the current package is assumed.
  * @param array $arguments Array of arguments for the target action
  * @param integer $delay (optional) The delay in seconds. Default is no delay.
  * @param integer $statusCode (optional) The HTTP status code for the redirect. Default is "303 See Other"
  * @param string $format The format to use for the redirect URI
  * @return void
  * @throws StopActionException
  * @see forward()
  * @api
 protected function redirect($actionName, $controllerName = null, $packageKey = null, array $arguments = null, $delay = 0, $statusCode = 303, $format = null)
     if ($packageKey !== null && strpos($packageKey, '\\') !== false) {
         list($packageKey, $subpackageKey) = explode('\\', $packageKey, 2);
     } else {
         $subpackageKey = null;
     if ($format === null) {
     } else {
     $uri = $this->uriBuilder->setCreateAbsoluteUri(true)->uriFor($actionName, $arguments, $controllerName, $packageKey, $subpackageKey);
     $this->redirectToUri($uri, $delay, $statusCode);
コード例 #4
  * For the given $token an activation link is returned.
  * @param Token $token
  * @return string
  * @throws InvalidTokenException
 public function getActivationLink(Token $token)
     $activationConfiguration = $token->getPreset()['activation'];
     $tokenHash = $token->getHash();
     if ($activationConfiguration['uri'] === NULL) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Building activation link failed, no uri configuration is set', 1434728943);
     } elseif (is_array($activationConfiguration['uri'])) {
         $routerConfiguration = $activationConfiguration['uri'];
         $uri = $this->uriBuilder->setCreateAbsoluteUri(TRUE)->setFormat($routerConfiguration['@format'])->uriFor($routerConfiguration['@action'], $routerConfiguration['arguments'], $routerConfiguration['@controller'], $routerConfiguration['@package'], $routerConfiguration['@subpackage']);
     } elseif (is_string($activationConfiguration['uri'])) {
         $uri = $activationConfiguration['uri'];
     } else {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Building activation link failed, uri configuration is invalid (neither array nor string)', 1434732898);
     $this->logger->log(sprintf('Activation link built for token with hash %s', $tokenHash, $token->getIdentifier()), LOG_INFO);
     return str_replace('-tokenhash-', $tokenHash, $uri);
コード例 #5
  * Returns a specific URI string to redirect to after the logout; or NULL if there is none.
  * In case of NULL, it's the responsibility of the AuthenticationController where to redirect,
  * most likely to the LoginController's index action.
  * @param ActionRequest $actionRequest
  * @return string A possible redirection URI, if any
 public function getAfterLogoutRedirectionUri(ActionRequest $actionRequest)
     $lastVisitedNode = $this->getLastVisitedNode('live');
     if ($lastVisitedNode === null) {
         return null;
     $uriBuilder = new UriBuilder();
     return $uriBuilder->uriFor('show', array('node' => $lastVisitedNode), 'Frontend\\Node', 'Neos.Neos');