コード例 #1
  * Create a new message thread
  * @param string $senderUserId
  *   Sender user identifier
  * @param string|string[] $recipient
  *   Recipient list of user identifiers
  * @param string $subject
  *   Optional thread name
  * @return Thread
  *   New thread
 public function createThread($senderUserId, $recipient, $subject = null)
     $recipient = Misc::toArray($recipient);
     // Generate a unique time based identifier, note that this might
     // own some risks of conflicts, but very low. SHA-1 gives a 40
     // character-long string, we have a database limit of 64 with the
     // Drupal backend, so this is acceptable
     $id = $senderUserId . ':' . sha1($senderUserId . implode(',', $recipient) . uniqid('', true));
     $chan = $this->backend->createChannel($id, $subject);
     array_unshift($recipient, $senderUserId);
     // This is the only non-scalable part of the algorithm
     foreach ($recipient as $recipientId) {
     return new Thread($this, $chan);
コード例 #2
  * Notify an action happened on a resource in an arbitrary channel
  * @param string|string[] $chanId
  * @param string $resourceType
  * @param string|string[] $resourceId
  * @param string $action
  * @param array $data
  *   Arbitrary data to send along
  * @param int $level
  *   Arbitrary level, see Notification::LEVEL_* constants. This value is
  *   purely arbitrary, it is up to the business layer to do something with
  *   it. It does not alters the notification system behavior.
  * @param boolean $doExcludeCurrent
  *   If set to false the current subscribers won't be excluded from the
  *   current notification recipient list
 public function notifyChannel($chanId, $resourceType, $resourceId, $action, $data = [], $level = null, $doExcludeCurrent = true)
     if (null === $level) {
         $level = NotificationInterface::LEVEL_INFO;
     $chanIdList = Misc::toIterable($chanId);
     $data = ['data' => $data];
     $data['id'] = Misc::toArray($resourceId);
     $type = $resourceType . ':' . $action;
     try {
         $exclude = [];
         if ($doExcludeCurrent && $this->currentSubscribers) {
             foreach ($this->currentSubscribers as $name) {
                 // Using getSubscriptionIds() will avoid an odd number of
                 // backend queries (at least for SQL backend). I do hope
                 // that our current subscriber does not have thousands...
                 $exclude = array_merge($exclude, $this->backend->getSubscriber($name)->getSubscriptionsIds());
         $this->prepareNotification($type, $data, $level);
         // Channels are not automatically created
         // TODO Find a better a way, to filter out non-existing channels
         $this->backend->createChannels($chanIdList, true);
         $this->backend->send($chanIdList, $data, $type, null, $level, $exclude);
     } catch (ChannelDoesNotExistException $e) {
         // Nothing to do, no channel means no subscription
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // Any other exception must be shutdown when in production mode
         if (!$this->silentMode) {
             throw $e;
コード例 #3
  * Default constructor
  * @param string $resourceType
  * @param scalar|scalar[] $resourceId
  * @param mixed $resource
  * @param scalar|scalar[] $userId
  * @param array $data
 public function __construct($resourceType, $resourceIdList, $userId = null, array $data = [])
     parent::__construct(null, $data + ['uid' => $userId]);
     $this->resourceType = $resourceType;
     $this->resourceIdList = Misc::toArray($resourceIdList);