public function post_verificationsms() { $mymobile = utility\cookie::read('mobile'); $tmp_result = $this->sql()->tableSmss()->whereSms_from($mymobile)->andSms_type('receive')->andSms_status('enable')->select(); if ($tmp_result->num() == 1) { $this->put_changeSmsStatus($mymobile); } else { debug::warn(T_('we are waiting for your message!')); } }
/** * check referrer and redirect to specefic service * @param [type] $_id [description] * @param boolean $_redirect [description] */ protected function setLogin($_id, $_redirect = true) { $tmp_domain = null; $mycode = $this->setLoginToken($_id); $this->checkMainAccount($_id); $myreferer = utility\cookie::read('referer'); utility\cookie::delete('referer'); if ($_redirect) { if ($myreferer === 'jibres' || $myreferer === 'talambar') { $tmp_domain = $myreferer . '.' . $this->url('tld'); } $this->redirector()->set_domain($tmp_domain)->set_url('?ssid=' . $mycode); } }
public function put_verification() { // get parameters and set to local variables $mycode = utility::post('code'); $mymobile = utility::post('mobile', 'filter'); if ($mymobile == '' && isset($_SESSION['verification_mobile'])) { $mymobile = $_SESSION['verification_mobile']; } $myuserid = $this->sql()->table('users')->field('id')->where('user_mobile', $mymobile)->select()->assoc('id'); // check for mobile exist $tmp_result = $this->sql()->table('logs')->where('user_id', $myuserid)->and('log_data', $mycode)->and('log_status', 'enable')->select(); if ($tmp_result->num()) { // mobile and code exist update the record and verify $qry = $this->sql()->table('logs')->set('log_status', 'expire')->where('user_id', $myuserid)->and('log_data', $mycode)->and('log_status', 'enable'); $sql = $qry->update(); $sql_users = $this->sql()->table('users')->where('id', $myuserid)->set('user_status', 'active')->update(); // ====================================================== // you can manage next event with one of these variables, // commit for successfull and rollback for failed // // if query run without error means commit $this->commit(function ($_mobile, $_userid) { $myfrom = utility\cookie::read('from'); if ($myfrom == 'signup') { // login user to system $this->model()->setLogin($_userid); //Send SMS \lib\utility\sms::send($_mobile, 'verification'); debug::true(T_("verify successfully.")); } else { // login user to system $this->model()->setLogin($_userid, false); $this->redirector()->set_url('changepass'); $myreferer = utility\cookie::write('mobile', $_mobile, 60 * 5); $myreferer = utility\cookie::write('from', 'verification', 60 * 5); debug::true(T_("verify successfully.") . ' ' . T_("please Input your new password")); } }, $mymobile, $myuserid); // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback $this->rollback(function () { debug::error(T_("verify failed!")); }); } elseif ($tmp_result->num() == 0) { debug::error(T_("this data is incorrect")); } else { debug::error(T_("please forward this message to administrator")); } }
function __construct($object = false) { parent::__construct($object); $settings = $this->option('account', null, false, $this); $mymodule = $this->module(); $isValid = false; // // entire account part is disabled // if(isset($settings['status']) && !$settings['status']) // { // \lib\error::core('Disabled!'); // } // check access permission to account // if user set passphrase for enter account if (isset($settings['meta']['passphrase']) && $settings['meta']['passphrase'] && $mymodule !== 'logout') { // if user set pass key if (isset($settings['meta']['passkey']) && $settings['meta']['passkey']) { // get pass key and save it in myphrase variable $myPassKey = $settings['meta']['passkey']; $myPassValue = \lib\utility::get($myPassKey); // if user not set pass value in get, then check cookie for it if ($myPassValue === null) { $myPassValue = \lib\utility\cookie::read($myPassKey); } // if not set this passkey and incorrect if ($myPassValue === null) { $isValid = false; } elseif (isset($settings['meta']['passvalue']) && $settings['meta']['passvalue']) { // passvalue exist and equal if ($settings['meta']['passvalue'] === $myPassValue) { $isValid = true; } else { $isValid = false; } } else { $isValid = true; } // if can access set cookie if ($isValid) { \lib\utility\cookie::write($myPassKey, $myPassValue, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7); // allow 1week } else { \lib\utility\cookie::delete($myPassKey); \lib\error::login(); } } } }
public function post_recovery() { // get parameters and set to local variables $mymobile = utility::post('mobile', 'filter'); // check for mobile exist $tmp_result = $this->sql()->table('users')->where('user_mobile', $mymobile)->select(); if ($tmp_result->num() == 1) { $myuserid = $tmp_result->assoc('id'); $mylogitem = $this->sql()->table('logitems')->field('id')->where('logitem_title', 'account/recovery')->select()->assoc('id'); if (!isset($mylogitem)) { return; } $mycode = utility::randomCode(); $qry = $this->sql()->table('logs')->set('logitem_id', $mylogitem)->set('user_id', $myuserid)->set('log_data', $mycode)->set('log_status', 'enable')->set('log_createdate', date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); // var_dump($qry->insertString()); // return; $sql = $qry->insert(); // ====================================================== // you can manage next event with one of these variables, // commit for successfull and rollback for failed // // if query run without error means commit $this->commit(function ($_mobile, $_code) { $myreferer = utility\cookie::read('referer'); //Send SMS \lib\utility\sms::send($_mobile, 'recovery', $_code); debug::true(T_("we send a verification code for you")); $myreferer = utility\cookie::write('mobile', $_mobile, 60 * 5); $myreferer = utility\cookie::write('from', 'recovery', 60 * 5); $this->redirector()->set_url('verification?from=recovery&mobile=' . $_mobile . '&referer=' . $myreferer); }, $mymobile, $mycode); // if a query has error or any error occour in any part of codes, run roolback $this->rollback(function () { debug::error(T_("recovery failed!")); }); } elseif ($tmp_result->num() == 0) { debug::error(T_("Mobile number is incorrect")); } else { debug::error(T_("please forward this message to administrator")); } }
/** * check route of account * @return [type] [description] */ function _route() { // exit(); // \lib\debug::true("check", 'hi'); // var_dump(); $mymodule = $this->module(); $referer = \lib\router::urlParser('referer', 'domain'); $from = \lib\utility\cookie::read('from'); $from = $from ? $from : \lib\utility::get('from'); $islogin = $this->login(); // set referrer in cookie if ($referer !== Domain) { \lib\utility\cookie::write('referer', $referer, 60 * 15); } // check permission for changepass if ($mymodule === 'changepass' && $from !== 'verification' && !$islogin) { \lib\error::access(T_("you can't access to this page!")); } switch ($mymodule) { case 'home': $this->redirector()->set_url("login")->redirect(); break; case 'verification': case 'verificationsms': if ($from && $from !== 'recovery' && $from !== 'signup' && $from !== 'verification') { \lib\error::access(T_("you can't access to this page!")); } $this->model_name = '\\addons\\content_account\\' . $mymodule . '\\model'; $this->display_name = 'content_account\\' . $mymodule . '\\display.html'; $this->post($mymodule)->ALL($mymodule); $this->get()->ALL($mymodule); break; case 'signup': return; /** Fix it later, only access if posible */ /** Fix it later, only access if posible */ case 'login': case 'recovery': if ($islogin) { \lib\debug::true(T_("you are logined to system!")); $myreferer = \lib\router::urlParser('referer', 'host'); $myssid = isset($_SESSION['ssid']) ? '?ssid=' . $_SESSION['ssid'] : null; if (\lib\router::get_storage('CMS')) { $this->redirector()->set_domain()->set_sub_domain(\lib\router::get_storage('CMS'))->set_url()->redirect(); } else { $this->redirector()->set_domain()->set_url()->redirect(); } } case 'changepass': $this->model_name = '\\addons\\content_account\\' . $mymodule . '\\model'; $this->display_name = 'content_account\\' . $mymodule . '\\display.html'; $this->post($mymodule)->ALL($mymodule); $this->get()->ALL($mymodule); break; case 'smsdelivery': case 'smscallback': $uid = 201500001; if (\lib\utility::get('uid') == $uid || \lib\utility\cookie::read('uid') == $uid) { $this->model_name = '\\addons\\content_account\\sms\\model'; $this->display_name = 'content_account\\sms\\display.html'; $this->post($mymodule)->ALL($mymodule); $this->get($mymodule)->ALL($mymodule); } else { \lib\error::access("SMS"); } break; // logout user from system then redirect to ermile // logout user from system then redirect to ermile case 'logout': $this->model_name = '\\lib\\mvc\\model'; $this->model()->put_logout(); $this->redirector()->set_domain()->set_url()->redirect(); break; default: \lib\error::page(); break; } // $this->route_check_true = true; }
/** * [mvc_construct description] * @return [type] [description] */ public function mvc_construct() { array_push($this->twig_include_path, addons); // define default value for url $this->url->fakesub = $this->url('fakesub'); // the $_SERVER[REQUEST_URI] $this->url->full = $this->url('full'); // full url except get parameter with http[s] $this->url->path = $this->url('path'); // full path except parameter and domain name $this->url->breadcrumb = $this->url('breadcrumb'); // full path in array for using in breadcrumb $this->url->domain = $this->url('domain'); // domain name like 'ermile' $this->url->base = $this->url('base'); $this->url->tld = $this->url('tld'); // domain ltd like 'com' $this->url->raw = Service; // domain name except subdomain like '' $this->url->root = $this->url('root'); $this->url->static = $this->url->root . '/' . 'static/'; $this->url->protocol = Protocol; $this->url->account = $this->url('account'); $this->url->MainStatic = $this->url('MainService') . '/' . 'static/'; $this->url->MainSite = $this->url('MainSite'); $this->url->MainProtocol = $this->url('MainProtocol'); $this->url->SubDomain = SubDomain ? SubDomain . '.' : null; // return all parameters and clean it $this->url->param = \lib\utility::get(null, true); $this->url->all = $this->url->full . $this->url->param; $this->data->site['title'] = T_("Saloos"); $this->data->site['desc'] = T_("Another Project with Saloos"); $this->data->site['slogan'] = T_("Saloos is an artichokes for PHP programming!!"); $this->data->site['langlist'] = \lib\utility\option::languages(); $this->data->site['currentlang'] = \lib\define::get_language(); $this->data->site['defaultLang'] = \lib\define::get_language('default'); // if allow to use social then get social network account list if (\lib\utility\option::get('social', 'status')) { $this->data->social = \lib\utility\option::get('social', 'meta'); } $this->data->page['title'] = null; $this->data->page['desc'] = null; $this->data->page['special'] = null; $this->data->bodyclass = null; $this->data->module = $this->module(); $this->data->child = $this->child(); $this->data->login = $this->login('all'); $this->data->perm = $this->access(null, 'all'); $this->data->permContent = $this->access('all'); // define default value for global $this->global->title = null; $this->global->login = $this->login(); $this->global->lang = $this->data->site['currentlang']; $this->global->direction = \lib\define::get_language('direction'); $this->global->id = $this->url('path', '_'); // add special pages to display array to use without name $this->data->display['main'] = "content/main/layout.html"; $this->data->display['home'] = "content/home/display.html"; $this->data->display['account'] = "content_account/home/layout.html"; $this->data->display['cp'] = "content_cp/home/layout.html"; $this->data->display['pagination'] = "content_cp/templates/inc_pagination.html"; // add special pages to template array to use without name $this->data->template['header'] = 'content/template/header.html'; $this->data->template['sidebar'] = 'content/template/sidebar.html'; $this->data->template['footer'] = 'content/template/footer.html'; // define default value for include $this->include->newline = PHP_EOL; $this->include->css_main = false; $this->include->css_ermile = true; $this->include->js_main = true; $this->include->css = true; $this->include->js = true; $this->include->fontawesome = null; $this->include->datatable = null; $this->include->telinput = null; $this->include->lightbox = null; $this->include->editor = null; if (isset($this->controller->pagnation)) { $this->data->pagnation = $this->controller->pagnation_get(); } if (method_exists($this, '_construct')) { $this->_construct(); } if (isset($this->url->MainStatic) && $this->url->MainStatic) { $this->url->myStatic = $this->url->MainStatic; } elseif (isset($this->url->MainStatic)) { $this->url->myStatic = $this->url->static; } if (method_exists($this, 'options')) { $this->options(); } if (\lib\utility\option::get('config', 'meta', 'saveAsCookie')) { $mygetlist = \lib\utility::get(null, 'raw'); if ($mygetlist) { foreach ($mygetlist as $name => $value) { if ($name === 'ssid') { $_SESSION['ssid'] = $value; } elseif (!($name === 'dev' || $name === 'lang')) { \lib\utility\cookie::write($name, $value); } } // remove get parameter from url header('Location: ' . $this->url('full')); } } // check main ********************************************* CHECK FOR ONLY IN FIRST PAGE IN RIGHT PLACE // in all page like ajax request must be run if (AccountService === MainService) { $this->model()->checkMainAccount(); $this->controller()->checkSession(); } }