コード例 #1
ファイル: Table.php プロジェクト: hatwebtech/dal
  *  delete
  * @todo unset from $this->_results
  * @todo unset from $this->_has_many_for_save
 public function delete()
     if ($this->_behave('pre_delete') === false) {
         //echo 'pre_delete exit';
         //return false; // is FALSE right response in case of skiping delete???
     if (empty($this->_primaryKeys)) {
         echo 'no primary keys';
         return false;
     if (!isset($this->_query)) {
         $this->_query = \hatwebtech\dal\DAL::query();
     foreach ($this->_primaryKeys as $primary_key) {
         if ($this->get($this->_getHumanFieldName($primary_key) . 'Exists', array())) {
             $this->_query->andWhere("{$primary_key} =?", $this->get($this->_getHumanFieldName($primary_key), array()));
         } else {
             throw new \Exception('Error deleting ' . $this->_getModelName() . '; ' . $primary_key . ' not set.');
     //print_r($this->_query->queryDebug()); exit;
     $r1 = $this->_query->queryStmt();
     if ($r1 === false) {
         $r1 = $this->_query->getLastPdoErrorMessage();
         //$r1 = $this->_query->getPdoErrorMessages();
         throw new \Exception('Error deleting ' . $this->_getModelName() . ' with message: ' . $r1);
         return false;
     return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: Misc.php プロジェクト: hatwebtech/dal
 private function _generateTableClass($table_name)
     $class_name = $this->_toClassName($table_name);
     $path = \hatwebtech\dal\DAL::getTablePath();
     $namespace = \hatwebtech\dal\DAL::getTableNamespace();
     $namespace = \ltrim($namespace, '\\');
     $namespace = \rtrim($namespace, '\\');
     //\hat\dbg::alert($namespace, true);
     if (\is_writable($path)) {
         $filename = $path . '/' . $class_name . '.php';
     } else {
         $filename = '/tmp/' . $class_name . '.php';
     if (\file_exists($filename)) {
         //\hat\dbg::alert("PHP class for $class_name exists!");
     } else {
         //\hat\dbg::alert("genarating PHP class for $class_name.");
     $db_info = $this->__load_db_info();
     //\hat\dbg::alert($db_info, true);
     $table_info = $this->__load_table_info($table_name);
     if ($table_info == false) {
         return false;
     $ISTables[$table_name] = $table_info;
     $PGIndexes = $db_info['PGIndexes'];
     $ISColumns = $db_info['ISColumns'];
     $ISTableConstraints = $db_info['ISTableConstraints'];
     //$ISTableConstraints = $db_info['ISTableConstraints'];
     $ISColumnConstraints = $db_info['ISColumnConstraints'];
     $ISConstraints = $db_info['ISConstraints'];
     $ISKeyColumnUsage = $db_info['ISKeyColumnUsage'];
     $results = array();
     foreach ($ISTables as $t_name => $t) {
         $columns = array();
         foreach ($ISColumns as $c) {
             if ($c['table_name'] == $t_name) {
                 $columns[$c['column_name']] = $c;
         $ISTables[$t_name]['Columns'] = $columns;
     foreach ($ISTables as $t_name => $t) {
         $indexes = array();
         $pkeys = array();
         foreach ($PGIndexes as $index) {
             if ($index['tablename'] == $t_name) {
                 $indexes[] = $index;
             if ($index['indexname'] == $t_name . '_pkey') {
                 $string = $index['indexdef'];
                 $start = \strpos($string, '(') + 1;
                 $stop = \strpos($string, ')');
                 $length = $stop - $start;
                 $_pkeys_string = \substr($string, $start, $length);
                 $pkeys = \array_map('trim', \explode(',', $_pkeys_string));
                 //\hat\dbg::alert($pkeys, true);
         $ISTables[$t_name]['Indexes'] = $indexes;
         if (isset($pkeys)) {
             $ISTables[$t_name]['PKeys'] = $pkeys;
     //return $ISTables;
     foreach ($ISTables as $t_name => $t) {
         $pkeys = array();
         $fkeys = array();
         $rkeys = array();
         $referenced_by = array();
         $used_constraints = array();
         foreach ($ISTableConstraints as $tc) {
             if ($tc['table_name'] == $t_name) {
                 foreach ($ISKeyColumnUsage as $v0) {
                     if ($tc['constraint_name'] == $v0['constraint_name']) {
                         $used_constraints[] = $tc['constraint_name'];
                         $tc['Constraint']['v0__'] = $v0;
                 foreach ($ISConstraints as $constraint) {
                     if ($tc['constraint_name'] == $constraint['constraint_name']) {
                         $used_constraints[] = $tc['constraint_name'];
                         $tc['Constraint'] = $constraint;
                         foreach ($ISKeyColumnUsage as $v2) {
                             if ($constraint['constraint_name'] == $v2['constraint_name']) {
                                 $tc['Constraint']['v2_1'] = $v2;
                             if ($constraint['unique_constraint_name'] == $v2['constraint_name']) {
                                 $tc['Constraint']['v2_2'] = $v2;
                 if ($tc['constraint_type'] == 'PRIMARY KEY') {
                     $pkeys[] = $tc;
                 } elseif ($tc['constraint_type'] == 'FOREIGN KEY') {
                     $fkeys[] = $tc;
                 } else {
                     $rkeys[] = $tc;
                 $referenced_by = array();
                 foreach ($ISColumnConstraints as $cc) {
                     if ($t_name == $cc['table_name']) {
                         if (!\in_array($cc['constraint_name'], $used_constraints)) {
                             foreach ($ISKeyColumnUsage as $v3) {
                                 if ($cc['constraint_name'] == $v3['constraint_name']) {
                                     $cc['Constraint']['v0__'] = $v3;
                                     foreach ($ISConstraints as $constraint) {
                                         if ($cc['constraint_name'] == $constraint['constraint_name']) {
                                             $used_constraints[] = $tc['constraint_name'];
                                             $cc['Constraint'] = $constraint;
                                             foreach ($ISKeyColumnUsage as $v2) {
                                                 if ($constraint['constraint_name'] == $v2['constraint_name']) {
                                                     $cc['Constraint']['v2_1'] = $v2;
                                                 if ($constraint['unique_constraint_name'] == $v2['constraint_name']) {
                                                     $cc['Constraint']['v2_2'] = $v2;
                             $referenced_by[] = $cc;
         $ISTables[$t_name]['Constraints'] = array('PRIMARY_KEY' => $pkeys, 'FOREIGN_KEY' => $fkeys, 'Referenced by' => $referenced_by, 'OTHER_KEYS' => $rkeys);
     $php = "<?php\n/**\n * @author created by HDM table class generator\n */\nnamespace {$namespace};\nclass {$class_name} extends \\hatwebtech\\dal\\Table{\n  public function setTableDefinition(){\n    \$this->setTableName('{$table_name}');\n";
     foreach ($ISTables as $t_name => $t_info) {
         foreach ($t_info['Columns'] as $key => $column) {
             if ($column['data_type'] == 'character varying') {
                 $_type = "string";
                 $_size = $column['character_maximum_length'];
             } elseif ($column['data_type'] == 'bigint') {
                 $_type = "integer";
                 $_size = '8';
             } elseif ($column['data_type'] == 'boolean') {
                 $_type = "boolean";
                 $_size = '1';
             } elseif ($column['data_type'] == 'timestamp without time zone') {
                 $_type = "timestamp";
                 $_size = 'null';
             } else {
                 $_type = $column['data_type'];
                 $_size = '0';
             $_options = 'array(';
             if (isset($t_info['PKeys']) && \in_array($key, $t_info['PKeys'])) {
                 $_options .= '\'primary\' => true';
             $_options .= ')';
             $php .= "    \$this->hasColumn('{$key}', '{$_type}', {$_size}, {$_options});\n";
         $php .= "  }\n\n  public function setUp(){\n    parent::setUp();\n    //\$this->actAs('');\n\n";
         //    //\hat\dbg::alert($t_info);
         //    //\hat\dbg::alert($php, true);
         //      $pkeys = array();
         //      $_pkeys = array();
         //      foreach($t_info['Constraints']['PRIMARY_KEY'] as $c){
         //        if(isset($c['Constraint']['v0__'])){
         //          $pkeys[] = $c['Constraint']['v0__']['column_name'];
         //          $_pkeys[] = $c['constraint_name'];
         //        }
         //      }
         //      if(empty($fkeys)){
         //        echo "  Primary keys ( NONE )$nl";
         //      }else{
         //        echo "  Primary keys ("; echo(\implode(', ', $pkeys)); echo ")$nl";
         //      }
         //      $indexes = array();
         //      foreach($t_info['Indexes'] as $i){
         //        $_i = "    --  '{$i['indexname']}' ";
         //        if(\in_array($i['indexname'], $_pkeys)){
         //          $_i .= "PRIMARY KEY, ";
         //        }
         //        $_i .= \substr($i['indexdef'], \strpos($i['indexdef'], 'USING') + 5);
         //        $indexes[] = $_i;
         //      }
         //      if(empty($indexes)){
         //        echo "  Indexes: $nl    --  NONE$nl";
         //      }else{
         //        echo "  Indexes: $nl"; echo(\implode(",$nl", $indexes)); echo $nl;
         //      }
         $fkeys = array();
         foreach ($t_info['Constraints']['FOREIGN_KEY'] as $c) {
             $fk = "    --  '{$c['Constraint']['constraint_name']}' FOREIGN KEY ({$c['Constraint']['v2_1']['column_name']}) REFERENCES {$c['Constraint']['v2_2']['table_name']}({$c['Constraint']['v2_2']['column_name']}) ";
             //$fk = "    --  {$c['Constraint']['v2_1']['column_name']} REFERENCES {$c['Constraint']['v2_2']['table_name']}({$c['Constraint']['v2_2']['column_name']}) ";
             if ($c['Constraint']['update_rule'] != 'NO ACTION') {
                 $fk .= '  ON UPDATE ' . $c['Constraint']['update_rule'];
             if ($c['Constraint']['delete_rule'] != 'NO ACTION') {
                 $fk .= '  ON DELETE ' . $c['Constraint']['delete_rule'];
             $fkeys[] = $fk;
             $_c = $this->_toClassName($c['Constraint']['v2_2']['table_name']);
             $_l = $c['Constraint']['v2_1']['column_name'];
             $_f = $c['Constraint']['v2_2']['column_name'];
             $php .= "    \$this->hasOne('{$_c}', array('local' => '{$_l}', 'foreign' => '{$_f}'));\n";
         //      if(empty($fkeys)){
         //        echo "  Foreign keys: $nl    --  NONE$nl";
         //      }else{
         //        echo "  Foreign keys: $nl"; echo(\implode(",$nl", $fkeys)); echo $nl;
         //      }
         $ref_by = array();
         foreach ($t_info['Constraints']['Referenced by'] as $c) {
             $rb = "    --  TABLE {$c['Constraint']['v2_1']['table_name']} CONSTRAINT '{$c['Constraint']['constraint_name']}' FOREIGN KEY ({$c['Constraint']['v2_1']['column_name']}) REFERENCES {$c['Constraint']['v2_2']['table_name']}({$c['Constraint']['v2_2']['column_name']}) ";
             //$rb = "    --  TABLE {$c['Constraint']['v2_1']['table_name']}({$c['Constraint']['v2_1']['column_name']}) REFERENCES {$c['Constraint']['v2_2']['column_name']}";
             if ($c['Constraint']['update_rule'] != 'NO ACTION') {
                 $rb .= '  ON UPDATE ' . $c['Constraint']['update_rule'];
             if ($c['Constraint']['delete_rule'] != 'NO ACTION') {
                 $rb .= '  ON DELETE ' . $c['Constraint']['delete_rule'];
             $ref_by[] = $rb;
             $_c = $this->_toClassName($c['Constraint']['v2_1']['table_name']);
             $_l = $c['Constraint']['v2_1']['column_name'];
             $_f = $c['Constraint']['v2_2']['column_name'];
             $php .= "    \$this->hasMany('{$_c}', array('local' => '{$_f}', 'foreign' => '{$_l}'));\n";
         //      if(empty($ref_by)){
         //        echo "  Referenced by: $nl    --  NONE$nl";
         //      }else{
         //        echo "  Referenced by: $nl"; echo(\implode(",$nl", $ref_by)); echo "$nl";
         //      }
         // close
         $php .= "  }\n}\n?>";
     $fileHandle = fopen($filename, 'w+') or die("can't open file");
     $b = fwrite($fileHandle, $php);
     \chmod($filename, 0666);
     //\hat\dbg::alert("written $b bytes in $class_name [path = $filename].");
     //    echo "<pre>\n\nPHP code:\n";
     //    echo $php;
     //    //\hat\dbg::alert('end', true);
コード例 #3
ファイル: DalQuery.php プロジェクト: hatwebtech/dal
 protected function _prepareQueryParts_join()
     // joins
     $this->_additional_select = array();
     foreach ($this->_query_parts['join'] as $i => $join) {
         if ($join['type'] == 'left') {
             // example: hi.HatTemplate ht
             $dot = \strpos($join['join'], '.');
             if ($dot !== false) {
                 $left_alias = \substr($join['join'], 0, $dot);
                 $right_part = \substr($join['join'], $dot + 1);
                 $left_table_name = $this->_getTableNameByAlias($left_alias);
                 if (!$left_table_name) {
                     $this->pdo_error_message[] = "Table object for alias {$left_alias} not found in this query.";
                     return false;
                 $has_alias = \strripos($right_part, ' as ');
                 if ($has_alias !== false) {
                     $assoc_name = \substr($right_part, 0, $has_alias);
                     $assoc_alias = \substr($right_part, $has_alias + 4);
                 } else {
                     $has_alias = \strrpos($right_part, ' ');
                     if ($has_alias !== false) {
                         $assoc_name = \substr($right_part, 0, $has_alias);
                         $assoc_alias = \substr($right_part, $has_alias + 1);
                     } else {
                         $assoc_name = $assoc_alias = $right_part;
                 $associ_info = $this->_tables[$left_table_name]->associationInfo($assoc_name);
                 if (!$associ_info) {
                     $this->pdo_error_message[] = "Association {$assoc_name} not found in {$left_table_name}.";
                     return false;
                 $model_name = $associ_info['association_name'];
                 $this->_tables[$model_name] = \hatwebtech\dal\DAL::load($model_name);
                 $primary_keys = $this->_tables[$model_name]->getPrimaryKeys();
                 $table_info = array('model_name' => $model_name, 'model_alias' => $assoc_alias, 'primary_keys' => $primary_keys, 'assoc_name' => $assoc_name, 'assoc_to_alias' => $left_alias, 'assoc_to_name' => $left_table_name, 'assoc_info' => $associ_info, 'join_index' => $i);
                 if ($right_part == 'HatSystemConfigArray ca') {
                     //\hat\dbg::alert($this->_tables[$left_table_name]->toArray(), true);
                 $this->_tables_in_use[] = $table_info;
                 if ($associ_info['type'] == 'hasMany') {
                     //$this->_has_one_to_many_assoc = true;
                     $this->_has_one_to_many_assoc = $associ_info;
                 $this->_additional_select[$left_alias][] = $associ_info['keys']['local'];
                 $this->_additional_select[$assoc_alias][] = $associ_info['keys']['foreign'];
                 $this->_additional_select[$assoc_alias] = \array_merge($this->_additional_select[$assoc_alias], $this->_tables[$model_name]->getPrimaryKeys());
                 $this->_join_pairs[$left_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['local']] = $assoc_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['foreign'];
                 $this->_join_node_keys['local'][$left_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['local']] = true;
                 $this->_join_node_keys['foreign'][$assoc_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['foreign']] = true;
                 $assoc_table_name = $this->_tables[$model_name]->getTableName();
                 $join_sql = " LEFT JOIN {$assoc_table_name} AS {$assoc_alias} ON {$left_alias}.{$associ_info['keys']['local']}={$assoc_alias}.{$associ_info['keys']['foreign']} ";
                 if (isset($join['condition'])) {
                     //\hat\dbg::alert($join['condition'], true);
                     //\hat\dbg::alert(array($i => $join));
                     $prepare = $this->_prepareQueryParts_where($join['condition']);
                     //\hat\dbg::alert($prepare, true);
                     if ($prepare) {
                         $parse = $this->_parseQueryParts_where($prepare);
                         if ($this->_query_debug) {
                         if ($parse && isset($parse[0])) {
                             $join_sql .= " AND {$parse[0]} ";
                             //                \hat\dbg::alert($parse);
                             //                \hat\dbg::alert($join_sql, true);
                 $this->_JOIN[$assoc_alias] = $join_sql;
                 //            $filename = $this->_table_path . $model_name . '.php';
                 //            if(\file_exists($filename)){
                 //              include_once $filename;
                 //              $model_class_name = $this->_table_namespace . $model_name;
                 //              $this->_tables[$model_name] = new $model_class_name();
                 //              $table_info = array(
                 //                  'model_name' => $model_name,
                 //                  'model_alias' => $assoc_alias,
                 //                  'assoc_name' => $assoc_name,
                 //                  'assoc_to_alias' => $left_alias,
                 //                  'assoc_to_name' => $left_table_name,
                 //                  'assoc_info' => $associ_info
                 //                );
                 //              $this->_tables_in_use[] = $table_info;
                 //              if($associ_info['type'] == 'hasMany'){
                 //                //$this->_has_one_to_many_assoc = true;
                 //                $this->_has_one_to_many_assoc = $associ_info;
                 //              }
                 //              $this->_additional_select[$left_alias][] = $associ_info['keys']['local'];
                 //              $this->_additional_select[$assoc_alias][] = $associ_info['keys']['foreign'];
                 //              $this->_join_pairs[$left_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['local']] = $assoc_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['foreign'];
                 //              $this->_join_node_keys['local'][$left_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['local']] = true;
                 //              $this->_join_node_keys['foreign'][$assoc_alias . '__' . $associ_info['keys']['foreign']] = true;
                 //              $assoc_table_name = $this->_tables[$model_name]->getTableName();
                 //              $join_slq = " LEFT JOIN $assoc_table_name AS $assoc_alias ON $left_alias.{$associ_info['keys']['local']}=$assoc_alias.{$associ_info['keys']['foreign']} ";
                 //              $this->_JOIN[$assoc_alias] = $join_slq;
                 //            }else{
                 //              throw new \Exception("Module not found for $model_name in $this->_table_path.");
                 //            }
             } else {
                 $this->pdo_error_message[] = 'invalid join sintax.';
                 return false;
         // end left join
     //    print_r($this->_JOIN); exit;
     //    print_r($this->_additional_select);
     return true;