コード例 #1
  * Create a new mailing address destination from a magento order address.
  * @param Mage_Customer_Model_Address_Abstract
  * @param IOrderDestinationIterable Used to create the new email address destination payload
  * @return IEmailAddressDestination
 protected function _buildVirtualDestination(Mage_Customer_Model_Address_Abstract $address, IOrderDestinationIterable $destinations)
     $destination = $destinations->getEmptyEmailAddress();
     return $this->_transferPersonNameData($address, $destination)->setEmailAddress($address->getEmail());
コード例 #2
  * Create an email address destination for the virtual gift card, using the
  * gift card recipient information for the destination data.
  * @param EbayEnterprise_Order_Model_Create_Itemreferencepair
  * @param IShipGroupIterable
  * @param IOrderDestinationIterable
  * @return IShipGroup
 protected function createShipGroupForVirtualGiftCard(EbayEnterprise_Order_Model_Create_Itemreferencepair $itemRefPair, IShipGroupIterable $shipGroups, IOrderDestinationIterable $destinations)
     $orderItem = $itemRefPair->getItem();
     $itemRefPayload = $itemRefPair->getPayload();
     $shipGroupPayload = $shipGroups->getEmptyShipGroup();
     $destination = $destinations->getEmptyEmailAddress();
     // As each virtual gift card will be in its own ship group, it likely needs
     // its own shipping price group for the OMS, even though the "shipping" cost is 0.
     // Add a new price groups for shipping with amount of 0.00 so the item &
     // ship group will have one.
     $itemPayload = $itemRefPayload->getReferencedItem();
     $this->logger->debug('Created ship group for virtual gift card', $this->logContext->getMetaData(__CLASS__, ['email' => $destination->getEmailAddress(), 'sku' => $orderItem->getSku(), 'line_number' => $orderItem->getLineNumber()]));
     return $shipGroupPayload;