コード例 #1
 public function testUseMultiplePositionalParameters()
     $user = new CmsUser();
     $user->name = "John Galt";
     $user->username = "******";
     $user->status = "inactive";
     $article = new CmsArticle();
     $article->topic = "This is John Galt speaking!";
     $article->text = "Yadda Yadda!";
     $dql = "SELECT a FROM Doctrine\\Tests\\Models\\CMS\\CmsArticle a WHERE a.topic = ?1 AND a.user = ?2 AND a.user = ?3 AND a.text = ?4";
     $farticle = $this->_em->createQuery($dql)->setParameter(1, 'This is John Galt speaking!')->setParameter(2, $user)->setParameter(3, $user)->setParameter(4, 'Yadda Yadda!')->getSingleResult();
     $this->assertSame($article, $farticle);
コード例 #2
 public function testRefreshWithManyToOne()
     $user = new CmsUser();
     $user->name = "beberlei";
     $user->status = "active";
     $user->username = "******";
     $article = new CmsArticle();
     $article->text = "foo";
     $article->topic = "bar";
     $this->assertType('Doctrine\\Common\\Collections\\Collection', $user->articles);
     $this->assertTrue($article !== $user->articles, "The article should not be replaced on the inverse side of the relation.");
     $this->assertType('Doctrine\\Common\\Collections\\Collection', $user->articles);
コード例 #3
ファイル: SQLFilterTest.php プロジェクト: pnaq57/zf2demo
 private function loadFixtureData()
     $user = new CmsUser();
     $user->name = 'Roman';
     $user->username = '******';
     $user->status = 'developer';
     $address = new CmsAddress();
     $address->country = 'Germany';
     $address->city = 'Berlin';
     $address->zip = '12345';
     $user->address = $address;
     // inverse side
     $address->user = $user;
     // owning side!
     $group = new CmsGroup();
     $group->name = 'foo_group';
     $article1 = new CmsArticle();
     $article1->topic = "Test1";
     $article1->text = "Test";
     $article2 = new CmsArticle();
     $article2->topic = "Test2";
     $article2->text = "Test";
     $user2 = new CmsUser();
     $user2->name = 'Guilherme';
     $user2->username = '******';
     $user2->status = 'developer';
     $address2 = new CmsAddress();
     $address2->country = 'France';
     $address2->city = 'Paris';
     $address2->zip = '12345';
     $user->address = $address2;
     // inverse side
     $address2->user = $user2;
     // owning side!
     $group2 = new CmsGroup();
     $group2->name = 'bar_group';
     $this->userId = $user->getId();
     $this->userId2 = $user2->getId();
     $this->articleId = $article1->id;
     $this->articleId2 = $article2->id;
     $this->groupId = $group->id;
     $this->groupId2 = $group2->id;
コード例 #4
ファイル: CmsUser.php プロジェクト: ncking/doctrine2
 public function addArticle(CmsArticle $article)
     $this->articles[] = $article;
コード例 #5
  * @group DDC-600
  * @group DDC-455
 public function testNewAssociatedEntityDuringFlushThrowsException3()
     //$this->_em->getConnection()->getConfiguration()->setSQLLogger(new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\EchoSQLLogger);
     $art = new CmsArticle();
     $art->topic = 'topic';
     $art->text = 'the text';
     $com = new CmsComment();
     $com->topic = 'Good';
     $com->text = 'Really good!';
     // pretend we forgot to persist $com
     try {
         // should raise an exception
     } catch (\InvalidArgumentException $expected) {
コード例 #6
 public function testFlushDoesNotIssueUnnecessaryUpdates()
     $user = new CmsUser();
     $user->name = 'Guilherme';
     $user->username = '******';
     $user->status = 'developer';
     $address = new CmsAddress();
     $address->country = 'Germany';
     $address->city = 'Berlin';
     $address->zip = '12345';
     $address->user = $user;
     $user->address = $address;
     $article = new \Doctrine\Tests\Models\CMS\CmsArticle();
     $article->text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sunt.";
     $article->topic = "A Test Article!";
     //$this->_em->getConnection()->getConfiguration()->setSQLLogger(new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\EchoSQLLogger);
     $query = $this->_em->createQuery('select u,a,ad from Doctrine\\Tests\\Models\\CMS\\CmsUser u join u.articles a join u.address ad');
     $user2 = $query->getSingleResult();
     $this->assertEquals(1, count($user2->articles));
     $this->assertTrue($user2->address instanceof CmsAddress);
     $oldLogger = $this->_em->getConnection()->getConfiguration()->getSQLLogger();
     $debugStack = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Logging\DebugStack();
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($debugStack->queries));
コード例 #7
ファイル: PaginationTest.php プロジェクト: selimcr/servigases
 public function populate()
     $groups = array();
     for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
         $group = new CmsGroup();
         $group->name = "group{$j}";
         $groups[] = $group;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
         $user = new CmsUser();
         $user->name = "Name{$i}";
         $user->username = "******";
         $user->status = "active";
         $user->email = new CmsEmail();
         $user->email->user = $user;
         $user->email->email = "email{$i}";
         for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
         for ($j = 0; $j < $i + 1; $j++) {
             $article = new CmsArticle();
             $article->topic = "topic{$i}{$j}";
             $article->text = "text{$i}{$j}";
             $article->version = 0;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
         $company = new Company();
         $company->name = "name{$i}";
         $company->logo = new Logo();
         $company->logo->image = "image{$i}";
         $company->logo->image_width = 100 + $i;
         $company->logo->image_height = 100 + $i;
         $company->logo->company = $company;
         for ($j = 0; $j < 3; $j++) {
             $department = new Department();
             $department->name = "name{$i}{$j}";
             $department->company = $company;
             $company->departments[] = $department;
     for ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i++) {
         $user = new User1();
         $user->name = "name{$i}";
         $user->email = "email{$i}";
     $manager = new CompanyManager();
     $manager->setName('Roman B.');