コード例 #1
 public function cdup()
     $retval = FALSE;
     //easy way to go "up" a directory (just like doing "cd .." in linux)
     if (strlen($this->cwd) > 1) {
         $myCwd = preg_replace('/\\/$/', '', $this->cwd);
         if (!preg_match('/^\\//', $myCwd)) {
             $myCwd = '/' . $myCwd;
         $myParts = explode('/', $myCwd);
         $myCwd = ToolBox::string_from_array($myParts, NULL, '/');
         $realCwd = ToolBox::create_list($this->root, $myCwd, '/');
         if (file_exists($realCwd)) {
             $retval = TRUE;
             $this->realcwd = $realCwd;
             $this->cwd = '/' . $myCwd;
     return $retval;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ToolBoxTest.php プロジェクト: crazedsanity/core
  * TODO: this one needs a LOT more testing, or the underlying function needs to be 
  * refactored.
 public function test_stringFromArray()
     $this->assertEquals('one, two, three', ToolBox::string_from_array(array('one', 'two', 'three')));
コード例 #3
 private function build_special_vars()
     $appUrl = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
     $bits = explode('/', $appUrl);
     if (!strlen($bits[0])) {
     if (count($bits)) {
     if (!count($bits)) {
         $appUrl = '/';
     } else {
         $appUrl = '/' . ToolBox::string_from_array($bits, null, '/');
     $specialVars = array('_DIRNAMEOFFILE_' => $this->configDirname, '_CONFIGFILE_' => $this->configFile, '_THISFILE_' => $this->configFile, '_APPURL_' => $appUrl);
     return $specialVars;
コード例 #4
  * The super-magical method that includes files & finalizes things using 
  * the given templating engine. 
  * NOTE: the local variable "$page" is made so that the included scripts 
  * can make calls to the templating engine, just like they used to.  It's 
 function finish()
     //Avoid problems when REGISTER_GLOBALS is on...
     $badUrlVars = array('page', 'this');
     foreach ($badUrlVars as $badVarName) {
         unset($_GET[$badVarName], $_POST[$badVarName]);
     unset($badUrlVars, $badVarName);
     if (is_array($this->injectVars) && count($this->injectVars)) {
         $definedVars = get_defined_vars();
         foreach ($this->injectVars as $myVarName => $myVarVal) {
             if (!isset($definedVars[$myVarName])) {
                 ${$myVarName} = $myVarVal;
             } else {
                 throw new exception(__METHOD__ . ": attempt to inject already defined var '" . $myVarName . "'");
     unset($definedVars, $myVarName, $myVarVal);
     if (isset($this->session) && is_object($this->session)) {
         $this->templateObj->session = $this->session;
     //if we loaded an index, but there is no "content", then move 'em around so we have content.
     if (isset($this->templateObj->templateFiles['index']) && !isset($this->templateObj->templateFiles['content'])) {
         $this->add_template('content', $this->templateObj->templateFiles['index']);
     //make the "final section" available to scripts.
     $finalSection = $this->finalSection;
     $sectionArr = $this->sectionArr;
     if (count($sectionArr) && $sectionArr[count($sectionArr) - 1] == "") {
     $fullSectionArr = $this->fullSectionArr;
     array_unshift($sectionArr, $this->baseDir);
     $finalURL = ToolBox::string_from_array($sectionArr, NULL, '/');
     $this->templateObj->add_template_var('PHP_SELF', '/' . ToolBox::string_from_array($sectionArr, NULL, '/'));
     $page = $this->templateObj;
     //now include the includes scripts, if there are any.
     if (is_array($this->includesList) && count($this->includesList)) {
         try {
             foreach ($this->includesList as $myInternalIndex => $myInternalScriptName) {
                 $this->myLastInclude = $myInternalScriptName;
                 unset($myInternalScriptName, $myInternalIndex);
                 include_once $this->myLastInclude;
             //now load the "after" includes.
             if (is_array($this->afterIncludesList)) {
                 foreach ($this->afterIncludesList as $myInternalIndex => $myInternalScriptName) {
                     $this->myLastInclude = $myInternalScriptName;
                     unset($myInternalScriptName, $myInternalIndex);
                     include_once $this->myLastInclude;
         } catch (exception $e) {
             $myRoot = preg_replace('/\\//', '\\\\/', $this->incFs->root);
             $displayableInclude = preg_replace('/^' . $myRoot . '/', '', $this->myLastInclude);
             $page->set_message_wrapper(array('title' => "Fatal Error", 'message' => __METHOD__ . ": A fatal error occurred while processing <b>" . $displayableInclude . "</b>:<BR>\n<b>ERROR</b>: " . $e->getMessage(), 'type' => "fatal"));
             //try to pass the error on to the user's exception handler, if there is one.
             if (function_exists('exception_handler')) {
     if (is_bool($page->allow_invalid_urls() === TRUE) && $this->isValid === FALSE) {
         $this->isValid = $page->allow_invalid_urls();
     if ($this->isValid === TRUE) {
         if ($page->printOnFinish === true) {
     } else {
コード例 #5
ファイル: ToolBox.class.php プロジェクト: crazedsanity/core
  * Basically, just a wrapper for create_list(), which returns a list or 
  * an array of lists, depending upon what was requested.
  * @param $array		<array> list for the array...
  * @param $style		<str,optional> what "style" it should be returned 
  *						 as (select, update, etc).
  * @param $separator	<str,optional> what separattes key from value: see each
  * 							style for more information.
  * @param $cleanString	<mixed,optional> clean the values in $array by sending it
  * 							to cleanString(), with this as the second argument.
  * @param $removeEmptyVals	<bool,optional> If $cleanString is an ARRAY and this
  * 							evaluates as TRUE, indexes of $array whose values have
  *							a length of 0 will be removed.
 public static function string_from_array($array, $style = NULL, $separator = NULL, $cleanString = NULL, $removeEmptyVals = FALSE)
     $retval = NULL;
     //precheck... if it's not an array, kill it.
     if (!is_array($array)) {
         return NULL;
     //make sure $style is valid.
     $style = strtolower($style);
     if (is_array($array)) {
         //if $cleanString is an array, assume it's arrayIndex => cleanStringArg
         if (is_array($cleanString) && (!is_null($style) && strlen($style))) {
             $cleanStringArr = array_intersect_key($cleanString, $array);
             if (count($cleanStringArr) > 0 && is_array($cleanStringArr)) {
                 foreach ($cleanStringArr as $myIndex => $myCleanStringArg) {
                     if ($removeEmptyVals && strlen($array[$myIndex]) == 0) {
                         //remove the index.
                     } else {
                         //now format it properly.
                         $myUseSqlQuotes = null;
                         if (in_array($myCleanStringArg, array('int', 'integer', 'numeric', 'number', 'decimal', 'float'))) {
                             $myUseSqlQuotes = false;
                         $array[$myIndex] = ToolBox::cleanString($array[$myIndex], $myCleanStringArg, $myUseSqlQuotes);
         switch ($style) {
             case "insert":
                 if (!$separator) {
                     $separator = " VALUES ";
                 //build temporary data...
                 $tmp = array();
                 foreach ($array as $key => $value) {
                     @($tmp[0] = ToolBox::create_list($tmp[0], $key));
                     //clean the string, if required.
                     if (is_null($value)) {
                         $value = "NULL";
                     } elseif ($cleanString) {
                         //make sure it's not full of poo...
                         $value = ToolBox::cleanString($value, "sql");
                         #$value = "'". $value ."'";
                     @($tmp[1] = ToolBox::create_list($tmp[1], $value, ",", 1));
                 //make the final product.
                 $retval = "(" . $tmp[0] . ")" . $separator . "(" . $tmp[1] . ")";
             case "update":
                 if (!$separator) {
                     $separator = "=";
                 //build final product.
                 foreach ($array as $field => $value) {
                     $sqlQuotes = 1;
                     if ($value === "NULL" || $value === NULL) {
                         $sqlQuotes = 0;
                     if ($cleanString && !(preg_match('/^\'/', $value) && preg_match('/\'$/', $value))) {
                         //make sure it doesn't have crap in it...
                         $value = ToolBox::cleanString($value, "sql", $sqlQuotes);
                     if ($value == "'") {
                         //Fix possible SQL-injection.
                         $value = "'\\''";
                     } elseif (!strlen($value)) {
                         $value = "''";
                     $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, $field . $separator . $value);
             case "order":
             case "limit":
                 //for creating the "limit 50 offset 35" part of a query... or at least using that "style".
                 $separator = " ";
                 //build final product.
                 foreach ($array as $field => $value) {
                     if ($cleanString) {
                         //make sure it doesn't have crap in it...
                         $value = ToolBox::cleanString($value, "sql");
                         $value = "'" . $value . "'";
                     $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, $value, ", ");
                 if ($style == "order" && !preg_match('/order by/', strtolower($retval))) {
                     $retval = "ORDER BY " . $retval;
             case "select":
                 //build final product.
                 $separator = "=";
                 foreach ($array as $field => $value) {
                     //allow for tricksie things...
                      * Example: 
                      * string_from_array(array("y"=>3, "x" => array(1,2,3))); 
                      * would yield: "y=3 AND (x=1 OR x=2 OR x=3)"
                     $delimiter = "AND";
                     if (is_array($value)) {
                         //doing tricksie things!!!
                         $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, $field . " IN (" . ToolBox::string_from_array($value) . ")", " {$delimiter} ");
                     } else {
                         //if there's already an operator ($separator), don't specify one.
                         if (preg_match('/^[\\(<=>]/', $value)) {
                             $separator = NULL;
                         if ($cleanString) {
                             //make sure it doesn't have crap in it...
                             $value = ToolBox::cleanString($value, "sql");
                         if (isset($separator)) {
                             $value = "'" . $value . "'";
                         $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, $field . $separator . $value, " {$delimiter} ");
             case "url":
                 //an array like "array('module'='todo','action'='view','ID'=164)" to "module=todo&action=view&ID=164"
                 if (!$separator) {
                     $separator = "&";
                 foreach ($array as $field => $value) {
                     if ($cleanString && !is_array($cleanString)) {
                         $value = ToolBox::cleanString($value, $cleanString);
                     $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, "{$field}={$value}", $separator);
             case "text_list":
                 if (is_null($separator)) {
                     $separator = '=';
                 foreach ($array as $field => $value) {
                     $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, $field . $separator . $value, "\n");
             case "html_list":
                 if (is_null($separator)) {
                     $separator = '=';
                 foreach ($array as $field => $value) {
                     $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, $field . $separator . $value, "<BR>\n");
                 if (!$separator) {
                     $separator = ", ";
                 foreach ($array as $field => $value) {
                     if ($cleanString) {
                         $value = ToolBox::cleanString($value, $cleanString);
                     $retval = ToolBox::create_list($retval, $value, $separator);
     } else {
         //not an array.
         $retval = NULL;
     return $retval;
コード例 #6
  * Should just check to see if they've authenticated.  In reality, this 
  * just performs blind redirection if $restrictedAccess is set (and if 
  * redirecting is allowed).
  * TODO: should be a simple check, returning true/false
  * TODO: ability to specify location of login (unambiguously)
  * TODO: specify location to redirect to, instead of accessing $_GET
 public function check_login($restrictedAccess)
     if ($restrictedAccess) {
         $myUri = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'];
         $doNotRedirectArr = array('/login.php', '/admin/login.php', '/index.php', '/admin.php', '/content', '/content/index.php');
         $myUrlString = "";
         $myGetArr = $_GET;
         if (is_array($myGetArr) && count($myGetArr) > 0) {
             unset($myGetArr[CS - CONTENT_SESSION_NAME]);
             $myUrlString = ToolBox::string_from_array($myGetArr, NULL, 'url');
         //TODO: make the redirectHere variable dynamic--an argument, methinks.
         $redirectHere = '/login.php?destination=' . $myUrlString;
         //Not exitting after conditional_header() is... bad, m'kay?
         ToolBox::conditional_header($redirectHere, TRUE);