コード例 #1
ファイル: tags.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Get tags for a list of IDs
  * @param      array   $ids       Bulletin ids
  * @param      integer $admin     Admin flag
  * @return     array
 public function getTagsForIds($ids = array(), $admin = 0)
     $tt = Tag::blank();
     $tj = Object::blank();
     if (!is_array($ids) || empty($ids)) {
         return false;
     $ids = array_map('intval', $ids);
     $sql = "SELECT t.tag, t.raw_tag, t.admin, rt.objectid\n\t\t\t\tFROM " . $tt->getTableName() . " AS t \n\t\t\t\tINNER JOIN " . $tj->getTableName() . " AS rt ON (rt.tagid = t.id) AND rt.tbl='" . $this->_scope . "' \n\t\t\t\tWHERE rt.objectid IN (" . implode(',', $ids) . ") ";
     switch ($admin) {
         case 1:
             $sql .= "";
         case 0:
             $sql .= "AND t.admin=0 ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY raw_tag ASC";
     $db = \App::get('db');
     $tags = array();
     if ($items = $db->loadObjectList()) {
         foreach ($items as $item) {
             if (!isset($tags[$item->objectid])) {
                 $tags[$item->objectid] = array();
             $tags[$item->objectid][] = $item;
     return $tags;
コード例 #2
ファイル: tags.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Get top publication tags
  * @param      integer $limit
  * @return     mixed Return description (if any) ...
 public function getTopTags($limit)
     $tj = \Components\Tags\Models\Object::blank();
     $sql = "SELECT t.tag, t.raw_tag, t.admin, tj.tagid, tj.objectid, COUNT(tj.tagid) AS tcount ";
     $sql .= "FROM #__tags AS t  ";
     $sql .= "JOIN " . $tj->getTableName() . " AS tj ON t.id=tj.tagid ";
     $sql .= "LEFT JOIN #__publication_versions AS V ON V.publication_id=tj.objectid AND tj.tbl='publications' ";
     $sql .= "WHERE t.id=tj.tagid AND t.admin=0 ";
     $sql .= "AND tj.tbl=" . $this->_db->quote($this->_tbl) . " ";
     $sql .= "AND V.state=1 AND V.main=1 AND V.access!=4 ";
     $sql .= "AND V.published_up < " . $this->_db->quote(Date::toSql()) . " ";
     $sql .= "AND (V.published_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR V.published_down > " . $this->_db->quote(Date::toSql()) . ") ";
     $sql .= "GROUP BY tagid ";
     $sql .= "ORDER BY tcount DESC ";
     $sql .= "LIMIT {$limit}";
     return $this->_db->loadObjectList();
コード例 #3
ファイル: tag.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Save tag substitutions
  * @param   string   $tag_string
  * @return  boolean
 public function saveSubstitutions($tag_string = '')
     // Get the old list of substitutions
     $subs = array();
     foreach ($this->substitutes()->rows() as $sub) {
         $subs[$sub->get('tag')] = $sub;
     // Add the specified tags as substitutes if not
     // already a substitute
     $raw_tags = trim($tag_string);
     $raw_tags = preg_split("/(,|;)/", $raw_tags);
     $tags = array();
     foreach ($raw_tags as $raw_tag) {
         $nrm = $this->normalize($raw_tag);
         $tags[] = $nrm;
         if (isset($subs[$nrm])) {
             // Substitution already exists
         $sub = Substitute::blank();
         $sub->set('raw_tag', trim($raw_tag));
         $sub->set('tag', trim($nrm));
         $sub->set('tag_id', $this->get('id'));
         if (!$sub->save()) {
     // Run through the old list of substitutions, finding any
     // not in the new list and delete them
     foreach ($subs as $key => $sub) {
         if (!in_array($key, $tags)) {
             if (!$sub->destroy()) {
                 return false;
     // Get all possibly existing tags that are now aliases
     $ids = self::all()->whereIn('tag', $tags)->rows();
     // Move associations on tag and delete tag
     foreach ($ids as $tag) {
         if ($tag->get('id') != $this->get('id')) {
             // Get all the associations to this tag
             // Loop through the associations and link them to a different tag
             Object::moveTo($tag->get('id'), $this->get('id'));
             // Get all the substitutions to this tag
             // Loop through the records and link them to a different tag
             Substitute::moveTo($tag->get('id'), $this->get('id'));
             // Delete the tag
     $this->set('objects', $this->objects()->total());
     $this->set('substitutes', $this->substitutes()->total());
     return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: tagged.php プロジェクト: mined-gatech/hubzero-cms
  * Save an entry
  * @return  void
 public function saveTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     $fields = Request::getVar('fields', array(), 'post');
     $row = new Object();
     if (!$row->bind($fields)) {
         return $this->editTask($row);
     // Check content
     if (!$row->check()) {
         return $this->editTask($row);
     // Store content
     if (!$row->store()) {
         return $this->editTask($row);
     // Redirect to main listing
     if ($this->_task == 'apply') {
         return $this->editTask($row);
     App::redirect(Route::url('index.php?option=' . $this->_option . '&controller=' . $this->_controller, false));
コード例 #5
ファイル: cloud.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Remove all tags from an item
  * Option User ID to remove tags added by just that user.
  * @param   string  $tagger  User ID to remove tags for
  * @return  mixed   False if errors, integer on success
 public function removeAll($tagger = 0)
     if (!$this->_scope_id) {
         $this->setError('Unable to remove tags: No objct ID provided.');
         return false;
     $to = Object::all()->whereEquals('tbl', $this->_scope)->whereEquals('objectid', $this->_scope_id);
     if ($tagger) {
         $to->whereEquals('taggerid', $tagger);
     $tags = array();
     foreach ($to->rows() as $row) {
         $tags[] = $row->get('tagid');
         if (!$row->destroy()) {
             return false;
     foreach ($tags as $tag_id) {
         $tag = Tag::oneOrFail($tag_id);
         $tag->set('objects', $tag->objects()->total())->save();
     return true;
コード例 #6
ファイル: tagged.php プロジェクト: kevinwojo/hubzero-cms
  * Remove one or more entries
  * @return  void
 public function removeTask()
     // Check for request forgeries
     if (!User::authorise('core.delete', $this->_option)) {
         App::abort(403, Lang::txt('JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR'));
     $ids = Request::getVar('id', array());
     $ids = !is_array($ids) ? array($ids) : $ids;
     // Make sure we have an ID
     if (empty($ids)) {
         return $this->cancelTask();
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($ids as $id) {
         // Remove entry
         $row = Object::oneOrFail(intval($id));
         if (!$row->destroy()) {
     if ($i) {