コード例 #1
 public function config($chartId)
     $chart = Chart::find($chartId);
     if (!$chart) {
         return App::abort(404, "No such chart");
     $config = Chart::getConfigWithUrl($chart);
     return response()->json($config);
コード例 #2
 public function showChart(Chart $chart)
     $referer_s = \Request::header('referer');
     if ($referer_s) {
         $root = parse_url(\Request::root());
         $referer = parse_url($referer_s);
         if ($root['host'] == $referer['host'] && strlen($referer['path']) > 1 && !str_contains($referer_s, ".html") && !str_contains($referer_s, "wp-admin") && !str_contains($referer_s, "preview=true") && !str_contains($referer_s, "how-to") && !str_contains($referer_s, "grapher") && !str_contains($referer_s, "about") && !str_contains($referer_s, "roser/")) {
             $chart->origin_url = "https://" . $root['host'] . $referer['path'];
     if ($chart) {
         $config = Chart::getConfigWithUrl($chart);
         $data = new \StdClass();
         $logoUrl = Setting::where('meta_name', 'logoUrl')->first();
         $data->logoUrl = !empty($logoUrl) ? url('/') . '/' . $logoUrl->meta_value : '';
         $canonicalUrl = URL::to($chart->slug);
         // Make metadata for twitter embed cards!
         $chartMeta = new \StdClass();
         // Replace the chart title placeholders with generic equivalents for now
         $title = $config->{"chart-name"};
         $title = preg_replace("/, \\*time\\*/", " over time", $title);
         $title = preg_replace("/\\*time\\*/", "over time", $title);
         $chartMeta->title = $title;
         // Description is required by twitter
         if (isset($config->{"chart-subname"})) {
             $chartMeta->description = $config->{"chart-subname"};
         } else {
             $chartMeta->description = "An interactive visualization from Our World In Data.";
         $query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
         $baseUrl = \Request::root() . "/" . $chart->slug;
         $canonicalUrl = $baseUrl;
         $imageUrl = $baseUrl . ".png";
         if ($query != '') {
             $canonicalUrl .= "?" . $query;
             $imageUrl .= "?" . $query;
         $chartMeta->imageUrl = $imageUrl;
         $chartMeta->canonicalUrl = $canonicalUrl;
         // Give the image exporter a head start on the request for imageUrl
         if (!str_contains(\Request::path(), ".export")) {
             Chart::exportPNGAsync($chart->slug, $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "&size=1000x700", 1000, 700);
         return view('view.show', compact('chart', 'config', 'data', 'canonicalUrl', 'chartMeta'));
     } else {
         return 'No chart found to view';